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*Democratic Debate Viewing Party*


NBC, MSNBC & Telemundo at 9PM ET

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by Anonymousreply 630June 27, 2019 5:22 AM

Photo of tonight's stage:

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by Anonymousreply 1June 26, 2019 9:25 PM

Wow, I can't wait to miss it!

by Anonymousreply 2June 26, 2019 9:25 PM

View from the audience:

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by Anonymousreply 3June 26, 2019 9:26 PM

Rules for the first Democratic debate:

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by Anonymousreply 4June 26, 2019 9:29 PM

So the marquee names tonight are Liz Warren, Beto, and Cory Booker, with special appearances by Julian Castro and Amy Klobuchar, plus several “under fives.”

by Anonymousreply 5June 26, 2019 9:35 PM

Hickenlooper gets burned hard before the debate even starts

[Quote]Security person outside debate site just now : “are you here to pick up press credentials?” John Hickenlooper: “...I’m a candidate”

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by Anonymousreply 6June 26, 2019 9:47 PM

PollTroll, I'm here!

by Anonymousreply 7June 26, 2019 9:56 PM

Who will speaka the Spanish better? Julian or Beto?

by Anonymousreply 8June 26, 2019 9:57 PM

This is going to be so funny!

by Anonymousreply 9June 26, 2019 9:57 PM

Hi, R7!

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by Anonymousreply 10June 26, 2019 10:03 PM

Drinking game topics:

-Who will speak Spanish first? Beto or Julian?

-Will Cory Booker mention his "girlfriend"?

-How many times will Elizabeth Warren say; "I have a plan for that?"

-Amy Klobuchar will name Trump (or, the President) how many time?

-Will Tim Kaine be the only one to bring up socialism?

-Who will raise the issue of climate change?

by Anonymousreply 11June 26, 2019 10:04 PM

Very excited to see sexy Beto on TV

by Anonymousreply 12June 26, 2019 10:04 PM

Not interested in tonight’s debate. Tomorrow should be fireworks.

by Anonymousreply 13June 26, 2019 10:08 PM

Tonight you have a lot of candidates with nothing to lose who will be trying to grab attention r13.

Tommorow will probably be more safe stump speech sound bytes.

by Anonymousreply 14June 26, 2019 10:14 PM

[quote]Not interested in tonight’s debate. Tomorrow should be fireworks.

And, so you post on this thread? My fellow man never ceases to amaze me....

by Anonymousreply 15June 26, 2019 10:15 PM

R11 You forgot, How many women on Twitter will accuse the other candidates of "mansplaining" any time they contradict Warren or Klobuchar?

by Anonymousreply 16June 26, 2019 10:17 PM

Deplorable protestors outside.

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by Anonymousreply 17June 26, 2019 10:24 PM

R17 that’s not in Miami. You’re an idiot.

by Anonymousreply 18June 26, 2019 10:35 PM

Thank you, OP.

Who’s on tonight?

by Anonymousreply 19June 26, 2019 10:38 PM

R19, the 10 candidates are in the photo at the top of the thread.

by Anonymousreply 20June 26, 2019 10:52 PM

Good news for Elizabeth Warren going into tonight's debate -- the new poll this afternoon from YouGov/The Economist has her overtaking Sanders:

Biden 25%

Warren 19%

Sanders 15%

Harris 7%

Buttigieg 6%

Gabbard 3%

O'Rourke 3%

Bennet 1%

Booker 1%

Bullock 1%

Castro 1%

de Blasio 1%

Gillibrand 1%

Moulton 1%

Yang 1%

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by Anonymousreply 21June 26, 2019 10:54 PM

[Quote]the 10 candidates are in the photo at the top of the thread.

People are truly helpless.

by Anonymousreply 22June 26, 2019 10:55 PM

[quote] the new poll this afternoon from YouGov/The Economist has her overtaking Sanders:

These polls are starting to get under Bernie's skin.

by Anonymousreply 23June 26, 2019 11:20 PM

Debate preview

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by Anonymousreply 24June 26, 2019 11:23 PM

The Universe is smiling down on Beto. If he nails this debate, he'll rise in the polls once again. Plus Warren can finally knock out Berno out of second spot. <3

It's a win for everyone !!

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by Anonymousreply 25June 26, 2019 11:38 PM

Much as I try, I can't not find this man attractive. I would just melt if he smiled at me like that.

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by Anonymousreply 26June 26, 2019 11:38 PM

Will Beto get the arm flailing under control? I hope so because he looks like an idiot doing that.

by Anonymousreply 27June 26, 2019 11:39 PM

The two main prediction bitches from the Predictions thread posting about Beto in the same minute. What are the odds of that?

by Anonymousreply 28June 26, 2019 11:39 PM

r27 He looks passionate and virile doing that.

by Anonymousreply 29June 26, 2019 11:40 PM

r2 is my whole mood until November 2020.

by Anonymousreply 30June 26, 2019 11:48 PM

R29 He looks like a windmill doing that. It’s laughable.

by Anonymousreply 31June 26, 2019 11:48 PM

r31 I love it. It's something new and different.

by Anonymousreply 32June 26, 2019 11:51 PM

I want Biden, Warren, Harris and Klobuchar as top candidates. That's a pretty good team right there and I hope they don't go toxic on each other, but rather show unity against a common enemy. Divisiveness is not what we need right now

Beto and Buttigieg need to win something and gain more experience.

Absolute NO-NO to Bernie and Tulsi Garbage.

by Anonymousreply 33June 26, 2019 11:55 PM

Everyone knows that the election is not this year, right? We have a year and a half to decide!

by Anonymousreply 34June 26, 2019 11:58 PM

Some of these so-called candidates should just do us all a favor and drop out. Or just put their names in a hat and draw one out. Any of them would be better than Trump.

by Anonymousreply 35June 27, 2019 12:00 AM

You cannot win the election this year, but you can surely lose it tonight.

by Anonymousreply 36June 27, 2019 12:00 AM

Actually, we have about nine months to decide.

by Anonymousreply 37June 27, 2019 12:00 AM

Who ARE these people? About half of them don’t belong on that stage.

by Anonymousreply 38June 27, 2019 12:03 AM

We're definitely getting listicles tomorrow about the top ten soundbites delivered tonight, aren't we? It's just unfortunate that that media cycle will last only about a day.

by Anonymousreply 39June 27, 2019 12:05 AM

Here is the official NBC livestream from NBC's youtube channel.

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by Anonymousreply 40June 27, 2019 12:06 AM

I hope Beto wears a fucking JACKET instead of those stupid rolled up sleeves.

And I hope this puts the final nail in the coffin for cockeyed Cory Booker.

by Anonymousreply 41June 27, 2019 12:06 AM

R39 Maybe not even one day if Trump does something extremely stupid, which is highly likely.

by Anonymousreply 42June 27, 2019 12:08 AM

r40 And it's open to us foreign bitches as well, how wonderful. Thanks for the link!

by Anonymousreply 43June 27, 2019 12:10 AM

[quote] Who will raise the issue of climate change?

Jay Inslee

by Anonymousreply 44June 27, 2019 12:11 AM

r42 Oh god, do we think he's going to live-tweet the debates?

by Anonymousreply 45June 27, 2019 12:11 AM

I can't wait for tomorrow. Pete came to slay!!

by Anonymousreply 46June 27, 2019 12:11 AM

r46 Do you think he'll suit up for tomorrow? I kinda hope he doesn't.

by Anonymousreply 47June 27, 2019 12:13 AM

R38 Totally. Nonentities like Delaney and Ryan need to GTFO and quit littering the stage and wasting our time.

by Anonymousreply 48June 27, 2019 12:14 AM

R11, I will save Booker the trouble.

"I met her at Ben Jealous' fundraiser and she didn't give me the time of day"

"Then I met her at another party a month later and got her phone number. I was so nervous!"

Ok, we know now. Talk about something else.

by Anonymousreply 49June 27, 2019 12:16 AM

What are they going to talk about on MSNBC for an hour a half. I’m bored already!

by Anonymousreply 50June 27, 2019 12:35 AM

Honestly, I think this is going to be a waste of time. The nonentities will be throwing rotten tomatoes at Warren, O'Rourke, Booker and Klobuchar. Nobody will get any time to answer any question decently. It's ridiculous having this many people on the stage. The DNC should have been a lot harder with the criteria so we don't get Delaney, de Blasio, Ryan, Tulsi, Inslee on stage tonight.

Only bit to watch: Julian Castro is very, very short. This morning he was on stage 'trying it out' with his bro. They are the same height. Julian was mysteriously much taller than his identical twin bro so he had lifts in his shoes. He also appears to get a step to stand on. Watch for him to fall off.

by Anonymousreply 51June 27, 2019 12:38 AM

I will briefly change the channel when Chuck Todd asks his question. It shouldn't take too long as he never asks a decent follow up!

by Anonymousreply 52June 27, 2019 12:40 AM

r51, Tulsi is not a non entity. She is a tired and true progressive.

by Anonymousreply 53June 27, 2019 12:41 AM

WTF is Warren Wilhelm going to say?

Everyone in my adopted city, where they know me by my invented name of Bill DeBlasio, hates me. I waste taxpayer money going to some ratchet Y in Brooklyn every day, but I'm still a fat fuck.

Somehow I've managed to convince some poor suckers to throw away millions on my vanity run for president.

And my wife was a lesbian but only because she'd never had any D this good That's why I changed my name to "D" Blasio.

by Anonymousreply 54June 27, 2019 12:42 AM

Even this thread is slowwwwww......

by Anonymousreply 55June 27, 2019 12:46 AM

r25 Beto and Bernie are my least favorite candidates, but it's Mayor Pete's stumble in his own town that will give Beto an opening.

Bernie is always about expensive plans without any pathway for implementation beyond a "social revolution". He's had over a12 years in the Senate with NOTHING to show for his time; this doesn't include 16 years in the House. Yet, Bernie expects us to believe he can get millions of American's onboard for some revolution, when he couldn't even get 59 senators to back a single significant policy proposal? Get out of here.

I tried listening to Beto's recent Pod Save America interview. When they weren't sucking him off with soft-ball questions, Beto had a chance to show how progressive he is, on immigration. He is passionate about fighting for amnesty but doesn't have the same passion for healthcare and education. He thinks that an opening our boarders mentality will somehow be beneficial to America, while there are educated legal immigrant applicants and family members of American citizens (children and spouses) respecting our laws and waiting years to come here. Let's keep rewarding the employers and people violating our immigration and identity theft laws (those SSNs came from somewhere). He lightly talks about enforcement and boarder security but American's, myself included, are rather right of center on this issue so good luck running on a platform that will turn the US into South America-light.

