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Predictive Dreams

Call it what you will: The shining, being a seer, psychic, whatever. Ever since I was little I would start having recurring dreams of something terrible happening again and again and again before it would actually happen, such as a relative dying or a national tragedy. Does anybody else have this? What do you call it? Do you consider it a gift, a legitimate ability, or do you just ignore it?

by Anonymousreply 3November 18, 2019 8:36 AM

I don't have predictive dreams, but I have flashes of premonition when I'm awake. Nothing earth-shattering, mostly weird, random stuff. However, this is what happened to my father (copied and pasted from another thread.)

This happened in 1971. My dad played the violin and had a deep interest in classical violin music. Of course at that time, it was all LP records, and dad had recently bought an LP by the young violinist Michael Rabin. Dad was quite impressed by his music. The liner notes of the LP gave absolutely no information about Rabin as a person, just comments about his skill

Late in that year, my father had a dream. In the dream he was standing in Central Park, and dad said the dream was crystal clear, very "real." A short distance from him he saw a small crowd of people gathered, talking. A woman in the group turned to dad and said, "Have you heard about Michael Rabin? He fell and hit his head in his apartment and is not expected to live." Then the dream faded.

Dad thought the dream was peculiar, to say the least. Time passed, and in January, 1972, he opened the daily newspaper and read a story about how Michael Rabin had fallen in his New York apartment (not all that far from Central Park) due to an epileptic seizure, hit his head, and died.

by Anonymousreply 1November 18, 2019 8:15 AM

I’ve had these my entire life. My dreams wouldn’t be of disasters or crises but of banal moments.

I knew where my HS marching band trip would be each year because I’d dream of being at some theme park or another, accompanied by a “feeling” of time and place. When I met a future roommate in grad school I had already dreamt of him living with me.

They’re all first-person but not all correct, thank goodness. I’ve had a bunch of nightmares that are best forgotten.

by Anonymousreply 2November 18, 2019 8:26 AM

Yes, all the time.

by Anonymousreply 3November 18, 2019 8:36 AM
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