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Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Sons

Glad they didn't get her chin.

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by Anonymousreply 37April 29, 2020 4:54 PM

They are gonna inherit the mother lode one day.

by Anonymousreply 1April 26, 2020 4:54 PM

I'm glad they didn't inherit ANY of her chins.

by Anonymousreply 2April 26, 2020 4:56 PM

Here they are in an earlier iteration:

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by Anonymousreply 3April 26, 2020 4:59 PM

they both look fine, especially the taller one.

by Anonymousreply 4April 26, 2020 5:01 PM

The taller one looks like a brunette Brad and the shorter one looks like Julia.

by Anonymousreply 5April 26, 2020 5:03 PM

I heard JLD wasn't the sweet cuddly comic we all think we know and love.

Like Tina Fey and Amy Pohler, I think you have to be a bit blood thirsty to succeed in the comedy biz.

by Anonymousreply 6April 26, 2020 5:05 PM

I'll take the tall one.

Have him washed and sent to my bedchamber, at once.

by Anonymousreply 7April 26, 2020 5:08 PM

Charlie Hall ( the taller one) played basketball at Northwestern. Here is their article about him.

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by Anonymousreply 8April 26, 2020 5:33 PM

What are you talking about OP? The shorter son clearly has JLD’s chin.

And shame on you R2, she’s an American treasure!!!

by Anonymousreply 9April 26, 2020 5:36 PM

Happily married since '87. Everyone looks genuinely happy. Who says money doesn't buy happiness?

by Anonymousreply 10April 26, 2020 5:38 PM

Brad must throw some mean dick - I've never understood why she's still with this guy. He has limited everything - looks, talent, success. I remember him from SNL - always forgettable.

He's tall. Maybe he's a good guy and supports her in every way? I mean, you would need to when your wife earns all the money.

Strange pairing.

by Anonymousreply 11April 26, 2020 5:39 PM

R11 love is funny that way.

by Anonymousreply 12April 26, 2020 5:43 PM

Are they of age?

by Anonymousreply 13April 26, 2020 5:47 PM

Fuck them both.

by Anonymousreply 14April 26, 2020 5:48 PM

Cute boys. A pleasing combo of their parents' features.

So glad they inherited Daddy's height, and not Mommy's. (I think good-looking short men are tragic, but I know I'm in the minority.)

by Anonymousreply 15April 26, 2020 5:50 PM

Until her recent bout with cancer (which I believe is going well for her), I always thought Julia was the most charmed, lucky woman alive. Beautiful, talented, funny, a BILLIONHEIRESS, keeps getting iconic TV shows, good marriage, nice kids.

by Anonymousreply 16April 26, 2020 5:52 PM

Did Julia (and her chin) turn down the “Madame” remake?

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by Anonymousreply 17April 26, 2020 5:57 PM

R16 - yeah, she definitely has had an embarrassment of riches in all aspects of her life. She's one of those rare children of extreme wealth that somehow had it not define or limit her.

I don't think it was common knowledge though that her father was a billionaire until the mid 90's and the internet. That may have shielded her from the notoriety.

Nowadays - everyone knows everything about you. Keeping your dad's billions on the DL would be impossible now.

by Anonymousreply 18April 26, 2020 5:59 PM

They're going to inherit a shitload of money.

by Anonymousreply 19April 26, 2020 6:02 PM

The tall one, Charlie, is so hot. He’s been discussed her in DL before:

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by Anonymousreply 20April 26, 2020 6:02 PM

They’re set for life just from her Seinfeld money alone.

by Anonymousreply 21April 26, 2020 6:20 PM

The sons are nice-looking, not handsome, but better than you'd expect from their goofy-looking father.

by Anonymousreply 22April 26, 2020 6:25 PM

À chacun son goût. I ski with the Louis-Dreyfus Halls and the boys went from cute and charming to handsome. They are living charmed lives and will continue to do so.

by Anonymousreply 23April 26, 2020 6:46 PM

Her kids are so not handsome.

by Anonymousreply 24April 26, 2020 6:48 PM

R23 handsome and straight?

by Anonymousreply 25April 26, 2020 6:52 PM

If you say so.

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by Anonymousreply 26April 26, 2020 6:52 PM

r26 Old age is the great equalizer. Brad Hall now resembles Ted Danson, who used to be 100 times better looking than him.

by Anonymousreply 27April 26, 2020 7:25 PM


Oh gawd they're hideous in that picture.

by Anonymousreply 28April 26, 2020 10:42 PM

Brad is eeeee-normous

by Anonymousreply 29April 26, 2020 10:44 PM

Charlie is hot as fuck

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by Anonymousreply 30April 26, 2020 10:47 PM

The tall one is 6'5"!

by Anonymousreply 31April 27, 2020 3:56 AM

[quote] I heard JLD wasn't the sweet cuddly comic we all think we know and love

I don’t think most people think she is sweet and cuddly—funny, yes. She’s actually quite guarded and doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She’s shrewd and savvy, too.

by Anonymousreply 32April 29, 2020 2:54 AM

Knowing that she's so rich, I'm a bit bothered by the fact she has such a public job. A job that screams, "look at me all the time!" But her house in the Palisades, while very nice, is not a vulgar celebrity home. I respect her for that.

She made a huge error appearing on Jerry's cars and coffee show walking out the front door of it. I think even the house number was visible. It is now blurred on Google Street Maps. I'm not going to link to it as most people can find the address with a bit of Googling, and obviously she's had issues, so I don't want make it worse for her.

by Anonymousreply 33April 29, 2020 3:23 AM

Why are they all wearing green/black?

by Anonymousreply 34April 29, 2020 3:28 AM

R34 it's spring but they are also mourning the passing of winter.

by Anonymousreply 35April 29, 2020 1:29 PM

The tall one is sexy as hell. I guess two uggos can make a beauty.

by Anonymousreply 36April 29, 2020 4:48 PM

That video at R3 is equal parts stupid and sweet.

by Anonymousreply 37April 29, 2020 4:54 PM
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