After the South Bend incident, Pete may be done for this cycle. I just don't see how he makes enough in-roads against Beto, Warren, and Uncle Joe with black voters. Shame because he raised his black support from 1-6%. I was a big supporter of the guy, but he looked so detached from the moment. He better shine like a shooting star tomorrow. I hope he make it to the end as a top 3 candidate.

Warren, teach these men, and that comb lady, how it's done!

by Anonymousreply 56June 27, 2019 12:46 AM

r56, Berne has a better chance of being elected than he does steering 59 senators away from big money interests.

by Anonymousreply 57June 27, 2019 12:48 AM

An observation from Nate Silver:

[quote]I'm surprised at how much time supporters of the non-Biden candidates spend denying that Biden is at 30% in the polls or assuming that his support is certain to fade away, rather than figuring out how they can get to 30% themselves.

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by Anonymousreply 58June 27, 2019 12:51 AM

Nate Silver on Warren vs. Beto:

[quote]Warren got really terrible coverage in December/January but has gotten very favorable coverage for the past 2 months. Just the opposite for Beto. Whether any of this is "fair" or not (she may just be a better candidate/better qualified than him etc.) is another question.

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by Anonymousreply 59June 27, 2019 12:52 AM

Love that R58. It's spot on. Thanks.

by Anonymousreply 60June 27, 2019 12:52 AM

Castro pings to high heavens. He just queens out as the video progresses

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by Anonymousreply 61June 27, 2019 12:53 AM

One hour to go.

by Anonymousreply 62June 27, 2019 12:59 AM

[quote]Even this thread is slowwwwww......

Datalounge has been locked out to non-paying members for most of the day, much longer than the usual “primetime”.

It seems like they want to force everyone to pay as a result of the new “upgrades”.

Expect a lot of slow threads in the near future if this continues.

by Anonymousreply 63June 27, 2019 12:59 AM

The Castro dude mimic's Obama's tone and speech pattern (not the twin). Look out for it at the debate, it's very funny since he world under Obama.

r51, I hope he doesn't borrow Rubio's cha-cha heels, because they are so 2000-late.

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by Anonymousreply 64June 27, 2019 1:00 AM

[quote]Tulsi is not a non entity. She is a tired and true progressive.

She’s definitely tired.

She should put her campaign to bed, permanently.

by Anonymousreply 65June 27, 2019 1:01 AM


by Anonymousreply 66June 27, 2019 1:01 AM

Bernie is my least favorite. I see him no different than Cheeto. Bluster with grandiose ideas that he'll get his way solely because everyone will agree with him.

Katie Tur asked him if he would step aside if he was not the nominee and he wouldn't say. He also claimed to be a Democrat.

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by Anonymousreply 67June 27, 2019 1:01 AM

538 & Morning Consult are tracking responses from likely Democratic Primary voters before & after the debates to measure how candidate approval numbers hold up:

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by Anonymousreply 68June 27, 2019 1:03 AM

Bernie "Evelyn Mulray" Sanders

by Anonymousreply 69June 27, 2019 1:03 AM

i hope Biden gets the nomination and loses. just cant stand him.

by Anonymousreply 70June 27, 2019 1:04 AM

Andrea Mitchell looks bad - raccoon eyes.

by Anonymousreply 71June 27, 2019 1:05 AM

R70 So you’re for Trump? Maybe you should skip this discussion then.

by Anonymousreply 72June 27, 2019 1:06 AM

How can they "debate" when they are all saying the same thing? The only different one might be Yang.

by Anonymousreply 73June 27, 2019 1:07 AM

r67, if Bernie goes down, he's taking the entire Party with him. He is a real life Game of Thrones character.

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by Anonymousreply 74June 27, 2019 1:08 AM

r72, No, I'm a progressive that hates both of those dinosaurs equally.

by Anonymousreply 75June 27, 2019 1:08 AM

I'd like to stay, but I need to shower, shave, and shampoo.

by Anonymousreply 76June 27, 2019 1:09 AM

R75 If you're a progressive that hopes the Democrat loses, you're really just a republican. Screw that.

by Anonymousreply 77June 27, 2019 1:10 AM

[quote] I waste taxpayer money going to some ratchet Y in Brooklyn every day, but I'm still a fat fuck. True story. I saw a pic of him on the debate stage last night and he has a big ole gut.

by Anonymousreply 78June 27, 2019 1:10 AM

Bernie does have a Walter Frey quality about him. Where's Arya when we need her?

by Anonymousreply 79June 27, 2019 1:11 AM

Cory the Hot Het

by Anonymousreply 80June 27, 2019 1:11 AM

Will Ms. Warren be asked to remove her headress before she steps up to the podium?

by Anonymousreply 81June 27, 2019 1:13 AM

[quote] I waste taxpayer money going to some ratchet Y in Brooklyn every day, but I'm still a fat fuck.

Damn formatting. This is what I was trying to respond to. de Blasio has a very big and unattractive gut these days.

by Anonymousreply 82June 27, 2019 1:14 AM

"You have-um heap big ideas Senator Warren. Trade those ideas for these shiny new whistles."

by Anonymousreply 83June 27, 2019 1:15 AM

Tulsi is a weird cult member who could never be trusted. about half the people up there should be dropping out just because they're too boring to keep going, but Tulsi should go because we don't need more crazy in the White House.

by Anonymousreply 84June 27, 2019 1:15 AM

I'm really looking forward to hearing from Andrew Yang, and Elizabeth Warren.

This could be fun?

by Anonymousreply 85June 27, 2019 1:16 AM

"We hate that Bernard Sanders with the heat of ten million suns! And we have spent the last three years telling the DataLounge why!"

by Anonymousreply 86June 27, 2019 1:20 AM

Beto and his wife fucked in the car on the way.

MSNBC showed them walking into the debate hall, and she touched his butt.

I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off that man either. Fuck!

by Anonymousreply 87June 27, 2019 1:20 AM

MSN showed footage of Beto arriving at the venue with his wife. He’s wearing a suit and tie and looks hot.

by Anonymousreply 88June 27, 2019 1:20 AM

Beto's going to take his shirt off on stage and get into a flex-off with Cory Booker.

by Anonymousreply 89June 27, 2019 1:21 AM

WTF at that March for Life commercial on MSNBC during a Democratic debate lead-in. Talk about delusional ad placement.

by Anonymousreply 90June 27, 2019 1:22 AM

Then he'll jump on the podium. Can't wait. It'll be kinda hot.

by Anonymousreply 91June 27, 2019 1:22 AM

R91 All while waving his arms maniacally.

by Anonymousreply 92June 27, 2019 1:24 AM

Remember when Warren went on her knees during the CNN town hall? I want her to pull something similar tonight as well. I stan a stunt queen!

by Anonymousreply 93June 27, 2019 1:25 AM

Dems need someone who doesn’t inspire a lot of hate this time. Remember how Hillary lost because so many people just didn’t want her? We don’t need that again. Bye Bernie. Bye Elizabeth. Bye DBlasio. Bye Cory and Pete. Bye Tulsi.

by Anonymousreply 94June 27, 2019 1:25 AM

Thank you poll troll. I was hoping we would have these threads.

by Anonymousreply 95June 27, 2019 1:25 AM

[quote]I'm surprised at how much time supporters of the non-Biden candidates spend denying that Biden is at 30% in the polls or assuming that his support is certain to fade away, rather than figuring out how they can get to 30% themselves.

Nate Silver really asked such a stupid question? People are waiting for the actual political process to start taking place. The high numbers are only due to name recognition. Isn't he supposed to be smarter than this?

Let's see Biden praise the Republicans now given that not one has come forth and denounced the atrocities that are happening in these detention centers.

by Anonymousreply 96June 27, 2019 1:26 AM

I know people who know the Castros and their Stepford Wives. Their Ma's a tyrant and runs their lives. She picked out their wives. She sent them to the same schools, dressed them in the same clothes till they were 30. They're kind of creepy. Joaquin's the smarter one and I'm wondering if he'll pretend to be Julian tonight. He's done it before.

by Anonymousreply 97June 27, 2019 1:27 AM

r96 Agreed. At this point in time, he's polling at 30% because he was VP for eight fucking years! I also thought Nate was smarter than that.

by Anonymousreply 98June 27, 2019 1:28 AM

[quote]Remember how Hillary lost because so many people just didn’t want her?

Remember when Hillary won all three debates and won the popular vote by 3 million.

by Anonymousreply 99June 27, 2019 1:28 AM

It’s weird to have Claire McCaskell as a commentator. Where are Rachel and Lawrence and Chris Matthews? Do they get the late shift?

by Anonymousreply 100June 27, 2019 1:29 AM

Andrew Yang just got unlucky with the draw. Too many big personalities in that second group, they will probably drown him out.

[quote]Remember how Hillary lost because [bold]Putin[/bold] just didn’t want her?

Fixed it for you

by Anonymousreply 101June 27, 2019 1:29 AM

It doesn’t matter how many debates and popular votes you win if you can’t get the White House. And Putin is still out there.

by Anonymousreply 102June 27, 2019 1:31 AM

I'll be watching so I can do another Hatch Act violation tomorrow in front of the WH.

by Anonymousreply 103June 27, 2019 1:31 AM

OMG! The Deplorables bought MSN’s ad time!

by Anonymousreply 104June 27, 2019 1:32 AM

Did I just watch an anti-abortion ad ???? UGhhh!

by Anonymousreply 105June 27, 2019 1:34 AM

r99 I wish the Presidential election was won by popular votes, but it's not, so can we please stop? We were never this hung up on the popular vote totals during O's term; of Obama is a winner so we could sleep soundly. No point talking about other metrics when the only one that will get you into the WH is the electoral college count.

If Dems are smart, they should be pushing to increase the size of Congress by a 100 seats or so, this will lightly tip the electoral college scales towards urban centers. We need more Representatives.

by Anonymousreply 106June 27, 2019 1:35 AM

Maybe Watten will be wearing some colorful Wampum beads. I bet she's smoked a few peace pipe back in the day.

by Anonymousreply 107June 27, 2019 1:36 AM

seems like she ain't the only one, r107

by Anonymousreply 108June 27, 2019 1:37 AM

Are Berniebots really going to join Trump on the racist train to bash Warren. Now that is very sad.

by Anonymousreply 109June 27, 2019 1:37 AM

I think Klobuchar might be a dark horse tonight. She's the most unpredictable of the bunch; you never know what's going to happen with her.

[quote]We need more Representatives.

