[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
Wow, she gets worse every year.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | May 14, 2020 4:34 AM |
Thar she blows!
by Anonymous | reply 2 | May 14, 2020 4:35 AM |
Ironic that her name is Lena. There is nothing lean about her.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | May 14, 2020 4:36 AM |
More straight guys love fat girls like that than they would admit publicly.
Gay guys tend to hate fat girls.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | May 14, 2020 4:36 AM |
I thought she was like 40 for sure. But I have to say, she does carry off the constant meat sweats with grace.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | May 14, 2020 4:37 AM |
Wasn't she noticeably thinner for a little bit? Not toned and still schluby, but thinner/smaller nonetheless.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | May 14, 2020 4:38 AM |
Eat your heart out, Chrissy Metz.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | May 14, 2020 4:39 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 8 | May 14, 2020 4:40 AM |
She made a big stink about not being happy when she was thinner, and is much happier now stuffing her face.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | May 14, 2020 4:41 AM |
She just wants to get fat enough to qualify for gastric bypass.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | May 14, 2020 4:44 AM |
She had a hysterectomy that'll slow the metabolism to a halt. That and cake.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | May 14, 2020 4:44 AM |
I’d hit that shit HARD!!!!!!
As I chased it back into the ocean and off my private beach. I’m a big supporter of animal rights- even fat, unattractive animals.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | May 14, 2020 4:45 AM |
only 34?
by Anonymous | reply 13 | May 14, 2020 4:46 AM |
Stop trying to make fat beautiful, it's not gonna happen.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | May 14, 2020 4:51 AM |
What are those marks on her leg in that one photo? Burns?
by Anonymous | reply 15 | May 14, 2020 4:54 AM |
She must take after her dad - her mom isn’t that fug.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | May 14, 2020 4:57 AM |
[Quote] Gay guys tend to hate fat girls.
Just fat girls??
by Anonymous | reply 17 | May 14, 2020 7:16 AM |
FUCKING 34?! She could pass for 44 NO PROBLEM
by Anonymous | reply 18 | May 14, 2020 7:19 AM |
r15 harpoon scars.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | May 14, 2020 7:20 AM |
“Call me Ishmael.”
by Anonymous | reply 20 | May 14, 2020 8:13 AM |
Wow, OP is really obsessed with Lena Dunham. Thread after thread. Then deleting her cookies. Half of the posts in this thread are from OP. What’s the deal OP?
by Anonymous | reply 21 | May 14, 2020 9:36 AM |
Thanks OP. That photo has killed my hard-on for a month.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | May 14, 2020 9:53 AM |
She's in high risk Coronavirus territory now.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | May 14, 2020 10:00 AM |
Daily Fail links never work for me.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | May 14, 2020 10:03 AM |
Nobody stirs my loins more than her.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | May 14, 2020 10:14 AM |
In celebration, I shall shove pebbles in to my mussy.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | May 14, 2020 10:18 AM |
She looks like she's training for a competitive queefing contest.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | May 14, 2020 10:37 AM |
Oh, the huge manatee!
by Anonymous | reply 28 | May 14, 2020 10:42 AM |
Those are really strange scars.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | May 14, 2020 10:45 AM |
Just re watched the first season of girls last night. She co- write all of the episodes, directed most of them and starred in it. It’s not perfect but it is very watchable. She is undeniably talented. Her weight doesn’t bother me in the slightest as it’s not what I think about when it comes to her. I think of her talent.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | May 14, 2020 11:17 AM |
There's obviously a fatty posting in here, trying to convince herself that guys are attracted to her.
Just wipe off those cheetos stained fingers and reach for another donut honey. Shhhh, of COURSE they want to fuck you.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | May 14, 2020 11:58 AM |
She makes me ill. She's fat, ugly, and sloppy as fuck and she doesn't deserve fame or fortune. I cringe when I see her attempt to kiss Brad Pitt with her flabby arm fully visible. How can that arm belong to a 34 year old?
by Anonymous | reply 32 | May 14, 2020 12:07 PM |
Those scars are from where the stylist for the photo removed the barnacles thy had collected on her dorsal tail
by Anonymous | reply 33 | May 14, 2020 12:20 PM |
that poor woman, she must cry a lot....the unfortunate tatts and obesity alone are enuf to have one snorting Adderall....
by Anonymous | reply 34 | May 14, 2020 1:39 PM |
Lesbian porn
by Anonymous | reply 35 | May 14, 2020 1:44 PM |
R21 I have NO idea what you are talking about. Thread after thread? Cookies? Multiple replies??
