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British Royal Family Gossip: Part 47

Where the bloody hell is that that Sussex SohoBébé?

Carry on with your pointless bitchery.

by Anonymousreply 600May 5, 2019 1:57 AM

Link to previous thread.

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by Anonymousreply 1May 3, 2019 9:42 PM

My question exactly. It must have arrived, kicking and screaming.

by Anonymousreply 2May 3, 2019 10:11 PM

Diana as a baby (top photo) and the Cambridge children.

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by Anonymousreply 3May 3, 2019 10:11 PM

The next big family event is the marriage of Lady Gabriella Windsor on Saturday, May 18th.

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by Anonymousreply 4May 3, 2019 10:14 PM

I'm concerned it might have been stillborn. Please tell me that is not so..

by Anonymousreply 5May 3, 2019 10:15 PM

R599, lovely picture of Di there.

by Anonymousreply 6May 3, 2019 10:17 PM

Diana's nephew Louis is more handsome than his dad or his two Windsor cousins!

by Anonymousreply 7May 3, 2019 10:19 PM

R4, who is Gabriellla? I could Google it, but it is more fun to ask.

by Anonymousreply 8May 3, 2019 10:21 PM

Lillibet really resembles her paternal grandma, Queen Mary!

by Anonymousreply 9May 3, 2019 10:23 PM

Gabriella is the daughter of Princess Michael of Kunt

by Anonymousreply 10May 3, 2019 10:24 PM

R10, thanks. Wow, she is in her late 30s too!

by Anonymousreply 11May 3, 2019 10:25 PM

"Ceciilia" is the name of the maternal grandmum of Queen Elizabeth II.

That would be a really nice name for the baby!

by Anonymousreply 12May 3, 2019 10:27 PM

Making love in the afternoon with Cecilia Up in my bedroom (making love) I got up to wash my face When I come back to bed Someone's taken my place

by Anonymousreply 13May 3, 2019 10:30 PM

R13, I'll have really stupid Paul Simon lyrics for 400, Alex.

by Anonymousreply 14May 3, 2019 10:31 PM

I think we solved the baby timeline issue in the last thread: Meghan announced early because she knew Eugenie's wedding would be the perfect place to pull off such a PR coup--or so she thought. Really, all it did was brand her as a thirsty bitch, earn the eternal enmity of the Yorks, and cause all the timing questions that are coming out now, ones that will be solved once the birth certificate is made public and we all know the official date of birth.

by Anonymousreply 15May 3, 2019 10:37 PM

R15, birth certificate? She needs to release that pee stick!

by Anonymousreply 16May 3, 2019 10:38 PM

And finally it makes sense.

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by Anonymousreply 17May 3, 2019 10:41 PM

R17, yeah, that’s another photo where you just have to scratch your head. Perhaps the Frau who’s been pregnant four times can explain the various misshapen bumps and lumps in that photo. She’s the expert.

by Anonymousreply 18May 3, 2019 10:53 PM

R18, it is BODY FAT, ancient one.

by Anonymousreply 19May 3, 2019 10:58 PM

Meghan didn't announce she was pregnant at Fugenie's weddimg or wear a pregnancy coat. Why does the Kate Troll keep saying she did?

by Anonymousreply 20May 3, 2019 11:00 PM

I think if she wore a fake bump, she’d realize tight-fitting clothes weren’t the way to go.

by Anonymousreply 21May 3, 2019 11:01 PM

Honestly I think she's just carrying unflatteringly (i.e. in that Morocco photo). She's extremely short-torsoed and just on the shorter side in general so I think she probably looks like a beachball by now.

As for the "she didn't announce at Yuge's wedding" - oh yes she did. Even the stans don't usually bother to deny that one. That maternity coat on her 100% nonexistent-at-the-time bump. l.o.l. Twitter was alight with "pregnant!!" within literal seconds of MM stepping out of her car. There is absolutely no universe in which that coat wasn't planned, and she really is shitty for doing that.

by Anonymousreply 22May 3, 2019 11:03 PM

And didn't they officially announce the following Monday, not even allowing Eugenie a week to enjoy her moment in the spotlight?

by Anonymousreply 23May 3, 2019 11:06 PM

R22, so she didn't announce it at FUGenie's wedding, she just wore a certain outfit and Skippies made assumptions.

Got it.

by Anonymousreply 24May 3, 2019 11:07 PM

FUGenie? What the fuck is wrong with you Meghan lunatics that you always recur to people's looks?

Is it because your heroine is the size of a gnome?

by Anonymousreply 25May 3, 2019 11:11 PM

She really is going to have a tough time becoming accustomed to the ways of uptight, British royalty. In Hollywood, one upmanship is common and expected. I keep thinking back to the first time Beyoncé accented her baby bump at an awards thing. I think she’s so used to that sort of PR that it was almost second nature for her to do that. She thought she would get same type of positive buzz Beyoncé got. I really think it wasn’t out of malice, it’s just the way things are done in Hollywood. But it certainly isn’t how it’s done in the BRF. I wonder if she’s realized or learned her lesson.

by Anonymousreply 26May 3, 2019 11:11 PM

R24, didn’t she tell the family before the wedding? And then she wore the maternity outfit. And then a day or two later - after rumors were rampant - they announced to the media.

If a diamond solitaire appears on the ring finger of a single (but steadily dating one man) woman’s left hand, people start to wonder if she’s engaged.

It’s not as if the rumors come out of thin air with NO basis.

by Anonymousreply 27May 3, 2019 11:11 PM

R26, to have “learned her lesson” would mean that she was errant in the first place. Narcs don’t admit mistakes or fault.

She will most likely double down.

But I could be wrong.

by Anonymousreply 28May 3, 2019 11:13 PM

I suspect there was an edge of malice to it, as I still think the emerald tiara Eugenie wore to her wedding was the one Meghan wanted. I know there was an official story about a 'suspect' Russian tiara, but that may very well have been Palace spin so she didn't look like she was literally trying to snatch the jewels off the head of the Queen's granddaughter, after first snatching the granddaughter's wedding date.

Meghan's and Eugenie's tiaras look quite similar in shape and design, except that Eugenie's is more memorable thanks to the emerald. I think Meghan's was a consolation prize, but it did not console her.

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by Anonymousreply 29May 3, 2019 11:16 PM

^ for all the hate of “dangling tendrils,” those are some pretty significant tendrils on Eugenie.

by Anonymousreply 30May 3, 2019 11:21 PM

R29, r30, I agree!

by Anonymousreply 31May 3, 2019 11:24 PM

I admire Beatrice and Eugenie, and will always love their fascinators at the wedding of Kate and Will!

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by Anonymousreply 32May 3, 2019 11:28 PM

Preggo Diana.

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by Anonymousreply 33May 3, 2019 11:31 PM

Photo at R3, Charlotte is adorbs!!

by Anonymousreply 34May 3, 2019 11:34 PM

It may still be true that Meghan had her twelve-week scan before Eugenie's wedding. The wedding was nearly 29 weeks ago. Therefore, if the baby is a few days overdue, Meghan could feasibly have had the scan by then.

by Anonymousreply 35May 3, 2019 11:36 PM

R18 Shut up, you uneducated twat.

I see no odd lumps or bumps...just shadows & an unflattering dress.

Now, for all of us with IQs that make it to triple digits, please will you favour us with your absence. There are plenty of places online where “special” people like you would be welcome. Here is not one of them.

Too many words for you, dear?



by Anonymousreply 36May 3, 2019 11:37 PM

R4 No one cares about the marriage of the adulterous Prince/Princess Michael offspring. Those two are so involved in their affairs, I don't see how they have time to attend this non-event.

by Anonymousreply 37May 3, 2019 11:38 PM

r20 and r24 She announced it at Eugenie's wedding a) by wearing the pregnancy coat when there was no bump and b) by going around telling everyone after the wedding. Then madam skipped out on the evening event upsetting Eugenie even more. Harry turned up without her but apparently didn't stay long. Bad enough that she had to postpone her wedding. Then the Cunt does something like that. Karma is coming for her.

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by Anonymousreply 38May 3, 2019 11:42 PM

I can't help but to wonder what the Queen thinks of her beloved grandchild Beatrice latching on to Eurotrash grifter with a one year old child...

by Anonymousreply 39May 3, 2019 11:43 PM

Can someone give me the tl;dr synopsis of Prince/Princess Michael?

by Anonymousreply 40May 3, 2019 11:43 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 41May 3, 2019 11:50 PM

Also, it was widely reported HazBean announced to the family the morning of Eugenie's wedding so that family members could offer the Sussexes their congratulations in person before they left on that monstrous tour Down Under.

by Anonymousreply 42May 3, 2019 11:52 PM

Princess Michael was the first member of the British Royal Family to engineer the term "Rent a Royal". For a certain fee, you can have the most elegant Princess Michael attend your event.

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by Anonymousreply 43May 3, 2019 11:53 PM

R25, have you zero sense of irony? You spend all your time eviscerating Meghan and yet you are upset by me calling that dumpy girl Fugenie? 😂

by Anonymousreply 44May 3, 2019 11:56 PM

Oi! I've got my eye on you R44 you twat.

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by Anonymousreply 45May 4, 2019 12:00 AM

Princess Michael made some comment a few years ago about how people nowadays are more careful about the breeding of their dogs than their children. I think she was referring to class rather than race, but it's still deeply unpleasant.

by Anonymousreply 46May 4, 2019 12:00 AM

R45, why is Alice from The Brady Bunch on this thread?

by Anonymousreply 47May 4, 2019 12:01 AM

'Widely reported...widely rumoured...' Skippies are hilarious. Do you really think Fugenie cared if Meg was pregnant at her wedding? Is frumpy Fugenie truly that much of a shallow narcissist? I doubt it. She seems modest enough.

by Anonymousreply 48May 4, 2019 12:02 AM

R36 do you really and truly think that the lumps and bumps in r17 are normal for a woman’s pregnant body? Did YOUR body look like that?

Perhaps Meghan was wearing some sort of orthotic support garments, I don’t know. It’s very odd.

by Anonymousreply 49May 4, 2019 12:04 AM

I remember when Fergie joined the RF, she got a decent amount of hate from Skippy types, but there was nowhere for them to gather as it was a pre social media era. The UK taboids didn't like her.

by Anonymousreply 50May 4, 2019 12:04 AM

If Beatrice marries that sleazy Edo guy and televises it, it'll be the last televised royal wedding until the Cambridge kids grow up. By the time Edward's children get married they'll be too far down the line of succession to justify it (already 12th and 13th, and if their older cousins have any more kids they'll be pushed even further down).

by Anonymousreply 51May 4, 2019 12:05 AM

R49, those lumps and bumps are body fat redistributed by tailored clothes. I guess Meg should have worn flowery tent dresses like Diana instead of trying to be fashionable.

by Anonymousreply 52May 4, 2019 12:07 AM

R44, I'm not part of the rabid Meg dislike crew. (She did quite a lot to be disliked for, but that's another matter.)

