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If you were sitting in a not too fancy restaurant and a very famous person came and sat down w/ a friend at the next table...

very close...(see tables on the right in the linked pic)

How would you feel about it and how would you react?

Would you say "Hey, gurl!"? (if the person was a woman or gay man).

Would you feel uncomfortable and want to move?

Would you make casual conversation?

Would you pretend not to recognize them?

Would you wish they hadn't?

What the fuck WOULD you do?

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by Anonymousreply 100March 15, 2020 12:51 AM

If only DL had a poll option OP!

I, personally, would ask them to help me murder you.

by Anonymousreply 1March 6, 2020 6:38 PM

[quote] Would you say "Hey, gurl!"?

Okay, I'm not clear here. Are we presuming I'm EJ Johnson?

by Anonymousreply 2March 6, 2020 6:39 PM

[quote]If only DL had a poll option OP! I, personally, would ask them to help me murder you.

Grow up and stick a poll up your ass.

by Anonymousreply 3March 6, 2020 6:40 PM

You certainly are the little bitch, OP. I hope someone deeply insulted you.

by Anonymousreply 4March 6, 2020 6:43 PM

[quote]You certainly are the little bitch, OP. I hope someone deeply insulted you.

Not at all. You're projecting...very clear from your post.

by Anonymousreply 5March 6, 2020 6:46 PM

Ignore them like I would any other patron unless it was a friend or co-worker.

However, I can't imagine a very famous person would agree to sit at a table that close to someone he/she doesn't know.

by Anonymousreply 6March 6, 2020 6:46 PM

[quote]However, I can't imagine a very famous person would agree to sit at a table that close to someone he/she doesn't know.

If the place was busy of course they would.

by Anonymousreply 7March 6, 2020 6:47 PM

R7 No they wouldn't. No famous person would eat in a seating situation like the one pictured unless they were in a group so they were surrounded by posse. If the place was busy, and the person was famous, either the place would make space or the famous person would leave. Period.

by Anonymousreply 8March 6, 2020 6:50 PM

It’s happened to me several times. I don’t disturb, but I do discreetly observe.

by Anonymousreply 9March 6, 2020 6:52 PM

Yes, they would. It's happened to me more than once.

by Anonymousreply 10March 6, 2020 6:52 PM

I guess I need to know your definition of a 'very famous person' . I'm thinking Tom Hanks not the local sportscaster. Meryl Streep not the archbishop of the diocese...

by Anonymousreply 11March 6, 2020 6:55 PM

Back when retro diners where a big thing, my party was seated in a booth next to Richard Dreyfuss. I was tempted to say something like “we need a bigger float!” but wisely kept my dumb mouth shut.

by Anonymousreply 12March 6, 2020 6:56 PM

Good one!!

by Anonymousreply 13March 6, 2020 6:59 PM

It's happened to me. I don't say anything. Once, after a meal, I realized that my friend (who I was eating with) didn't even notice who was on the next table. I had to tell her.

by Anonymousreply 14March 6, 2020 6:59 PM

If you had to tell her, I'd say the person wasn't "very famous."

by Anonymousreply 15March 6, 2020 7:04 PM

I would offer a pleasant smile, possibly even a hello, and then pretend to go on about my own business... while doing so feeling self-conscious about my every move and so uncomfortable I'd want to jump out of my skin.

by Anonymousreply 16March 6, 2020 7:04 PM

I would check them out and smile if I caught their eye, as I would anyone dining in my proximity.

If I admired them, I might tell them so on my way out...as long as they were between courses and not actually eating.

by Anonymousreply 17March 6, 2020 7:07 PM

About twenty years ago, Steve Allen (the children have no idea who I'm talking about) sat down at the table next to me at the Harvard Faculty Club with the guy he was having lunch with. When we got up to leave, I introduced myself and my tablemate and told him I enjoyed his work. He was perfectly polite and very gracious, even as his hair looked worse than Trump's. What was left unexplained was what he was doing at the Harvard Faculty Club. Which, perhaps contrary to what some people might think, isn't that fancy at all.

Whatever he was there for, probably didn't happen. He died a month or so later.