Better representation can be achieved with the same number of representatives. No one is going to go along with increasing the government in size, that's crazy.

by Anonymousreply 110June 27, 2019 1:37 AM

Ed Rollins PAC ads? He's such a jewel.

Ed & uh, wife:

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by Anonymousreply 111June 27, 2019 1:39 AM

[quote]It’s weird to have Claire McCaskell as a commentator.

Fox viewers will be saying the same thing about Susan Collins in 2 years.

by Anonymousreply 112June 27, 2019 1:40 AM

I don’t like this one-minute time limit.

They should have weeded out some of the riff-raff candidates and given the front-runners more time.

by Anonymousreply 113June 27, 2019 1:45 AM

Good evening, everyone.

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by Anonymousreply 114June 27, 2019 1:45 AM

r110, how is that crazy? The founding fathers expected it to expand as the nation grew. We've kept it at this arbitrary number for 100 years, because, reasons. Politically, this pushes Dems closer to their goal of a popular vote since the EC is made up of the number of House + Senate seats. You wouldn't even need a constitutional amendment since the Constitution states that Congress can increase the size as they wish. We need to start using all the tools in our arsenal to fight back against the un-American actions of Republicans.

by Anonymousreply 115June 27, 2019 1:48 AM

OMG Tom Perez is talking. It's about to start!!

by Anonymousreply 116June 27, 2019 1:48 AM

r115 Stop the gerrymandering and you'll achieve better representation with the same number of representatives for zero additional money. It's that simple. And the unrepresentative Senate shit has got to stop as well.

by Anonymousreply 117June 27, 2019 1:50 AM

Tom Perez should not be out in front of people. Ever.

by Anonymousreply 118June 27, 2019 1:50 AM

[quote]They should have weeded out some of the riff-raff candidates and given the front-runners more time.

Well, if it would keep Bill de Blasio away....

by Anonymousreply 119June 27, 2019 1:50 AM

[quote]Better representation can be achieved with the same number of representatives.

Better is possible with redistricting reform and voting rights protections. But without expansion of the House to incorporate the Wyoming rule the House will never be correctly proportioned.

Incidentally, Madison wanted to amend the Constitution to mandate a ceiling for congressional districts by population, based on the framers' theories about the lower house needing to be close to the wishes of the people. Hint: It was less than 5% of the size of modern congressional districts.

[quote]No one is going to go along with increasing the government in size, that's crazy.

Yeah, you might be surprised. Dismissing necessary good governance reform as "crazy" because it "increases the government in size" has to be peak Boomer, I swear.

by Anonymousreply 120June 27, 2019 1:51 AM

I will give a million dollars to the DNC if the moderator says, "This question is for the bald guy on the end, there."

by Anonymousreply 121June 27, 2019 1:55 AM

Is there a paramedic on standby with a fully charged defibrillator?

by Anonymousreply 122June 27, 2019 1:56 AM

Lots of Beto screams <3 <3

Go Beto

by Anonymousreply 123June 27, 2019 1:56 AM

Why is Beto in the middle?

by Anonymousreply 124June 27, 2019 1:56 AM

How tall is Beto?

by Anonymousreply 125June 27, 2019 1:56 AM

[quote]Dismissing necessary good governance reform as "crazy" because it "increases the government in size" has to be peak Boomer, I swear.

r120 I'm a millennial, but whatever. Let's return to the debates now.

by Anonymousreply 126June 27, 2019 1:56 AM

Let’s go with tall. It would be good to dwarf Trump on stage.

by Anonymousreply 127June 27, 2019 1:57 AM

Did Cory Grab Tulsi by the pussy yet?

by Anonymousreply 128June 27, 2019 1:58 AM

BETO! people are screaming.

I'm leaking precum just looking at him

by Anonymousreply 129June 27, 2019 1:58 AM

I’m watching this.

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by Anonymousreply 130June 27, 2019 1:58 AM

r124 He's in the middle because he's polling right behind Warren of the bunch, I think.

by Anonymousreply 131June 27, 2019 1:58 AM

So tomorrow night is really prime time?

by Anonymousreply 132June 27, 2019 1:59 AM

It's a Beto Sandwich, Della!

by Anonymousreply 133June 27, 2019 1:59 AM

Claire Macaskill is a hoot!

by Anonymousreply 134June 27, 2019 2:00 AM

Why hasn't it started yet?

by Anonymousreply 135June 27, 2019 2:00 AM

lol, r133

by Anonymousreply 136June 27, 2019 2:00 AM

Go Liz!!!!

by Anonymousreply 137June 27, 2019 2:01 AM

Moderator: Senator Klobuchar. How would you handle climate change?

Klobuchar: Well, I...

Moderator: Thank you. Senator Warren. Your response?

Warren: I....

Moderator: Thank you. Representative O'Rourke. What are your plans for immigration?

by Anonymousreply 138June 27, 2019 2:01 AM

Fun fact: de Blasio has a lower approval rating in NYC than Trump.

by Anonymousreply 139June 27, 2019 2:01 AM

Beto's 6'5", Cory's 6'3", Ryan's 6'3" and Castro 5'4".

by Anonymousreply 140June 27, 2019 2:02 AM

I'm glad to see Savannah Guthrie finally got Botox. She was starting to look like a leather handbag.

Now she just needs a bit more filler in her upper lip.

by Anonymousreply 141June 27, 2019 2:02 AM

Starring Our Useful Idiot, Chuck Todd.

by Anonymousreply 142June 27, 2019 2:03 AM

For a brief moment during introductions,. I thought I was watching the 4th of July special on PBS.

by Anonymousreply 143June 27, 2019 2:03 AM

Lizzie Warren just said "Latin X" instead of "Latinks"!

by Anonymousreply 144June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

I like Elizabeth Warren.

by Anonymousreply 145June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

The Latino guy is a midget. He's shorter than the shortest woman. His chances are zero.

by Anonymousreply 146June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

Warren on fire already, not even a minute in! She's covering EVERYTHING.

by Anonymousreply 147June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

Elizabeth Warren looks so tiny sandwiched between Beto and Corey. They should have moved her next to Julian.

by Anonymousreply 148June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

Beto looks handsome in his suit.

by Anonymousreply 149June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

Liz hits a homer out the gate.

by Anonymousreply 150June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

For the late time, r143, it's Chuck TOAD!

I have stated my boundaries!

by Anonymousreply 151June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

I love Warren.

by Anonymousreply 152June 27, 2019 2:04 AM

I like Amy Klobuchar.

by Anonymousreply 153June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

Amy smells farts.

by Anonymousreply 154June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

r144 Yes, she said it in one of the two acceptable ways.

by Anonymousreply 155June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

Beto looks so hot!!

by Anonymousreply 156June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

Amy seems nervous

by Anonymousreply 157June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

Why did NBC think a cheapo flaring video background is a good idea?

by Anonymousreply 158June 27, 2019 2:05 AM

I mean r142.

Chuck TOAD.

by Anonymousreply 159June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Does Beto have a herpes sore on his top lip?

by Anonymousreply 160June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Beto working the sexy stubble jaw.

by Anonymousreply 161June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

The poster constantly bringing up height needs to fucking stop. We're listening to policies here.

by Anonymousreply 162June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Liz hairstylists needs to be fired! Every hair is not in its proper place

by Anonymousreply 163June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

I like Beto

by Anonymousreply 164June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

[italic] I Like Ike !

by Anonymousreply 165June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Yikes, his Spanish is way off.

by Anonymousreply 166June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Warren sounds so rehearsed. Beto fuck off with your pandering.

by Anonymousreply 167June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

WTF Beto.

by Anonymousreply 168June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Beto broke out the Spanish. Cory is like WTF man, you know Jullian is here.

by Anonymousreply 169June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

I assume none of the other candidates were allowed to offer a comb to Amy for her salad.

by Anonymousreply 170June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Beto just lost.

by Anonymousreply 171June 27, 2019 2:06 AM

Spanish, DRINK! (I love it, btw)

by Anonymousreply 172June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Who wins the Spanish first poll?

by Anonymousreply 173June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Beto is speaking in tongues!

by Anonymousreply 174June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Oh sweet Jesu, he's not randomly breaking into Spanish is he?

by Anonymousreply 175June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Someone's been reading the covers of his Julio Iglesias albums really well.

by Anonymousreply 176June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

I like all of them.

by Anonymousreply 177June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Did anyone see Cory's WHAT THE FUCK face when Beto started to speak en español?

by Anonymousreply 178June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Beto lost it big time and didn't even answer the question. LOL

by Anonymousreply 179June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

That was my first thought was that Beto is a Pander Bear.

by Anonymousreply 180June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Beto honey why didn’t you run for Senate again instead of flaming out here!

by Anonymousreply 181June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

Beto is pandering. I like him but that's fucking annoying!

by Anonymousreply 182June 27, 2019 2:07 AM

That's time. That's time. That's time. Is it going to be two hours of Savannah calling time?

by Anonymousreply 183June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Oh shit, Beto, no.

by Anonymousreply 184June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Savannah is fucking ANNOYING.

by Anonymousreply 185June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Does Booker have blue eyes?

by Anonymousreply 186June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Nothing worse in a debate than when you obviously don’t answer the damn question!

by Anonymousreply 187June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Gay Coey looks goods.

by Anonymousreply 188June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Beto bombs right off.

by Anonymousreply 189June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

The thin lipped host has tacky style - tacky, tacky hair, tacky white outfit, tacky long fake lashes.

by Anonymousreply 190June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Never mind, Beto just torpedoed his own campaign with that diversion to Spanish. Fuck the rest of us that wanted to hear his question.

by Anonymousreply 191June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

r171, I agree. I'm hispanic and I'm like WTF dude.

by Anonymousreply 192June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Beto=Show off

by Anonymousreply 193June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Booker's lower teeth are distracting.

by Anonymousreply 194June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

* good

by Anonymousreply 195June 27, 2019 2:08 AM

Beto sweetie what is you doing

by Anonymousreply 196June 27, 2019 2:09 AM



by Anonymousreply 197June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Not answering the 70% question makes Beto look like a fool, on top of his speaking in tongues.

by Anonymousreply 198June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Amy came off a bit stiff too

by Anonymousreply 199June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Cory Booker's answer is great, but it doesn't reflect his actions. He has been in bed with Big Pharma for years.

by Anonymousreply 200June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

r191 Learn Spanish!

by Anonymousreply 201June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Hyperthyroid anyone? Cory's eye just popped through my screen and landed on my floor.

by Anonymousreply 202June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Booker named names!

by Anonymousreply 203June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Beto looks good but the Spanish was an eye roll.

