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Which religion is more cult-like?

Don't let the picture affect your vote. It's just a beautiful building.

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by Anonymousreply 75June 27, 2019 1:12 AM

At least Mormons are allowed to have a life, away from their Church, including having non-Mormon friendships. Jehovah's Witness are supposed to spend all their free time with other witnesses doing JW work and they are not supposed to associate with non witnesses. Also, they are not supposed to be involved in any other organizations, whereas you find Mormons in various organizations and political groups.

by Anonymousreply 1May 30, 2019 12:02 AM

Don't Jehovah's Witnesses discourage higher education too r1?

by Anonymousreply 2May 30, 2019 12:03 AM

R2 I believe so, also they can't celebrate holidays or birthdays. I wouldn't want to be a member of either group, but if I was forced to choose it would the Mormons by a mile.

by Anonymousreply 3May 30, 2019 12:08 AM

I've known several former Jehovah's Witnesses who were excommunicated for various reasons, and it has very seriously fucked them up psychologically. My friend had a roommate who was an ex-JW and he claimed that the church elders stalked him at one point. The entire church seems very Scientology-esque to me. Their literature is published by the church's "The Watchtower Society," which in and of itself is terrifying to me.

Mormonism is odd and slightly cultish, but I've known many Mormons throughout my life (I have some Mormon family as well) and have always found them to be universally agreeable people. They're typically prudish, socially conservative, and very involved in LDS activities (the boys all go on their missions, if they're good Mormons), but they've always been very pleasant to me. They seem to be very into family gatherings, group activities, trading recipes, etc.--very innocent stuff. It's unfortunate that such a large faction of them are not gay-friendly, because I truly like all of the Mormons I've known, though I do have to temper myself around them, as I tend to have the mouth of a sailor, at least in certain company.

by Anonymousreply 4May 30, 2019 12:15 AM

On the other hand, the Mormon Church in some areas sanctions tweens marrying old men and the casting out of young males.

by Anonymousreply 5May 30, 2019 12:27 AM

r4 thanks for your perspective. Very insightful

by Anonymousreply 6May 30, 2019 12:28 AM

R5 I think those are splinter groups, not the actual Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the LDS, which is the ones with the big temples. It would be like comparing Westboro Baptist Church or other independent fundamentalist Baptist churches and your local Southern Baptist Church or American Baptist Church, they share a history and some theology but they are very, very different.

by Anonymousreply 7May 30, 2019 12:34 AM

Both are cults.

JWs even have mistranslated the Bible to create their own “bible”. They don’t believe in the Trinity and that Jesus is God.

Mormons have the Book of Mormon which was written by Joseph Smith. They consider it equal to the Christian Bible and worship Smith as god.

While there are good people in both of these, they are not Christian and are considered cults by many of the main stream denominations.

by Anonymousreply 8May 30, 2019 12:47 AM

I'm not a defender of JW, but the Trinity itself isn't in the Bible, r8. It was added later by early Christians

by Anonymousreply 9May 30, 2019 1:03 AM

R9 Not to get into a theological argument, but there is verses in the New Testament that allude to the Trinity, without actually using the term. There is a reason it is referred to as the mystery of the Trinity.

by Anonymousreply 10May 30, 2019 1:07 AM

The Kingdom Hall (Jehovah's Witness church) has always seemed very odd to me. Mormons also have an odd belief system, but it doesn't strike me as being necessarily sinister like Jehovah's Witnesses do.

by Anonymousreply 11May 30, 2019 1:09 AM

Also, let's not forget the the Jehovah's Witness got their own episode of Leah Remini's show Scientology and the Aftermath , exploring how much they are like Scientology. The only other group they have explored is the Nation of Islam, but that was more because they are actually partnering with Scientology.

by Anonymousreply 12May 30, 2019 1:13 AM

I would give the nod to the Mormons. They follow like sheep all the rules of their church and when their leaders speak. I think that there are more Mormons so therefore they are more of a danger as a cult than the JW's.

