Is it? I have got forehead lines and I don’t like them. The problem is I move my eyebrows constantly. My brow is almost permanently furrowed
Is 31 too young for Botox?
by Anonymous | reply 59 | November 4, 2020 2:05 AM |
Not at all. Do it now before those brow lines get deeper.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | July 10, 2020 12:04 AM |
I have been thinking of having it done between my eyes to deal with my frown. Are there long term problems like with other changes?
by Anonymous | reply 2 | July 10, 2020 12:05 AM |
I wouldn't know. I'm 25 and have had nothing done
by Anonymous | reply 3 | July 10, 2020 12:06 AM |
Is it expensive ?
by Anonymous | reply 4 | July 10, 2020 12:06 AM |
Check out Rylan Clark Neal and decide for yourself. He's 31 too!
by Anonymous | reply 5 | July 10, 2020 12:08 AM |
Get bangs.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | July 10, 2020 12:09 AM |
That’s what I’m trying to avoid @R5.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | July 10, 2020 12:10 AM |
I thought Rylan was born with those fish lips. (I never saw his X Factor.)
by Anonymous | reply 8 | July 10, 2020 12:11 AM |
the photo of Rylan on the right is ok. he's also a natural pale ginger
by Anonymous | reply 9 | July 10, 2020 12:14 AM |
Stop knitting your eyebrows and disapproving everything!
by Anonymous | reply 11 | July 10, 2020 12:15 AM |
To be fair, he's pretty honest about all his plastic surgery, and he certainly has the money but the outcome is a bit questionable. I have a feeling though if he looks like this at 31, he's not going to age well.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | July 10, 2020 12:16 AM |
Holy shit. I thought he was at least a decade older than 31.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | July 10, 2020 12:19 AM |
Do the forehead and between the eyes, but make sure there is some movement. Leave the outer eye area alone, men should have crinkles when smiling.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | July 10, 2020 12:51 AM |
OP, no you are not too young at 31. Better than waiting until those lines become so set that everyone notices when you finally do something about them. I waited until 40 to deal with a very pronounced vertical line between my eyebrows. Botox eased it a bit and I have a touchup every 6 months. Crowsfeet too. Funny that I've been falsely accused of having Botox on my forehead since I have no lines at all there. Find a plastic surgeon - do not go to anyone who does not specialize in this field.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | July 10, 2020 1:10 AM |
Botox wears off after a while, probably 4-6 months--depends on the person. It's not as good for the horizontal forehead lines as the vertical lines beside the eyebrows (frown lines). But they have gotten very good at it in recent years. It isn't really harmful, especially if you get a good injector (a must), so why not try it out. But it can make you look kind of blank since your forehead won't move. I got lines in my forehead very young (19)--everybody is different. Botox wasn't around yet. Anyway, go for it but don't base who you go to on price, at least not the first time you do it. There are a lot of YouTube videos--you could probably check for men getting botox in forehead and see what the YouTubers have to say.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | July 10, 2020 1:12 AM |
I think it’s too early, but haven’t seen you, so who knows. Personally, I think of 30 is practically toddler age, so I’d leave it until your 40+.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | July 10, 2020 1:14 AM |
Any recommendations for someone in nyc?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | July 10, 2020 1:15 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 19 | July 10, 2020 1:16 AM |
300ish for your forehead. That's all you need done. That freaky dude in R5 is way more than just botox.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | July 10, 2020 1:47 AM |
I started at 35 and wished I had started a couple of years earlier. Regardless, 15 years later, I'm glad I started when I did. Absolutely no regrets. But also make sure you take care of your skin - all the botox in the world isn't going to erase skin neglect.
That Rylan character is not just botox - he clearly dyes ALL OF HIS HAIR on his face - no way a ginger's hair coloring turns to dark brown/black. And the nosejob - and the pancake makeup.