Cory looks really good since he lost weight.

by Anonymousreply 204June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Anybody know Spanish enough to know what Beto said?

by Anonymousreply 205June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Beto's done. How do you say kaput in Spanish, Beto, you desperate idiot?

by Anonymousreply 206June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Quickly. Hurry. That's time. That's time. That's time. Sir, that's time.

by Anonymousreply 207June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

Warren owned her minute. The others are flailing trying to catch up.

by Anonymousreply 208June 27, 2019 2:09 AM

I know Cory has a really nice thick dick. YUM!

by Anonymousreply 209June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Why does Cory Booker look like he’s wearing a bald cap?

by Anonymousreply 210June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Corey is a muscle stud. He needs to have his suits taken in.

by Anonymousreply 211June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

R186 yes his eyes are blue.

by Anonymousreply 212June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Booker seems relaxed. Liz is good

Beto bombed and Amy is too stiff

by Anonymousreply 213June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

I don't mind if Warren sounds "rehearsed." They have to rehearse.

I believe Beto was translating what he said in English, added some , and then translated the additions into ENglish.

by Anonymousreply 214June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Amy was good.

Cory sounded ok, but no policies were mentioned.

by Anonymousreply 215June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

I would like to hear Cory speak in his normal voice instead of the weird voice of his Booker character.

by Anonymousreply 216June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

[quote]Amy came off a bit stiff too

Liz appears to be the most comfortable of them all

by Anonymousreply 217June 27, 2019 2:10 AM

Warren is just killing it, it's just insane.

by Anonymousreply 218June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Beto is so cringe. He needs to stop and go away. He seemed good when he was rising but he always comes off trying too hard. Elizabeth is a star. Seems genuine.

by Anonymousreply 219June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

R205 I don't remember exactly what he talked about, but the wording he used was wrong

by Anonymousreply 220June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Cory is a drama queen but I like him.

by Anonymousreply 221June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

[quote]Corey is a muscle stud. He needs to have his suits taken in.

I'll have my heterosexual girlfriend Rosario Dawson take them to a tailor!

by Anonymousreply 222June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Liz is too general

by Anonymousreply 223June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Beto es FINITO!

by Anonymousreply 224June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Amy was a little nervous but is fine. They're not even going to let the end dudes talk, are they?

by Anonymousreply 225June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

O'Rourke is a dork. Wasted all that time yammering in Spanish; never answered the question.

by Anonymousreply 226June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

Beto has that 5 o’clock shadow thing going on that reminds me of how I’ve read that Nixon with già appeared tired and not cleaned up next to JFK on their Presidential debate.

Warren has British Women outdated hair.

by Anonymousreply 227June 27, 2019 2:11 AM

How do we know that is Julian and not Joaquin

by Anonymousreply 228June 27, 2019 2:12 AM

He used the word, "necisito," so something or other apparently is necessary.

That's all I got.

by Anonymousreply 229June 27, 2019 2:12 AM

Castro looks like a Muppet

by Anonymousreply 230June 27, 2019 2:12 AM

The look on Warren's face during Beto's Spanish was hilarious

by Anonymousreply 231June 27, 2019 2:12 AM

Does it matter, r228?

by Anonymousreply 232June 27, 2019 2:13 AM

I never knew Tulsi Gabbard was a pizza face. That HD camera does her craters no favors.

by Anonymousreply 233June 27, 2019 2:13 AM

The Beto Spanish answer to an economy question just looked kind of silly.

by Anonymousreply 234June 27, 2019 2:14 AM

OH! Good move on Tulsi to talk about military experience!

by Anonymousreply 235June 27, 2019 2:14 AM

John Delaney? This one is new to me.

by Anonymousreply 236June 27, 2019 2:15 AM

Castro shouldn't have led with "I will pass the Equal Rights Amendment."

He can't do that — 35 states have to ratify it.

That was the hangup the first time around.

by Anonymousreply 237June 27, 2019 2:15 AM

Hopefully, Beto will be dropping out soon.

by Anonymousreply 238June 27, 2019 2:15 AM

Warren seems clearly the top of this heap.

by Anonymousreply 239June 27, 2019 2:15 AM

Delaney (?) is a JOB CREATOR! Jobs! Created! JOBS!

by Anonymousreply 240June 27, 2019 2:15 AM

Will Corey keep up with the bearding?

by Anonymousreply 241June 27, 2019 2:16 AM

Tulsi merely introduced herself. FAIL.

by Anonymousreply 242June 27, 2019 2:16 AM

I like Liz Warren. She would be excellent in a cabinet post or high ranking advisor (or both). But, frankly, wonks don't win.

I also seriously question her ability --should she be elected --to mobilize an executive machine to make the change she is advocating through a tough DC legislative body.

by Anonymousreply 243June 27, 2019 2:16 AM

Hmm.... Di Blasio went too far left with so short of time.

by Anonymousreply 244June 27, 2019 2:16 AM

"... slinging hash at McDonald's"?

by Anonymousreply 245June 27, 2019 2:16 AM

Tim Ryan (who?) is the master of deer in the headlights look.

by Anonymousreply 246June 27, 2019 2:17 AM

So far, they're all doing well.

I don't think speaking Spanish was fatal to O'Rourke

by Anonymousreply 247June 27, 2019 2:17 AM

Is Beto toast now?

by Anonymousreply 248June 27, 2019 2:17 AM

Tulsi Gabbard's makeup inspiration was brilliant!

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 249June 27, 2019 2:17 AM

I'll have two McHash and a Happy Meal!

by Anonymousreply 250June 27, 2019 2:18 AM

Snark aside, this lot is far better than what we saw when the debate stage was crowded with Republicans in 2016. I’m actually impressed with many of the things I hear.

by Anonymousreply 251June 27, 2019 2:18 AM

Beto needs another restart.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he'll be given as many chances as he wants.

by Anonymousreply 252June 27, 2019 2:18 AM

We really need to quickly pare this group of 20 down...

by Anonymousreply 253June 27, 2019 2:18 AM

Somebody here teased alleged Tim Ryan steamroom antics a while back.

by Anonymousreply 254June 27, 2019 2:19 AM

The look when Beto started spouting Spanish. Love the expressions on Booker and Warren's faces!

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 255June 27, 2019 2:19 AM

Make room for me. I want on the Liz Bandwagon

by Anonymousreply 256June 27, 2019 2:19 AM

Nobody wants to support a scold.

That's why people didn't want Hillary, right?

Elizabeth Warren is that times ten!

by Anonymousreply 257June 27, 2019 2:19 AM

[quote]this lot is far better than what we saw when the debate stage was crowded with Republicans in 2016.

Much better organized. It will resonate well...

by Anonymousreply 258June 27, 2019 2:19 AM

Is Trump twitter live tweeting?

by Anonymousreply 259June 27, 2019 2:20 AM

[quote]Somebody here teased alleged Tim Ryan steamroom antics a while back.

I can envision that

by Anonymousreply 260June 27, 2019 2:21 AM

I like the Hawaii woman best. Castro is the only other one I like.

by Anonymousreply 261June 27, 2019 2:21 AM

Did someone say beer?

- Justice Kavanaugh

by Anonymousreply 262June 27, 2019 2:21 AM

[QUOTE]Nobody wants to support a scold. That's why people didn't want Hillary, right? Elizabeth Warren is that times ten!

Yeah but her last name isn’t Clinton so you’ll never hear anyone in the media characterize her that way.

by Anonymousreply 263June 27, 2019 2:21 AM

Dems want a fighter. So far that is Elizabeth Warren.

by Anonymousreply 264June 27, 2019 2:22 AM


by Anonymousreply 265June 27, 2019 2:23 AM

Does anyone else here think Elizabeth Warren could use some mascara? Or is that a no-no for the over-50 set?

by Anonymousreply 266June 27, 2019 2:23 AM

They are letting Warren answer a lot of questions. She's spoken 4 times in the past 20 minutes, everyone else has spoke once.

by Anonymousreply 267June 27, 2019 2:23 AM

Liz is the most coherent. Of course it helps she's actually thought about these issues a lot and isn't having to throw something together for the debates.

by Anonymousreply 268June 27, 2019 2:24 AM

Liz is on fire. She's so prepared and she comes across as very natural. C'mon Pocahontas! LEAD THE CHARGE!!!!

by Anonymousreply 269June 27, 2019 2:24 AM

R266, gayest comment so far!

by Anonymousreply 270June 27, 2019 2:24 AM

Damelo, Beto, damelo!

by Anonymousreply 271June 27, 2019 2:24 AM

I take it back. Be-yes

Oooh, the moderators are losing control.

by Anonymousreply 272June 27, 2019 2:25 AM

[quote]Liz is the most coherent. Of course it helps she's actually thought about these issues a lot and isn't having to throw something together for the debates.

This is not meant to be snarky or cunty, but serious:

I fear she's too intelligent for America 2019.

by Anonymousreply 273June 27, 2019 2:25 AM

Warren is just kicking ass.

DeBlasio isn't doing bad either, as much as it pains me to admit.

by Anonymousreply 274June 27, 2019 2:25 AM

I'm a Warren and Biden supporter, but I just always have loved Amy K. She has a face I just like, like Norma Shearer. She's a plodder, and I would love to see a plodder in the WH.

De Blasio is a smug prick.

by Anonymousreply 275June 27, 2019 2:25 AM

[quote] I like the Hawaii woman best.

She's had a significant anti-gay past, including opposing measures to reduce bullying in schools because gay activists would get access to children.

She has since disavowed her anti-gay positions.

by Anonymousreply 276June 27, 2019 2:25 AM

Delaney is actually being one of the best at expressing himself I think.

by Anonymousreply 277June 27, 2019 2:26 AM

Di Blasio steps in. Okay, I like how the candidates are respectfully stepping in to make it look like a real discussion

by Anonymousreply 278June 27, 2019 2:27 AM

Guess how Delany made his money?

by Anonymousreply 279June 27, 2019 2:27 AM

Tulsi looks gorge!

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 280June 27, 2019 2:27 AM

Agreed, r277

by Anonymousreply 281June 27, 2019 2:27 AM

Moderators are doing a good job!

by Anonymousreply 282June 27, 2019 2:28 AM

Get bent, R257.

De Blasio is the biggest scold of any of the Democratic candidates.

by Anonymousreply 283June 27, 2019 2:28 AM

Elizabeth recently got her hair colored. It looks pretty good.

by Anonymousreply 284June 27, 2019 2:29 AM

Go, Amy!

by Anonymousreply 285June 27, 2019 2:29 AM

"Somebody here teased alleged Tim Ryan steamroom antics a while back."