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by Anonymousreply 18March 6, 2020 7:10 PM

This actually happened to me. We were at a restaurant in Orlando in a booth. Two of us on one side, by friend on the other. The booth behind him, a couple is sat. I look at the woman and see it's Tara Reid. My friend who has his back to the booth. I whisper to my partner, that it is tara reid and my friend overhears me. He goes "NO WAY and spins around and stares at her, then turns back around and says "that is not her." yeah....she got up and asked to be sat somwhere else lol.

by Anonymousreply 19March 6, 2020 7:11 PM

Its totally fine to say whatever you want to Tara Reid. Diane Keaton, not so much.

by Anonymousreply 20March 6, 2020 7:15 PM

I'd say - Tell me, how much longer are you going to go on making films? It must be hard to know when it's time to throw in the towel... What a pity about that last one of yours... what was it called? It must be so disappointing when something just *flops* like that.

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by Anonymousreply 21March 6, 2020 7:15 PM

Say nothing.

by Anonymousreply 22March 6, 2020 7:17 PM

[quote]Its totally fine to say whatever you want to Tara Reid. Diane Keaton, not so much.

You could tell Diane her house was discussed at great length on DataLounge.

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by Anonymousreply 23March 6, 2020 7:18 PM


Sure....say that and get an oyster fork in the eye. Ms. Smith don’t play.

by Anonymousreply 24March 6, 2020 7:18 PM

Very famous — nothing.

A writer that I liked: I'd say hello and compliment him/her.

by Anonymousreply 25March 6, 2020 7:28 PM

If it was a good looking guy, leer at him lasciviously and wink! Wouldn't anyone????

by Anonymousreply 26March 6, 2020 7:31 PM

[quote]R22 Say nothing.

Celebs are actually crushed when no one recognizes them. It means they’re slipping.

by Anonymousreply 27March 6, 2020 7:33 PM

Not a restaurant, but I sat next to Jennifer Tilley at a bar one night. She seemed bored, so I asked her about Bullets Over Broadway (she was nominated for an Oscar). We had a short pleasant conversation and went back to our drinks. I didn't want to annoy her all night.

by Anonymousreply 28March 6, 2020 7:57 PM

Treat them like anybody else, which is what they are. Never understood fangurls.

by Anonymousreply 29March 6, 2020 8:06 PM

keep scheming to get peeks at Bill Holden hoping he did not notice me staring.

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by Anonymousreply 30March 6, 2020 8:11 PM

Sat adjacent to Sean P. Hayes and some guy in a restaurant in Larchmont Village a couple of years ago. I ignored him.

by Anonymousreply 31March 6, 2020 8:18 PM

R19 - “asked to be sat somewhere else”

Oh, dear!

by Anonymousreply 32March 6, 2020 8:18 PM

I had this happen to me the other way around. At a restaurant on Nantucket Island, actress Anne Meara came over to our table asking what we had ordered and whether we particularly liked it?

by Anonymousreply 33March 6, 2020 8:19 PM

It's happened to me a few times. It seems preposterous to pretend you don't recognize a celebrity when you've accidentally made eye contact and it's obvious you know who they are. I just smile and nod, and then leave them alone. Once, I stopped in at Suehiro, a decidedly unfancy little restaurant in Little Tokyo, LA. It was after midnight, and as I walked in, Pat Morita (Karate Kid) was seated at a table with a few guests. I couldn't help but recognize him in a place so small, so I just smiled and they all smiled and that was it. I had my meal and when I asked for my check, I was told that Mr. Morita has taken care of that for you. I guess it pays not to pester people.

by Anonymousreply 34March 6, 2020 8:21 PM

I sat next to Drew Barrymore and her ex-hubby, the art dealer guy, and pretended not to know who she was. We had a pleasant conversation about dogs and I went back to my spaghetti (she had a salad and water). All I remember is, she smelled so good, I was tempted to ask the perfume she was wearing. Hubby and her seemed very in love.

by Anonymousreply 35March 6, 2020 8:28 PM

if you are trying to be polite, you mind your own damned business. if you make eye contact, acknowledge with a nod and return to minding your own damned business.

being outside doesn't entitle others to intrude. being "famous" doesn't, either.