He looks unnatural because this is not how he is supposed to look naturally. Botox doesn't do that.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | July 10, 2020 1:55 AM |
he clearly dyes ALL OF HIS HAIR on his face
ya think!
by Anonymous | reply 22 | July 10, 2020 2:07 AM |
Thanks @R20 and R21
by Anonymous | reply 23 | July 10, 2020 2:21 AM |
Rylan may look unnatural but he still looks mountains better than the pasty faced ginger he used to be
by Anonymous | reply 24 | July 10, 2020 2:33 AM |
I just don't understand why people with all the money in the world get bad plastic surgery. I would think they have all the resources and connections to find the best doctors, and yet, there are SOOOO many examples of botched surgery among the rich and famous. I would spend months doing research on different doctors if I was going to do it.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | July 10, 2020 2:37 AM |
r25 Whoever does Jane Fonda is a magician
by Anonymous | reply 26 | July 10, 2020 2:41 AM |
Probably a bit naive here but if someone has had good surgery, how can you tell the difference? Isn't that the point? How do you know it's just not because of good genes?
by Anonymous | reply 27 | July 10, 2020 2:44 AM |
Do it! It’s cheap now and doesn’t have long-term effects so if you don’t like it, it will wear off in a couple months.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | July 10, 2020 2:46 AM |
If you're a man, yes!
by Anonymous | reply 29 | July 10, 2020 2:47 AM |
Botox does had adverse effects. And they're not pleasant. Why do people say it's harmless?
by Anonymous | reply 30 | July 10, 2020 2:55 AM |
I've done it numerous times, never once had a side effect, perhaps I've just been lucky.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | July 10, 2020 3:01 AM |
I don't see any harm in trying it out like r28 said. But it gets a little desperate looking as you get older. Think Ray Liota in the Chantix commercial (or whatever it is)
I will spare you the diatribe. But I find self confidence wins over a few wrinkles every time. I am almost twenty years older than you and a lot of my friends are on this treadmill. I couldn't do it . I would feel silly. But that is just me. My dad had his eyes done when he was 65. It was a very light correction and improved his appearance dramatically. I might try that at some point. I also don't see anything wrong with trying to pass yourself off for a job interview in today's climate. if you just have a Dorian Grey complex, then it would drop you a few points in my book. Way too girly. But again I am old school.
I guess if you are a big ol bottom it might make sense. With all the young guys out there wanting to get pounded, you might have trouble competing.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | July 10, 2020 3:32 AM |
R30 - there are millions of botox injections performed each year in the United States. There may be one off cases, but there has not been any cases of long term side effects or harmful consequences.
BUT - OP - make sure you go to someone who specializes in this. There are thousands of people who have 'taken classes' offering to do Botox.
It's not worth going cheap. Doesn't mean you need to go to a plastic surgeon necessarily, but don't go for the lowest price.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | July 10, 2020 3:38 AM |
It is too young because the movement you will lack in your forehead will have the muscles around and under your eyes over compensating. Fine lines and crows feet galore.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | October 29, 2020 4:31 PM |
How deep can your brow lines be at 31? Why don’t you try retinol and moisturize before you spend hundreds of dollars on a treatment that only lasts a few months?
by Anonymous | reply 35 | October 29, 2020 4:34 PM |
Nope...get it now. The botox will loosen the set wrinkles and prevent new ones.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | October 29, 2020 4:36 PM |
I was scrolling too fast and thought this said "Is 31 too young for Biden?" and my eyebrows shot right up into the ceiling.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | October 29, 2020 4:42 PM |
Holy FUCK!
Rylan Clark Neal @ R5 is repulsive.
Don't do it OP. Men with lines of facial character are attractive/sexy men. Or you can look like Rylan Clark Neal and people will laugh and talk about you behind your back and be secretly repulsed by your alien looking face.