Mitt Romney, a Mormon, ran as a Presidential candidate but thank God he didn't win. His religion would have crept into his job somehow.

by Anonymousreply 13May 30, 2019 1:14 AM

R13 Harry Reid was also a Mormon

by Anonymousreply 14May 30, 2019 1:16 AM

I find Jehovah's Witness to be one of the weirdest "denominations" of Christianity, if you want to call it that. Pentecostalism also seems really toxic to me, although not cultish per se--just fanatical. Of all the denominations, I've found that Catholics tend to be the most "normal" and down-to-earth, probably because most of them are what people like to call "cafeteria Catholics."

by Anonymousreply 15May 30, 2019 1:17 AM

I find The Watchtower VERY cult-like. It's basically propaganda. It reminds me of stuff put our during the Cultural Revolution.

by Anonymousreply 16May 30, 2019 10:05 AM

Mormons send their gay kids to “re-education” camps. They are beyond creepy and hellbent on acquiring power.

People who “trade recipes” with them are selling their souls to the devil.

by Anonymousreply 17May 30, 2019 11:53 AM

[quote]they are not Christian and are considered cults by many of the main stream denominations.

And humanists and secular people consider all organized religions to be cults, so your arbitrary distinction about who is and is not “Christian” or which denominations are “main stream” (sic) are quite laughable.

by Anonymousreply 18May 30, 2019 12:05 PM

If you look at the history of Christianity, it took a weird bend in the 19th Century, ironically because increased literacy made people more susceptible to handbills and tracts. So, after Methodism took off, there were a series of new movements, often with Millennial "Christ is Coming!" messages. The Seventh Day Adventists, various Churches of God, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Universalism (probably the most palatable offshoot), Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, including Foursquare Gospel , and then into the 20th century Church of Christ, Scientist, and the Fundamentalist movement among some Baptists and other Evangelical Protestants. Worldwide, the fastest growing faith is Pentecostalism, which is very emotion-driven, and often has little coherence in theology or practice, with many embracing elements of Catholicism combined with the fire-and-brimstone preaching style of Fundamentalist Protestants.

It is likely that religion will change once again with the introduction of the Internet as a mass communication medium. So if you think what we have now is crazy, you ain't seen nothing yet.

by Anonymousreply 19May 30, 2019 1:00 PM

No, there are no verses in the Bible that allude to Trinity and it was not Christian doctrine until the 4th century.

by Anonymousreply 20May 30, 2019 1:04 PM

r19 great insight.

by Anonymousreply 21May 30, 2019 1:05 PM

R20 Isaiah 48:16, Matthew 3:16, Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:22, John 14:26, John 15:26, Acts 2:33, Romans 1:4, 1 Corinthians 12:4–6, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Galatians 4:6, Ephesians 1:13-14, Ephesians 1:17, Ephesians 2:18, Ephesians 4:4-6, Hebrews 9:14, 1 Peter 1:2

by Anonymousreply 22May 30, 2019 4:34 PM

Jehovah Witnesses believe that only 144,000 will get into heaven. If this is to be true, why do they try to recruit new members? Wouldn't their odds improve with fewer people competing for the same slots?

by Anonymousreply 23May 30, 2019 4:40 PM

Mormons believe Mormon men who die in good standing will become the god of their own planet (or something along those lines).

Equally absurd.

by Anonymousreply 24May 30, 2019 4:41 PM

None of this is any weirder than virgin births or burning bushes that talk to you.

by Anonymousreply 25May 30, 2019 4:45 PM

R22, you can point to as many verses as you want in the Bible, but not a one of them says anything about three persons being one substance. And that's what Trinity is.

Arius pointed to the same passages and many others and said the Son is a lesser created being. And he was just as correct as you.

by Anonymousreply 26May 30, 2019 8:00 PM

R26 I didn't say they proved the Trinity. You said there were no verses that alluded to it. Allude is defined as suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.

by Anonymousreply 27May 30, 2019 8:11 PM

The JW, as is their Norm, do their frequent door-knocking routing in my neighborhood, and I was tolerant for a while, just politely telling them , " No thank- you we're not interested." But last time they came ( two ladies in hats) I absolutely LOST MY SHIT! I just let go with the swear words and told them to Fuck Off with their crazy bull-shit Cult indoctrination and if they EVER showed up on my propert again, I'd call the police. I turned around and my kids were bug-eyed- they'd never heard me curse anyone out except maybe their dad.

As an aside: anyone grow up in the metro-DC area and see the Mormon Temple on the Beltway and think it was Disneyland as a kid? " Surrender Dorthy", LOL!

by Anonymousreply 28May 30, 2019 8:46 PM

The JWs. Discouraging education helps keep the indoctrinated in the fold and isolated.

