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What's your favorite cuisine? Explain why and name a delicious dish that best represents that cuisine.

Ok I'll start: Indian cuisine. Try chicken biryani.

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by Anonymousreply 130September 29, 2019 4:49 AM

Pasty and brown gravy

by Anonymousreply 1September 24, 2019 5:05 AM

Work your way through five or six of Julia Child's recipes from Mastering the Art of French Cooking and you'll see why French cuisine is so magnificent. Winter is coming. That means Boeuf Bourguignon time!

by Anonymousreply 2September 24, 2019 5:07 AM

Boeuf bourguignon... Thé thought of it makes me drool.

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by Anonymousreply 3September 24, 2019 5:10 AM

Who has tried sweetbread "ris de veau"? Godsent.

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by Anonymousreply 4September 24, 2019 5:14 AM

some people really voted for American cuisine ? Like what? Hamburger??? KFC??? It's called fast food dammit!! Gosh no wonder why Trump is president! Ewww! Just try French food, Japanese or Thai, Italian but please stop destroying your stomach with shitty American food !

by Anonymousreply 5September 24, 2019 5:21 AM

Try the Pot-au-feu (French cuisine), recipe. Nothing's better in Autumn and Winter

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by Anonymousreply 6September 24, 2019 5:28 AM

Magret de canard. Délicieux !

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by Anonymousreply 7September 24, 2019 5:30 AM

Close call between Brazilian, Thai, and Japanese.

by Anonymousreply 8September 24, 2019 5:32 AM

R5 Americans are ignorant and tend to think they are the best in everything. Why do you think they are the most fat in the world ?

by Anonymousreply 9September 24, 2019 5:34 AM

French and Italian far and away the top two cuisines on earth. Japanese, Thai, German, Indian are all distant seconds. Chinese food is dog shit.

by Anonymousreply 10September 24, 2019 5:38 AM

French people are in love with La Tartiflette when winter is coming. I highly recommend you

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by Anonymousreply 11September 24, 2019 5:43 AM

Real Italian spaghetti carbonnara! Delicious!

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by Anonymousreply 12September 24, 2019 5:48 AM

I don't have a cuisine that is a favorite but I have favorites in a lot of cuisines;

Vietnamese: Lemon grass chicken & Vietnamese salad with eggrolls

Chinese: Hot & Sour Soup, Pot stickers, Cashew chicken

Thai: Red coconut curry w/chicken

Japanese: Sushi

Mong: Green papaya salad

Mexican: Chicken mole negro, street tacos

French: Duck a l’Orange

Italian: Pizza, pasta bolognese

American: Steak grilled over charcoal, Panko coated fried shrimp

Texas: Smoked biscuit

Norwegian: Lutefisk & Lefsa

German: Sauerbraten

English: Fish & Chips

Irish: Irish Stew preferable made with Guinness Stout

Indian: tikka chicken masala

by Anonymousreply 13September 24, 2019 5:53 AM

R11, a hearty dish from Savoie.

by Anonymousreply 14September 24, 2019 5:56 AM

The best food I think comes from the Mediterranean basin. Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon. Just wow.

by Anonymousreply 15September 24, 2019 6:00 AM

It goes in waves. Right now my favorite is Mexican -- I just had crispy duck tacos in yellow mole sauce. Damn good.

by Anonymousreply 16September 24, 2019 6:03 AM

I like Middle-Eastern/Mediterranean food, with Greek, Persian, and Lebanese being my favorites. They have a lot of healthy and vegetarian options and a good balance of protein/carbs/fat, if cooked traditionally (not Americanized).

I also Italian at times, though find it too fattening. But I recommend watching Pasta Grannies on YouTube, because those ladies know how to make good looking Italian dishes.

by Anonymousreply 17September 24, 2019 6:04 AM

The classic Mussels and French fries (Moules Marinière) french cuisine recipe

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by Anonymousreply 18September 24, 2019 6:04 AM

Italian, although some of those French recipes sound wonderful!

I'm going to have to put in a vote for Cuban, however. Love the citrus with the spice and not so hot. It's fast becoming a favorite of mine.

by Anonymousreply 19September 24, 2019 6:06 AM

Duck or goose confirm! Oh and also foie gras.

