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American colleges and universities that deserve their reputations

To counter the "overrated" thread.

My pick: University of Chicago

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by Anonymousreply 29January 21, 2021 3:36 AM

Hudson University

by Anonymousreply 1August 16, 2020 8:10 PM

Here, OP.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 2August 16, 2020 8:27 PM


by Anonymousreply 3August 16, 2020 8:35 PM

Wesleyan. Truly.

by Anonymousreply 4August 16, 2020 8:36 PM

Evergreen. As long as that reputation is "never coming back."

by Anonymousreply 5August 16, 2020 8:49 PM

Johns Hopkins

by Anonymousreply 6August 16, 2020 8:50 PM

Prediction: these will all be STEM and Medical schools.

by Anonymousreply 7August 16, 2020 8:51 PM

Liberty University deserves its reputation.

by Anonymousreply 8August 16, 2020 8:58 PM

University of Phoenix Online.

by Anonymousreply 9August 16, 2020 9:00 PM

University of Chicago will probably begin to have troubles getting students since the city is in such chaos.

by Anonymousreply 10August 16, 2020 9:16 PM

Trump University

by Anonymousreply 11August 16, 2020 9:22 PM

UChic deserves its reputation for being the school where everyone is bitter about not getting into their preferred Ivy.

by Anonymousreply 12August 16, 2020 9:24 PM

R12, I got into an Ivy (Penn) but accepted the U of C's offer instead. So it's not as cut and dried as you may think.

by Anonymousreply 13August 16, 2020 9:54 PM

UChicago has always been surrounded by shitty neighborhoods. In my four years there I was mugged, robbed, and held up at gunpoint. Good times!

by Anonymousreply 14August 16, 2020 10:06 PM

[quote][R12], I got into an Ivy (Penn) but accepted the U of C's offer instead. So it's not as cut and dried as you may think.

Hahahahaaaa. Thank you for proving it's exactly what I said. You got into "an" Ivy, the one everyone forgets is an Ivy. Was it your preferred Ivy? I think not. I never had Ivy lust, so I have no problem seeing that Chicago is a better school than Penn. My BA is from a mere state school and I was endlessly amused by the insecurity of UChic undergrads.

[quote]UChicago has always been surrounded by shitty neighborhoods. In my four years there I was mugged, robbed, and held up at gunpoint. Good times!

When I lived in Hyde Park, I felt safe wandering around drunkenly after dark because I knew there were so many better targets around.

by Anonymousreply 15August 17, 2020 3:39 AM

R10, I'm an alum. The school administration has been sending out emails discussing how they are working with the UC Police to figure out a way to police Hyde Park (UC's neighborhood, a tiny island of lowish crime surrounded by hard core ghetto.) in a PC manner. Good luck with that. So far University of Chicago and the UC police have been ALL that has kept that neighborhood from being swallowed up by the surrounding jungle....

by Anonymousreply 16August 17, 2020 4:11 AM

UPenn. I wasn’t in Wharton (just the college) but the classes were a joke.

Students were snobby.

by Anonymousreply 17August 17, 2020 4:28 AM

CalTech. The nerdiest of all nerd schools. Makes MIT look like University of Florida.

by Anonymousreply 18August 17, 2020 6:02 AM

My best friend from high school went to Univer. of Pennsylvania. It was odd. She changed her name and came home with sort of an affected accent (like when Madonna went British.)

She'd also lecture us old high school friends that our level of conversation wasn't intellectual enough for her now. I always wonder what they did to her there! (probably not the school just a personal psychological issue.)

She then went to law school and worked for like 2 years and became a housewife. (3 kids, one autistic of course.)

by Anonymousreply 19August 17, 2020 6:09 AM

[R16] If anything, Wesleyan is underrated.

by Anonymousreply 20January 21, 2021 2:53 AM

R12, Is the school really called anything but "Chicago"?

by Anonymousreply 21January 21, 2021 3:01 AM

R19 Sounds more like Bryn Mawr than Penn. And speaking of bad neighborhoods, Penn and Drexel are the island in one.

by Anonymousreply 22January 21, 2021 3:01 AM

University of Chicago is only good if you have an armed bodyguard to escort you to class.

by Anonymousreply 23January 21, 2021 3:04 AM

R18, Back in the day, I was a PA high school counselor. A rep from Caltech came to interview a senior who had perfect SAT scores. The interviewer began by saying, "ALL our students have perfect SATs. Now, what else...."

by Anonymousreply 24January 21, 2021 3:06 AM


by Anonymousreply 25January 21, 2021 3:07 AM

I’d never heard of it until I met someone who went there long ago, but every time they are in the press they seem exemplary, it’s Harvey Mudd College in California. As a specialized school, Science and Engineering, they seem to be the tops of what they do. Along those lines I’ll also promote a school I’m an alum of, Bank St. College of Education is the foremost school of teaching progressive education to teachers. That is all they do and they do it exceptionally well.

by Anonymousreply 26January 21, 2021 3:08 AM

When I attended UChicago in the 80’s, there was a noticeable contingent of embittered east coasters who thought they should be at Harvard/Yale/Princeton. I didn’t tell any of them that I turned down Princeton to be there. One of my best friends there turned down Harvard and Princeton.

by Anonymousreply 27January 21, 2021 3:16 AM

why r27?

by Anonymousreply 28January 21, 2021 3:18 AM

Bard, Vassar, Middlebury, Bennington, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Colgate, Princeton, NYU, Smith, Syracuse, SUNY Oswego and Oneonta, UConn, Wesleyan, University of Vermont, I could go on. I have an idea what these schools offer and it matches exactly their reputations.

by Anonymousreply 29January 21, 2021 3:36 AM
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