by Anonymousreply 36March 6, 2020 8:34 PM

I sat next to Oprah and Steadman one evening. They were already seated when we were shown to the table. As I sat down, Oprah glanced over. We both smiled and nodded, nothing more. It was a small Italian restaurant and they were seated in kind of an alcove. I don't think anyone knew she was there. No one approached their table except the owner and he seemed to know them.

by Anonymousreply 37March 6, 2020 8:34 PM

I'd ignore the person, as I would anyone I don't know.

by Anonymousreply 38March 6, 2020 8:35 PM

I was at the opera (Nixon In China) in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago, and I bumped into fashion designer Zandra Rhodes. She has been famous for as long as I have been alive. I nodded and smiled in recognition. She looked relieved that I didn’t queen out on her.

by Anonymousreply 39March 6, 2020 8:37 PM

Depends on whether or not I've brought along my autograph book. You can only imagine my friends' envy when they learned that I was lucky enough to get the signature of THE Miss Bonnie Bedelia. And it was a total coincidence, I was at work and she was there to get a Pap smear.

by Anonymousreply 40March 6, 2020 8:39 PM

I would ask to be seated at another table.

by Anonymousreply 41March 6, 2020 8:41 PM

R33 I loved Anne Meara! I know she and Jerry Stiller started out as a comedy team but she was an excellent actress. Your story is so sweet because that's just the kind of friendly person I hoped she would be. Thank you!

by Anonymousreply 42March 6, 2020 8:46 PM

About 5 years ago, I spotted Robert Duvall at the baggage claim in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He wasn't wearing his toupee and no one else seemed to recognize him but I KNEW it was him. He was just standing calmly near the carousel, waiting for his bags. As the crowd thinned out, I couldn't stand it any longer so I approached him. I was totally star-struck but I managed to keep my cool; I half-hoped he would say that I was mistaken. But he didn't! And he extended his hand to shake hands! I told him that True Confessions was one of my favorite movies. Then I asked him what he was doing in Milwaukee and as soon as I did that, I felt the fool for prying but he was very gracious. Turns out his brother was a Jesuit priest and taught at Marquette University. He said he visits his brother a couple times a year so is somewhat familiar with the city. That memory still pops into my head every once in awhile and I get a real flutter!

by Anonymousreply 43March 6, 2020 8:58 PM

R37, you resisted the urge to say to Oprah, "Really, Italian? You, Carbs?"

More than some would have done.

by Anonymousreply 44March 6, 2020 9:21 PM

[quote] Meryl Streep not the archbishop of the diocese...

Oh fucking DEAR.


by Anonymousreply 45March 6, 2020 9:26 PM

If you ever see Al Pacino, feel free to disturb him, he doesn't mind it. He will take a picture or sign anything. He has said he knows he's nothing without his fans.

by Anonymousreply 46March 6, 2020 9:55 PM

I would do my best to ignore them, as I would any stranger sitting next to me at a restaurant.

by Anonymousreply 47March 6, 2020 10:02 PM

Sat next to DL fave Fran Lebowitz at The Waverly Inn. After about 20 minutes and seeing she was paying bill, I said “you have made me laugh out loud while reading so many times”. She sat down and w talked for about ten min. Awesome person.

by Anonymousreply 48March 6, 2020 10:07 PM

When George W. Bush was president, I had gone to see a show with a gay couple. We went out to dinner afterwards on Restaurant Row. As we were eating , I glanced over at another table which was occupied by four women. As I did so, one of the women looked, and it was Laura Bush. We nodded and smiled at each other. She was with her daughter Barbara, and the other two women looked as if they were mother and daughter. We finished at about the same time. I said hello to Laura Bush as we were leaving. The daughter Barbara almost bumped into me, and excused herself. There were secret service at the entrance, and the big SUVs and more secret service and police were waiting for them outside. At the same restaurant, I've encountered Broadway actors and local celebrities.

A few years ago at another restaurant in NY, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi came in as we were eating. They seated them at the next table. She was rather pretty. He looked old and needed a lighted magnifier to read the menu. They were with another couple. Didn't say anything to them.

by Anonymousreply 49March 6, 2020 10:12 PM

[quote]She sat down and w talked for about ten min.

About HER?