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by Anonymousreply 20September 24, 2019 6:06 AM

Confit not confirm

by Anonymousreply 21September 24, 2019 6:07 AM

R20 Oh foie gras! first time I ate it i thought i had an orgasm. No joke.

by Anonymousreply 22September 24, 2019 6:11 AM

Cassoulet is a dish from South West France. I could eat some right now.

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by Anonymousreply 23September 24, 2019 6:12 AM

Sole meunière.

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by Anonymousreply 24September 24, 2019 6:14 AM

Chinese food is the original junk food. No wonder they are so short. Just like McDonald's, Chinese food disappoints every time. So unsatisfying.

by Anonymousreply 25September 24, 2019 6:14 AM

R22, I think foodgasm is a real thing. Foie gras does it to me too.

by Anonymousreply 26September 24, 2019 6:15 AM

R25, Southern Chinese are short. Northern Chinese are tall.

by Anonymousreply 27September 24, 2019 6:20 AM

It's too difficult to choose just one. I'll add what I think are the best from each continent:

North America: Mexican

South America: Peruvian

Europe: Italian

Africa: Moroccan

Asia: Thai

Australia/Oceania: ?

by Anonymousreply 28September 24, 2019 6:24 AM

Lasagne Bolognese. Here's Marcella Hazan's recipe, adapted (no spinach in the pasta; I never did that, either):

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by Anonymousreply 29September 24, 2019 6:30 AM

Mexican and Indian are by far my favorite. My family heritage is Russian and Swedish, so I grew up eating a lot of things that seem diametrically opposed to Mexican and Indian cuisine—it's just more exciting flavors for me. I've been a vegetarian for most of my life, and these two are also very easy to do without meat.

by Anonymousreply 30September 24, 2019 6:31 AM

Georgian cuisine is really good and deserves an honorable mention since it's so obscure and unknown to most here. I like their grilled eggplant rolls stuffed with walnut sauce.

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by Anonymousreply 31September 24, 2019 6:34 AM

My favorite is chicken tika massala which is more British than Indian. Veggie samosas with mint sauce. Naan with raita and mango chutney. Indian pickles. Papadam with some kind of chopped onions in a sauce. Gulab Jamon( warm please) with rice yogurt . Mango lassi. Indian cola

by Anonymousreply 32September 24, 2019 6:34 AM

I'm so glad my favorite cuisine is not listed. I'd hate it to get popular because prices will go up and the quality will go down as has happened to all the ones listed.

by Anonymousreply 33September 24, 2019 7:04 AM

Ethiopian needs to be on this list. The injera alone is heaven.

by Anonymousreply 34September 24, 2019 7:20 AM

Levantine; hummus, falafel, dolma and fattoush with lots of sumac and lemon followed by baklava and a glass of arak.

by Anonymousreply 35September 24, 2019 7:25 AM

R31 Georgian cuisine is the best I've ever had. I had mine in Coney island though, not there.

by Anonymousreply 36September 24, 2019 7:45 AM

American. Pizzas, cheeseburgers, fried chicken/oreos. I Iove doughnuts, funnel cake all the desserts.

by Anonymousreply 37September 24, 2019 8:03 AM

R5, How about Texas barbecue? CA salads with lots of interesting ingredients. American-style thin crust veggie pizza. Healthy pancakes. Dark fudge cake.

by Anonymousreply 38September 24, 2019 8:07 AM

I voted American because I figure even my favorites in the other countries listed are very Americanized. I don't think General Tso's chicken actually exists in China. And I grew up in Texas eating Tex-Mex so authentic Mexican food usually disappoints me.

by Anonymousreply 39September 24, 2019 8:26 AM

I cannot pick a favourite, though many of my French faves have already been listed. Cassoulet is so satisfying, especially now with the cooler weather. I like mine a bit soupy... I like to use duck and chicken thighs. Some British dishes are still some of the best comfort foods for me, especially a real Shepherd's pie made with lamb, and plenty of leeks, thyme, and marjoram. A good Sunday roast with Yorkshire pudding is simple and satisfying to me to still, despite mastering more complicated fare. To my fellow foie gras fans, you can have my Sauterne.