I worked for the DOJ. Two of the other lawyers in our regional office were Mormons. That's 2 out of 15 lawyers. At any rate, they were very easy to work with and did not proselytize on the job. If you work in federal law enforcement, you're bound to work with Mormons. One of ours was a Democrat, I don't know about the other. I think it's a particularly nutty belief system, but it does seem to allow for a bit of individualism. And I'd rather work with them than Southern Baptists any day.

by Anonymousreply 29May 30, 2019 10:57 PM

I live in a kind of small town and was rather *perturbed* to find out that the JW's could set up a rathet large display ( Sun tent, racks with many brochures, table with clipboards) right on the sidewalk in front of our town library to schuck their religion. It so upset me, that when I left, I called Town hall to ask how this was possible, since I assumed this was part of civic property and paid for with community taxes. Not so, the town clerk informed me- technically the sidewalkwas public and therefore anyone was free to express their "First Ammendment rights". I honestly am still discomfited that this cult continues to tale advantage of this site-especially as it is frequented by the young in the community, and more often than not the, the feeble minded.

by Anonymousreply 30May 30, 2019 11:12 PM

Serena Williams is JW.

by Anonymousreply 31May 30, 2019 11:34 PM

R31 So was Prince and Michael Jackson.

by Anonymousreply 32May 31, 2019 1:24 AM

I always forget about that r31

by Anonymousreply 33May 31, 2019 3:35 PM

I did not know that r32


by Anonymousreply 34May 31, 2019 11:38 PM

[quote] You said there were no verses that alluded to it. Allude is defined as suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.

That was my point. They don't indirectly point at trinity...any more than the letters N T and Y do. Bricks don't "allude" to a house. Ink, paint, and glue don't "allude" to a book.

by Anonymousreply 35May 31, 2019 11:49 PM

Jehovah's Witnesses are far worse.

by Anonymousreply 36May 31, 2019 11:52 PM

Gay face for days!

(This is from the "How do I become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" page, which I can't link for some reason)

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by Anonymousreply 37May 31, 2019 11:55 PM

It’s a close race - but the Mormons have a slight more preposterous set of beliefs

by Anonymousreply 38May 31, 2019 11:57 PM

The JW's understanding of Christianity is actually pretty close to what a lot of scholars think early Christianity is like, with the emphasis on the coming judgment and the lack of divinity in Jesus.

Mormons are kookoo-pants.

by Anonymousreply 39June 1, 2019 12:00 AM

Mormon tend to have hotter guys, many of whom are closeted... so I give them a 👍

by Anonymousreply 40June 1, 2019 12:03 AM

Hospitals have had to develop whole departments to deal with Jehovahs and their refusal of blood transfusion.

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by Anonymousreply 41June 1, 2019 12:07 AM

All religions are cults. If you are a Christian then you follow the same bizarre belief system they both do, just one that is warped in a slightly different way. If you're a garden variety Christian, don't kid yourself that because you celebrate Christmas or you drink coffee that you don't belong to a cult too.

by Anonymousreply 42June 1, 2019 12:08 AM

I'd say Mormons because they started with a charismatic cult leader type (Joseph Smith) and have become extremely rich because of the donations of their followers.

by Anonymousreply 43June 1, 2019 12:19 AM

R42 read accounts from cult infiltrator David Sullivan and you'll soon see what a *real* cult looks like.

Trust me. It's different.

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by Anonymousreply 44June 1, 2019 12:21 AM

r40, r37 is pretty hot!

by Anonymousreply 45June 1, 2019 3:10 PM

the answer is Scientology

by Anonymousreply 46June 1, 2019 3:42 PM

When the JW come knocking they're humorless pricks, but the Mormon kids are usually kinda cool. The last two stopped by while I was working in the garage, and I got them to hang around and help me lift stuff for a while. They didn't seem terribly motivated to convert me, they were far more interested in looking at my 1967 Jeep than anything else.

by Anonymousreply 47June 1, 2019 3:59 PM

Did you then have a threesome r47?