Details, please.

by Anonymousreply 286June 27, 2019 2:30 AM

Ah... Amy can't claim ground. Not good....

by Anonymousreply 287June 27, 2019 2:30 AM

Where did Inslee's abortion comment come from?

Good line from Klobuchar.

by Anonymousreply 288June 27, 2019 2:30 AM

I like Julian Castro

by Anonymousreply 289June 27, 2019 2:31 AM

M. needs to cut the shit with this primetime bullshit because this thread grinds to a halt.

by Anonymousreply 290June 27, 2019 2:31 AM

Jay Inslee looks too much like that corrupt asshole Scott Pruitt; it's offputting for me.

by Anonymousreply 291June 27, 2019 2:31 AM

Julian looked so satisfied with himself when he said "I don't believe in reproductive rights, but in reproductive JUSTICE!" He had to look at his notes for that, though.

by Anonymousreply 292June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

There were no details, R286.

by Anonymousreply 293June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

Booker’s makeup is terrible.

by Anonymousreply 294June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

Lester Holt is a waste of space.

by Anonymousreply 295June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

It really is sort of a clusterfuck as they all start talking at once but (a) moderators and doing a good job and (b) candidates are doing a good job listening to moderators and letting each other talk

by Anonymousreply 296June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

I live in Washington, and I'm not a fan of Inslee.

by Anonymousreply 297June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

Was de Blasio the guy who went after Beto? I liked that.

by Anonymousreply 298June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

So far I would rate E Warren #1, Amy #2, Castro #3

by Anonymousreply 299June 27, 2019 2:32 AM

Do any of the moderators have an upper lip? Is that what they had to sacrifice to get the gig?

by Anonymousreply 300June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Beto's a disaster

by Anonymousreply 301June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

[quote]Was de Blasio the guy who went after Beto? I liked that.

That was him.

by Anonymousreply 302June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Is it just me or does Amy rub anyone else the wrong way too? Something about her just doesn’t sit well with me? She doesn’t come off well.

by Anonymousreply 303June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Gabbard appears to be the only one who is not completely insane.

by Anonymousreply 304June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Castro should have been Hillary's veep. What could have been.....

by Anonymousreply 305June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Inslee is doing quite well

by Anonymousreply 306June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Beto is big fail so far.

by Anonymousreply 307June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Warren is hitting all her big issues

My dream ticket would be Warren-Castro

by Anonymousreply 308June 27, 2019 2:33 AM

Beto sounds much more thoughtful than I thought he would. Warren is awesome. Inslee is a surprise and the bald guy too (though if I'm calling him "the bald guy" maybe not, lol.)

Only one who is fucking up is DeBlasio but granted that may be because I am inclined to dislike him.

by Anonymousreply 309June 27, 2019 2:34 AM

Beto seems like he's wandered in from a HD debate instead.

by Anonymousreply 310June 27, 2019 2:34 AM

[quote]Gabbard appears to be the only one who is completely insane.


by Anonymousreply 311June 27, 2019 2:34 AM

Beto is #1. In tallness.

by Anonymousreply 312June 27, 2019 2:34 AM


by Anonymousreply 313June 27, 2019 2:34 AM

Yeah, Beto and Tulsi are at the back currently. Tulsi's policies seem like the most generic of the bunch.

by Anonymousreply 314June 27, 2019 2:34 AM

Warren-Castro for sure.

by Anonymousreply 315June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Booker is doing better than I thought.

by Anonymousreply 316June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Immigration next. Beto must have an erecione.

by Anonymousreply 317June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

How many of the folks are thinking that Julian Castro is Asian and arguing that he is Fillipino

by Anonymousreply 318June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

I disagree R309. DiBlasio is getting his points in

by Anonymousreply 319June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Amy is really good at policy, but she is too dull and doesn’t have the personality to be President. She’s more effective in the Senate. She’d make a great Senate Majority Leader.

by Anonymousreply 320June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Concentration camps next!

by Anonymousreply 321June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Inslee is the big surprise - He’s really standing out - I like him

by Anonymousreply 322June 27, 2019 2:35 AM

Delaney came off quite articulate and straightforward, even though not progressive enough.

by Anonymousreply 323June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

Savannah's hair looks like it came from a dry haystack, laying on her shoulders like that.

by Anonymousreply 324June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

Is the fucking moderator running too?

by Anonymousreply 325June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

[quote]Booker’s makeup is terrible.

OK, so it's not just me and my 2006 teevee set! He looks sun- or chemical burnt.

by Anonymousreply 326June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

Are you a bot, or are you in her cult, r304?

by Anonymousreply 327June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

R276, She is allowed to evolve like all your centrist Democrat favorites right?

by Anonymousreply 328June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

r303 - me too. She's coming off like a junior-high Assistant Principal.

by Anonymousreply 329June 27, 2019 2:36 AM

Beto es el dumbo. And el nose is muy pointo.

by Anonymousreply 330June 27, 2019 2:37 AM

Oh shit. Now we're in a "Who can pronounce Spanish names more authentically" contest.

SNL has "Awscar and Valerrrria" already

by Anonymousreply 331June 27, 2019 2:37 AM

Julian and his comment that trans persons have the right to choose as well. Good pandering, is that MTF?

by Anonymousreply 332June 27, 2019 2:37 AM

Fuck. He just said "Onduras"

And Booker starts speaking Bloomberg!

by Anonymousreply 333June 27, 2019 2:37 AM

Booker has too much highlighter under his eyes - Did Rosario’s makeup artist’s do it for him?

by Anonymousreply 334June 27, 2019 2:38 AM


by Anonymousreply 335June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

Oh man, this is becoming a true Pander Fest!

by Anonymousreply 336June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

I want to see if they say "You-Nye-ted Kingdom" and "Frahhhhnce"

by Anonymousreply 337June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

R303, Amy has a self-satisfied smirk on her face most of the time that turns me off. Liz has the right demeanor- strong, informed and determined. Lol, now Cory speaking Spanish

by Anonymousreply 338June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

Not another one attempting Spanish. He sounded worse.

by Anonymousreply 339June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

[QUOTE]Julian and his comment that trans persons have the right to choose as well. Good pandering, is that MTF?

He meant FTM. Many of them still conceive and have children.

by Anonymousreply 340June 27, 2019 2:38 AM

Oh lord, the Spanish is back. Booker why? Why, Booker?

Give him credit for doing it a lot smoother than Beto.

by Anonymousreply 341June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

Booker speaks so passionately and ferociously, but his eyes have no expression, dead eyes.

by Anonymousreply 342June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

Booker has just the right amount of everything.

by Anonymousreply 343June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

Sorry, but Castro's NPR pronunciation of Spanish words/ names is fucking annoying. We get it, you're Latino.

by Anonymousreply 344June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

Adios mio

by Anonymousreply 345June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

I’m really liking Castro as a potential running mate for Warren.

by Anonymousreply 346June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

Does Booker have blue or green eyes?

by Anonymousreply 347June 27, 2019 2:39 AM

R338 That’s it exactly that fucking smirk! Wipe that smirk off your face Amy!

by Anonymousreply 348June 27, 2019 2:40 AM

[quote]Is it just me or does Amy rub anyone else the wrong way too? Something about her just doesn’t sit well with me? She doesn’t come off well.

Her voice reminded me of someone, and I just figured it out: that clip of Sue Simmons yelling 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?' during a news spot.

by Anonymousreply 349June 27, 2019 2:40 AM

Okay... who speaks French?

by Anonymousreply 350June 27, 2019 2:40 AM

Who cares? That left of his is WONKY and his eyes look in different DIRECTIONS!!

by Anonymousreply 351June 27, 2019 2:40 AM

Go DiBlasio! Tell it like it is!

by Anonymousreply 352June 27, 2019 2:40 AM

DeBlasio is like hello, I came to speak! If anyone does debate prep against Trump, they need to hire DeBlasio to stand in for Trump.

by Anonymousreply 353June 27, 2019 2:41 AM

I hate how DiBlasio butts in. He's rude.

by Anonymousreply 354June 27, 2019 2:41 AM

Shit, de Blasio just spoke the mother of all truths. I kinda like him?

by Anonymousreply 355June 27, 2019 2:41 AM

Enough with Beto's Spanish

by Anonymousreply 356June 27, 2019 2:41 AM


by Anonymousreply 357June 27, 2019 2:41 AM

MORE Spanish!

by Anonymousreply 358June 27, 2019 2:41 AM

Okay, good point DeBlasio about how it's not immigrants faults that Deps lives suck

Until you started in on the "big corporations are bad" piece

by Anonymousreply 359June 27, 2019 2:42 AM

Are are NYC residents actually going to vote for DeBlasio?

by Anonymousreply 360June 27, 2019 2:42 AM

damn everyone coming for Beto not Liz lol

interesting how Castro is the native Spanish speaker but Beto and Booker are pandering not him

by Anonymousreply 361June 27, 2019 2:42 AM

I thought I was watching Telemundo. Turns out I'm watching NBC!

by Anonymousreply 362June 27, 2019 2:43 AM

[quote] She is allowed to evolve like all your centrist Democrat favorites right?

Yeah, but opposing gay marriage, a former position of some of my favorite Democrats, seems different from opposing any help to kids getting beat up in school because she feared a gay agenda would be advanced. It feels a lot more severe, and it makes me doubt she's actually shed all of those feelings now that times have changed. I'd never trust her on that issue.

by Anonymousreply 363June 27, 2019 2:43 AM

And WTF was quizzing Beto in Spanish?

Are we trying Spanish and Russian next?

And Castro needs to STFU and stop interrupting Beto because no one knows the minor point he is making.

by Anonymousreply 364June 27, 2019 2:43 AM

Expect Bone Spurs is tweeting.

by Anonymousreply 365June 27, 2019 2:43 AM

Glad Beto is standing up for himself, finally.

by Anonymousreply 366June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

[quote]Until you started in on the "big corporations are bad" piece

Erm, they kinda are because they're paying next to no tax.

by Anonymousreply 367June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Julian Castro just tried to interrupt Beto. I don't like people who butt in.

by Anonymousreply 368June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Castro is owning Beto.

by Anonymousreply 369June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Gurl, me too r362. Can we get back to focusing on American issues, I mean citizens.