by Anonymousreply 40September 24, 2019 9:00 AM

R38 Americans didn't invented barbecue, it's still junk food not real cuisine. The whole world is making salads. Pizza com from Italy. R39 LOL French, Italians, Japaneses, Indians, Spanish, Greeks etc did NOT Americanized their foods at all, that's why it's so good!!! Typically an American comment!

by Anonymousreply 41September 24, 2019 9:39 AM

Shrimp bistro pasta. Delish!

by Anonymousreply 42September 24, 2019 9:40 AM

R38 Dark fudge cake come from France

by Anonymousreply 43September 24, 2019 9:43 AM

R37 Ewww reading you hurts my intestines. The most unhealthy food in the world.

Love Thai, French, Italian, India food

by Anonymousreply 44September 24, 2019 9:56 AM

Cuban: vaca frita, lechon asado, moros, medianoche, torta de tres leches

Spanish: tortilla, paella, pan con tomate, albondigas, pulpo a la gallega

by Anonymousreply 45September 24, 2019 11:12 AM

E. All of the above.

by Anonymousreply 46September 24, 2019 11:39 AM

You know, I have to say. I like a few dishes in each of the above. But if I have to chose my favorite, it would have to be Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. I seem to enjoy most everything .

by Anonymousreply 47September 24, 2019 11:42 AM

Hmmm, I love French and especially sautéed brains. Sweetbreads, kidneys. (Droool!) Thank you for this thread, got me away from the Thunberg 666 mess.

by Anonymousreply 48September 24, 2019 11:54 AM

r41, I meant that much of the Chinese/French/Thai/Mexican food you get in the U.S. has most likely been adjusted to suit American palates.

by Anonymousreply 49September 24, 2019 12:04 PM

Hey. You wanna eat Chinese go where the Chinese eat.

by Anonymousreply 50September 24, 2019 12:08 PM

I love and appreciate all cuisine, but my favorites are American comfort foods - pot roast with carrots and potatoes, roast turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits. I haven't eaten fast food in over 20 years, and fast food is global, so I don't count that as "American food."

by Anonymousreply 51September 24, 2019 3:17 PM

Go spend some time in Spain's coastal cities. You will soon love the cuisine there and the seafood. Oh, the seafood!

by Anonymousreply 52September 24, 2019 3:41 PM

I like all kinds of food, but I would say Korean food and maybe Mexican food are my favorites.

by Anonymousreply 53September 24, 2019 4:22 PM

R51 are you on crack ? fast food is not global. Why is this hard for Americans to accept that they can't be the best ?? Many French restaurants have been starred French chefs awarded etc. Same for Chinese, Japanese Indians and Italian restaurants. Even the word "cuisine" is French. You have never been and never will be in the cuisine. Because we are talking here about healthy and delicious cooking. It's called gastronomy not fast food ! No one in this world thinks your food is healthy. Doctors do not recommend your fast food because obesity in the US is spectacular and much rarer in the other countries that have been cited in this thread. NO, fast food is not global and Americans cannot win this. Deal with it !!!

by Anonymousreply 54September 24, 2019 9:28 PM

[quote] R38 Dark fudge cake come from France

And? Chocolate is originally from Mexico.

by Anonymousreply 55September 24, 2019 9:33 PM

R55 Are serious ??? We are talking about RECIPES not where the condiments come from! Also Mexico is not in the US, your orange buffon made it clear

by Anonymousreply 56September 24, 2019 9:39 PM

R56 Stop feeding that American troll please. He's obviously ignorant as fuck

by Anonymousreply 57September 24, 2019 9:41 PM

R55 Retarded

by Anonymousreply 58September 24, 2019 9:43 PM

R57, R58, thin-skinned much? I'm not the poster saying American cuisine is the best or whatever, but for what it's worth, French cuisine isn't even the best cuisine in Europe.

by Anonymousreply 59September 24, 2019 9:46 PM

R59 Excuse me ??? THE MOST AWARDED RESTAURANTS AND CHIEFS ARE FRENCH! The record was for Joel Robuchon! and you are the same poster, jealous much??

by Anonymousreply 60September 24, 2019 9:56 PM

R60 Why are you still answering to the retarded?

by Anonymousreply 61September 24, 2019 9:58 PM

Are you a child or just really defensive? I find French cuisine to be too rich and buttery for my tastes. Also, the preparation is overly-fussy and time-consuming for what you end up with in the end. Ho-hum. I personally prefer the simple, fresh taste and preparation of Italian food. Greek, too.