"Dear Penthouse Forum ..."

by Anonymousreply 48June 1, 2019 4:06 PM

Nah, the closest I came to leading them down the path was asking if they wanted a beer or a Coke. They didn't recoil as much as I hoped they would, not at all in fact. I suspect I wasn't dealing with the Mormon's A-Team.

by Anonymousreply 49June 1, 2019 4:12 PM

Christianity is the worst of the cults. It has the the most amoral and low IQ adherents and is responsible for nearly every human rights atrocity, from war to the subjugation of women, in the last 2k years of recorded history. We should go back to feeding Christians to lions.

by Anonymousreply 50June 1, 2019 4:17 PM

r50 is not very smart.

by Anonymousreply 51June 1, 2019 4:18 PM

R50. You are mentally ill not the Christians you hate so much. Maybe we should feed you to the lions.

by Anonymousreply 52June 1, 2019 4:29 PM


According to JWs only 144,000 are going to heaven and most all those slots are already filled. The rest will be resurrected here on earth. They are big on resurrection. The last will be first and and the first will be last as far as resurrection order goes.

Had an Aunt who became one. Big scandal in my Italian, Catholic, Immigrant family.

by Anonymousreply 53June 1, 2019 4:32 PM

Mormons are weirdly nationalistic.

by Anonymousreply 54June 1, 2019 10:56 PM

Bishop Thomas Tobin ‏


A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.

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by Anonymousreply 55June 2, 2019 5:13 PM


A bishop tweeted that Catholics shouldn't support LGBTQ Pride Month events, prompting swift backlash on social media from thousands of people including actress Mia Farrow.

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by Anonymousreply 56June 2, 2019 8:34 PM

R44, great article, thanks!

by Anonymousreply 57June 2, 2019 9:39 PM

I know Islam is a political ideology. Out of those two, neither bother me, nor their devotees, so carry on.

by Anonymousreply 58June 2, 2019 9:43 PM

Prop 8 in California which caused the collapse of same-sex marriage was propelled right down to a "T" by the Mormons who instructed their sheep congregations to vote against gay marriage. They did great harm in California and the gay community and some others really went after them and deservedly so. Even so called liberal Mormons involved in show business voted against gay marriage and lost their jobs or resigned during the hue and cry afterwards. Mormons are among the most homophobic religions put there.

by Anonymousreply 59June 2, 2019 11:58 PM

Mormons they act saintly with no drinking or smoking crap but they are all sexual deviants!

by Anonymousreply 60June 3, 2019 12:24 AM

The Jeffs Cult (FLDS) is now oozing into Minnesota.

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by Anonymousreply 61June 3, 2019 12:42 AM

Tough call, OP. They're both cults.

by Anonymousreply 62June 3, 2019 1:18 AM

Do JWs vote?

by Anonymousreply 63June 3, 2019 1:28 AM

No. Nor do they salute the flag or serve in the military.

They don't do Christmas, either.

by Anonymousreply 64June 3, 2019 1:42 AM

European BUMP

by Anonymousreply 65June 3, 2019 9:11 AM

JWs may be more cult-like, but Mormons have greater opportunity to influence politics.

by Anonymousreply 66June 3, 2019 9:37 AM

R44, Too funny. I posted that identical article a few years ago on DL for a thread on cults and how they operate.

by Anonymousreply 67June 3, 2019 10:52 AM

r67 it's a great article.

As an aside, I've always liked Elvin Bishop's "Fooled Around and Fell in Love." Now when I hear it, it's bittersweet.

by Anonymousreply 68June 3, 2019 10:55 AM

R44, Memorial piece to the author.

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by Anonymousreply 69June 3, 2019 10:59 AM

I don't see either of those as true cults. Now, Scientology on the other hand...

by Anonymousreply 70June 3, 2019 11:11 AM


by Anonymousreply 71June 27, 2019 12:37 AM

All non-Jewish religions need to be outlawed with the punishment of death

by Anonymousreply 72June 27, 2019 12:41 AM

They’re ALL cult-like, if not outright cults.

They all believe in non-scientific, paranormal magic. They all hinge on the supernatural. And they all require a bunch of lonely, morally bereft people who need to be told what to do, and who need constant threats of damnation to hell, in order to do the right thing. And those are the decent ones.

The truly screwed up followers live double lives, & pretend to be pious, for whatever reasons.

by Anonymousreply 73June 27, 2019 12:53 AM

I thought they were the same thing.

by Anonymousreply 74June 27, 2019 1:01 AM

R68, I don’t understand the Elvin Bishop reference.

Are you referring to his ex (who he allegedly wrote the song for) & their daughter being murdered by the two hot Mormons linked below?

The one on the right was finally successful in one of his multiple suicide attempts. He hanged himself several years ago, in his cell.

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by Anonymousreply 75June 27, 2019 1:12 AM
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