Castro coming out hard against Beto, it's like a fight to open the most baorders.

by Anonymousreply 370June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Beto should never be shown in profile.

by Anonymousreply 371June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Call me Keller, but I do not see the love for Beto. Wonky veneers, moles galore, Jackson family nose correction.

by Anonymousreply 372June 27, 2019 2:44 AM

Castro is hot

by Anonymousreply 373June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

R368 Julian has short man syndrome they always interrupt

by Anonymousreply 374June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

Wow Beto has been caught lying through his teeth!!! LOL

And really people don't like open boarder, please stop talking about it.

by Anonymousreply 375June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

But it sounded too simplistic R367 and just as un-nuanced as Trump dumping on immigrants.

Makes DeBlasio sounds dumb

by Anonymousreply 376June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

Beto looks like a cousin of the Kennedys

by Anonymousreply 377June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

Castro could probably pull off passable drag. He has the features.

by Anonymousreply 378June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

so de Blasio and Castro have both come for Beto. That seems to the target tonight

by Anonymousreply 379June 27, 2019 2:45 AM

open boarder = open border -- dang

by Anonymousreply 380June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

Amy’s hair looks like a helmet - She needs a new hairstylist

by Anonymousreply 381June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

He has all their teeth.

by Anonymousreply 382June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

Why are they pandering over and over to people who (ostensibly) can't vote?

by Anonymousreply 383June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

[quote]Gurl, me too [R362]. Can we get back to focusing on American issues, I mean citizens.

So many fucking deplorables and white nationalists on this thread, gross.

by Anonymousreply 384June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

[quote]Beto looks like a cousin of the Kennedys

Yes. Rosemary.

by Anonymousreply 385June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

Tim Ryan has a cute face. His body is a bit too big though.

by Anonymousreply 386June 27, 2019 2:46 AM

[Quote]Can we get back to focusing on American issues

Lots American citizens speak Spanish. Lots of voters speak Spanish. If we want to win the Presidency you'll want their support.

People get so testy when they feel left out.

by Anonymousreply 387June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

I guess the muppet on SNL still has a job imitating Klobachar.

by Anonymousreply 388June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

R383 Good point - These people cant vote!

by Anonymousreply 389June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

DL wanted me the re-register during this important moment????

by Anonymousreply 390June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

Castro did well on that subject; meanwhile Savannah cut off poor Les Nessmann on the end there. That stringy hair of hers is NASTY!

by Anonymousreply 391June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

R381, I think it looks beautiful.

by Anonymousreply 392June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

Beto should be the target he's had a free ride too long

by Anonymousreply 393June 27, 2019 2:47 AM

All the men's foundation is horrible.... It makes them look like cancer patients in some movies.

by Anonymousreply 394June 27, 2019 2:48 AM

[Quote]So many fucking deplorables and white nationalists on this thread, gross.

Not surprising though.

by Anonymousreply 395June 27, 2019 2:48 AM

R390 #MeToo 🙋🏼‍♂️

by Anonymousreply 396June 27, 2019 2:48 AM

Is anyone else having problems with Hulu Live? It's stalling out.

by Anonymousreply 397June 27, 2019 2:49 AM

Tomorrow night will be so much better!

by Anonymousreply 398June 27, 2019 2:49 AM

Ryan could use some neck lipo and take the fat under his eyes and add it to his upper lip.

by Anonymousreply 399June 27, 2019 2:49 AM

Going after Beto makes him look more important. Like he's the front runner.

And DeBlasio's "it's the 1% and big corporations who ruin America" is just the flip of Trump's nonsense. Zero plan for it. Warren will say something similar but has an actual plan to back it up and doesn't come off as "burn the rich.. because they're rich!"

by Anonymousreply 400June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

All of them are coming hard for Beto. None of the candidates have taken on Warren.

by Anonymousreply 401June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

[quote]Are are NYC residents actually going to vote for DeBlasio?


[quote]Is anyone else having problems with Hulu Live? It's stalling out.

Yes. I was hoping it might be streamed on YouTube, but no dice.

by Anonymousreply 402June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

Why couldn’t John Delaney speak on immigration?

by Anonymousreply 403June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

They all sound desperate to me.

by Anonymousreply 404June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

Poor Les Nessmann couldn't tell us about his immigrant grandpa who got separated from his family!

by Anonymousreply 405June 27, 2019 2:50 AM

Orange Fat Ass has Tweeted "Boring" What a fucking son of a bitch.

by Anonymousreply 406June 27, 2019 2:51 AM

[quote]Ryan could use some neck lipo and take the fat under his eyes and add it to his upper lip.

Ryan has booze-bloat face.

by Anonymousreply 407June 27, 2019 2:51 AM

Is Liz still on stage? She's been quiet for some time.

by Anonymousreply 408June 27, 2019 2:51 AM

lol, r405

by Anonymousreply 409June 27, 2019 2:51 AM

[quote]Yes. I was hoping it might be streamed on YouTube, but no dice.

r402 It's streaming on YouTube.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 410June 27, 2019 2:51 AM

Trump weighs in. ‏ Verified account



Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 411June 27, 2019 2:52 AM

Google Trends: Julian Castro has spiked +2,400% in search since the #DemDebate started.

by Anonymousreply 412June 27, 2019 2:52 AM

Because they're not really saying much about him, R411. He doesn't understand anything else.

by Anonymousreply 413June 27, 2019 2:53 AM

Chicken hawk cabinet!?

by Anonymousreply 414June 27, 2019 2:53 AM

Inslee should’ve left his glasses on.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 415June 27, 2019 2:53 AM

[quote][R402] It's streaming on YouTube.

Ah. It wasn't come up on YouTube app on my Amazon TV.

by Anonymousreply 416June 27, 2019 2:53 AM

Truth is, if you were an unsophisticated voter (e.g., most of them), you'd be hard-pressed to point out anything they are really disagreeing on.

It's like one of those business conference panels where everyone agrees that "the future is digital" and one has a product called DigitalFirst and the other has one called FirstDigital.

Though we did get a lot of Spanish lessons and Beto likely got props for understanding the question in Spanish and then giving the last 3/4 of his answer in English.

And saying "Oscar" in the American pronunciation

by Anonymousreply 417June 27, 2019 2:54 AM

Trump doesn't wear a bathrobe, Amy; he sits around in his underwear. I just read this in Michael Wolff's book SIEGE. A young female aide who had to deliver documents to him during the shutdown last winter often caught him in his underwear.

by Anonymousreply 418June 27, 2019 2:54 AM

[quote]Because they're not really saying much about him, [R411]. He doesn't understand anything else.

Agreed. This is above Trump's head

by Anonymousreply 419June 27, 2019 2:54 AM

Wow, that was a good answer from Gabbard. Credit where it's due.

by Anonymousreply 420June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

DeBlasio seems like a big bully.

by Anonymousreply 421June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

Halftime, and Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow join the panel.

by Anonymousreply 422June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

Chickenhawk is a political term used in the United States to describe a person who strongly supports war or other military action.

by Anonymousreply 423June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo......

by Anonymousreply 424June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

R414 I was wondering the same thing but apparently "chicken hawk" can also be political.

> (derogatory, politics, slang) An advocate of war or military action who is avoiding personal military service, or avoided it in the past.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 425June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

I really want to see that Pavarotti documentary!

by Anonymousreply 426June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

Fuck Trump

by Anonymousreply 427June 27, 2019 2:55 AM

[quote]Wow, that was a good answer from Gabbard. Credit where it's due.

She's my least favorite person on that stage (well, her and DeBlasio) and it was a very good answer indeed.

by Anonymousreply 428June 27, 2019 2:56 AM

Next: Rachel quizzes the candidates on the meaning of page 383 of the Mueller report.

by Anonymousreply 429June 27, 2019 2:56 AM

While I'd like to believe that Trump sits around in stained boxers and a wife beater, I'm not sure that I'd put any trust in Michael Wolff R418

by Anonymousreply 430June 27, 2019 2:56 AM


by Anonymousreply 431June 27, 2019 2:56 AM

That poor guy on the end. I wanna hear more from him and Warren

by Anonymousreply 432June 27, 2019 2:57 AM

[quote] Chickenhawk is a political term used in the United States to describe a person who strongly supports war or other military action.

Without actually having served in the military themselves (hence "chicken")

by Anonymousreply 433June 27, 2019 2:57 AM


by Anonymousreply 434June 27, 2019 2:57 AM

[quote] DeBlasio seems like a big bully.

Stephen Colbert routinely makes fun of him when he talks about the Dom candidates.

by Anonymousreply 435June 27, 2019 2:57 AM

Soooooo... who will speak Italiano????

by Anonymousreply 436June 27, 2019 2:58 AM

What a fascinating, hard-hitting debate!

by Anonymousreply 437June 27, 2019 2:58 AM

And as we know R431, "FAAABBIULLOUUSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" is the highest praise a gay man can give something.

by Anonymousreply 438June 27, 2019 2:58 AM

Dem. candidates

by Anonymousreply 439June 27, 2019 2:58 AM

R418 here with another juicy detail: his favorite candy bar is Three Musketeers and when he is sitting around making late night calls he stuffs his face with them!

by Anonymousreply 440June 27, 2019 2:58 AM

de Blasio has always been bombastic. I'm surprised he hasn't tried fighting with everyone on stage just Beto so far

by Anonymousreply 441June 27, 2019 2:59 AM

[quote]What a fascinating, hard-hitting debate!

Intelligence versus dumb asses (Republicans)

by Anonymousreply 442June 27, 2019 2:59 AM

R435 - Great Freudian slip!

by Anonymousreply 443June 27, 2019 2:59 AM

Ugh, Chuck Toad.

by Anonymousreply 444June 27, 2019 2:59 AM

Why does this thing need five damn moderators?

by Anonymousreply 445June 27, 2019 2:59 AM

DeBlasio is one of those guys who understands half of an issue and simplifies it, sees no nuance, yells at everyone who he suspects might be disagreeing with The Party Line.

But he has no original ideas.

by Anonymousreply 446June 27, 2019 3:00 AM

Hopefully Rachel will be kinder to Les Nessman and let him FINISH A SENTENCE.

by Anonymousreply 447June 27, 2019 3:00 AM

not a Chuck Todd fan but I have to say he has good skin for a 40-something white guy. He probably never went out in the sun much during his life

by Anonymousreply 448June 27, 2019 3:00 AM

Someone has to make a part two link. We'll be there in no time!

by Anonymousreply 449June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

What the hell just happened?

by Anonymousreply 450June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

I think I've figured out why I like Amy Klobuchar's face: she reminds me of the fabulous actress Linda Emond, whose face I also love to watch.I

And btw, for those slating Amy for her "smirk," do you also complain about Rachel Maddow? She also has a lopsided smile that can look like a smirk.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 451June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

what's with the ratchet ass technical issues? Feed cutting out twice on tv and now the mics?

repub sabotage??