The French do have the best pastries and bread in the world though.

by Anonymousreply 62September 24, 2019 10:06 PM

R62 yeah, sure Italian and Greek aren't too overly-fussy and time-consuming LMAO, you are ignorant and ridiculous. Stop being pathetic and just go away. This thread was enjoyable until your ignorant fat ass came in. You were looking for troubles but thank God, someone shut your nasty mouth. Bye you retarded pos

by Anonymousreply 63September 24, 2019 10:15 PM

blocked the retarded

by Anonymousreply 64September 24, 2019 10:17 PM

R63, yes, I think I am quite done arguing with an angry French 13 year old.

by Anonymousreply 65September 24, 2019 10:17 PM

I love so many different cuisines. And I don't particularly care for eating the same cuisine every day. But when push comes to shove, I just cannot resist classic (or even nouvelle) French cuisine. My fave "special occasion" restaurants are almost always French. Things I love"

Cassoulet (with REAL duck confit)

A lovely Lobster (or shrimp) bisque - creamy please

Bouef Bourgignon

Many, many desserts

I often (OK, mostly) cook using techniques I learned from Julia's Mastering the Art of French Cook (both volumes, of course. lol)

by Anonymousreply 66September 24, 2019 10:18 PM

R65 I'm not french you idiot

by Anonymousreply 67September 24, 2019 10:18 PM

The Italians taught the French how to eat.

Classic French cuisine is wonderful but it can't compare to Italian.

Italian cooking (as done in Italy) is fast, direct...it does not depend on sauces and elaborate technique. It does depend on their fabulous produce and that's one reason why it's very hard to duplicate outside of Italy.

by Anonymousreply 68September 24, 2019 10:21 PM

R67 I have him blocked too

by Anonymousreply 69September 24, 2019 10:23 PM

Ok, trolls and raging people, stop ruining the thread

by Anonymousreply 70September 24, 2019 10:26 PM

Damn. Don't insult French people's food unless you want to see a Chernobyl style meltdown.

by Anonymousreply 71September 24, 2019 10:29 PM

Rendang, Indonesian of Malaysian?

oh, and mashed potatoes.

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by Anonymousreply 72September 24, 2019 10:32 PM

Why are you fighting over cuisines. Everyone has different tastes in food. Many times it depends on what you grew up with. Or what restaurants are available in your area. Just chill.

by Anonymousreply 73September 24, 2019 10:37 PM


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by Anonymousreply 74September 24, 2019 10:42 PM

Nobody is fighting except for the rage-o-holic Francophile. But yes -- in matters of taste, there is little to argue about.

Moving on, some love for Moroccan food.

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by Anonymousreply 75September 24, 2019 10:43 PM

Mexican. I'm very fond of enchilidas.

by Anonymousreply 76September 24, 2019 10:49 PM

Indian food for me. I love the warmly spiced dishes and the wide variety of flavors and styles from the all the various regions. I also love the influence of the Indian diaspora on dishes from the Phillipines, South Africa, Jamaica, Britain, even the Middle East - and so many other countries.

I think Indian cooking is so satisfying and delicious so for that reason, it's my vote for my favorite.

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by Anonymousreply 77September 24, 2019 11:27 PM

I love Italian food because I love carbs. Cheese, bread, pasta, cream... Get in mah belleh! x

by Anonymousreply 78September 25, 2019 12:07 AM

I voted for French, but I think of things as being 'in the French family'. My ancestors came here from France, but didn't speak French. My (distant) relatives are in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Germany. I used to receive a family newsletter, published in Belgium. Here's a gorgeous, vary satisfying dish (Chicken Waterzooi). It doesn't have a lot of ingredients, but Good Lord, they all sing together.

