I know she’s pretty irrelevant, but how in the hell am I just learning about this now?! How did she end up becoming such a sick fuck?
She's the darling of gay music writer and biographer, James Gavin. Now I know why.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | February 5, 2020 7:55 PM |
“I'm someone who is on the record as being pro-pornography--all the way through kiddie porn and snuff films.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | February 5, 2020 7:56 PM |
A Google search shows that she’s actually promoted on NAMBLA’s own web site.
She doesn’t believe that molestation hurts children.
How the hell did she ever get hired - anywhere??
by Anonymous | reply 3 | February 5, 2020 7:58 PM |
Camille Paglia supports Camille Paglia. The world is her mirror.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | February 5, 2020 7:59 PM |
She supports pedophile priests to boot.
I just can’t believe anyone actually touts this woman. People pull out her quotes on rape, but child molestation??! Isn’t that the final straw with everyone, no matter which side of the isle you fall on?
by Anonymous | reply 5 | February 5, 2020 7:59 PM |
I’m on the north side Kahauii.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | February 5, 2020 8:01 PM |
It's always the Eye-talians who have the worst boundary issues, isn't it? Their age of consent is 14 but they don't have gay marriage, yet the sicko CMBYN fanatics don't fucking care and actively use "it's legal in Italy" to defend it.
This is also another reason I couldn't watch [italic]Who's The Boss?[/italic]: I couldn't believe Tony Danza and Judith Light as a couple for a second, but I'd believe you if you told me he molested Danny Pintauro or knocked up Alyssa Milano, then I wouldn't doubt you for a second. Sony, who released CMBYN, owns that show now.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | February 5, 2020 8:02 PM |
I always found her insufferable and an opportunist, but now I know she’s downright fucked in the head. Are many people unaware of her support of pedophilia?
by Anonymous | reply 8 | February 5, 2020 8:03 PM |
R7 is also insane. Paglia is American. She isn’t an Italian National.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | February 5, 2020 8:04 PM |
R7, the MeToo movement has outed 95% of Jewish men assaulting women and children. Let’s not go there.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | February 5, 2020 8:05 PM |
14 is not a particularly unusual age of consent in Europe, but don't let that distract you from your weirdly niche bigotry linking a cheesy 80s sitcom an an Italian arthouse film.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | February 5, 2020 8:06 PM |
She wrote one article of interest and everything since has been this disjointed, confusing and contradictory spew of ideas to make her look edgy and intelligent.
She's a contrarian - like Kanye - and thinks it makes her smart and original. It doesn't. It's ego-driven and sociopathic behavior. Just like Kanye.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | February 5, 2020 8:07 PM |
She’s literally promoting sex with prepubescent children, not 14 year olds.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | February 5, 2020 8:08 PM |
As the Church Lady on SNL would say... "Well isn't that special?"
by Anonymous | reply 14 | February 5, 2020 8:09 PM |
I thought you'd be posting a link to a source, OP.
Not a photo of her.
Where did she say that? And in what context?
by Anonymous | reply 15 | February 5, 2020 8:10 PM |
Saying Italians have boundary issues is as dumb as saying Jewish men do. R7’s post doesn’t even make sense and sounds as crazy as Camille.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | February 5, 2020 8:11 PM |
R15, and link was already posted.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | February 5, 2020 8:11 PM |
[quote][R7], the MeToo movement has outed 95% of Jewish men assaulting women and children. Let’s not go there.
And another of them worked with Judith Light as well. Let's go there by all means.
[quote][R7] is also insane. Paglia is American. She isn’t an Italian National.
R9/R10 is a bigot. Even if she was born in this country, Paglia is still an Italian name.
She's also a [italic]Family Guy[/italic] reference in the episode "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar."
by Anonymous | reply 19 | February 5, 2020 8:12 PM |
Do a Google search of Camille Paglia NAMBLA. It’s amazing. Is she fucking little girls by any chance?
by Anonymous | reply 21 | February 5, 2020 8:13 PM |
She’s a pig.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | February 5, 2020 8:15 PM |
Okay, batshit insane r19 is blocked.