I haven't posted any replies, only the original post that kicked off the thread. I don't ever even think of erasing my cookies. I'm not obsessed. I've barely even thought about her since I posted this. I just knew DL would get a kick out of the article/pix.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | May 14, 2020 5:19 PM |
^^^^^ ps I'm the OP ^^^^^
by Anonymous | reply 37 | May 14, 2020 5:20 PM |
But they do want to fuck fat Frau. There's a market for that. I see the BBW crowd all the time.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | May 14, 2020 6:14 PM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
by Anonymous | reply 39 | May 14, 2020 7:11 PM |
I didn't say she is not a freak
by Anonymous | reply 40 | May 14, 2020 11:14 PM |
She's a nice enough person. When she's not trying to do her shock repel art.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | May 14, 2020 11:16 PM |
Jesus Christ, she is one ugly cow.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | May 14, 2020 11:25 PM |
They're just clowns. As are the idiot photographers and media that follow them.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | May 14, 2020 11:36 PM |
who put that pile of easter hams by the pool?
by Anonymous | reply 44 | May 14, 2020 11:39 PM |
Those look like garter suntan lines on her thigh. Or she's wearing some sort of Spanx. Boy howdy... that's not an attractive person.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | May 14, 2020 11:43 PM |
R30 is correct, R32. Lens wrote her way into fame and fortune. "Girls" was original and entertaining. Her fame was never about her looks. In fact, her less- than-svelte figure on the show was in itself novel and empowering for women. Do you know how many female movie stars have admitted to having eating disorders in order to "measure up" to the impossible standards set for actresses and women in general? Many. She was strong enough to go against the grain. Anyone can be thin. (I say this as a thin person.) Not anyone can write a TV series.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | May 14, 2020 11:45 PM |
[quote] (I say this as a thin person.)
You fat fuck!
by Anonymous | reply 47 | May 14, 2020 11:51 PM |
She gets more attention this way.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | May 14, 2020 11:57 PM |
She's now officially "morbidly obese."
by Anonymous | reply 49 | May 14, 2020 11:57 PM |
From the DM article: “ For years, I resisted doing anything that would make my physical situation easier, insisting that a cane would make things weird,' she wrote.
A CANE! She’s a full-fledged Spoonie now. Oh my god, I really didn’t see this coming.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | May 15, 2020 12:01 AM |
It must be easier to have two artists as parents. Just think about it. You see them selling their art. You learn from an early age it's possible to make a living that way. Her parents make real oddball, weird art that would never sell in flyover. So seeing that weird ass art everyday must make her think anything is art. Her cottage cheese ass is art.
In a way, she's right. But no matter what, whether by the DNA of two artists, or the environment of seeing two artists thrive, her success is owed in large part to her parents. Being able to attend an expensive college is something she couldn't have done without them. Without growing up in a city like New York.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | May 15, 2020 12:02 AM |
Why does she have an IV?
by Anonymous | reply 52 | May 15, 2020 12:02 AM |
And I thought r39 was joking.
No, she really DID take her IV on a walk. Of course she had to carry it, which cracks me the fuck up, because usually these Munchhausens LOLcows have actual medical equipment. She should have one of the rolling kind that hospitals use.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | May 15, 2020 12:03 AM |
R52, it’s not clear. From the article: “ The IV could have been a vitamin drip, which have been used by some to boost energy, assist with other common maladies and cure hangovers.
However medical professionals have harshly criticized the practice, popular among celebrities.
It could also have been just to hydrate her. “
by Anonymous | reply 54 | May 15, 2020 12:05 AM |
I honestly would've thought she was older - not just her looks, but that it feels like she's been around forever, when in actuality, it really hasn't been that long.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | May 15, 2020 12:07 AM |
Ehlers-Danlos. The new fibromyalgia/lupus.
Often comorbid with Munchhausen’s Syndrome. Difficult to diagnose because it relies on self-reported nebulous symptoms
Yes, some people actually have it. But many who claim it are full of shit and it’s impossible to prove.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | May 15, 2020 12:10 AM |
R56 I get that sense from watching her videos of interviews on Instagram. I'm like what the hell is she talking about? Seems to have a touch of mental illness.
She should probably get back into writing and throw herself into that. She's very talented that way.