Did she ask YOU any questions?

by Anonymousreply 50March 6, 2020 10:12 PM


My mother overheard her telling her companions something along the lines "They seem local, so they ought to know about the place" which my mom took as a compliment. My family has been going there for a century, though not year-round.

by Anonymousreply 51March 7, 2020 3:05 AM

Since I work in PR and have had lunch with plenty of famous people I can tell you how to approach them. In LA it is a bit different since seeing celebs is not that uncommon, but truthfully celebs don't like being bothered while eating. The best way to do it is ask your waiter to give them a note asking for an autograph. They will be more willing to do that if you are not bothering them physically. Some places don't allow that, they don't want their guests bothered. Mr. Chows? not so much. Celebs go there to be seen and recognized.

by Anonymousreply 52March 7, 2020 3:55 PM

[quote]The best way to do it is ask your waiter to give them a note asking for an autograph.

I don't fancy doing that AT ALL.

by Anonymousreply 53March 7, 2020 4:05 PM

I sat next to Patricia Neal on a plane. Of course I didn't ignore her. I said "You're Patricia Neal" without really thinking, and she said "Yaaasss" in her best Patricia Neal voice. Then we had a pretty decent conversation. What struck me was how gorgeous she was in real life. If you don't know who she is, look her up.

by Anonymousreply 54March 7, 2020 4:10 PM

R52 Why should a waiter be put in the middle? If the fan doesn't have the balls to approach a celeb, why ask some poor server to do it?

You sound like a PR wannabe.

by Anonymousreply 55March 7, 2020 4:10 PM

That’s a terrible position to put a server in. That is not their job.

by Anonymousreply 56March 7, 2020 4:16 PM

Why would you ask a server to do that? It guarantees he will NOT be getting a tip and, worse, could very well lose his job!

You're an ass.

by Anonymousreply 57March 7, 2020 4:28 PM

Blythe Danner sat near my friends and me at a fancy Indian restaurant on the upper West side. We spent all dinner studyingher every move. There was a birthday in the restaurant and everyone sang...except Blythe. 20 years later we still talk about it...”remember when that bitch refused to sing happy birthday?!”

by Anonymousreply 58March 7, 2020 4:34 PM

[post redacted because independent.co.uk thinks that links to their ridiculous rag are a bad thing. Somebody might want to tell them how the internet works. Or not. We don't really care. They do suck though. Our advice is that you should not click on the link and whatever you do, don't read their truly terrible articles.]

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by Anonymousreply 59March 7, 2020 4:56 PM

[quote]R54 I sat next to Patricia Neal on a plane. I said "You're Patricia Neal" without really thinking, and she said "Yaaasss" in her best Patricia Neal voice. Then we had a pretty decent conversation.

Oh! That must have been so cool! She was a talented and intelligent woman who actually had something to SAY.

Maybe it helped that she was from the south. They’re often “down home” sociable.

by Anonymousreply 60March 7, 2020 10:18 PM

OP = 12 = Sad

by Anonymousreply 61March 7, 2020 10:27 PM

R14 I'm pretty much in the same boat. I don't follow celebrities. I was once in the old Jazz Record Mart in Chicago, and another customer was some lead guitarist from a really big rock band. I had no idea of who the guy was, we chatted nicely, and I walked away. The girl I was with was shocked that I did that, but I had no idea of who he was.

by Anonymousreply 62March 7, 2020 10:33 PM

R54 You did a great job with her voice!! I can hear it.

by Anonymousreply 63March 7, 2020 10:49 PM

[quote]R62 I was once in the old Jazz Record Mart in Chicago, and another customer was some lead guitarist from a really big rock band. I had no idea of who the guy was, we chatted nicely, and I walked away.

I had a more extended experience like that! I was at a low key Hollywood party about 10 years ago and had the funnest time hanging out with a (straight, married) guy most of the night... we kept running out to smoke cigarettes together. He made me laugh. For some reason I thought he was some crew member, like a grip or career sound person or something.

I told him he looked like he should be an actor. He said “What does an actor look like?” I thought about it and said, “Well, you have a very classic looking face...like it could be in a lot of different time periods. That would be good for an actor. They could cover a lot of range.” I was really relaxed with him because I thought he was just a regular person.

Later I pieced together he had a big hit series in the 70s and another one in the 80s. I just never happened to watch those shows!

He was really nice and normal.