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by Anonymousreply 79September 25, 2019 12:16 AM

The people who think that all Chinese food is bad for you are fat-asses that think that all Chinese food is represented by their local "all you can eat" shithole.

by Anonymousreply 80September 25, 2019 2:50 AM

I enjoy Chinese, Korean, Northern Italian and Indian food that is more "Mughal".

by Anonymousreply 81September 25, 2019 2:52 AM

Hong Shao Rou from "Mrs. Chiang's" cookbook

Tongbaechu Kimchi or however they call it in Vignette Of Korean Cooking

Anything by Marcella Hazan

Mughal Indian dishes in Classic Indian Cooking by Julie Sahni

by Anonymousreply 82September 25, 2019 2:59 AM

Actually, I think the kkakdugi in the Vignette Of Korean Cooking is my favourite recipe.

It's really good with noodle soup.

by Anonymousreply 83September 25, 2019 3:13 AM

Also. FUCK INJERA. It's "sour". That's for the accompaniments, not the carrier.

by Anonymousreply 84September 25, 2019 4:10 AM

Not all French cuisine is uppity, cosmopolitan Parisian fair. Many of the traditional French dishes -- cassoulet, pot-au-feu, bourride, ratatouille, bouillabaise, bœuf bourguignon, choucroute garnie -- originated as peasant dishes, and the peasants had no time for lengthy, elaborate preparations. They just threw whatever they had in a pot and lit a fire. Oftentimes, these simpler, provincial recipes are just as good and heartier than their haute cuisine versions.

by Anonymousreply 85September 25, 2019 5:38 AM

Italian cuisine is tasteful and unlike American food, healthy. But in no ways Italian can beat the French cuisine. I've lived in France for 4 years and they are well educated, very well cultivated because they are not paying for education unlike the USA. They love arts and cuisine more than any other countries i had the pleasure to visit.. Also they are not as racists as Italians are, just saying.

Saying that French cuisine cannot not be compared with Italian could only be written by an ignorant American. Only a stupid redneck could have said that and i'm going to tell you why R68 is stupid.

The south of France not only has an extremely similar cuisine especially since the massive immigration of Italians in France in the sixties, and also because the two countries are border. But because France is not only a Mediterranean culture unlike what people like to think, it's a Gallic country. England, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain are the French others neighboring countries (just by checking the European map and you would have knew), so their cuisine is much much more diverse and varied from one region to another than in Italy. They have the best chefs in the world for a reason. Their wines are also the diverse and by far superior. Asian cuisine is close behind because they are too are very refined.

Not saying that Italian cuisine is not good. In fact it's a very good cuisine. Of course all of this depend of our tastes, but stupidity wasn't the theme of this thread like someone here seems to think.

by Anonymousreply 86September 25, 2019 6:37 AM

I like the Asian foods better than French. Sushi is fucking amazing.

by Anonymousreply 87September 25, 2019 6:48 AM

"Their wines are also the diverse and by far superior. "

That's what the French want you to believe, but NOT TRUE.

by Anonymousreply 88September 25, 2019 6:53 AM

"Asian cuisine is close behind because they are too are very refined. "

My problem with asian food....no great wine, cheese, bread (except Indian), and the worst ...asian deserts are almost always disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 89September 25, 2019 6:57 AM

I don't get the fascination with Italian food...all that fucking pasta. So heavy.

by Anonymousreply 90September 25, 2019 7:00 AM

Schweddy Balls.

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by Anonymousreply 91September 25, 2019 7:35 AM

What the heck is Asian cuisine?? Asia is a large continent with so many diverse cultures, dishes, and styles of cooking.