And sorry for not having detected your 'irony' as we're crowded with some pathetic Meg loonies in here these days.

by Anonymousreply 53May 4, 2019 12:08 AM

R53, just accept some people like her. This isn't the Let's All Bash Meg thread.

by Anonymousreply 54May 4, 2019 12:11 AM

Tailored clothes R52? Seriously? Omg, pissing myself.

by Anonymousreply 55May 4, 2019 12:12 AM

Fashionable? My sister wore some of that shite, in the noughties.

by Anonymousreply 56May 4, 2019 12:13 AM

She wears couture quite well (esp non pregnant) but I guess you were more impressed by Dumbana's cotton tent dresses. Probably the kind of caftan type thing you swathe yourself in, R56.

by Anonymousreply 57May 4, 2019 12:17 AM

Servings 8-10 Ingredients

3 c. shredded cooked chicken

2 c. shredded Mexican cheese blend (divided)

1 (10 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1/2 c. milk

1/2 c. sour cream

1 can Ro-Tel diced tomatoes with green chilies drained

1/2 packet taco seasoning mix

1 lg. bag Doritos

Chopped lettuce

Diced tomato


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, mix together the shredded chicken, 1 cup of cheese, cream of chicken soup, milk, sour cream, Ro-Tel tomatoes, and taco seasoning mix. Stir well. Grease a 2-quart casserole dish. Layer half of the crushed Doritos across the bottom of the dish. Top with half of the chicken mixture. Add another layer of crushed Doritos, and then add another layer of the chicken mixture. Top with remaining 1 cup cheese. Cover and bake for 30-35 minutes, until bubbling hot. Remove from the oven and top with chopped lettuce, diced tomato and more crushed Doritos.

[bold]I let my blog speak for itself….thanks for letting me know……😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[bold]

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by Anonymousreply 58May 4, 2019 12:18 AM

Who puts Doritos in a chicken dish? Does Skippy live in a trailer?

by Anonymousreply 59May 4, 2019 12:19 AM

[bold]Thank you so very beautiful!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[bold]

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by Anonymousreply 60May 4, 2019 12:20 AM

I think r57 is pulling our collective leg.

Well done, sir.

by Anonymousreply 61May 4, 2019 12:23 AM

R61, nope. I didn't like illiterate Diana. I don't like Stepford Kate much either, but I find MM intriguing.

by Anonymousreply 62May 4, 2019 12:26 AM

R48 Let's be clear about the sad situation of Princess Eugenie. She is not on the civil list and receives no taxpayer monies for her "humanitarian" gestures. She decided to marry a former bartender now marketer of tequila. She and her husband have no money to support a lifestyle akin to any working royals. She and the bartender have to pay market rate for their apartment in KP or wherever it is. Eugenie - and her parents - are going bonkers to try and find a way to work her back on the civil list. It is her only hope, as she married down. Her sister is sadly following in her footsteps. It is a pity Carol Middleton didn't take these two lost souls under her tutelage. One daughter married to the future King, and the other married to a billionaire (Jewish but the Middletons don't care about that).

by Anonymousreply 63May 4, 2019 12:29 AM

No baby yet? Somebody needs to create a meme of that old lady in Titanic saying “It’s been 84 years...since Meghan Markle announced she was pregnant”

by Anonymousreply 64May 4, 2019 12:30 AM

R61, Are you sure you’re not referring to r59 and r60?

by Anonymousreply 65May 4, 2019 12:30 AM

Despite Dreamboat Andy being the real sexy star of "As The Palace Burns", Meghan is actually becoming one of my fast favorites. The sheer moxie of it all is hilarious. I'm sure she is an insufferable cunt in real life, but she makes for a fun story line.

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by Anonymousreply 66May 4, 2019 12:32 AM

It is absolutely perplexing to understand how unemployed Eugenie and the bartender can support themselves. Obviously their grifter parents are helping out, but that can't last long, as pervie Andy and grifter Sarah can barely support themselves.

Sounds like there needs to be a big family trip to Kazakhstan to enrich the coffers of the York grifters. Pervie Andy should marry Beatrice off to a young heir of Kazakhstan. That is the only way to pay the Yorkist bills.

by Anonymousreply 67May 4, 2019 12:35 AM

It's not odd, r49. And she has pregnancy nose to boot.

by Anonymousreply 68May 4, 2019 12:36 AM

I thought Eugenie worked at an art gallery, R67? I agree it's surprising she's able to fund such an extravagant lifestyle, but she's not unemployed.

by Anonymousreply 69May 4, 2019 12:39 AM

Princess Michael, despite her current middle-European lilt, grew up in Australia, as her mother moved here after the war and after separating from Princess Michael’s nazi father, who ended up in Mozambique.

She was known as “Marie” at the time, and was sent to the very respectable Kincoppal Rose Bay Sacred Heart convent. Her mother opened a hairdressing salon in Double Bay and they, including Marie’s brother Fred, lived in a flat above the salon.

It wasn’t until she had moved to the UK that Marie Reibnitz with the Australian accent rebranded herself as Marie-Christine von Reibnitz with the vaguely Austro-Hungarian accent. She married a banker called Tom Troubridge but had her sights set on the royal family and they divorced . Was initially focused on Prince William of Gloucester, who wasn’t interested, so she moved on to his cousin Prince Michael of Kent.

Old Marie’s done well!

by Anonymousreply 70May 4, 2019 12:39 AM

If the York family is to stay solvent, they must marry Beatrice to this person, the young heir to the fortune of Kazakhstan. Beatrice is now a bit long in the tooth, so it is essential that this match be arranged pronto.

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by Anonymousreply 71May 4, 2019 12:39 AM

I think the delay in announcing the birth has proved the tunnels theory. I told you bitches!

by Anonymousreply 72May 4, 2019 12:41 AM

The people on here who are determined to cast Meghan as the ugliest ug that ever ugged are hilarious. She wouldn't have been cast in Suits for seven years if she'd been hit with the ugly stick. Can you imagine them casting frumpy Fugenie or even Diana with her huge nose overshadowing all her other features/

by Anonymousreply 73May 4, 2019 12:46 AM

Westminster Abbey bellringers celebrate Princess Charlotte's 4th birthday...

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by Anonymousreply 74May 4, 2019 12:47 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 75May 4, 2019 12:48 AM

Skippy's minions are getting antsy and angsty.

Heather Here….

Skippy, I’ve been on board with you all the way, from the beginning, but I have to tell you I’m a little scared now! I just turned on Fox News, which has a very good reputation of NOT reporting fake news, snd they just had a big segment about Buckingham Palace announcing today that the ‘birth is imminent’!

Now any person in the planet can CLEARLY see the warped pics of her pillow belly over the last 9 months, and she Ben the news commentators didn’t seem like it was any big deal that the 42 yr old Markle is now 5 days overdue! But if FOX NEWS are saying the Palace announced that, NOW IM FREAKING OUT! That wicked bitch better not get away with this!

Expect anything and everything….don’t buy into this…..😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

by Anonymousreply 76May 4, 2019 12:50 AM

About Jack Brooksbank.

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by Anonymousreply 77May 4, 2019 12:51 AM

Princess Mike Aussie secret last shame shock!

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by Anonymousreply 78May 4, 2019 12:51 AM

Sorry R76, we don't care about your frau drama about fake pregnancies and how pregnant women can stoop and kneel. We are gay men here and just not interested in your frau nonsense.

Let's hear more about the lovely Princess Michael and her ascendence from hair salon dweller to British royalty. Talk about a grifter!

by Anonymousreply 79May 4, 2019 12:55 AM

What if the baby is never born? How many of you fraus will die of baby-insanity?

by Anonymousreply 80May 4, 2019 12:56 AM

R79, I included one of Skippy's anons because the tinhattery is hilarious. Sorry that it's flown over your head. Nobody is interested in Princess Mike.

by Anonymousreply 81May 4, 2019 12:57 AM

R70, hmm, that narrative sounds familiar. Princess Michael saw MM coming from a mile away. How delicious.

by Anonymousreply 82May 4, 2019 12:57 AM

R81, this thread is about Royal Family Gossip. However tangential she might be, gossip about her is interesting to some of us. It’s certainly more interesting than manufacturing endless arguments about Meghan Markle.

I’m glad to read about something other than MM.

by Anonymousreply 83May 4, 2019 1:00 AM

R82, why aren't you attacking Harry? He's the one who brought this woman you see as a demon into the family and he must also be complicit in any fake pregnancy drama?

by Anonymousreply 84May 4, 2019 1:01 AM

It's good to see how much the MM haters love and trust Fox News. Trump supporters, all.

by Anonymousreply 85May 4, 2019 1:02 AM

I love that her Kincoppal schoolmates called Princess Michael “Schnitzel”!

It’s a very expensive school (how did her Mum pay the fees?) but the girls have always been known for being pretty down to earth Aussie chicks. Just with rather rich parents.

As R82 says upthread - she would have spotted Markle a mile away. Hence the Blackamoor brooch - I really do think that wearing that was no accident!

by Anonymousreply 86May 4, 2019 1:02 AM

This thread is about the British Royal Family. Princess Michael is a member of the British royal family. Awareness of "Skippy" was brought to this site by pathetic loons when they were kicked off other sites. If you're obsessed with other freak followers of the British royal family, like the mythical Skippy, why don't you fuck off to Tumblr?

by Anonymousreply 87May 4, 2019 1:04 AM

'As [R82] says upthread - she would have spotted Markle a mile away. '

Spotted what, exactly? A good looking Hollywood actress who liked the look of Prince Harry and fancied being a royal? Harry is the one who married her and nobody has managed to stand in his way, let alone this random. Anyway, MM has been great for the RF's image and has sparked renewed interest from the younger generations, which had died down after Stepford Kate proved so dull.

by Anonymousreply 88May 4, 2019 1:06 AM

' If you're obsessed with other freak followers of the British royal family, like the mythical Skippy, why don't you fuck off to Tumblr? '

R87, I see you're getting a little emotional, most likely because you're well aware that you and the MM tinhats who all think she's padding share the same views. You don't like us mocking them, as you feel we're mocking you.

Tumblr is the home of tinhattery, so you should head over there, not me.

by Anonymousreply 89May 4, 2019 1:09 AM

'Hence the Blackamoor brooch - I really do think that wearing that was no accident!'

Jesus, you really are a racist, aren't you? Disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 90May 4, 2019 1:10 AM

Calm down R88, you’re obviously more invested in Sparkle than I am. R86 here, btw.

I do dispute your “great for the RF’s image” statement. You’re on thin ice there, mate. I won’t run through the laundry list of her PR blunders but that tacky, OTT, let-them-eat-cake baby shower in New York was about as off message for the BRF as it’s possible to be. Fine for a wannabe LA celebrity, definitely not fine for a member of the BRF. If you don’t get that then you probably don’t get the BRF, who are royal, not trashy west coast “celebrities”.

by Anonymousreply 91May 4, 2019 1:12 AM

I have a question for all the tin-hat frauen. If Harry had married a girl who looks like the fish below, yet had the same attitude as Meghan, would you give her a pass? Would she just be a sassy non-threatening big gal to you? "She's so relatable! She wears LuLaRoe just like me! She's not bitchy!! she's a BOSSMOM" Would she be more worthy of Harry's affections?

If you care to admit it or not, Meghan is good looking, and photogenic. Sure she has figure flaws, everyone does, but she is far from being ugly.

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by Anonymousreply 92May 4, 2019 1:12 AM

R90, Is pointing out a racist act by someone ALSO a racist act? I agree with r86 that Princess Michael’s blackamoor brooch was intentional and racist. Does that observation make me a racist, too?

No one’s condoning it, for fucks sake.

by Anonymousreply 93May 4, 2019 1:14 AM

R88, Princess Michael spotted another of her kind. A pretty, ambitious, cutthroat climber.

Reminds me of “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”. Hahaha.

by Anonymousreply 94May 4, 2019 1:16 AM

I agree, R73. I'm not a Sugar, but it's silly to pretend that Meghan isn't an attractive woman.

by Anonymousreply 95May 4, 2019 1:17 AM

Actually, R90, I’m not a racist. Try reading what I wrote again - I was saying that Princess Michael wore the brooch on purpose, which would make her the racist. I was pointing out her bad behaviour, not endorsing it.