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by Anonymousreply 64March 7, 2020 10:50 PM

R64 Sorry. I still don't know who he is. Kind of looks like Michael J. Fox (?)

by Anonymousreply 65March 7, 2020 10:52 PM

Many years ago I met at McDonalds with a crazy ex to discuss whatever there was to discuss after our breakup, while one of our university teachers was sitting at another table meeting with his ex-wife! Bitter divorce, from the sound of it.

The guy is mildly famous as a media-friendly academic (his father was famous too). He's very distinctive physically and I saw him again years later, romantic walking with his new Asian girlfriend.

by Anonymousreply 66March 7, 2020 10:53 PM

R66 Thanks for a pointless story about somebody you think is a celebrity. Oh - and his father is a celebrity, too!!

by Anonymousreply 67March 7, 2020 10:55 PM

Who is that, r64?

by Anonymousreply 68March 7, 2020 10:58 PM

R64 I think you were right the first time, when you thought he was 'a regular person' because he sure doesn't look like anyone I saw on hit TV show...

by Anonymousreply 69March 7, 2020 11:03 PM

This is like a question you ask a 10 year old.

OP, how old is the “famous” person? Are they a Mouseketeer, wearing a hat? Or is it Lassie, or Mr. Ed?

Is it a famous person in politics, or a famous criminal, like Bill Cosby?


What would you do if you were a famous person, and someone who was a total stranger, walked into a diner, and sat near you?

Would you stare. Would you introduce yourself? Or would you log on to DL, and ask a stupid as fuck question, because you’re famous, and feel weird about someone staring at you, so you get on DL, to look engaged and busy?

OP, what would your hypothetically famous ass do, if an unidentified DataLounger, walked into a diner, sat across from you in the next booth, looked over at you, smiled, and then went on their phone, straight to the DL, and wrote that you were sitting right across from them, and described exactly what you were wearing, eating, etc. ?

Would you get pissed if they wrote that you’re uglier in person? Or that you’re a fat whore who ordered oatmeal? What if they said you were cruising him, but you’re totally staring, because you’re reading about what he’s writing, right in front of you?


Now DL knows you’re gay, right? You’re locking eyes with this dude, oP. And right then and there, your wife walks in, and sits right next to you, plants a big, wet one on your face, and you look right back at the dude who is obviously the one writing about you, and then excuse yourself, walk to the bathroom, get in a stall, sit, and ... OH MY GOD!!!!

OP! The DLer is telling us all that you’re definitely wanting his huge cock, but he just cannot bring himself to follow you into the bathroom and fuck you, because he feels so sorry for your wife, who is clueless about your homo-ness? OH, AND, he informs DL that she is at least 6 months pregnant!

She’s not. You’re just a straight dude. The only one left in Hollywood, or so we thought!

Not anymore....

by Anonymousreply 70March 7, 2020 11:16 PM

R70 You seem like a lot of fun to be around...

by Anonymousreply 71March 7, 2020 11:19 PM

I'm not one of those NY or LA people who virtue signal by stating how blasé they are about spotting celebrities. It can be a kick. Sitting next to Liam Neeson at a bar, or next to David Cannadine (historian and a favorite author) at dinner, Isaac Mizrahi and Mark Morris having dinner together, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, among others. First, I'm not an autograph or selfie collector and it is fun to notice someone but nothing more than a smile and nod (as said upthread). I was in Los Angeles recently and Jay Leno sat at the table next to us, though there was a half wall of glass between us. I actually came this close to saying something as I was hoping to engage him in a charity event. But at dinner? Never.

by Anonymousreply 72March 7, 2020 11:29 PM

R72 Oooh, you sound special. Do you wear your monocle in public or only when sitting by the fireplace, enjoying a glass of fine sherry?

by Anonymousreply 73March 7, 2020 11:34 PM

Just depends which City you are in?

In London (or strangely Manchester UK, where a lot of filming takes place) It's not that unusual to see very famous Celebs. Most people wouldn't ever bother them.

by Anonymousreply 74March 7, 2020 11:40 PM

[R3], the correct quote is, "Take a poll and ram it up your ass." Madonna to Ollie backstage on the Blonde Ambition Tour. She's trying to get her makeup applied and he's flouncing about with suggestions to change the choreography to "Vogue", if I remember correctly.