She should get back into yoga for her depression. I'm sure she's got a BBW fanbase out there who would stop jerking it if she lost weight. She should take care comfort in that.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | May 15, 2020 4:53 AM |
It’s not really that she’s fat that makes her so unattractive. There are a lot of fat women that are well dressed and coiffed.
It’s that she seems grubby. Like you could put the fanciest dress on her and afterwards you would have to throw it away. The crazy just adds to the overall image.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | May 15, 2020 5:04 AM |
Wow, I feel old. I remember reading a profile of her when she first came on the scene in 2010, as a precocious 24-year-old (I also learned on DL that fellow millennial Robert Pattinson, at 33, is also not too far from middle age). Some DLers were seeting with jealousy at the time and felt the need to put her down constantly. The word "talentless" is always thrown around here whenever she's discussed, but some people (R30 excepted) underestimate how much skill it takes to create, write, produce, and direct even a so-so TV comedy.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | May 15, 2020 5:45 AM |
Hi Lens! (aka r59)
by Anonymous | reply 60 | May 15, 2020 5:48 AM |
I miss Bunnika
by Anonymous | reply 61 | May 15, 2020 6:10 AM |
*seething, sorry
by Anonymous | reply 62 | May 15, 2020 9:53 AM |
I just realized how much I miss SALAD BARS!!! really good, organic (or mostly), varied, fucking delicious 😋 salad bars!
by Anonymous | reply 63 | May 15, 2020 10:27 AM |
She doesn’t look a day over 45
by Anonymous | reply 64 | May 15, 2020 11:30 AM |
R4 if she had a prettier face with bigger boobs maybe some straight guys would bang her.
At this point I think any famous male would be embarrassed to be seen with her.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | May 15, 2020 11:35 AM |
With her money there is no excuse to look so trashy. Overweight is one thing but she looks like a slob. I've met overweight girls who presented well because they were always well-groomed and dressed well.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | May 15, 2020 11:44 AM |
I think all the ink doesn't help; ink well done isn't necessarily a bad thing and on some women, sleeves look cool. But she looks like she rounded up a couple of random tattoo artists, splayed out in front of them & said - have at it!
by Anonymous | reply 67 | May 15, 2020 12:02 PM |
It’s got to be embarrassing that her ex left her for Lorde who is not a looker but next to Lens looks like a prize
by Anonymous | reply 68 | May 15, 2020 12:05 PM |
She had a hangover and refused to take aspirin. She had run out of frosting to dip it in.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | May 15, 2020 12:12 PM |
Omg the face she’s making in OP’s video!! She is beyond obnoxious.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | May 15, 2020 1:28 PM |
She looks Precious.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | May 15, 2020 1:38 PM |
I think she is talented. But her mental health has really gone downhill. She’s got too many people enabling and coddling it.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | May 15, 2020 2:21 PM |
I don't know how anyone can even take this chick's work seriously after she publicly told that story about her sister and the pebbles in her vagina. Who the fuck does that?!
by Anonymous | reply 73 | May 15, 2020 6:28 PM |
Brad Pitt gave her his ring! Doesn't that fly in the face of all you fat haters who think men like that hate fat women?
Matthew McConaughey was nice to her too on the Graham Norton show. Yup, sorry but they like them fat girls!
by Anonymous | reply 74 | May 15, 2020 11:51 PM |
"Brad Pitt gave her his ring! Doesn't that fly in the face of all you fat haters who think men like that hate fat women?"
Um, I find that a little hard to believe, unless he gave it to you as an act of pity. Courtney Love also said Brad Davis gave her a ring. I found that hard to believe, too.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | May 16, 2020 12:03 AM |
I honestly wonder if her whole life is one big performance art. Like every single thing she does is designed and planned to get her news and attention. Is she Andy Warholesque or really just fat, weird and odd with no thought to how she can cash in on her weirdness.
Her parents are artists. Maybe this is her “art” and she’ll write a book when she’s 70 about how it was all a hoax.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | May 16, 2020 12:47 AM |
That “walk” with the IV pole was just beyond. She’s pathological.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | May 16, 2020 1:42 AM |
She's always looked middle-aged, frumpy, plain and fat, much older than her actual years. And she revels in it. What a nutcase. And just HOW the hell did she become a celebrity. I've never seen her exhibiting anything approaching talent.