I couldn’t give a flying fuck what race Markle is - you Americans are the ones who seem obsessed with it. She’s a shameless social climbing narcissist, no matter what colour she is.

You people who shriek “racist” when someone not white is criticised are the racists. Think about that for a moment.

by Anonymousreply 96May 4, 2019 1:17 AM

Euge and Be a have $5mil each. Andy has plenty of mils. Read....

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by Anonymousreply 97May 4, 2019 1:23 AM

R95, I agree she’s pretty. I think her behavior is ugly, and her clothing has been... problematic at times, but she’s a very attractive woman.

by Anonymousreply 98May 4, 2019 1:25 AM

'No one’s condoning it, for fucks sake. '

Really? You sounded as if you were delighted by it. It came after a gushing post all about how Mike had no truck with Meg.

by Anonymousreply 99May 4, 2019 1:25 AM

'I couldn’t give a flying fuck what race Markle is - you Americans are the ones who seem obsessed with it. She’s a shameless social climbing narcissist, no matter what colour she is. '

So was Diana and that guy who married Eugenie. And I'm British, not American. A LONDONER, remember?

by Anonymousreply 100May 4, 2019 1:27 AM

R99 With all due respect - if you go looking to be offended, you’ll usually find something. But in this case there is nothing to find. Get a grip or move on.

by Anonymousreply 101May 4, 2019 1:28 AM

Getting so you can't tell who hates which Duchess on here. ALL the fanatics are foul-mouthed and vicious, and not in a fun way.

You know how bitchy fraus can be!

by Anonymousreply 102May 4, 2019 1:29 AM

My apologies, LONDONER - I just assumed that you were triggered because your shrill response was like that of so many American Meghan stans on here. My other comments still stand, LONDONER!

by Anonymousreply 103May 4, 2019 1:30 AM

Sooooo bored by people calling others narcissists. It got old two years ago. The majority of people are narcissistic to some extent. Find another insult.

by Anonymousreply 104May 4, 2019 1:30 AM

Yes R104, we all have narcissistic aspects to our personalities.

What we don’t all have is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Of which Markle’s behaviour is textbook.

If you haven’t dealt with a narc, you’re lucky. But you wouldn’t understand.

by Anonymousreply 105May 4, 2019 1:33 AM

Diana failed all her GCSES and was practically illiterate, working as a nursery nurse. A dumbass. I'll take the smart American actress over her any day. Charles must have been at his wits' end trying to have intelligent conversations with Diana. I doubt Harry has that problem.

by Anonymousreply 106May 4, 2019 1:34 AM

Could Diana really be classed as a social climber, R100? She was born an aristocrat, and became a Lady in her early teens when her father inherited his earldom. I suppose technically anyone who marries into royalty could be considered a climber, though, since royalty is the very top of the British class system.

by Anonymousreply 107May 4, 2019 1:34 AM

Oops, I meant O Levels, not GCSEs. But she did fail them. All of them, despite her private school education. Quite a feat.

by Anonymousreply 108May 4, 2019 1:35 AM

Definitely, R107. She didn't even have a university education, but was working as a nursery nurse. There were plenty of Ladies milling around Charles.

by Anonymousreply 109May 4, 2019 1:36 AM

I still am gravely concerned as to how Her Royal Highness Princess Eugenie-Casamigos, first of her name, plans to support herself and her bartender/husband.

Will she have to go the route of her mother and great-auntie Michael, as in "rent a royal"?

Or will Beatrice save the day and marry the heir to Kazakhstan...

by Anonymousreply 110May 4, 2019 1:37 AM

For what it's worth, I think Meghan will grow tired of being in the BRF and may divorce Harry (probably against his will) and move back to queen it up in Hollywood.

by Anonymousreply 111May 4, 2019 1:38 AM

R110, doesn't Fugenie have 5m?

by Anonymousreply 112May 4, 2019 1:38 AM

Is the Londoner gnat the same loon who insists how much Londoners luuuurrrrrrrrrvvvvve MEghan? Shit, just another DL basic with Skippy envy.

by Anonymousreply 113May 4, 2019 1:39 AM

Methinks LONDONER is about as British as Meghan herself if s/he thinks Diana was a social climber. That isn't how it works, dear. That isn't how it works at all. Diana's family background is more aristocratic and English than Charles's by a mile.

by Anonymousreply 114May 4, 2019 1:40 AM

'Shit, just another DL basic with Skippy envy'

Skippy envy? So you think she's enviable? Okay, we are dealing with the craziest of the crazy here. Good to know. You probably ARE Skippy.

by Anonymousreply 115May 4, 2019 1:42 AM

R114, there was a furore when he married Diana, not because she wasn't a lady, but because she was poor and uneducated and he was a university graduate. They'd also barely been going out together any length of time. I doubt very much that you know anything about the UK in 1981.

by Anonymousreply 116May 4, 2019 1:43 AM

Yeah I was a bit puzzled with “I’m LONDONER, remember?”. Why should I remember?

Just another fantasist to be blocked, I guess.

by Anonymousreply 117May 4, 2019 1:43 AM

R117, you said you'd blocked me on Part 45. What happened?

by Anonymousreply 118May 4, 2019 1:45 AM

Diana was poor, R116? She came from a very rich family - admittedly most of the cash went to the eldest son and heir but she was living in a flat in Coleherne Court Earls Court that she owned, she took rent from her flat mates and did menial work while waiting to get married. She was the archetypal Sloane Ranger. That’s what they did. She was hardly on welfare.

“Poor”? No, not poor.

by Anonymousreply 119May 4, 2019 1:47 AM

'She took rent from her flat mates and did menial work while waiting to get married'

And why would the academic Charles want to marry someone like this when he had many other, more educated versions of her to choose from? She FAILED ALL the exams kids here take aged 16. They aren't very difficult.

by Anonymousreply 120May 4, 2019 1:50 AM

R118 you’ve got an inflated sense of your own importance - I have no idea who you are. Who has the time and inclination to go back two threads to check? But happy to block you now if that’s what you wish.


by Anonymousreply 121May 4, 2019 1:50 AM

Diana may not have been a student, but she was far from stupid. She had that thing they call "emotional intelligence." Also seemed reasonably articulate.

If you haven't seen that documentary "Diana: In Her Own Words" (or something like that) , it's worth a watch, very haunting. Nothing but her downbeat voice, from recordings. Some of it is quite maudlin, but she knows how to express herself. It's unthinkably sad for those of us who were around when lovely, cheerful Lady Di first came on the scene, to hear how depressed and bitter she sounded years later. She seemed like such an upbeat, hardy gal in the beginning.

It has to have really fucked William and Harry up, to hear their mother say such things and sound so miserable.

by Anonymousreply 122May 4, 2019 1:52 AM

I'm not blocking you. I still want to comment on you raging in your delirium about padding and surrogacies.

by Anonymousreply 123May 4, 2019 1:52 AM

Yeah, Diana was not poor. She was a Sloane Ranger. She went skiing in Switzerland. I think skiing was her great talent. She maybe was semi-literate and obviously not A level material but she was caught in the last generation of aristo women who were stupid and uneducated yet still could make great matches based on their blood lines.

by Anonymousreply 124May 4, 2019 1:52 AM

Does Harry have a low IQ?

by Anonymousreply 125May 4, 2019 1:53 AM

R122, she married Charles aged 19 because she wanted to be married to the heir. She must have known from her wide Sloane Ranger circle about Camilla and others. He wasn't the ideal man for her by a long way. She was a social climber like all debutante types. Meghan had 34 years of earning her own living before she even dated Harry.

by Anonymousreply 126May 4, 2019 1:54 AM

To pass the time, we could play "Let's Be a British Royal Family" thread. I'll be the stupid nicknames.

by Anonymousreply 127May 4, 2019 1:55 AM

R122 Diana was mad as a hatter. "Emotional intelligence"? As in throwing yourself down a staircase while pregnant? As in calling a poor man 100's of times and harassing his wife on the phone (the late Oliver Hoare). She was nuts, clear and simple. A nutter with some positive attributes.

by Anonymousreply 128May 4, 2019 1:56 AM

"Charles must have been at his wits' end trying to have intelligent conversations with Diana. I doubt Harry has that problem." Harry doesn't have conversations with Meghan. He just listens as she talks about herself. And Harry is allegedly dim. He couldn't make it through school without the extreme intervention of tutors and was said to be quite unpleasant about it.

by Anonymousreply 129May 4, 2019 1:56 AM

"Meghan had 34 years of earning her own living before she even dated Harry." Um, no, she lived off the largesse of her poor father and married or shacked up with men who could get her where she wanted to go.

by Anonymousreply 130May 4, 2019 1:57 AM

'Harry doesn't have conversations with Meghan. He just listens as she talks about herself'

Nope, if this was the case he wouldn't have married her. Harry was very, very fussy. Some people thought he'd never marry. She enchanted him with more than just looks. Definitely some cute repartee and banter going on there too.

by Anonymousreply 131May 4, 2019 1:58 AM

Is this whole 'birthday message' thing true?

I came all the way over here, to see if any of you were talking about it, and I don't see anything.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 132May 4, 2019 1:59 AM

R130, she earned a decent salary on Suits for seven years. Diana only ever lived off inherited wealth for her entire 36 years. She never even tried at school as she knew someone would marry her, even though she was very tall and had an odd figure and a huge nose.

by Anonymousreply 133May 4, 2019 1:59 AM

One of my tutors at uni had also been one of Charles’s tutors at Cambridge. “Thick as two short planks” was his verdict. But thought he was actually highly intellectual. Dunning-Kruger, anyone?

by Anonymousreply 134May 4, 2019 1:59 AM

He was more academic than someone who failed every single exam aged 16, despite the best education money could buy. Nobody is saying that he's a great intellectual, but he can debate politics whereas Diana could only talk (too much) about her emotions, her children, and her clothes. She spent most of her time vacationing around Europe. The boys were at Eton from age 6, so she had oodles of free time.

by Anonymousreply 135May 4, 2019 2:01 AM

Most people are dim. That is the reason the Kardashians are billionaires and Facebook/Zuckerburg rule the world - only dimwits post and upkeep facebook pages/Instagram.

I don't fault Harry for being dim, as he most likely inherited his dimness from his parents, especially from his mother, a semi-literate college dropout.

Sadly the entire British Royal Family is marred by a lack of intelligence. We have no idea what the head honcho, the Queen, thinks, as we are not privy to her inner thoughts. One only wonders! Contrast that to Catherine the Great's letters to Voltaire - now that woman was an intellect with the paper trail to prove it!

by Anonymousreply 136May 4, 2019 2:03 AM

Well, it's a good thing none of us EVER has to waste time associating with these stupid, insane, terrible people. We're safe from them, here on our phones and laptops. Whew!

by Anonymousreply 137May 4, 2019 2:06 AM

Oh, and R118 etc - a big thank you. Once I blocked you, most of the deranged fantasist rantings disappeared from this thread, like magic!

I love how you are all the one very special person.

by Anonymousreply 138May 4, 2019 2:07 AM

R112 Eugenie's 5M is split with her sister. Given her "basic" expenses (market rent at KP, security etc) and her inherited love of holidays, that 2.5 won't stretch very far. Brooksbank is unlikely to keep her in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.

To those posters joking about Beatrice and some rich young man from Kazakhstan, I think that's highly unlikely. Buying Andy's house is a world of difference from agreeing to marry the genetic jackpot of the spawn of Andy and Fergie. Besides, do we think Bea (or Andy) could handle a relationship where she is second fiddle?

by Anonymousreply 139May 4, 2019 2:11 AM

Diana was extremely young when she married Charles, so yes, she wasn't exactly out there Fed Ex-ing rings back, and running around for years.

