Getting smober was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But when I did, I used every tools available;
The patch
Weekly Nicotine Anonymous , where there was sometimes only the two of us. Start one yourself!
If you find yourself feeling bothered, get up, get a glass of water, drink it, and by the time you get back to what you were doing, you may find that you are no longer bothered.
Take showers if you’re feeling bothered.
Go to bed early if you’re still bothered.
Apply the 12-step method.
Everyone is different, but in my case, withdrawal lasted about a year. You should prioritize quitting over everything else. If you snap at someone, apologize, and remove yourself. You can fix that relationship later. That’s what always made relapse before, being mean to people who didn’t deserve it. But you can let that make you relapse. Expect anger jags.
Keep a journal with how you feel. This will help you remember, at a later date, you are more rational than at an earlier date,
You can be sure that it will be difficult, but as long as you don’t smoke, each day will be easier. You won’t detect the daily progress, buy you’ll know from months looking back, that you’re feeling better. If you try to just have an occasional cigarette, you’ll trap yourself in a prolonged withdrawal state, the worse place to be. Quitting means quitting, period.
It is the most important thing in your life right now, but life will return;to normal in, maybe, a year. After a year, I lost interest in smoking. I’m 15 years smober now., and never think of cigarettes.