Peter Fonda is hot. Dennis Hopper has pretty hair. I didn’t make it to the Jack scene. The sexual freedom commune guy was creepy.
I made it 38 min in. For me, it was too stilted and pretentious to go on.
I liked the cinematography.
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Peter Fonda is hot. Dennis Hopper has pretty hair. I didn’t make it to the Jack scene. The sexual freedom commune guy was creepy.
I made it 38 min in. For me, it was too stilted and pretentious to go on.
I liked the cinematography.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | September 20, 2020 9:15 AM |
Well OP -- I'm sure Gigli and The Love Guru are streaming. Have fun.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | August 15, 2020 11:31 PM |
Come the fuck on, man. I have some taste you know. Watch a wide variety of films and have for decades. Just missed this one when I was in college - back when I would have bothered to pretend to like it.
But I am 47 and this is a bad movie.
Fuck you!
by Anonymous | reply 2 | August 16, 2020 4:42 AM |
Does anyone else care to comment on Easy Rider? I found Hopper’s menacing giggles such a bore.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | August 16, 2020 4:44 AM |
Karen Black said the experience of filming was so unprofessional, odd and chaotic she thought she'd have to leave it off her resume'.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | August 16, 2020 4:48 AM |
It’s not a great movie, and aged about as well as milk left outside during an August heatwave, but I think it’s still memorable as a time capsule, and some of its elements have an iconic quality to them (that movie owns “Born to be Wild,” even though it has to be the most overused pop song in living memory).
I think of it like so many awful eighties movies people still love because they saw them when they were young. It’s a nostalgia piece for Boomers, elevated by Jack Nicholson as he was about to enter his prime, and well before he became a caricature of himself.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | August 16, 2020 4:57 AM |
It’s a boomer flick.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | August 16, 2020 5:51 AM |
Yeah Easy Rider is a little hokey in 2020. But back when it was released it really was revolutionary in both its depiction of the counterculture and the soundtrack
by Anonymous | reply 8 | September 20, 2020 4:18 AM |
I'm a boomer, and I thought it was bad when it was released. A lot of Boomer iconography cannot be understood without being young, stupid but overeducated, and on a lot of weed (or alternatively hallucinogenics). Oh yeah, and as R8 said, deeply respectful of the music. This combination evidently allowed one to attribute daring to youthful self-indulgence, and tragedy to basic Darwinism.
Jack Nicholson was a bit of fun in it, for a short time.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | September 20, 2020 5:01 AM |
Haven’t seen it, but did see Apocalypse Now starring Hopper. His “acting” was awful.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | September 20, 2020 5:08 AM |
Hopper was to acting, as David Crosby is to singing.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | September 20, 2020 5:44 AM |
I was a kid at the theater to see 101 Dalmatians in rerelease and the trailer for Easy Rider was shown.
I of course was not allowed to see it.
Fast forward to college. Saw it. It sucked. The ending was disturbing and for what exactly.
Have always hated Born to be Wild. Ugh.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | September 20, 2020 5:51 AM |
It’s a terrible movie.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | September 20, 2020 5:54 AM |
Someone I know said it changed his life when he saw it. We were both in college at the time of its release, but I never bothered to see it until about 20 years ago when it became available on DVD. I couldn't believe what a crappy movie it actually was.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | September 20, 2020 6:20 AM |
You were better off with [italic]One Hundred and One Dalmatians[/italic] then and now.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | September 20, 2020 7:23 AM |
I actually really like Dennis Hopper, 98 percent bullshit and all
by Anonymous | reply 16 | September 20, 2020 8:02 AM |
Peter Fonda went to the Robert Culp School Of Acting.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | September 20, 2020 9:02 AM |
[quote]Peter Fonda is hot. Dennis Hopper has pretty hair.
This scene?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | September 20, 2020 9:09 AM |
I didn't like Five Easy Pieces, either. Couldn't sit through Easy Rider.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | September 20, 2020 9:15 AM |
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