It's OK.

by Anonymousreply 140May 4, 2019 2:12 AM

How much is Andy worth? Will he inherit a great deal when the Queen and Phil pass on?

by Anonymousreply 141May 4, 2019 2:13 AM

I wonder if Doria is feeling threatened by the presence of Oprah and Gayle. How many wise woman goddesses does Meghan NEED?

by Anonymousreply 142May 4, 2019 2:13 AM

R140, that’s a very good point. She was 19. That’s unreal, to think about now. She was still technically a teenager. I’m sure she had no idea of what she was in for, regardless of her mental illness or not. What a terrible idea.

by Anonymousreply 143May 4, 2019 2:14 AM

R118 hasn't said anything which could remotely be seen as fantasy. R138, on the other hand, is the Skippy Troll who squeals about padding and surrogacy, if anyone wants to block her.

Meghan has a Bachelors from North Western Uni, so is definitely more academic than woeful Harry, who inherited Diana's brains (or lack of).

by Anonymousreply 144May 4, 2019 2:16 AM

I don't believe for a moment that Granny doesn't kick in to help all of them. Do you really think Bea and Eugenie have to pay market value rent or for their own security. They only require security because they are the grandchildren of the queen. They are going to be punished for their position.

by Anonymousreply 145May 4, 2019 2:16 AM

R139 Agree. Brooksbank has zero financial prospects, at his age. An Eton grad who has not been able to get a job in finance or anything that is lucrative, despite the best contacts in those fields. He is a lost cause. I think that is why we are seeing Eugenie hustling with extra "patronages" , but that won't help. Prince Charles knows that the Yorks are dead weight and he is not going to let unemployed Eugenie and Beatrice ride the royal gravy train as the UK faces continued austerity/Brexit. Eugenie and Beatrice will need to learn the art of Middle Eastern grifting; as women it may involve more than it did to their Papa. That is their only hope to get the coin to live well. The British taxpayers do not seem excited to support those two and whatever grifters they marry.

by Anonymousreply 146May 4, 2019 2:20 AM

Yorks should have raised their daughters with an understanding that you can't go for love when you aint gonna have a job yourself.

by Anonymousreply 147May 4, 2019 2:24 AM

"Happy birthday Charlotte! lots of love, H and M xo"

by Anonymousreply 148May 4, 2019 2:24 AM

R116 - You genuinely seem to have no idea what "social climbing" actually is. It's marrying up in terms of social class. I understand via reading through your other posts that the context of all your comments is "Diana was a worse match for Charles than Meghan for Harry and Diana wasn't even so great anyway!" but fwiw, I have no interest in defending Diana, who I have no strong feelings about either way. But what she did in marrying Charles was simply not social climbing and as a LONDONER (lol) you really should know that.

by Anonymousreply 149May 4, 2019 2:25 AM

Honey, they're vultures, R142. Make no mistake.

by Anonymousreply 150May 4, 2019 2:26 AM

No, R144 - R138 here, and definitely not he Skippy troll, whoever that is. I’m not a “Her” and I have zero interest in padding and surrogacy theories. You have your lines crossed.

I’m mainly interested in Princess Mike because she went to school with my sister as I went to school with her brother, so there has always been an interest as her royal career took off on its trajectory. The only overlap with Markle is the famous Blackamoor brooch. See upthread for my thoughts on that.

by Anonymousreply 151May 4, 2019 2:26 AM

You lie, r116. There was jubilation, and the photos exist to prove it.

by Anonymousreply 152May 4, 2019 2:27 AM

HM and Andy fund the York sisters.

I agree with R63's argument that Eugenie's life is not independently financially sustainable and the York sisters could have benefited from having a Carole Middleton or a Louis Mountbatten if you prefer Phillp's mentor.

I am also amused that so many posters prefer the York sisters as role models over Meghan's grifting. Kate looks above the fray because Carole does all the hard work or social climbing. IMO it's interesting that both Wales boys picked grifters as wives. There may be something they admire about that commitment to succeeding, possibly at all costs. The Middleton girls and Meghan seem like survivors. The York sisters seem less resilient to me.

by Anonymousreply 153May 4, 2019 2:28 AM


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by Anonymousreply 154May 4, 2019 2:31 AM

R104 All of us have traits that can be considered criteria for specific mental disorders. We now consider mental disorders on a spectrum, it means that when those traits become overwhelming, intrusive, and debilitating to daily functioning or relationships, then that's when mental illness is diagnosed. Think of schizophrenia on a spectrum, we all have imaginative powers but some of us have them to the Nth degree and have trouble delineating imagination from reality. They're on one end of the spectrum (schizophrenia) while those of us who are healthy hang out somewhere in the middle and not at the opposite end from schizophrenia. This spectrum idea applies to many psychiatric disorders.

Now back to the latter 1/4 and all of this thread so far. Am I right that some are now claiming Diana to be a social climber on par with Meghan, in order to normalize the awfulness of Meghan's character (and disordered personality)? I was seeing actual mental health patients at clinic all day so did't have a chance to go through every post except skim through them. I agree Diana was as loony as they come for someone who's very high-functioning, but she was borderline personality to a a tee. BPD share many similar criteria with NPD, and if the research-supported theory of men often unconsciously choosing to marry women most like their mothers, that may be partly why Harry fell so deeply for Meghan. Maybe she sealed the deal with promise of Hollywood/ jet setter/ social media angle and Harry was selfish and dumb enough to want the same things.

by Anonymousreply 155May 4, 2019 2:37 AM

Anybody who thinks that Diana was a social climber has a) no idea what social-climbing means and b) no understanding of the attitude of the English upper classes to the BRF. They tend to look on them with benign amusement as vaguely German and really rather recent. If I have to explain what that means to you then my apologies, but I don’t have the patience.

Besides, Diana has been dead for 22 years - you might want to let that go and move on. Markle would be arriviste trash, Diana or no Diana.

by Anonymousreply 156May 4, 2019 2:46 AM

R153 Eugenie made a disastrous marriage to a bartender/Eton failure and now her sister seems positioned to marry a Eurotrash grifter with a one year old son ( at least with grandparents from a wealthy Asian family).

As you said, Eugenie and Beatrice are funded by HM and pervie Andie, but that will end. When HM goes, so doth the fortune of the York princesses. We will see more Weight Watchers patronage as well as whatever they can grasp at. They surely know that, hence the maniacal behavior currently betrayed as they grasp for royal "patronages" which they think will lead to a gilded life as working royals.

by Anonymousreply 157May 4, 2019 2:49 AM

R157 “Disastrous”? “Eton failure”? Did you read that upthread then repeat it as fact? There’s a lot of that in these threads.

Jack went to Stowe, not Eton. Google it - you won’t have heard of it.

His family have been courtiers to the BRF going back to at least King George V and Queen Mary (I.e. over a century). Look up the Coke family if you want to educate yourself rather than just parroting other people’s misconceptions.

Socially, he’s quite a catch. Who knows how much he’s earning as a tequila brand ambassador but presumably Clinton and Gerber are slinging him enough to get by.

Good for him and good for Eugenie. They’ve both done well, in my opinion.

by Anonymousreply 158May 4, 2019 2:58 AM

Eugenie has been looking more attractive than she ever has before, imho, over the last few months. Marriage must be treating her well.

by Anonymousreply 159May 4, 2019 3:05 AM

R158 So the poor fool went to Stowe and not Eton. Yet please, sir, explain how bartender Jack is bringing in at least a million pounds a year to support his Princess.

He is no catch, no title, no inherited millions, no job in finance....Andy was right to try and marry his daughters off to the Kazakhstan rulers.

Please explain how Mr. Stowe educated jack the bartender is supporting Eugenie. Do you think a marketer of Tequila is bringing in million pounds a year? You are as deranged as the "stans" on this board.

Kazakhstan is the only hope for the sad Yorks.

by Anonymousreply 160May 4, 2019 3:25 AM

When I think of Kazakhstan, Borat springs to mind.

by Anonymousreply 161May 4, 2019 3:31 AM

R169 Where did you get £1m per year from? He has a job and she has a job. They live in (quite possibly) subsidised housing. Good for them!

They seem very happy.

I don’t know why you’re working yourself up into such a state about them.

I don’t see any private jets or gold plated bathrooms in their lavish lifestyle. Why are you so bitter and resentful? What is your issue? And what’s with your obsession with Kazakhstan? I doubt that you were aware of its existence until you read of it upthread.

by Anonymousreply 162May 4, 2019 3:31 AM

in all truth, Eugenie would be living a more secure and wealthy life if she had married Sasha Baron Cohen, as opposed to the Stowe-educated bartender/loser.

by Anonymousreply 163May 4, 2019 3:33 AM

Many thanks, r138. I blocked that poster as well. I think that was the dumb puta who is claiming 4 pregnancies and keeps going on and on about Markle's beauty.

by Anonymousreply 164May 4, 2019 3:34 AM

R169 And if you think that Eton is the only school of social or educational cachet in England than you’re even stupider than you at first appeared. And that’s positively mind-boggling!

by Anonymousreply 165May 4, 2019 3:34 AM

^^^ R162 and R165 here - make that R160.

But while I’m here - why is Jack a loser? He has a job that pays the rent, apparently . A lovely well-connected wife with a good job too - any job is a good job but she’s a director of Hauser & Wirth, a prestigious art gallery.

He’s good looking and popular and they move in what look like some fun social circles.

And you do what, R160? And live where? And are married to whom?

If there’s a loser here, it’s not Jack Brooksbank.

by Anonymousreply 166May 4, 2019 3:41 AM

R162 For the past couple of years all Eugenie and Beatrice did was to vacation. That is what they did. Vacation on the backs of the taxpayers.

You are quite the loon to think the bartender can maintain Mustique-loving Eugenie in the lifestyle she believes she is heir to.

Hence the madcap move toward "patronages" that a non-working royal has no business being involved with. Eugenie and her pervie Papa realize her only hope to maintain her royal lifestyle is to become a working royal. That, despite the Queen cutting protective service to the York gals a few years ago.

Pervie Andy has to pay out his own pocket - enriched by various heinous autocrats across the globe - for the Princesses' protection.


Seems like she said in so many words, not worth it.

by Anonymousreply 167May 4, 2019 3:43 AM

So... wait a minute. You're saying that Eugenie is getting more patronages, but won't be sufficiently protected? There are more terrorists and criminally insane people than ever.

by Anonymousreply 168May 4, 2019 3:49 AM

Poor R167 You are clearly unhinged hence the RANDOM USE OF UPPER CASE but I’ll try and put you right before I block you.

The York princesses have never been taxpayer funded. Don’t make stuff up. It just makes you look stupid as well as crazy.

Eugenie and Mustique? She’s never been reported as having been there. You are possibly confusing her with her great aunt Princess Margaret. Who has been dead for twenty years. Or the Middletons, who holiday there. But they are Eugenie’s cousin’s in laws. Not Eugenie. She is a different person.

How can someone be “heir” to a lifestyle? You make no sense.

But that’s because you’re deranged. Why do you care about Eugenie? Why do you care about taxes which you think support her? And even if they did, they’re not your taxes, are they? Your American spelling gives you away.