If this isn't the quote that [R3] is sourcing, I sincerely apologize for being alive. Goodnight...

by Anonymousreply 75March 7, 2020 11:53 PM

Two or three years ago, I was waiting for my car to be serviced at a local Santa Barbara garage when another customer came in and sat near me. He looked vaguely familiar, so I assumed I might have seen him around town. We started talking and I learned that he lived with his family on a ranch in the nearby Santa Ynez Valley. I told him that I had gotten my Siberian Husky as a rescue from the Santa Ynez Valley animal shelter in Buellton. We talked for quite a while about rescue animals and the good work done by the people at the animal shelter. He was quite an animal rights advocate.

When my car was ready, the cashier was fairly wetting herself. "Did he tell you anything interesting?" she asked. "Should he have?" I replied.

Turns out it was Shaun Cassidy. When she told me that, I turned around to look at him again, and it really was. The only reason I hadn't immediately recognized him was because I hadn't seen him in probably 30 years and he'd gotten older. He was still as attractive as fuck, though. The only reasons I didn't hit on him were, (a) he was married; (b) I had no idea who he was; (c) he didn't register anywhere on my gaydar; and (d) I'm really not a whore who picks up men at car repair shops.

by Anonymousreply 76March 8, 2020 12:04 AM

[quote]R69 I think you were right the first time, when you thought he was 'a regular person' because he sure doesn't look like anyone I saw on hit TV show...

Maybe this will ring a bell, for some.

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by Anonymousreply 77March 8, 2020 1:07 AM

Thanks for the offsite image. It contains the title. BJ and the Bear. Still no bells. But good for you.

by Anonymousreply 78March 8, 2020 1:14 AM

It would depend on who they were, famous alone would mean almost nothing to me. If it was someone who I thought was hot I would try and play it cool, maybe just nod to them, try desperately to think of something funny to say but not annoying, they would probably leave before I could think of something. If it was just any other random famous person I probably would just given them their space, famous doesn't mean that much to me.

by Anonymousreply 79March 8, 2020 2:34 AM

When I worked at NYU, I sat next to Julianne Moore at the now closed Dojo on West 4th. I didn't bother her even though I had just seen "Myth of Fingerprints" and I loved that movie. I had to go back to work and she was involved in a conversation with some guy. It would just be weird to interrupt just to say "Mia was so wonderfully cuntish! You did such a great job being a cold bitch." I did accidentally knock her coat off the back of her chair while I was trying to get out and I just apologized and handed it back to her. She just took it back and was pretty much, "It's OK" and carried on with her conversation.

Also sat in a booth across from Michelle Williams at the Waverly Diner. She was only really known as Jen on "Dawson's Creek" at the time and was there with a few other people. My friend pointed her out to me and Michelle must have heard because she rolled her eyes like "Ugh, I've been noticed and now they're going to talk to me". I shrugged and ignored her. I only watched the show for Joshua Jackson so I wasn't super impressed.

by Anonymousreply 80March 8, 2020 3:49 AM

People who resent being approached by the public should not strive to become celebrities, or politicians.

by Anonymousreply 81March 8, 2020 3:52 AM

R70 put down the pipe.

by Anonymousreply 82March 8, 2020 4:00 AM

[quote] I did accidentally knock her coat off the back of her chair while I was trying to get out and I just apologized and handed it back to her.

After rummaging through her pockets.

by Anonymousreply 83March 8, 2020 10:26 AM

I agree with R37. Perfect response. I've done the same when I've sat near someone well known. If I was an admirer, write them a letter or add a comment to their Twitter account.

Not sure where OP was going with "a not too fancy restaurant". I would behave the same, "fancy" or not.

by Anonymousreply 84March 8, 2020 11:59 AM

I ignore them. That’s what the humble ones want, and it grinds the famewhores’ gears.

by Anonymousreply 85March 8, 2020 12:03 PM

[quote]Not sure where OP was going with "a not too fancy restaurant".

What I meant was - if it was a fancy pantsy &/or fashionable restaurant you might expect to see someone famous and you'd be ready for it...whereas in a more ordinary low-key place it would take you by surprise...bit like smelling cookies when you least expect it sort of thing.

by Anonymousreply 86March 8, 2020 12:11 PM

I would do the same if the person was a nobody. I've never been impressed by celebrities.

by Anonymousreply 87March 8, 2020 12:18 PM

Meryl Streep: Excuse me...is anyone sitting here?