Totally up to you.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | October 29, 2020 4:56 PM |
The sooner you start the better it will affect the wrinkles. basically you are paralyzing the muscle to not work and therefore not create the crease.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | October 29, 2020 5:01 PM |
Use the $ to rescue and vet a real bodega cat. Most of them lead terrible lives, are deliberately starved by the store owners in the misguided belief they will hunt more rats, and/or tossed out, especially now.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | October 29, 2020 5:06 PM |
Not at all. Some people use botox at much younger age.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | October 29, 2020 5:10 PM |
I think gay men shouldn’t worry about forehead lines or crows feet. They don’t look bad on men. Eye bags, marionette lines and jowls are the troublemakers.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | October 29, 2020 5:30 PM |
R43 - Botox doesn't erase wrinkles forever - it minimizes them as you age.
However, I do agree that nothing will make you look older than eye bags, marionette lines and jowls.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | October 30, 2020 5:08 AM |
I've had it a few times since turning 35, but have found it too expensive and short-acting to justify regular use. There's a fine balance between an effective treatment and ending up with feminized features.
Also check out Realself. Everything you could ever want to know about Botox and other cosmetic procedures can be found there.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | October 30, 2020 6:31 AM |
My doctor told me I need to get eyelid surgery for heavy lids, they are affecting my vision. The plastic surgeon said they could do something about by sunken eyes (below my eyes). The lid surgery is covered by insurance since I need it, but the under eye is not - BUT..since all the other work is covered it would only cost me a bit more. I hate them but should I do it all at once? I am afraid that is too much work on my eyes.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | October 31, 2020 12:41 AM |
I need to lighten or get rid of my nasolabial folds. Does botox help?
by Anonymous | reply 47 | October 31, 2020 6:01 AM |
I think fillers like restalane or juvederm are used to plump those folds back out R47 instead of using Botox to paralyze muscles around your mouth.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | November 1, 2020 1:19 AM |
Just kill the habit of wrinkling your forehead.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | November 1, 2020 2:40 AM |
People who are into plastic surgery will think you look great. Everyone else will think you look freakish.
I know for me when I see an unlined face, I assume the guy is older and into cosmetic surgery.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | November 1, 2020 4:04 AM |
OP, 31 is not "young." Period.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | November 1, 2020 4:58 AM |
i'd do an acid peel first you pussy!
by Anonymous | reply 52 | November 1, 2020 5:02 AM |
[quote]...a Dorian Grey complex...
R32, Oh, deer!
by Anonymous | reply 53 | November 1, 2020 5:05 AM |
had complete facelift at 39, one at 49 and one at 73 and look 50
by Anonymous | reply 54 | November 1, 2020 6:29 AM |
R45 - how old are you now? 37? The point is that continued use prevents wrinkles - when you start to get them, in your 40's and later.
Twin studies have proven this.
Filler prevents the additional wrinkles due to loss of facial fats.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | November 1, 2020 6:16 AM |
botox once eve few yrs has taken away my crows feet and frown wrinkles on forehead, its amazing....
i am 70
i did have a reaction once at the crows feet injection (very thin skin there) made my eye weep for days and feel sore. the dr gave me a free session a yr later, nice fella
stuff they put in the lips works for a while, but the needles in lips hurts like hell! the worst shots ever are in the eyelids!!! (to deaden them for the pain of permanent eyeliner tattoos)
by Anonymous | reply 56 | November 1, 2020 3:15 PM |
I was looking at people with botox today and I think frozen was the wrong word. They do not look frozen--but rather just "off."
Their faces just seem to respond weirdly, which may be why normies find them hard to trust.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | November 3, 2020 3:44 AM |
I've been getting light botox on my forehead for years. Just enough to soften the lines and still have some movement. Stay away from the crow's feet area - having no smile lines makes you look like a demented puppet. Good, minimal botox placement should make you look refreshed and relaxed, not creepy.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | November 3, 2020 8:09 PM |
This video shows what happens when you do botox at a young age.
The critic, Rachel, says that she is near her 33rd birthday, even though she looks like she is in her early 40s. She has been doing botox since she was 24.
And while not frozen, she does look....weird.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | November 4, 2020 2:05 AM |