You’re entertaining, I’ll give you that, R167. But only because you’re barking mad. Keep it up - you’re good for a laugh. Which we’re all doing. At you, R167.

by Anonymousreply 169May 4, 2019 3:52 AM

Eugenie and Beatrice aren't fucking poor, Randy Andy is worth about 80 million, they are the Queens grandchildren, they won't starve. I wish I was "poor" like them. Plus Andy earns shitloads of money in investments in the tech industry. R29 I agree! MM had her beady rodent eyes on her precious and didn't get the Eugenie's Emerald tiara, so out of narc envy and rage tried to upstage the bride with her 6 week pregnancy, which she successfully did in the press. Now she's holed up in Froghollow trying to spin the "overdue" card. Plus we all know she has ballooned to the size of a swollen baby whale, despite her attempts to eat eggless macrobiotic food

by Anonymousreply 170May 4, 2019 3:55 AM

Her Majesty “decried” that the York Princesses would receive no protection, R167? HM must have really not liked personal protection!

Or is it possible that you meant “decreed”?


by Anonymousreply 171May 4, 2019 3:58 AM

R167 I smell the bullshit of an American Megastan. You gave yourself away the moment you used the term "vacation"

by Anonymousreply 172May 4, 2019 4:03 AM

I've heard it said that MM was a bully and mean when she was a kid. True or no?

by Anonymousreply 173May 4, 2019 4:11 AM

'Please explain how Mr. Stowe educated jack the bartender is supporting Eugenie. Do you think a marketer of Tequila is bringing in million pounds a year? You are as deranged as the "stans" on this'

Hilarious that you think being the British brand ambassador for Gerber's billion dollar Tequila brand is equivalent to working in a bar. You really are dumb.

by Anonymousreply 174May 4, 2019 4:19 AM

R172 Not to mention their use of “realize”.

But nationality notwithstanding - that poster is taking obsession to a whole different dimension.

Who are these members of the non-existent Kazakhstan royal family to whom Beatrice and Eugenie should have been betrothed?

Why does it matter that Jack Brooksbank worked as a barman? And even if he did - what’s wrong with that?

Why does s/he care anyway? It’s a mystery...

by Anonymousreply 175May 4, 2019 4:21 AM

R167 = Skippy Troll

by Anonymousreply 176May 4, 2019 4:23 AM

R167 You’re in the habit of picking up a random factoid and then running with it.

In the wrong direction.

You seem to think that Stowe school, not being Eton, is some embarrassing state supported dump out of which it’s a miracle that Jack made it alive.

Link to Stowe is below - it’s not exactly Compton High.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 177May 4, 2019 4:32 AM

Americans only know Eton of the many great British public schools, and use silly phrases such as 'Eton graduate' or 'Diana was a college drop out'.

by Anonymousreply 178May 4, 2019 4:34 AM

R169 The York sisters received public funding in the form of free housing and security. That's no longer the case. They were forced to pay for their own security and pay market rent. This was upsetting for Andrew.

[quote] He has a job that pays the rent, apparently . A lovely well-connected wife with a good job too - any job is a good job but she’s a director of Hauser & Wirth, a prestigious art gallery.

[quote] He has a job and she has a job.

Not quite. It's unlikely that Jack earns enough to pay market rent in Kensington Palace. The York girls have "consultant" jobs that seem to give them generous time off time to take holidays and pursue their patronages. The companies pay for the access the York sisters provide. The salary helps, but it's not enough to fund their lifestyle. How many art directors can afford to live like Eugenie?

Beatrice and Eugenie will not starve, but anything they have will seemingly come from their father's sometimes less than transparent connections to the Middle East. Eugenie didn't marry well. Brooksbank is respectable but she will be supporting him. How feminist. Beatrice seems headed in the same direction.

It is common knowledge that Andrew would like his daughters to be firmly attached to the public teat. The tax dollars they would receive pale in comparison to the cache they would have as "working royals" and their ability to parlay that into "investment opportunities" outside the UK.

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by Anonymousreply 179May 4, 2019 4:35 AM

It seems likely that the queen's grandchildren will receive sizable inheritances.

by Anonymousreply 180May 4, 2019 4:38 AM

'It's unlikely that Jack earns enough to pay market rent in Kensington Palace.'


by Anonymousreply 181May 4, 2019 4:38 AM

Considering how controversial Harry's wife turned out to be, and by extension, Harry, PC may have to revisit his plan to slim down the monarchy to only the Waleses, Cambridges and Sussexes. Many of current crop of "working royals" are ageing out, and someone has to pick up the slack.

by Anonymousreply 182May 4, 2019 4:41 AM

I get it: Meghan=good; her perceived rivals/enemies in the royal family=bad.

by Anonymousreply 183May 4, 2019 4:43 AM

But R179 How do you know how they live? How do you know how much Jack earns? How do you know what rent they pay? Of course the companies pay for their royal status but Eugenie has a degree in Art History and she works in an art gallery. So what if they are using her for her connections? That’s the way that the world works. Prid quo pro. You sound very naive. And resentful.

I’ve tried to parse your final paragraph a number of times but each time unsuccessfully. They don’t receive taxpayer “dollars” - I assume that you meant pounds. But as for the rest, you’re not making sense.

by Anonymousreply 184May 4, 2019 4:43 AM

Growing up, Brooksbank's parents sent him to the private Stowe school in Buckinghamshire, England. He then skipped university, diving into a career in hospitality. At one point he managed the popular London nightclub Mahiki, and is currently the UK ambassador for George Clooney and Rande Gerber's tequila brand, Casamigos. According to the Daily Mail, Brooksbank has previously spoken about a dream to open a chain of "hostelries.

by Anonymousreply 185May 4, 2019 4:44 AM

Sounds like Jack is doing well.

by Anonymousreply 186May 4, 2019 4:46 AM

"prid quo pro"? hahahahahahahahaha

by Anonymousreply 187May 4, 2019 4:46 AM

The penny has just dropped ( R177 and R184 etc here)! Eugenie got the good tiara therefore to Meghan stans she is evil.

Guess what? Eugenie has a lovely life. Good for her. All your hating comes to nought. Markle is still a narcissistic ho.

Neither of the above will ever change.

by Anonymousreply 188May 4, 2019 4:47 AM

R187 I’m laughing at myself here - “quid quo pro” indeed. Time to put down the wine bottle.

But my point still stands.

by Anonymousreply 189May 4, 2019 4:49 AM

The Gerber tequila job is worth £1m a year, as Casamigos is a billion dollar brand. So much for Skippy saying he is a bar tender. Go Jack!

by Anonymousreply 190May 4, 2019 4:51 AM

Honestly, Harry blundered hugely in getting hitched to MM. I feel that her being an American has a lot to do with it... she does seem to display a number of the "ugly American" stereotypes. Let's not try to pretend anti-American sentiment doesn't exist those circles.

by Anonymousreply 191May 4, 2019 4:54 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 192May 4, 2019 4:54 AM

'Brand ambassador make about £45K'

Nope. For a billion dollar brand like Casamigos, more like £500k - £1m a year. He earned £100k a year managing Mahiki.

by Anonymousreply 193May 4, 2019 4:58 AM

R192 Your quoted figures for rent and salary I’ll let slide although some sources would be useful otherwise it might seem as though you are pulling those numbers out of your arse. I’m sure that you’re not, though...

But speaking of numbers, you mentioned that Eugenie shouldn’t get “more tax money”. How much “tax money” does she get now? And where’s the source for her asking for more “tax money”?

I’m curious, R192 - humour me.

by Anonymousreply 194May 4, 2019 5:00 AM

R192 using the word pounds or quid for money is the term in the UK, it's not splitting hairs.

by Anonymousreply 195May 4, 2019 5:00 AM

38% of DL-ers think Baby Sussex will be named FUGTASTIC.

by Anonymousreply 196May 4, 2019 5:00 AM

Source R193

R194. The quoted figures for rent are in the linked article.

As a person living at KP she is a beneficiary of tax money. It's maintenance is funded by taxes. She also had taxpayer funded security for her wedding. That's just off the top of my head

R195 as a person who has lived and studied in the UK, there are many words in common use for money, depending on the setting. It is splitting hairs to suggest that you can't understand what dollars means because the currency in the UK is pounds sterling.

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by Anonymousreply 197May 4, 2019 5:07 AM

One of the kids names will be famous black person (from the past, most likely), and there will be a nod to Prince Charles or Queen Elizabeth in there, too. It's easy to figure MM out, if you really think about it.

by Anonymousreply 198May 4, 2019 5:07 AM

Correction: as a person who has lived and studied in the UK, I can say there are many words in common use for money, depending on the setting.

by Anonymousreply 199May 4, 2019 5:07 AM

Erm. Alright, R199.

by Anonymousreply 200May 4, 2019 5:09 AM

Maybe Rosa for Rosa Parks, Elizabeth for HM and Diana.

by Anonymousreply 201May 4, 2019 5:09 AM

As an actual Brit, we don't say dollars instead of pounds. Ever.

by Anonymousreply 202May 4, 2019 5:10 AM

R197 I didn’t say that I didn’t understand what you meant when you quoted dollars rather than pounds. What I meant was that this showed that you’re an American and as such I don’t understand why you are so caught up in whether a minor princess of the House of Windsor is taxpayer funded or not. Which she isn’t.

Oh, and by the way, it’s “pound Stirling”, not “pounds Stirling”. Just so you know, for next time.

by Anonymousreply 203May 4, 2019 5:12 AM

Fucking hell.

by Anonymousreply 204May 4, 2019 5:15 AM

R202 But that doesn't mean Brits don't understand what a person means when they say dollars.

R203 I am not an American. There are more nationalities in the word than American and British.

Besides this seems a rather pointless tangent.

I stand by my views about the likely financial position of Eugenie and Jack and my opposition to them being working royals. You are free to have a different opinion on the matter.

by Anonymousreply 205May 4, 2019 5:15 AM

Gee thanks R205! Nice of you to give me your blessing!

Funny how you ignore every point on which you have been challenged upthread...

by Anonymousreply 206May 4, 2019 5:18 AM

R193, there’s no way a brand ambassador makes that much. I work for a multi-billion dollar company and our VPs of marketing make 300K a year. With bonuses it could be another 100k.

by Anonymousreply 207May 4, 2019 5:19 AM

R206 What remains unanswered for you R206?

by Anonymousreply 208May 4, 2019 5:20 AM

[quote]It has also been reported that Eugenie, who works for Hauser & Wirth gallery, will pay a market rent for Ivy Cottage; a two-bedroom house in nearby Palace Gardens Terrace is on Winkworth’s books for £3,142 a month.

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by Anonymousreply 209May 4, 2019 5:22 AM

From the article at R192

[quote] A comparable three-bedroom mews house in walking distance of Hyde Park would cost £3,500 a week – the equivalent of £182,000 a year. It is not clear how much Eugenie will be expected to pay.

Re R209, it seems Eugenie and Jack have a smaller place than she had before. That revises their housing costs. Jack's possible 45K plus his14K from his side business covers rent and utilities but the massive security bill, their clothing, vacations/holidays etc still exceed their likely income.

by Anonymousreply 210May 4, 2019 5:32 AM

R208. For starters:

Eugenie’s salary. Jack’s salary. How much their rent on their place in KP is. How much this is subsidised and by whom. How much their alleged taxpayer funded protection costs. Their total income. Their total outgoings. How much is the delta?

You can throw these numbers around and treat supposition as fact but when you’re called on them you pretend not to have heard.

And by the way, if you’re going to pretend not to be American or English, using the word “Brits” isn’t doing you any favours. But as someone who was allegedly educated in England, you’d know that, right?

by Anonymousreply 211May 4, 2019 5:33 AM

Prince Andrew to pay Beatrice and Eugenie's £20k a year rent

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by Anonymousreply 212May 4, 2019 5:42 AM

R211 You are tedious. I have linked to articles with the figures I've used. No one knows their total income or expenses. I'm speculating based on the information available. I've consistently used "seems," "likely" and in my opinion. This is a gossip site for heavens sake.