R87 : Who IS YOU, gurl?

by Anonymousreply 88March 8, 2020 12:26 PM

I'd never start a conversation, although I would respond if someone else did. My Mom taught me to be polite.

by Anonymousreply 89March 8, 2020 12:42 PM

Celebrities are like wild animals. You’ll get a much better look at them if you don’t startle them away, so stay cool.

by Anonymousreply 90March 8, 2020 1:26 PM

My husband, mother, and I were having dinner one summer evening at Spiaggia in Chicago about twenty years ago next to two women, one of whom was the original "Dear Abby" - Abigail Van Buren - and she started the conversation.

I had stood to help my mom slip off her jacket - she'd said she was warm and had told the waiter they should crank up the a/c. The columnist heard her, looked over, complimented her outfit and said she thought it was warm, too, so I figured, "I'm up anyway" and offered to help her with her jacket as well. I didn't recognize her but my mother did, and she introduced herself and "my boys." After that we were all but eating off each other's plates for the rest of the meal. I think her companion was a older relative - maybe they'd exhausted the conversational possibilities - but they both clearly enjoyed having someone new to talk to and seeming especially interested in her take on Chicago as it was her first time there apart from changing planes at O'Hare.

I'd always thought Chicago was a friendly town, but never as friendly as it was that evening. Needless to say, my mom was telling the story about what a wonderful, down-to-earth person "Dear Abby" was for a long time.

by Anonymousreply 91March 8, 2020 2:21 PM

This happen to me. I give to man my card and if he likes price I go to toilet and wait for him.

by Anonymousreply 92March 8, 2020 5:32 PM

R92 Stop with the Melania written accent. It's pointless. Try doing a video.

by Anonymousreply 93March 9, 2020 8:44 AM

R73, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

by Anonymousreply 94March 14, 2020 8:42 PM

I’d ask them if they’d gotten checked for “the virus” yet.

by Anonymousreply 95March 14, 2020 8:45 PM

I live in LA. Sometimes I notice, sometimes I don't. Between Scientologists, the homeless, etc, I actively try not to notice strangers around me. If it's someone who is famous but not "on my radar" I might just look once. If I'm a fan, I'll try to discreetly observe. I don't approach unless we're in a line together or something close like that.

The thing that gets my attention is when I see famous people in very not-trendy parts of town. I always think "what are you doing HERE?"

by Anonymousreply 96March 14, 2020 9:09 PM

At the next table in a restaurant: smile, nod, say "hello" if you make coincidental eye contact.

At a baggage claim or next to someone on a plane or something similar, a hello and a few words maybe.

In see either case I wouldn't gush or ask for an autograph or selfie or say any more than I might to a stranger who wasn't famous. Famous people are usually accustomed to being recognized, in a flash, as a slow reveal, etc.; best just to acknowledge that they caught your eye for being famous with a quick affirmation and then leave them to what they are doing.

by Anonymousreply 97March 14, 2020 9:37 PM

I was at a Spanish restaurant with a friend and Kurt Russell and his first wife (before Goldie) sat down in the booth next to me. This was in the late 70s (yes, I'm old) but I was feeling fluttery as my seat was facing him. I would glance at him now and then and I was surprised how much more handsome he was in person. I could hear his conversation and he was mostly talking about work. Anyway, I didn't approach them and when we got up to leave, the wife smiled at me, she knew we recognized them (she was an actress also) . He was oblivious to us and kept on talking.

I remember his hair was really dark, almost black, I believe that was the time he was playing Elvis and that's his first wife in the link.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 98March 14, 2020 10:23 PM

I don't give a rats ass about celebrities. So there's that.

by Anonymousreply 99March 15, 2020 12:47 AM

This situation happened to me when Ludacris and his entourage arrived at the same teppanyaki restaurant where we celebrated a relative's birthday.

The 16-yo at our table recognized him and excitedly pointed him out. We waved at him and his entourage and continued on with our meal.

by Anonymousreply 100March 15, 2020 12:51 AM
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