Israel, China, Japan, and Thailand are leading producers of quality wines. For cheeses, you have sakura from Japan, paneer and bandel from India, kesong puti from the Philippines, chhena from Nepal. And for bread, fresh baked pan de sal from the Philippines is heaven!

by Anonymousreply 92September 25, 2019 7:37 AM

R88 Sorry but you have been ruining this thread since yesterday. We all get that you hate the French and that you are dying of jealousy but it's time to move on now. All around the world for centuries French wines are well known to be the best and no matter what you say it's a fact that you can change. Bordeaux, Beaujolais, they even invented Champagne and Rosé. Chardonnay too. You have been nothing but ignorant. Every single of your comments smell jealousy. Just stop it and for God sake TRAVEL and read some books.

by Anonymousreply 93September 25, 2019 7:57 AM

R93 Thank you! I was fed up of that hateful Idiot person

by Anonymousreply 94September 25, 2019 8:08 AM

Are you actually fucking retarded that you think everybody commenting on French food besides you is one poster R93? You're annoying and French food is losing the poll not only because its overrated but because you're so fucking obnoxious

by Anonymousreply 95September 25, 2019 8:08 AM

R95 Lol you are writing exactly like the only hateful troll here but ok ! You only proving your jealousy here. Poor thing!

by Anonymousreply 96September 25, 2019 8:14 AM

Don't feed the troll please

by Anonymousreply 97September 25, 2019 8:15 AM

[quote]What the heck is Asian cuisine??

Any that includes soy sauce.

by Anonymousreply 98September 25, 2019 9:16 AM

The mother cuisines of the world are French, Chinese, and Indian. The rest are variations thereof, or just food.

by Anonymousreply 99September 25, 2019 9:27 AM

Who are the children of the "mother" cuisine of India?

by Anonymousreply 100September 25, 2019 9:29 AM

Just because somebody does it first, doesn't mean they still do it best.

by Anonymousreply 101September 25, 2019 9:31 AM

R100 from the ones I've had, I'd say North African, Arab, Persian, Afghan, mughlai, Burmese, thai, Malaysian, Padang, Sulawesi, Javanese. They mix with other cuisines from the other two mother cuisines.

I'm tempted to classify Mediterranean as another, fourth mother cuisine.

by Anonymousreply 102September 25, 2019 10:08 AM

Italian, french, mexican>>>> the rest

by Anonymousreply 103September 25, 2019 10:11 AM

Vietnamese food. Spring rolls (gỏi cuốn) with hoisin sauce with chopped peanuts, Imperial rolls (chả giò), phở, various curries, iced coffee with condensed milk, etc.

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by Anonymousreply 104September 25, 2019 10:40 AM

R102 is a pretentious bitch

by Anonymousreply 105September 25, 2019 10:48 AM

Persian food. Salat Olivieh is the best chicken salad.

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by Anonymousreply 106September 25, 2019 10:51 AM

Mexican. Try posole, it’s weird and awesome.

by Anonymousreply 107September 25, 2019 11:02 AM

The worst is Ethiopian food. Runny and disgusting. No wonder they're starving. If I lived there I wouldn't eat it either.

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by Anonymousreply 108September 25, 2019 12:13 PM

I'd eat Ethiopian food. If I had any.

by Anonymousreply 109September 25, 2019 12:19 PM

Some posters have confused "favorite cuisine" with "favorite dish."

by Anonymousreply 110September 25, 2019 1:53 PM

r54, have you suffered a brain injury? I didn't say I consider fast food American food. I don't even eat it. The fact that McDonald's operates in 35,000 locations worldwide does make it global.

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by Anonymousreply 111September 25, 2019 2:40 PM

Is it food?

by Anonymousreply 112September 25, 2019 3:00 PM

Q: What do Yoko Ono and the Darfur Orphan have in common?

A: They both live off dead Beetles.

by Anonymousreply 113September 25, 2019 7:01 PM

Indian food isn’t spiced in a balanced way and the spices overwhelm instead of enhancing or letting natural flavors of food. I can’t see myself eating it daily which is IMO one of the qualifiers of favorite cuisine.

I vote for Japanese cuisine as they’ve been able to tske the best of other cuisines and either refining it or making it their own. Like tempura for example, the Japanese took frying technique from the Portuguese who went there. Tempura in Japan is amazing. Sushi too, I prefer sushi to sashimi which is raw. Ramen noodles with stock that’s been simmered for 20 hours, even their fast food has traditional elements of slow cooking. But overall if you go to Japan you’ll see that the food culture there is very inclusive. You’ll find traditional and new style Japanese cuisine, other world cuisines as well as Japanese fusion cuisines where traditional Japanese ingredients are used to make foods from other cuisines.

