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Eyes Wide Shut movie.

Does it get better? I’m a half hour in, and not liking this. Tom flexing his arm muscles and doctoring beautiful naked women, Nicole strutting her ultra- trim body and acting oh so dissatisfied with her marriage (granted, not a stretch). There’s 2 more hours of this ?!

by Anonymousreply 26June 17, 2019 1:06 PM

It does get better - but it's not a satisfying film overall.

by Anonymousreply 1May 25, 2019 5:44 AM

It's the most erotic film of 1953.

by Anonymousreply 2May 25, 2019 5:44 AM

It's a well-crafted movie with all sex appeal of a Swiss cuckoo clock.

by Anonymousreply 3May 25, 2019 5:47 AM

Pretty much stays at the same excitement level OP. Enjoy the Christmas lights.

by Anonymousreply 4May 25, 2019 5:49 AM

No, it does not. Although I recently heard it was a parable for Scientology, which took Kubrik's beloved daughter from him, so if you watch it with that in mind, it could be marginally more interesting.

by Anonymousreply 5May 25, 2019 5:50 AM

Here’s where I really appreciate a soundtrack in a movie. It’s so silent and sleep-inducing without one.

by Anonymousreply 6May 25, 2019 5:51 AM

Tom has the sex appeal of of a turnip in this movie. What was Kubrick thinking?

by Anonymousreply 7May 25, 2019 5:56 AM

Enjoy how they dressed the London streets to look like NYC. Spot the signs that are backwards.

by Anonymousreply 8May 25, 2019 5:57 AM

Unlike which of his movies ? R7

by Anonymousreply 9May 25, 2019 6:06 AM

This confirms to me that Kubrick was a hack. Hated what he did with The Shining and this so far is a big disappointment. R9, Risky Business was the only time Cruise gave a flicker of sex appeal in a movie.

by Anonymousreply 10May 25, 2019 6:09 AM

Here's a recent DL thread on it - some really interesting behind-the-scenes info. And since Kubrick died suddenly before the movie was finished, it's quite unlikely that the released film was true to his vision.

Was Eyes Wide Shut a commercial and critical Flop?! https://www.datalounge.com/thread/23802576-was-eyes-wide-shut-a-commercial-and-critical-flop-!

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 11May 25, 2019 6:15 AM

So lots of naked women including Kidman, but no naked men? Misogynistic, yes

by Anonymousreply 12May 25, 2019 6:21 AM

Cruise is an airhead.

by Anonymousreply 13May 25, 2019 6:23 AM

Thanks r11.

by Anonymousreply 14May 25, 2019 6:28 AM

I beg to differ with many other posters here. I think Eyes Wide Shut is fantastic, and it only gets progressively more sinister. It really drew me in--a terrifying film in many ways. I also think Cruise is oddly sexy in it, which is weird because I've never found him attractive in any other movie. There's that extended bedroom scene between him and Kidman where she's admitting her almost-infidelity, and he's in his underwear throughout. His body was gorgeous.

by Anonymousreply 15May 25, 2019 6:30 AM

Well, it gets better but only in the sense that at some point it is over and stops.

by Anonymousreply 16May 25, 2019 6:34 AM

AlanCummings brings some life to this dirge.

by Anonymousreply 17May 25, 2019 6:44 AM

I wanted my 3 hours back after watching it.

by Anonymousreply 18May 25, 2019 6:51 AM

I couldn’t believe how dull it was. Apart from Sydney Pollack, who I always had a hankering for ( yes, I know, old man, ewww etc but then, so am I now ) the only other thing that I remember thinking was how lame the Illuminati orgies must be. Kubrick must have been lousy in the sack. Can remember nothing else from the film.

by Anonymousreply 19May 25, 2019 8:09 AM

You're not alone R19; I'm not even 30 and I too have a weird thing about Sydney Pollack. I find him oddly sexy despite the fact that he could have been my grandfather. I think a lot of it has to do with his voice, maybe. He gave a great performance in EWS, as did everyone, really. I adore Nicole Kidman and thought she was also fantastic in the role too, even with her and Cruise's casting being a bit stunty. I count myself a fan of the movie, though. I watch it every year around December and it always entertains/creeps me out.

by Anonymousreply 20May 25, 2019 8:14 AM

R15 Agreed fully (to put it lightly) and like it or not, haters, Tom looks SO attractive in this.

Frankly, I find the film mesmerizing - extremely hypnotic. Thought this since the day I saw it in an old, beautifully and classically decorated opera-house-turned-movie-theater when it was released in '99. Bought the DVD and have been watching it periodically ever since - it makes me zone out EVERY time. Not even exaggerating when I called it "hypnotic"...

A deep, dark, alluring dream.

by Anonymousreply 21June 17, 2019 3:35 AM

I hated it too. But generally dislike Tom Cruise. And both of them are so not sexy.

by Anonymousreply 22June 17, 2019 3:45 AM

I found Tom Cruise to have as much sex appeal as that of a empty paper bag. He also has a very odd shaped chest.

by Anonymousreply 23June 17, 2019 3:56 AM

Does it get better? No, not in the sense of a popular commercial entertainment. But it's still a film worth sticking through, even though you maybe still won't think it is.

It is a fascinating film that doesn't really "work" but reveals more and more on each and every viewing and especially the more you read about it. That isn't what a commercial film should be but this isn't really that and importantly it is Kubrick's final film.

There are many earlier threads here about it and if you can't find the threads with DL's search, try "Eyes Wide Shut Datalounge" on Google. It's more inclusive.

by Anonymousreply 24June 17, 2019 4:15 AM

Sydney Pollack was also very good in "The Player."

by Anonymousreply 25June 17, 2019 11:31 AM

I can still see the billboards all over LA:

Cruise. Kidman. Kubrick.

They should have added:


by Anonymousreply 26June 17, 2019 1:06 PM
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