R202 used the term Brit and I responded with the same term.

Would you like a copy of my transcript to prove my education in the UK? Where shall I have the university send it to you?

by Anonymousreply 213May 4, 2019 5:42 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 214May 4, 2019 5:48 AM

This might be an unpopular opinion here, but I don't think Kate should have a fourth child. Many people would like to increase the size of their family, but are prevented by the projected cost. So it would seem like an indulgence for the rich.

by Anonymousreply 215May 4, 2019 5:51 AM

Prince Andrew has 10 million euros in his underwear drawer. Eugenie and Beatrice will be alright, you guys.

by Anonymousreply 216May 4, 2019 5:53 AM

Harry's cancelled trip is in the print edition and Charles will continue the Brexit charm offensive in Europe with a trip to Berlin.

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by Anonymousreply 217May 4, 2019 6:17 AM

R17 That looks like a combo of a Mormon garment and fake pregnancy. The pink outfit MM is wearing is the one where there's another photo of her where the belly button is off-center.

by Anonymousreply 218May 4, 2019 6:27 AM

R29 We have been through this many times before. MM did not want to wear the tiara that Eugenie wore. MM wanted to wear the Vladimir Tiara.

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by Anonymousreply 219May 4, 2019 6:29 AM

Those saying Meghan is attractive need to go to specsavers. She is not a pretty girl. Very manly looking.

by Anonymousreply 220May 4, 2019 6:37 AM

R207, well connected brand ambassadors make more than that. The Love Island finalists are being paid £1m to front Pretty Little Thing and other brands. Eugenie and Jack are a famous royal couple.

by Anonymousreply 221May 4, 2019 6:39 AM

R220, there's a limit to how manly a 110lb, 5ft 4 woman can be. Try harder.

by Anonymousreply 222May 4, 2019 6:40 AM

R218, belly buttons can seem off centre even on non pregnant women. A bump isn't symmetrical and it changes shape and size as the baby stretches or curls up.

by Anonymousreply 223May 4, 2019 6:43 AM

MM looks just Doria the Exploria (of yoga dudes).

by Anonymousreply 224May 4, 2019 6:44 AM

Kate probably wants another daughter, but she's likely to have another boy, like the Queen did.

by Anonymousreply 225May 4, 2019 6:44 AM

Kate might think that another baby could help fix her marriage or at least provide her with a distraction from William's straying.

I'm afraid that Beatrice's beaux is using her and will break her heart.

by Anonymousreply 226May 4, 2019 7:16 AM

^^ I do like his kitchen designs, though.

by Anonymousreply 227May 4, 2019 7:21 AM

But that’s exactly what it is, R215 - an indulgence that people who can afford it can indulge in. I have no problem with those who have large families when they can afford to feed, shelter, dress, educate them.

by Anonymousreply 228May 4, 2019 7:33 AM

These hoes are all on the Civil List to some extent, but it's getting dull. Andrew has property all over the place. They all have wealth and investments/jewellery that we don't see.

by Anonymousreply 229May 4, 2019 7:39 AM

True, R228, but in this case these children, as the children of the heir and future king, would be supported by the British taxpayer, at the very least with security, likely a lot more.

by Anonymousreply 230May 4, 2019 7:40 AM

How long before Meghan gets bored of dim witted Harry, says BYE FUGLICIA and goes back to Hollywood with Estella/Rosa/Alice/Fugrezia?

by Anonymousreply 231May 4, 2019 7:40 AM

The big question is whether MM will jump or be pushed. If she gets to choose the moment of departure, it will be when she has gotten all her ducks in a row, including sufficient material to either write a book or blackmail the RF into giving her a massive pay-out.

Or she could blow it with one outrageous faux pas, including the revelation of confirmed yachting or casting couching, and then she will shoved out of the plane with no parachute.

by Anonymousreply 232May 4, 2019 7:49 AM

I'd say Diana's boys had no choice but to marry grifters. Their first choices wouldn't have them because they didn't want/need that life. Kate and MM married for lifestyle, not love.

by Anonymousreply 233May 4, 2019 8:13 AM

R157 Jack Broksbank and family are hardly nobodies. R158 is quite right Read on, dear....

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by Anonymousreply 234May 4, 2019 8:17 AM

R214, I wouldn't be surprised if Kate went for baby #4. Being pregnant and a new mother gets her out of a lot of dull royal duties and is good for her image; nanny does all the hard work; and her severe morning sickness may have been invented by an indulgent royal doctor, allowing her to lounge around even more.

by Anonymousreply 235May 4, 2019 8:31 AM

Yep, his family is quite illustrious, and this is why Gerber and Clooney are happy to pay him a six figure stipend to get their brand into the clubs and bars of London town.

by Anonymousreply 236May 4, 2019 8:35 AM

The pictures of the Spencers on the previous thread show how strong those genes are. Harry is a Spencer through-and-through.

by Anonymousreply 237May 4, 2019 9:28 AM

R219 How many times have we been through this before, how the fuck would you know whether MM wanted the Vladimir Tiara or not unless you were there or MM herself. For all you know MM might have had the Grenville Emerald Tiara in her "How to be Queen of Britain" scrapbook she had since she was 15. There had to be a reason she wanted to shit all over Eugenie's wedding, it's not like Eugenie would get the same attention from the media as MM. Her and Harry had already made them change the date so they could get married first. Narcs are pretty transparent, she wanted her "precious" the emerald and Eugenie got it. Just like I know she has her beady eyes on the Queen Mary’s Art Deco emerald choker that Diana wore. Now that probably takes prominence in her scrapbook

by Anonymousreply 238May 4, 2019 9:36 AM

Wouldn't it be simply DIVINE if she has twins! Just like me. Wallis

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by Anonymousreply 239May 4, 2019 9:37 AM

R238 I'm blocking you because you're an idiot who keeps repeating lies. It has been reported in MSM that MM wanted to wear the Vladimir Tiara w/ emeralds. There were 2 problems: 1. The Queen decides which tiaras the bride can choose from and you aren't supposed to ask for one. 2. The Vladimir Tiara has a provenance that was uncomfortable in part because it was smuggled out of Russia during the Russian Revolution. England and Russia have a strained relationship due to the Novichok poisonings in Salisbury and Putin's refusal to cooperate with the investigation.

The emerald tiara that Yuge wore was a kokoshnik design (a style of Russian headpiece) but it was made in Paris.

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by Anonymousreply 240May 4, 2019 10:09 AM

With all the pregnant women I've known throughout my life, I have never, ever seen such an...inept pregnancy. NEVER. She's fumbled the ball right from the start of the game, if you'll forgive the analogy. The way she announced it, the shifting moon bump, the inappropriate clothing, the Sharon Stone cooter move, the bending down, the clutching, and the fact that it's been going on now for way too long. She cannot seem to get anything right.

by Anonymousreply 241May 4, 2019 10:14 AM

Do ladies usually get waxed in their final weeks to prevent matting after birth?

Is it common to have an enema when in labour to prevent any accidents when pushing?

How long after birth till they "clean you up"?

Thanks datalounge moms!

by Anonymousreply 242May 4, 2019 10:46 AM

Questions like that just encourage the fraus, R242.

by Anonymousreply 243May 4, 2019 10:49 AM

Datalounge moms? WTF?

by Anonymousreply 244May 4, 2019 10:49 AM

There are some women on here who've had kids and are still perfectly worthy dataloungers. Being a woman doesn't necessarily make you a Frau.

by Anonymousreply 245May 4, 2019 10:59 AM

Jack may not be a nobody, but alas, Jack is a poor somebody. He should have Eugenie wear a bejeweled little bottle of tequila at public events, so he can get that bonus.

The Queen took away the York girls' security detail many years ago, as it was costing taxpayers too much money,

And Beatrice is heading in a tragic direction.

Too bad their mother is a drunken mess, and not like clever Mrs. Middleton. One daughter married to the future king and the other married to the son of a billionaire.

by Anonymousreply 246May 4, 2019 11:02 AM

True, R245, but we don't seem to hear much from the cool moms. We just hear from the fraus.

by Anonymousreply 247May 4, 2019 11:02 AM

“It’s all part of Meghan’s quiet airbrushing out of Harry’s old posse."

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by Anonymousreply 248May 4, 2019 11:10 AM

The Queen Mother's retreat in Jamaica is up for sale.

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by Anonymousreply 249May 4, 2019 11:14 AM

I wonder if The Queen Momma use to stash bottles of gin all over that Jamaican getaway?

by Anonymousreply 250May 4, 2019 11:24 AM

For your viewing pleasure, the original Princess Pushy, Our Val and U-boat commander, the terribly grand Marie-Christine

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by Anonymousreply 251May 4, 2019 11:32 AM

Stealthy frau here.


Some women get all waxed pre-birth, more for aesthetics than matting.

Enemas are not standard. Don’t know anyone who had one. It’s normal to pop one out with all that pushing. (Sorry).

Immediately after the birth, you’ll get a cup of tea and something light to eat like toast. Then you’ll have a bath, supervised by a nurse or your OH. You’ll also have a nurse supervising when you have your first pee. This can sometimes cause blood pressure to drop and some women faint.

Childbirth is not pretty. It’s smelly, sweaty, shitty and undignified. Many, many men (far more than are willing to admit) go off their wives when they see what emerges from the previously sacrosanct cooch. Harry strikes me as shallow enough to be such a man.

I used to firmly believe that Markle would go for an elective c-section. But if it’s true that she’s overdue, then this is now unlikely as they’d have scheduled it for slightly before her due date.

Hope that answers a few questions. Will fuck off now.

by Anonymousreply 252May 4, 2019 11:35 AM

Thank you R251 !

by Anonymousreply 253May 4, 2019 11:35 AM

R148, I certainly was mad when the family read that out to me. To think that I would refer to, or even recognise, my uncle and aunt as "H" and "M"! Good Lord, does no-one observe protocol any more?

I am also disgusted that my birthday party, over which I took some trouble, was described by the gutter press as "rowdy". What do they think, guests got drunk playing Pass the Parcel? I think the DL knows me better than to believe anything other than that everyone knew what was expected and behaved very satisfactorily. Those who clearly needed a sleep were sent home before things could get out of hand. Whether they were children or parents.

by Anonymousreply 254May 4, 2019 11:36 AM

Okay. There are no, I repeat NO poor Royals in immediate proximity to the Queen - that includes her children and grandchildren. All it takes to draw such a conclusion is a bit of deductive reasoning. For the sake of argument, we'll take a look at "Randy Andy." He has many avenues available to him in the interest of generating revenue/adding to his personal fortune. He's a grifter as much as Fergie is a grifter - Middle Eastern billionaires is the ticket! God only knows how he's raked up his $80 million, but he's working it. The same goes for the others. In keeping with all the things which separate them from we simple folk, an acceptably sizable bank account is a must. There is a bank which specifically gears its business toward the needs of Royalty and the nobility. The Royals would also have the very best wealth management services available to them. Those individual fortunes are generating a very tidy income as well. Even Euge and Bea's $5 million EACH is being managed to produce INCOME. Speculating here but even a 5-10% yearly return is keeping them all quite comfortable. AND most of them are on the public tax paying dole as well? Royal finances should not be a topic of discussion. It should be completely understood that they're alright in that department, no matter what may be said to the contrary.

by Anonymousreply 255May 4, 2019 11:38 AM

R252, had babies in early 1990s. Even w a C section, they shaved my cooch and gave me an enema. But obviously this is 20 years ago.

by Anonymousreply 256May 4, 2019 11:40 AM

At this rate, we'll be on Part 50 before the baby emerges

by Anonymousreply 257May 4, 2019 11:48 AM

Another "as normal as possible" article about Will and Kate's child-rearing approach. If they wanted to be "as normal as possible", they could start by having one home, fire their butler, using transport other than helicopters, or working 5 days a week and taking fewer holidays.