Reddit apparently had a field day with all of Paglia’s pro-NAMBLA comments.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | February 5, 2020 8:15 PM |
Some interesting quotes from that:
"I'm pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-drag queens, pro-legalization of drugs. This is neoconservative?"
by Anonymous | reply 24 | February 5, 2020 8:16 PM |
No one in their right mind supports pedophiles. Her support of priests molesting children shows a pattern with her. I wonder what’s on her hard drive.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | February 5, 2020 8:17 PM |
R23 is yet another bigot.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | February 5, 2020 8:18 PM |
Meanwhile, Helen Reddy made movies with Republicans and said in her autobiography she would work with Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly to fight child p-rn if that's what it took. She got no more gratitude than Jesus got. So much for "until I make my brother understand."
by Anonymous | reply 27 | February 5, 2020 8:19 PM |
What are you talking about, R27?
by Anonymous | reply 28 | February 5, 2020 8:21 PM |
Now you know why people believed in Pizzagate: Pizza = Italian = Catholic.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | February 5, 2020 8:23 PM |
[quote]Camille Paglia Supports NAMBLA
"Camille Paglia Supports Getting Attention"
There, fixed it for you.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | February 5, 2020 8:27 PM |
Camille has also claimed to have voted for Hillary Clinton.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | February 5, 2020 8:31 PM |
She is a fucking wing nut who will do anything to draw attention or condemnation. Borderline personality disorder.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | February 5, 2020 8:35 PM |
How old is she at this point? Three hundred?
by Anonymous | reply 33 | February 5, 2020 8:37 PM |
Why is she relevant again?
by Anonymous | reply 34 | February 5, 2020 8:38 PM |
Paglia would do donkey shows in Macy's store front window if anyone would pay the the slightest attention to her.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | February 5, 2020 8:42 PM |
Because James Gavin promotes her, R34. He also promotes Bernie Sanders.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | February 5, 2020 8:42 PM |
She's also a moron who somehow convinced people that she's actually smart.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | February 5, 2020 8:43 PM |
Redpillers love her and Milo, another pedo supporter.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | February 5, 2020 8:44 PM |
Her approach is Milo-esque. That in pederasty — there's no gender imbalance.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | February 5, 2020 8:58 PM |
I’ll second the fact that Italians have boundary issues.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | February 5, 2020 9:02 PM |
Who the hell is James Gavin?
by Anonymous | reply 41 | February 5, 2020 9:05 PM |
Wow. And I actually liked Camille before learning this. This is too much.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | February 5, 2020 9:07 PM |
I don't know the sick bitch but how she's not arrested?!!
by Anonymous | reply 43 | February 5, 2020 9:07 PM |
This is Cosby-level disillusionment here, R42.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | February 5, 2020 9:07 PM |
[quote] I don't know the sick bitch but how she's not arrested?!!
Supporting the legality of an illegal act is not the same as committing it.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | February 5, 2020 9:08 PM |
What do y'all think a suitable age of consent should be?
by Anonymous | reply 46 | February 5, 2020 9:09 PM |
Andrea Dworkin, another well respected author in the radical feminist movement similarly supported self governing communes where bestiality and pedophilia would be condoned and encouraged. She was very anti-pornography though and modern feminists like Julie Bindel cite her as an influence.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | February 5, 2020 9:12 PM |
She was also anti-gay, like Julie Bindel.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | February 5, 2020 9:49 PM |
Camille reminds me of John Waters: both are confronted with the problem of how to be outrageous when everyday reality has raced SO far ahead of them both....At least John Waters has style.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | February 5, 2020 11:21 PM |
"Andrea Dworkin, another well respected author..."
Andrea Dworkin was not respected in anywhere outside of a few. She was mentally ill and a total pain in the ass.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | February 6, 2020 12:14 AM |
[quote] Camille reminds me of John Waters: both are confronted with the problem of how to be outrageous when everyday reality has raced SO far ahead of them both....At least John Waters has style.
John Waters put naked children in one of his films.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | February 6, 2020 1:16 AM |
R52, he did? I don’t recall that.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | February 6, 2020 1:48 AM |
r52 is probablý talking of the hilarious "Oh God, the children are having SEX!!" scene from Desperate Living - which suggests he's just as hysterical and overwrought as Mink Stole's character in it.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | February 6, 2020 1:52 AM |
R53: In [italic]Desperate Living[/italic], there is a scene where Peggy Gravel's children are playing doctor in the hallway without any clothes on. Peggy spots them and hits them because she believes they are having sex. Waters framed the scene carefully to avoid showing butts and genitals, which is more than I can say for that Disney movie where Hayley Mills plays the glad game before she gets paralyzed.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | February 6, 2020 2:36 AM |
She's an attention whore--even this doesn't seem to be elevating her profile, though.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | February 6, 2020 3:03 AM |
Where does she live in Philly? She’s still there, right?
by Anonymous | reply 57 | February 6, 2020 6:51 AM |
I thought she voted for Dr Stein.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | February 6, 2020 8:50 AM |