I watched a few film clips of her most glorious hour, that "Girls." It made me want to vomit. Who the fuck watched it? Fat, plain, young and middle-aged women?
by Anonymous | reply 78 | May 16, 2020 2:32 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 79 | May 16, 2020 2:39 AM |
I thought that was Amberlynn Reid.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | May 16, 2020 2:49 AM |
someone call Greenpeace!
A whale is beached!
by Anonymous | reply 82 | May 16, 2020 5:40 AM |
Rather small tits!
by Anonymous | reply 83 | May 16, 2020 5:43 AM |
R66, pretty much summed up the problem she has. It's that she looks like a trashy slob. She also seems to have every disease. I have a hard time believing any celeb or classy guy would date her. I could see her with an artsy, nerdy or disheveled guy.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | May 16, 2020 5:50 AM |
Why would they be mean to her? It's insecure straight men who are rude to ugly women. Meanwhile I'm sure Pitt and McConnaughey know that she'd be easily brushed off if she tried to hit on them.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | May 16, 2020 5:59 AM |
Why on earth does she keep displaying her truly disgusting looking body? Does she think that she's being very edgy and hip doing that? How can anybody take her seriously?
by Anonymous | reply 86 | May 16, 2020 6:13 AM |
R86, there is this fat Singaporean SJW on facebook who loves doing similar poses and pictures as Lens. She will pose and then say shit like "I would like to thank all the black and Indigenous women before me who have done this". It makes it even more gross because she's mixing "politics" with her nudity. At least with Lens, she's just a moron.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | May 16, 2020 6:17 AM |
[post redacted because independent.co.uk thinks that links to their ridiculous rag are a bad thing. Somebody might want to tell them how the internet works. Or not. We don't really care. They do suck though. Our advice is that you should not click on the link and whatever you do, don't read their truly terrible articles.]
by Anonymous | reply 88 | May 16, 2020 6:57 AM |
Jesus, Muriel and the fucking Independent links. I forgot. Anyway, let's try this again:
Lena Dunham's parents are both rather svelte and they look like they were fairly attractive when they were younger. WTF happened that they had a land whale beast of a daughter?
by Anonymous | reply 89 | May 16, 2020 6:59 AM |
Pretty sure nerd-hunk Jack Antonoff does a happy dance every morning when he wakes up and Lens is not in the bed next to him, covered in crumbs and smelling of B.O. and vaginal yeast
I wonder if she has even a whiff of embarrassment that she has devolved into such an obese, disheveled mess/professional victim, whilst her successful, confident ex has continued to go from strength to strength, and skinny cute chick to skinny cute chick
by Anonymous | reply 90 | May 16, 2020 7:00 AM |
Disgusting pig. Promoting obesity in America. When will it end?
by Anonymous | reply 91 | May 16, 2020 7:02 AM |
She really wasn't always this gross. It's actually sad, and very perplexing
by Anonymous | reply 92 | May 16, 2020 7:02 AM |
She doesn't even try, like at ALL. Yet she maintains this active social media presence, like she's some mover and shaker still, and seems to be addicted to showing off how far she's let herself go. She fucking FLAUNTS it. Constantly. That's what elicits contempt from folks.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | May 16, 2020 7:06 AM |
Hey, Shamu! When did ya get beached?!
by Anonymous | reply 94 | May 16, 2020 7:07 AM |
She’s a little bit like Woody Allen. Casting cute men who have to make out with her because it’s in the script. Otherwise it would never happen.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | May 16, 2020 1:23 PM |
omg that look on brad pitts face like he is about to puke all over the cows fat ass ..
by Anonymous | reply 96 | May 16, 2020 4:08 PM |
Arent her parents known are pretentious turds? maybe its in the dna…..
by Anonymous | reply 97 | May 16, 2020 4:19 PM |
They are pretentious turds with bells on. Her father in particular is insufferable.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | May 16, 2020 4:21 PM |
As others have said, it’s not that she’s fat it’s the fact that she looks like she hasn’t showered in days.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | May 16, 2020 4:26 PM |
she digs the attention she gets as a fat sow with icky parents. she is masturbating to this thread now....
by Anonymous | reply 100 | May 16, 2020 4:36 PM |
If only we could all be fat slobs and call it "art".
by Anonymous | reply 101 | May 16, 2020 6:00 PM |
Sit for me, R101, and your wish will be granted.
by Anonymous | reply 102 | May 17, 2020 6:12 AM |