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by Anonymousreply 258May 4, 2019 11:54 AM

R256 Is that in the US? Because they don’t shave anyone for a vb here (UK), or give an enema. And not “early 90s”. Last time two years ago, dear.

But here’s a thought - instead of the arrogant “I’m right, that person is wrong” attitude to try to understand that your experience might just be different to someone else’s. Yes?

by Anonymousreply 259May 4, 2019 11:58 AM

That wasn't a sarky comment, read it again.

by Anonymousreply 260May 4, 2019 12:02 PM

R256 was saying she had babies in the 90s, read again.

by Anonymousreply 261May 4, 2019 12:03 PM

Yeah, r259 has issues.

by Anonymousreply 262May 4, 2019 12:03 PM

Oh, and R256 You might want to let your healthcare provider know they are very behind the times. Enemas are contraindicated medically because they leave women leaking wet shit for hours, which isn’t good if there’s an episiotomy.

by Anonymousreply 263May 4, 2019 12:04 PM

Omg, R263, are you blind? I can understand the other woman's comment. Why can't you?

by Anonymousreply 264May 4, 2019 12:07 PM

I would imagine a birth that occurred on the 90s is the very definition of 'behind the times', yes?

by Anonymousreply 265May 4, 2019 12:08 PM

Really? Enemas, recipes? Can't we just talk about the fluffy stuff about the House of Windsor?

by Anonymousreply 266May 4, 2019 12:09 PM

I was surprised when the last thread turned into a discussion of egg substitutes, but with retrospect, it was infinitely preferable to discussion of enemas.

by Anonymousreply 267May 4, 2019 12:09 PM

Thread is going downhill for sure. TMI about birthing; way too much. Disgusting details actually. Yuck!

Let's go back to naming the pillow. In fact, Pillow would be a very cute and modern name! Gender-free Yep, that's it. Lady Pillow Featherbed Wales for a girl and Sir Pillowhead Feather Wales for a boy!

by Anonymousreply 268May 4, 2019 12:12 PM

I concur R267. I had to throw away a perfectly good prawn salad, yesterday.

Anne is in France for the state funeral of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg.

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by Anonymousreply 269May 4, 2019 12:13 PM

This is how one does it, with no fuss. No whipping of social media in to a frenzy. No merching. Just respect in representing the Royal Family and jobs done.

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by Anonymousreply 270May 4, 2019 12:18 PM

Anne looks so... wealthy in r269. Anne’s my favorite royal.

by Anonymousreply 271May 4, 2019 12:23 PM

It's a crying shame that Anne could not have been Queen.

by Anonymousreply 272May 4, 2019 12:25 PM

Meghan was an attractive woman but now she is on the wrong side of 35. She caught Harry just at the last minute. Her skin and hair are getting that middle aged coarseness. Plus, she doesn't know how to style herself to save her life. She could do more with what she has if she was willing to take advice.

by Anonymousreply 273May 4, 2019 12:31 PM

Growing old gracefully isn't exactly an LA thing, R273, but more to the point is that Duchess Yoko (the PERFECT moniker) doesn't see herself as OLD. In any way. It would kill her to take tips from somebody like oh, Jane Seymour or Kim Basinger. Women who are aging well, in other words. She'll think about that when she's actually old.

by Anonymousreply 274May 4, 2019 12:37 PM

R252 thank you for answering my question, this thread had raised my curiosity. And no need to fuck off, stay and enjoy yourself!

by Anonymousreply 275May 4, 2019 12:42 PM

R269 Thank you very much indeed for your inclusion of those images, gleaned from your 21st century periodicals. As one examines them , one sees that not a single lesson on deportment, fashion and general Queenhood was wasted in the case of my great- granddaughter!

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by Anonymousreply 276May 4, 2019 12:50 PM

Why does Anne style herself as Count Dracula?

by Anonymousreply 277May 4, 2019 12:57 PM

Anne has such a noble face. Never a great beauty, obviously, but her face has always had character.

And I wonder how often Phil has thought the same thing, R272.

by Anonymousreply 278May 4, 2019 12:58 PM

Princess Michael of Kent's style over the years, including cleave shots. Really looking forward to her mother-of-the-bride outfit. Especially her hat.

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by Anonymousreply 279May 4, 2019 12:59 PM

Wow our king and queen from Belgium looking good and our crown princess Elisabeth is becoming a beautiful young lady at that funeral .

by Anonymousreply 280May 4, 2019 1:00 PM

Princess Michael has resting bitch face for days, months, years, but she knows how to dress.

by Anonymousreply 281May 4, 2019 1:02 PM

I am clearly a DL outlier, because I love Pss Michael's elegant style and consider her a still beautiful woman. And I think Pss Anne is a hag from hell, in looks, style and demeanor. I think her portrayal on The Windsors is probably spot on.

by Anonymousreply 282May 4, 2019 1:06 PM

Anne is assisted by the fact that she is tall and thin.

by Anonymousreply 283May 4, 2019 1:12 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 284May 4, 2019 1:14 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 285May 4, 2019 1:16 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 286May 4, 2019 1:16 PM


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by Anonymousreply 287May 4, 2019 1:19 PM

Why because Anne is not botoxed every inch of her face or full of fillers or plastic surgery ?

by Anonymousreply 288May 4, 2019 1:20 PM

Anne looks good for her age !

by Anonymousreply 289May 4, 2019 1:21 PM

I can't imagine her kids aging as well.

by Anonymousreply 290May 4, 2019 1:22 PM

The thing that bothers me about Anne’s appearance is her monochrome dyed hair. She’d look much better if she went to a honeyed dark blonde she used to have (see photo) or just go white. I don’t love her style, but it’s functional and invariably correct.

Regardless, I love her, and posting this AGAIN.

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by Anonymousreply 291May 4, 2019 1:28 PM

Of all the Queen's children, she is the mirror image of her father.

by Anonymousreply 292May 4, 2019 1:30 PM

She doesn't care about looking better. That's so not Anne.

by Anonymousreply 293May 4, 2019 1:31 PM

Good for her.

by Anonymousreply 294May 4, 2019 1:36 PM

I love that Anne doesn't care. Someone has to not care! It's refreshing we don't have to see DM articles about what Anne wore, and how much her bag cost.

She turns up well dressed and seems to work her events well, without fuss. Admirable.

by Anonymousreply 295May 4, 2019 1:36 PM

I agree 100%, R295.

by Anonymousreply 296May 4, 2019 1:39 PM

I wonder how Anne and Autumn get along? At first you'd think Anne would be a difficult mother-in-law, but strangely I suspect she's pretty easygoing as long as you behave reasonably. Both kids married real commoners, and things seem ok.....

by Anonymousreply 297May 4, 2019 1:39 PM

I love the fact that the deranged fraus who took over these threads have not yet been right about one thing concerning the birth of this baby.

by Anonymousreply 298May 4, 2019 1:41 PM

So what happened to Samantha's book? Is it still it the works....is she holding back on release until baby Frogex is born to steal some thunder or what...

by Anonymousreply 299May 4, 2019 1:43 PM

Me too, R298. The know-it-alls don't know shit, but I coulda told you that.

by Anonymousreply 300May 4, 2019 1:45 PM

Autumn was a pretty sportif, down to earth sort, so I'm sure she and Anne got along well.

It's the exaggerated personas and drama of the Dianas and Meghans that Anne can't stand.

by Anonymousreply 301May 4, 2019 1:47 PM

What did the deranged fraus say?

by Anonymousreply 302May 4, 2019 1:47 PM

Anne is a very hardworking royal . Kudos for her . And I love the fact she has not succumbed to the Hollywood farce of having plastic surgery or Botox . She is not a Hollywood actress so why she would do that ? .

by Anonymousreply 303May 4, 2019 1:47 PM

A little bit of research shows no publishing deal nor contract for Scammy's book, I think the whole Markle family are in this together. It's funny how Thomas Snr and Jr, Scammy and MeGain have used the same LA based pap for many articles. Can't remember his name...someone Traynor?

by Anonymousreply 304May 4, 2019 1:48 PM

I for one will be glad when all the clinical discussion of pregnancy and childbirth is over.

by Anonymousreply 305May 4, 2019 1:48 PM

We are all speculating don’t we ? That’s the fun of it all . Are we right or wrong time will tell .

by Anonymousreply 306May 4, 2019 1:50 PM

Another suspicious sounding, sickly sweet "friend of the Duchess" update.

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by Anonymousreply 307May 4, 2019 1:51 PM

DO NOT attempt to kidnap Princess Anne! You'll only come off worse... Seriously, she's bloody magnificent.

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by Anonymousreply 308May 4, 2019 1:52 PM

Do you guys think that bored Meghan is here and vehemently posting? I have to wonder about some of the severely triggered comments here.

by Anonymousreply 309May 4, 2019 1:52 PM

Play by play birth updates on the Sussex Insta makes total sense.

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by Anonymousreply 310May 4, 2019 1:56 PM

I kind of love that Anne’s hair is so badly dyed. It’s her one surrender to vanity, but it’s completely half-assed, because In the end she doesn’t give two fucks. Go, Princess Royal!

by Anonymousreply 311May 4, 2019 1:56 PM

She’s 37, r274, not 70. Why would she take clothing advice from either of those women?

by Anonymousreply 312May 4, 2019 1:57 PM

Did Kate Middleton's friends and family issue treacly bulletins about her "love filled" pre-birth home life, how "she's got this", and how "comfortable and content" she was? And Kate endured a horrible bout of extreme morning-sickness with George for which she had to be hospitalised the first time around, and was pregnant with the next heir but one. Yet we didn't get these endless bulletins about how she's feeling, what she's doing, where her husband was or wasn't . . . she just got on with it.

And wait till the celeb-filled godparent/christening guest list is released.

by Anonymousreply 313May 4, 2019 1:58 PM

From the Sun article above. Pushing the timeline back a bit more.

[quote] As we await news, it has emerged Meghan and Harry may have conceived on her 37th Birthday on August 4.

by Anonymousreply 314May 4, 2019 2:01 PM

From the ET article - "ET also learned that Meghan has had a steady stream of friends, family and loved ones come by to visit the new home, as she gets closer and closer to welcoming her first child."

And who might those be?

by Anonymousreply 315May 4, 2019 2:02 PM

R313, I’m sure there were articles... a quick Google search, though, was pretty funny. Numerous articles that turned out to be wrong about them expecting their 4th child.

by Anonymousreply 316May 4, 2019 2:02 PM

The date at R314 puts Meghan at 41 weeks, calculating based on conception date. I can't remember if posters said UK doctors induce at 41 or 42 weeks.

by Anonymousreply 317May 4, 2019 2:04 PM

R313, that article reminds me of the frau on FB who posts photos of the flowers her husband brought home “just because” and how they’re planning to renew their vows because they’re “so in love!” In other words, bullshit.