Florida gov Desantis?

by Anonymousreply 452June 27, 2019 3:01 AM


by Anonymousreply 453June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

Audio guy getting fired.

by Anonymousreply 454June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

mike hell

by Anonymousreply 455June 27, 2019 3:01 AM

This is humiliating for NBC.

by Anonymousreply 456June 27, 2019 3:02 AM

Whoa! Hottie Alert Row 1

by Anonymousreply 457June 27, 2019 3:02 AM

Audio FUCKUP. Nice work, morons!

by Anonymousreply 458June 27, 2019 3:02 AM

Chuck Toad is annoying and thinks this show is about him.

by Anonymousreply 459June 27, 2019 3:02 AM

Chuck Todd does not have good skin.

by Anonymousreply 460June 27, 2019 3:02 AM

oh no, they can hear the mics on the last hosts! Did someone say something nasty?

by Anonymousreply 461June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

[quote]It's clear who MSNBC wants to be president: Elizabeth Warren. They're giving her more time than all the other candidates combined. They aren't giving any time to Tulsi at all. -V (Tulsi's sister)


Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 462June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

"If they'd hired an American technician instead of an immigrant"

by Anonymousreply 463June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

Get ready for open borders!

by Anonymousreply 464June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

they better get it right tomorrow

by Anonymousreply 465June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

Damn, it's Amateur Hour at this arena--wtf, NBC!

They must have Lawrence O'Donnell's sound person operating tonight.

by Anonymousreply 466June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

That background with the stupid painted windows looks like it came from a high school play.

by Anonymousreply 467June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

[quote]This is humiliating for NBC.

Not more humiliating that Steve Kornacki and his touchscreen that the streamers are getting instead of commercials.

by Anonymousreply 468June 27, 2019 3:03 AM

R460 he has few wrinkles. Mouth area around the eyes and forehead are good for a white guy his age

i don't like him but he's got youthful skin

by Anonymousreply 469June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

[quote]oh no, they can hear the mics on the last hosts! Did someone say something nasty?

Jose Diaz-Balart just took a noisy, spicy dump.

And Booker and Beto started arguing in Spanish whether it was quesadilla- or chilaquile-related.

by Anonymousreply 470June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

NBC is such a group of incompetent buffoons, as evidenced by their foolhardy and premature decision to cancel the critically acclaimed drama “Kings” before it could even finish its first season.

by Anonymousreply 471June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

I heard Guthrie's voice a lot in that mess up

by Anonymousreply 472June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

R457 I saw him! But covering his mouth with both hands while laughing? Queen alert is more like it.

by Anonymousreply 473June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

you know fox is going to be crowing about this

c'mon nbc fix it now we need hour 2

by Anonymousreply 474June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

[quote]Chuck Toad is annoying and thinks this show is about him.

He has to redeem himself for that disastrous Trump interview

by Anonymousreply 475June 27, 2019 3:04 AM

[quote]Oh no, they can hear the mics on the last hosts! Did someone say something nasty?

A female voice asked "Who has my binder?"

by Anonymousreply 476June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

Chuck has good hair

by Anonymousreply 477June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

Why is this break so fucking long?!

by Anonymousreply 478June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

Has Castro been chewing through a chain link fence with those teeth?

by Anonymousreply 479June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

Beto should start yelling directions to the audio crew in Espanol.

Adalante! Vamos!

by Anonymousreply 480June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

We want Bernie!

by Anonymousreply 481June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

what's with the weird overhead platform they'll be walking on when it's over?

by Anonymousreply 482June 27, 2019 3:05 AM

His scarf is apricot R459

[bold] Did you all just see a major right wing smear ad about "radical left wingers" smearing Brettski and then claiming the Democrats want to stack the court with a secret list of nominees"

WTF-- the GOP controls the fucking Senate!!! [/bold]

by Anonymousreply 483June 27, 2019 3:06 AM

R469 I agree with you. He does have good skin. I was looking at my own skin in the mirror earlier today and I was disappointed because some of my wrinkles were very noticeable. And I'm younger than him.

by Anonymousreply 484June 27, 2019 3:06 AM

Shut up Todd, Get to the question

by Anonymousreply 485June 27, 2019 3:06 AM

God Beto looks good.... Going to take screencaps for later

by Anonymousreply 486June 27, 2019 3:06 AM

See, this is why Warren is so good--she goes beyond the usual answers.

by Anonymousreply 487June 27, 2019 3:07 AM

And, look at this!

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump 20s20 seconds ago

.@NBCNews and @MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown in the middle of the debate. Truly unprofessional and only worthy of a FAKE NEWS Organization, which they are!

by Anonymousreply 488June 27, 2019 3:08 AM

Beto looks awful. His teeth are fucked up and his suit is ill-fitting.

by Anonymousreply 489June 27, 2019 3:08 AM

Warren muddies on gun issue, disappointing.

by Anonymousreply 490June 27, 2019 3:08 AM

And she sees nuance.

Not sure how nuance will work though--does she become Adlai Stevenson?

by Anonymousreply 491June 27, 2019 3:08 AM

Beto needs to whip out his cock. He could win.

by Anonymousreply 492June 27, 2019 3:09 AM

Liz was very lackluster on guns.

by Anonymousreply 493June 27, 2019 3:09 AM


Here comes "I live in a dangerous ghetto" Booker!

by Anonymousreply 494June 27, 2019 3:09 AM

Someone muzzle Chuck Todd.

Or, shoot him. Either is acceptable.

by Anonymousreply 495June 27, 2019 3:09 AM

[quote] Chuck Todd's skin is great .. Beto suit is ill-fitting.

Discussing Politics with Homosexuals.

by Anonymousreply 496June 27, 2019 3:09 AM

Miss Coretta might make a dive for it.

by Anonymousreply 497June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

[quote]"Gun violence is a national health emergency." --E. Warren

Tell me about it!

by Anonymousreply 498June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

[quote]Not sure how nuance will work though--does she become Adlai Stevenson?

I mean, I'm biased, but I think she comes across like the cool professor whose lectures are usually packed.

by Anonymousreply 499June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

Cory is better than expected.

by Anonymousreply 500June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

thoughts and prayers

by Anonymousreply 501June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

Liz wasn’t lackluster on guns. You can’t go into people’s homes and take their fucking guns. It’s a stupid fucking question.

by Anonymousreply 502June 27, 2019 3:10 AM

Enough with the PC pronunciations-- your daughter's name!!-- + trans mention = net negative for Castro for tonight.

by Anonymousreply 503June 27, 2019 3:11 AM

Thought & prayers for Beto.

You can't fix gun problems in America. Maybe gene editiing by CRISPR might help solve the problems.

by Anonymousreply 504June 27, 2019 3:11 AM

Chuck tried to get Warren to say she'd come for your guns. She didn't fall into his trap.

by Anonymousreply 505June 27, 2019 3:11 AM

[QUOTE]Cory is better than expected.

Booker and Castro are tonight’s winners so far. Liz is flat.

by Anonymousreply 506June 27, 2019 3:12 AM

Cory is a hot mess

by Anonymousreply 507June 27, 2019 3:12 AM

I'm sure that somebody with a stop watch is keeping track of the amount of time given to each. I think it'll show very unequal representation. They should have done 4 nights with less people instead of 2 nights with a bunch.

by Anonymousreply 508June 27, 2019 3:12 AM

What R502 said.

She is the only realist. But again, do Americans want that? I don't know.

And no Ryan. More social workers will not stop gun violence.

by Anonymousreply 509June 27, 2019 3:12 AM

I'd love it of that Delaney guy on the end just jumped in and interrupted.

by Anonymousreply 510June 27, 2019 3:12 AM

Castro strikes me as sociopathic

by Anonymousreply 511June 27, 2019 3:13 AM

Direct question to Beto about what he would say to someone who was afraid he would take their guns.

And he goes off on a stump speech about kids he's met on the trail, blah blah blah ...

by Anonymousreply 512June 27, 2019 3:13 AM

That's poor Les Nessmann - won't somebody throw him a bone?

by Anonymousreply 513June 27, 2019 3:13 AM

Beto’s Every answer sounds rehearsed.

by Anonymousreply 514June 27, 2019 3:13 AM

Castro may have won over some super progressives R506

But the SNL-esque pronunciations and mention of trans and his attempt to trip up Beto will likely be a net negative for the bulk of Democrats.

by Anonymousreply 515June 27, 2019 3:13 AM

[quote]trans mention = net negative for Castro for tonight

A mere trans mention scares you so much? How pathetic.

by Anonymousreply 516June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

Finally, a decent answer from Beto.

by Anonymousreply 517June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

Can we let that Oh Congress speak a bit more? I think his hometown flare with Warren's populism would be a great mix.

by Anonymousreply 518June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

[quote] Here comes "I live in a dangerous ghetto" Booker!

He talked twice about his bad neighborhood. Damn, where does he live and why doesn't he move to a better area?

by Anonymousreply 519June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

[QUOTE]They should have done 4 nights with less people instead of 2 nights with a bunch.

Nobody wants 4 nights of this shit. And many of these people are elected officials who have work to do.

by Anonymousreply 520June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

Did Beto just say it's kids' responsibility to deal with gun problems? LOL

by Anonymousreply 521June 27, 2019 3:14 AM

r506 agree

by Anonymousreply 522June 27, 2019 3:14 AM


by Anonymousreply 523June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

Good gun answer by Amy.

by Anonymousreply 524June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

Not me R516, but most Americans--yes.

by Anonymousreply 525June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

Beto is a mess

by Anonymousreply 526June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

I'm liking Amy very much tonight.

by Anonymousreply 527June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

[QUOTE]Did Beto just say it's kids' responsibility to deal with gun problems? LOL

Beto thinks the only thing that can stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun.

by Anonymousreply 528June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

They need to call the guys at the end.

by Anonymousreply 529June 27, 2019 3:15 AM

Going to hump my pillow watching Beto right now

by Anonymousreply 530June 27, 2019 3:16 AM

Rachel taking no mess from the panel.

by Anonymousreply 531June 27, 2019 3:16 AM

Booker is coming across strong but I don't like his crazy eyes.

by Anonymousreply 532June 27, 2019 3:16 AM


by Anonymousreply 533June 27, 2019 3:16 AM

When’s the last time Delaney got to say anything?

by Anonymousreply 534June 27, 2019 3:16 AM

Delaney is like the comic relief. HILARIOUS!

by Anonymousreply 535June 27, 2019 3:16 AM

And to explain--people hear Castro talk about women's rights and quickly shifts to "and trans too" and they hear "he's totally focused on identity politics"

by Anonymousreply 536June 27, 2019 3:17 AM

Damn. The Black Son card.

by Anonymousreply 537June 27, 2019 3:17 AM

Corey Booker looks like he wants to kill DeBlasio

by Anonymousreply 538June 27, 2019 3:17 AM

De Blasio's black son trumps Booker's ghetto neighborhood!

by Anonymousreply 539June 27, 2019 3:17 AM

I hate DiBlasio

by Anonymousreply 540June 27, 2019 3:18 AM

Nobody is bashing McTurtle.