Whereas say in Italy, you’ll basically find Italian food with perhaps a smattering of non-Italian restaurants. There’s more of a chauvinism about food in Italy and France but more so in Italy. That’s my own impression from traveling to those countries anyways. I do however enjoy both rustic versions of Italian and French cuisine. More so Italian than French as the latter is too meat-heavy for me. I’m basically a vegetarian who sometimes eat seafood once or twice a month now.

by Anonymousreply 114September 25, 2019 7:22 PM

[quote] Sushi too, I prefer sushi to sashimi which is raw.

Sushi can contain raw ingredients. E.g., raw tuna (maguro) nigiri sushi. (Raw tuna on a small bit of rice.)

by Anonymousreply 115September 25, 2019 7:41 PM

R115 Yes it can but in Japan with anything raw fish it's described as sashimi. Sushi I believe has to have vinegar/ sugar-seasoned rice in combination with ingredients which may or may not be seafood. Here in the US we often think sushi is only raw fish whereas in Japan there are so many possibilities not just raw fish.

by Anonymousreply 116September 25, 2019 8:22 PM

[quote]so their cuisine is much much more diverse and varied from one region to another than in Italy.


The cuisine of Trentino-Alto Adige is completely different than the cuisine of Sicily.

by Anonymousreply 117September 25, 2019 9:08 PM

[quote]What's your favorite cuisine?


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by Anonymousreply 118September 26, 2019 12:52 AM

There’s nothing better than our country’s comfort food and our regional dishes are as good as those in European countries.

by Anonymousreply 119September 26, 2019 4:02 AM

I like falafel, hummus, babaganoush, feta cheese, potatoes & parsley, kalamata olives, feta cheese, dolmas, etc. Middle Eastern food.

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by Anonymousreply 120September 26, 2019 8:35 AM

I’m gonna say Pakistani food is my favorite. It’s basically like North Indian but with more meat variety. Favorite dishes: ground beef samosas with different chutneys, eggplant pakoras, haleem, tandoori chicken, lamb and fish tikka (not chicken tikka masala), roghni naan (buttered naan with sesame seeds), any kind of daal, and Punjabi goat pulao. Oh, and ice cold, salted, mint lassi.

by Anonymousreply 121September 26, 2019 9:31 AM

Paki is great but Ethiopian is also great.

by Anonymousreply 122September 28, 2019 3:48 PM

One of the things that intrigues me about French cooking is that the French have been perfectly aware of all the spices and herbs used in other cuisines, but they simply choose not to use them. In ancient Rome, people used nearly all the seasonings that we now associate with Indian cooking, and those seasonings were brought back to Europe after the Crusades. French cooking is about a certain simplicity and purity. Dishes are seasoned with salt, pepper, and butter, and that's often all (although things like thyme and tarragon will be accepted). The primary ingredients take center stage, and they need to be impeccable.

by Anonymousreply 123September 28, 2019 3:59 PM

R123 revealing his ignorance of French Cuisine.

by Anonymousreply 124September 28, 2019 5:53 PM

R79, your waterzooi recipe looks a lot like Tom Kha Gai. Any significant difference?

by Anonymousreply 125September 28, 2019 6:09 PM

Tom kha gai is based on galangal and coconut milk and chicken. Galangal is one of the main ingredients. That's what the kha is. I guess they're both chicken soups, but that's about it.

by Anonymousreply 126September 28, 2019 7:30 PM

R125, R126, Your mention of Tom Kha Gai intrigues me. Thank you for that. I will definitely explore that dish, since it sounds so very intriguing. I was rather stung by R124's comment, since she offered no commentary to disagree with me. I'm one of those rare DLers who doesn't get hurt or angry when I'm corrected. I've actually learned a lot in those corrections. On to the kitchen!

by Anonymousreply 127September 29, 2019 4:37 AM

R123 You are describing the cuisine of Italy. Not France.

by Anonymousreply 128September 29, 2019 4:45 AM

Who the fuck is this troll?

by Anonymousreply 129September 29, 2019 4:46 AM

Galangal is a fab ingredient. So are fresh ginger and tarragon.

by Anonymousreply 130September 29, 2019 4:49 AM
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