Cory did recognize Miss Lindsey's opponent.

by Anonymousreply 541June 27, 2019 3:18 AM

They should have given more time to the gun debate.

by Anonymousreply 542June 27, 2019 3:18 AM

Tomorrow will be much better. I hope. We need Yang to stir it up.

by Anonymousreply 543June 27, 2019 3:18 AM

Lol! How to deal with Turtle!

by Anonymousreply 544June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

I'm beginning to understand why Colbert makes fun of DiBlasio on a daily basis. He's obnoxious.

by Anonymousreply 545June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

DeBlasio did not answer the McConnell question at all.

He's got one note "convince the people that the D's are on their side. that we're not the party of the elite"

e,.g, the subject of every post-2016 post-mortem ever

by Anonymousreply 546June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

[QUOTE]They should have given more time to the gun debate.

The DNC doesn’t want them talking about guns.

by Anonymousreply 547June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

Booker needs to quit with the phony facial reactions.

by Anonymousreply 548June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

Go Warren!!

by Anonymousreply 549June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

Do you think Beto jerked off today? Maybe from the stress?

by Anonymousreply 550June 27, 2019 3:19 AM

Liz tries to out-macho Booker, DiBlasio, and it doesn't look right. Please only be yourself, Liz.

by Anonymousreply 551June 27, 2019 3:20 AM

Lol r550

by Anonymousreply 552June 27, 2019 3:21 AM

Oh please. They only get a few minutes. No one is going to shine. No one.

by Anonymousreply 553June 27, 2019 3:21 AM

I want someone fun. So far no one's any fun.

by Anonymousreply 554June 27, 2019 3:21 AM

Chuck Toad is terrible, please bring back Holt.

by Anonymousreply 555June 27, 2019 3:21 AM

Beto probably jerked it.. hotness

by Anonymousreply 556June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

Setting them up to fail.

by Anonymousreply 557June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

Just realized Delaney is Ernie from "My Three Sons."

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 558June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

Delaney is awful. LOL

by Anonymousreply 559June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

[quote]Oh please. They only get a few minutes. No one is going to shine. No one.

I think that they are ALL doing quite well

by Anonymousreply 560June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

I can already see Tulsi Gabbard using her lack of time as a grievance point on the campaign trail. She's at least 1/2 Republican and grievance politics is what they know.

by Anonymousreply 561June 27, 2019 3:22 AM

Does Beto have defined abs?

by Anonymousreply 562June 27, 2019 3:23 AM

I could not understand Booker's spanish.

by Anonymousreply 563June 27, 2019 3:23 AM

I like that Inslee.

by Anonymousreply 564June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

None of them are really charismatic, are they?

by Anonymousreply 565June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

if Beto had his bridge shaved he'd be very handsome

by Anonymousreply 566June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

Congressman O'Rourke, will you support the production of renewable energy by fucking my mouth and ass incessantly?

by Anonymousreply 567June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

Beto's answer to question: "I think you have to listen to everyone."

Amateur hour.

by Anonymousreply 568June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

[QUOTE]I want someone fun. So far no one's any fun.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 569June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

I agree with Inslee about Climate Change.

by Anonymousreply 570June 27, 2019 3:24 AM

Booker was speaking Esperanto, R563.

by Anonymousreply 571June 27, 2019 3:25 AM

That look from inslee was sssssooooooo creepy. But that filibuster pivot was funny. I'd love to have that guy as my neighbor, like a nice old hippy.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 572June 27, 2019 3:25 AM

One more 70's Inslee throwback.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 573June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Who CARES how charismatic these candidates are???

by Anonymousreply 574June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Apropos of nothing, I just remembered Jim "Bernice Clifton" Stockdale in the 1992 debates.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 575June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

I volunteer to be Castro's fluffer between commercial breaks

by Anonymousreply 576June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Yeah Biden's fun. Not intentionally but like the way Trump is fun.

Funzies is very important.

Beto looks awesome. 💦💦💦

by Anonymousreply 577June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Beto looks good but unfortunately, he can only talk platitudes.

by Anonymousreply 578June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

I don't like the short guy.

by Anonymousreply 579June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

(((Harry Enten))) ‏Verified account @ForecasterEnten 2m2 minutes ago

Booker seems to be dominating on Google searches right now compared to any other individual candidate.

by Anonymousreply 580June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Yes, mention that executive experience, unlike others who are utterly unqualified for the job (e.g. Gabbard).

by Anonymousreply 581June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

The Spanish makes me cringe.

by Anonymousreply 582June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

There is no gun violence to speak of in America. Unless you are suicidal or a gang member, you stand something like a .0012% chance of being killed with a gun if you lived to be 100.

by Anonymousreply 583June 27, 2019 3:26 AM

Booker is a ivy leaguer and rhodes scholar. He's a very smart guy. He knows how to debate. His biggest problem is seeming natural

by Anonymousreply 584June 27, 2019 3:27 AM

Judging from those Young Inslee pix, that dude was single-handedly responsible for the HPV epidemic starting in the '70s.

by Anonymousreply 585June 27, 2019 3:27 AM

R560, I don't think anybody blew it. Breaking into Spanish seemed to be a gimmick, but I suppose could be an advantage to those voters who'll think they're relating to them.

by Anonymousreply 586June 27, 2019 3:27 AM

R583 is fucking nuts.

by Anonymousreply 587June 27, 2019 3:27 AM

Tim Ryan looks like he’s high.

by Anonymousreply 588June 27, 2019 3:27 AM

"elital" ok Tim Ryan

by Anonymousreply 589June 27, 2019 3:28 AM

Tim Ryan is another one who can't answer the question. Concentration problem?

by Anonymousreply 590June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

Almost no one has lips on this show.

by Anonymousreply 591June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

Delaney hunni no one is listening to you

by Anonymousreply 592June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

oh Tulsi the gay issue

by Anonymousreply 593June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

Tim Ryan went after Miss Lindsey. And Turtle.

by Anonymousreply 594June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

Calling out Tulsi on gay rights! YES!

by Anonymousreply 595June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

oh, shut up about being Elite. Working Class, I don't understand what Ryan is talking about, I think he's mostly talking about white working class.

by Anonymousreply 596June 27, 2019 3:29 AM

Uh-oh, Tulsi's gay question!

by Anonymousreply 597June 27, 2019 3:30 AM

Lily Munster has some splainin to do.

by Anonymousreply 598June 27, 2019 3:30 AM

Who is this woman?

by Anonymousreply 599June 27, 2019 3:30 AM

Tulsi laser the acne off those cheeks girl

by Anonymousreply 600June 27, 2019 3:30 AM

Tulsi, Two-faced bitch.

by Anonymousreply 601June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

*waits for 20 posts yelling at Booker for mentioning black transwomen*

by Anonymousreply 602June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

Yes! Mention the trans folks!

by Anonymousreply 603June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

Oh Jesus...trans.

by Anonymousreply 604June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

I like how the women dressed alike, but in different colors.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 605June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

Yazzzzz drag that homophobic Tulsi bitch.

Love your makeup, hunty.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 606June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

How many boxes did Booker just check?

by Anonymousreply 607June 27, 2019 3:31 AM

Amy has some mousse in that hair hunni holding it in place a bit damp but not wet

by Anonymousreply 608June 27, 2019 3:32 AM

FYI, Tulsi:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 609June 27, 2019 3:33 AM

Amy is doing OK.

by Anonymousreply 610June 27, 2019 3:33 AM

Is there a part two?

by Anonymousreply 611June 27, 2019 3:33 AM

Booker and Castro will go up after tonight

Beto has been HIT HARD. I think he's going down

by Anonymousreply 612June 27, 2019 3:33 AM

I think Booker is winning the second half of this debate.

by Anonymousreply 613June 27, 2019 3:33 AM

Not sure what would really distinguish among them, other than personality appeal. Electability is still the most important factor. Stay tuned tomorrow night.

by Anonymousreply 614June 27, 2019 3:34 AM

I surprise, but I like Tulsi.

by Anonymousreply 615June 27, 2019 3:34 AM

Tulsi worked to undermine HRC in '16. Was Bernie supporter then.

by Anonymousreply 616June 27, 2019 3:35 AM

Beto wasn't listening to that question lol. Why...does...he...talk...in...seg...ments...?

by Anonymousreply 617June 27, 2019 3:36 AM

Beto very nervous discussing foreign policy.

by Anonymousreply 618June 27, 2019 3:36 AM

Why are they talking about issues that the majority of likely voters couldn't care less about? I know the economy is great, but yet still people need to be convinced that the Democrats will offer economic stability and equality to most people. Not crazy tariff wars like Trump does everyday.

by Anonymousreply 619June 27, 2019 3:36 AM

Shut up de Blasio

Bloomberg was a better mayor.

by Anonymousreply 620June 27, 2019 3:37 AM

R616 Yes! if any of you were HRC supporters in 2016, do not support Tulsi because she did NOT support HRC.

by Anonymousreply 621June 27, 2019 3:37 AM

What r619 said.

by Anonymousreply 622June 27, 2019 3:38 AM

De Blasio was actually right. Congress, and the citizens, need to buy into our engagements.

by Anonymousreply 623June 27, 2019 3:38 AM

Actually, R619, most voters do care about these issues. But to your point, each of these first few debates will focus on a different set of issues.

by Anonymousreply 624June 27, 2019 3:39 AM

do people want them tearing into each other though? The repub primary debates in 2015 and 2016 were pathetic

by Anonymousreply 625June 27, 2019 3:40 AM

Tulsi just fucking destroyed Ryan. Hot damn.

by Anonymousreply 626June 27, 2019 3:41 AM

Joe Biden will not be able to handle this format. He'll be stumbling and searching for words to form an answer in his old, old head after his time is already up.

by Anonymousreply 627June 27, 2019 3:41 AM

Is there a new thread?

by Anonymousreply 628June 27, 2019 3:41 AM

Part 2

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 629June 27, 2019 3:42 AM

I eat with a comb.

by Anonymousreply 630June 27, 2019 5:22 AM
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