A woman at the end of her pregnancy is neither “comfortable” nor “content”. Harry must be in absolute HELL with his caged pregnant narcissist wife. I can’t imagine Doria being happy about being cooped up with them.

by Anonymousreply 318May 4, 2019 2:04 PM

R317 *calculated*

by Anonymousreply 319May 4, 2019 2:05 PM

R311 - Anne is reprsenting the BRF at the funeral of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, and HELLO has a photo of her walking in the funeral procession in which she is wearing flat black boots, a long black coat with a large fur collar, and looking so much like her great-grandmother, Queen Mary, that it's nearly comical. She looks 80 rather than 70.

by Anonymousreply 320May 4, 2019 2:05 PM

I was just about to post the same thing, R320. Anne is the very image of Queen Mary in that picture.

Anne will never be Queen, but to my mind, Anne is the most regal looking of all her brothers and sisters.

by Anonymousreply 321May 4, 2019 2:08 PM

R317, for an elderly primip in the US, 42 weeks is the absolute limit. If they’re letting her stay pregnant for now, they’ll be checking her amniotic fluids and everything else for signs of fetal distress and preeclampsia, etc. I’m sure our resident expert can correct my many factual errors.

I can only imagine the stress Meghan is under right now. The utter frustration that she can’t make her body do what she wants it to. (Get used to it, honey!)

by Anonymousreply 322May 4, 2019 2:10 PM

R29 here. I realize the 'official' story was that Meghan wanted a different emerald tiara than Eugenie's, but I don't believe it. The similarity between Meghan's tiara and Eugenie's, as well as Meghan's behavior at Eugenie's wedding, strongly suggest that she wanted the Greville all along. The Vladimir makes no sense, as even arriviste Meghan isn't clueless enough to ask for a huge tiara worn by the Queen herself. She IS narcissistic enough to think, as Harry's bride, that she was entitled to not just take Eugenie's wedding date, but to also take Eugenie's tiara. When told no, there was a tantrum, and then the petty stunt with the maternity coat at Eugenie's wedding. Dispute me all you like, that is your right, but you'll never convince me that Meghan wanted anything but the Greville.

by Anonymousreply 323May 4, 2019 2:12 PM

The Greville is a beauty, for sure. Oh I do hope all the real stories come out in a dishy book one day.

by Anonymousreply 324May 4, 2019 2:13 PM

Maybe she asked Eugenie if she could wear it first and Eugenie said nope.

by Anonymousreply 325May 4, 2019 2:15 PM

The Kartrashians also do a lot of exclusives with Entertainment Tonight. Just sayin.

by Anonymousreply 326May 4, 2019 2:16 PM

Imagine if, when the Sussex baby is old enough, they find these insane DL threads surrounding their own birth.

by Anonymousreply 327May 4, 2019 2:18 PM

R327, they’ll be scrubbed by then.

by Anonymousreply 328May 4, 2019 2:22 PM

R325 That's a fun scenario to imagine. Fan fiction time.

Eugenie's assistant: Ma'am, we've got word of a bit of a tricky situation. His Royal Highness the Duke has conveyed that Miss Markle is.....rather keen on wearing the Greville tiara at the wedding.

[Eugenie's eyes widen. The assistant raises her brows, grimaces meaningfully. The two stare at each other until Eugenie breaks into a short, uncomfortable laugh.]

Eugenie: Ermmmm.......really.

by Anonymousreply 329May 4, 2019 2:25 PM

Oh, I don't know about scrubbing it all....there's always a way to find what you are looking for on the internet....

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by Anonymousreply 330May 4, 2019 2:27 PM

The strangest thing is people wildly speculating when her pregnancy has been fairly textbook to this point (at least as far as the timeline goes.) As it stands, it seems she announced a bit early (11 weeks, give or take) to get in front of the Australia tour and now she's overdue by a week or so which is normal for first-time moms. If the baby arrives within the next week, there's nothing off about the timeline at all.

by Anonymousreply 331May 4, 2019 2:28 PM

Wow, thanks for that, R330. I look forward to reading this.

I love that one of the "badass book" recommendations is The Little Prince.

by Anonymousreply 332May 4, 2019 2:29 PM

Princess Anne looks like the DOE, Prince Andrew looks like the Queen, but who do Prince Charles and Prince Edward look like?

by Anonymousreply 333May 4, 2019 2:29 PM

Whenever I think of the Royals wanting to live "as normal a life as possible" I think of images like this:

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by Anonymousreply 334May 4, 2019 2:34 PM

I agree with poster upthread that Meghan by all odds made her ill-natured "announcement" at Eugenie's wedding slightly earlier than 12 weeks and is now just about at the "slightly overdue for first baby" mark. If there are no signs of preliminary contractions within a few days, the doctors will likely suggest a c-section, or the baby arrived just after the BP denial and the Sussexes have withheld the announcement.

by Anonymousreply 335May 4, 2019 2:36 PM

Diana looks thoroughly regal here. But then again, when didn't she?

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by Anonymousreply 336May 4, 2019 2:38 PM

R334 - Diana, just behind the Queen, in one of her most beautiful gowns.

I was in New York when Christie's held its pre-auction viewing of the selection of Diana's gowns that she got rid of via the auction. It was a memorable experience, and one thing I took away from it is that you don't, in photographs, necessarily get a sense of how fine the materials are and how beautifully they must have moved on her. Gowns I reacted to with indifference in photographs were far more impressive in person than I expected. I still have the catalogue.

by Anonymousreply 337May 4, 2019 2:40 PM

R336 - I like the gown Diana is wearing in the earlier photograph better. This one has a bit of the over-fussy look that her ghastly wedding dress had.

by Anonymousreply 338May 4, 2019 2:41 PM

R330 is the goopy self-branding Megs I love to hate

by Anonymousreply 339May 4, 2019 2:43 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 340May 4, 2019 2:43 PM

R334 - when the royals say things like "normal as possible", we should try and remember the "as possible" bit. They're well aware that living in a palace with servants and paparazzi following your every move is not "normal". The "normal as possible" with their privileged lifestyle may be referring to something like the following: not having staff calling them by the titles, giving the children chores like keeping their rooms tidy, giving them a minimum allowance every week when they've "earned" it by doing their chores and behaving well, making sure that they're polite to servants, giving them a trip to McDonald's on occasion, taking them to charities to meet people less fortunate than themselves when they get older etc...

by Anonymousreply 341May 4, 2019 2:45 PM

Does anyone remember that period Diana went through after her separation when she wore "mens" suits. that seems to have been scrubbed from the internet.

by Anonymousreply 342May 4, 2019 2:46 PM

Sophie isn't afraid of color or wearing native dress while in India.

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by Anonymousreply 343May 4, 2019 2:48 PM

Another overly romantic look that she pulled off with aplomb.

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by Anonymousreply 344May 4, 2019 2:50 PM

The uncanny family resemblance between the last Czar Nicholas of Russia (left) and the future King George V.

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by Anonymousreply 345May 4, 2019 2:51 PM

R343, Sophie has done a great job at re-inventing her public image.

by Anonymousreply 346May 4, 2019 2:51 PM

R345 the one on the left looks like James Middleton.

by Anonymousreply 347May 4, 2019 2:51 PM


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by Anonymousreply 348May 4, 2019 2:53 PM

Will and Kate will host a regatta this summer.

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by Anonymousreply 349May 4, 2019 2:53 PM

Better picture of the green dress:

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by Anonymousreply 350May 4, 2019 2:54 PM

R341, or maybe "as normal as possible" means making themselves seem relatable to avoid being carted off to the guillotine.

by Anonymousreply 351May 4, 2019 2:56 PM

R344 - I will agree on the beautiful pink silk gown - it had some frills but I wouldn't call it the merengue look of the previous, ivory satin one - that one really looked like a wedding dress of the era. But I thought the pink gown one of her most beautiful. She had it altered later into a narrower style that ruined the beautiful flow of the material.

by Anonymousreply 352May 4, 2019 2:57 PM

Buckingham Palace better be telling the truth about baby Sussex or they'll never be trusted again, says former Palace Press Secretary, Dickie Arbiter.

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by Anonymousreply 353May 4, 2019 2:57 PM

So she is almost 38 years .the old bat .Haha

by Anonymousreply 354May 4, 2019 2:57 PM

R347 - You can also see the resemblance to Prince Michael of Kent.

by Anonymousreply 355May 4, 2019 2:58 PM

Speaking of hosting events...was there any follow up to the story about Audi pulling its sponsorship of that big polo match because the Sussexes demanded Audi pony up more money for their “causes”?

I would love to here Audi’s side of the story on that one!

by Anonymousreply 356May 4, 2019 2:59 PM

The green dress is stunning ! Diana wears it well .

by Anonymousreply 357May 4, 2019 3:04 PM


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by Anonymousreply 358May 4, 2019 3:05 PM

The Scottish Daily Mail reported in March that the Audi Polo Challenge had hit the skids, but I can't get into the Press Reader section on it. I think the proof is in the pudding.. No event this year.

by Anonymousreply 359May 4, 2019 3:07 PM

To add to that the man Daily Mail buried the story, somewhere. On whose order? Hmm.

by Anonymousreply 360May 4, 2019 3:07 PM

Main, not man, lol

by Anonymousreply 361May 4, 2019 3:08 PM

So the news and images are to be withheld from the taxpayers who fund their lavish lives and sold to American celeb/journos instead? The engagement interview was cringe worthy. This may top it. The public really needs to push back against these 2, or is it 3 now?

by Anonymousreply 362May 4, 2019 3:12 PM

I don’t mind a little meringue once in a while. It’s fairytale and fun. And Diana and even Princess Michael carried it off well in their day. Then again I was always bored by the Carolyn Besette Kennedy minimalist slip dress look.

by Anonymousreply 363May 4, 2019 3:12 PM

R358 I love the British phrase in this article about Thomas Markle “collecting a takeaway meal.” It does sound nicer than the American “picking up fast food.”

by Anonymousreply 364May 4, 2019 3:16 PM

According to a pregnancy calculator... if she conceived on August 4 then her due date is May 10. However, if she was a few days over 12 weeks, as said at the wedding, the her due date was Monday.

by Anonymousreply 365May 4, 2019 3:16 PM

She probably did want to announce at the wedding. Let’s face it, to be pregnant with Diana’s grandchild is big stuff. Imagine how excited she would have been. Add to that her showbiz instincts and she just couldn’t keep it to herself, especially if she had a large stage. She probably justified it by saying, look I’m going on a huge tour and I better let it be known just in case. And there is a small case to be made for that. Although frankly I question the wisdom of a strenuous tour early in a pregnancy anyway.

by Anonymousreply 366May 4, 2019 3:26 PM

I do think there is no surrogate but I do think she added padded at times to make her seem more preggers.

by Anonymousreply 367May 4, 2019 3:26 PM

354-I've always loved that photo of Nicholas and George. Nicholas was one handsome man. His fate and that of his wife and children was so sad.

by Anonymousreply 368May 4, 2019 3:26 PM

R114 bullshit from start to finish. The Spencer family are relative newcomers to the aristocracy, they were sheep traders. Charles’ can trace his lineage back to the 9th century. The Windsor claim to the throne came about via the Stuarts, the Scottish royal house.

This bizarre claim about Di’s background is trotted out every now and then but the fact is she had no title in her own right, her family isn’t all that aristocratic and they certainly aren’t ‘more British’ than the royals. This isn’t new or classified information.

by Anonymousreply 369May 4, 2019 3:27 PM

One of the things that makes me doubt Tiaragate ever happened is that an emerald tiara would have looked out of place on Meghan. Eugenie had a colour scheme at her ceremony: the bridesmaids and page boys wore blue and green sashes to match the Mark Bradford artwork in the order of service, and all the royal women (except Kate, who wore pink for some reason) wore blue and green as well. Meghan chose a pretty plain dress, and her bridal party all just wore black and white.

by Anonymousreply 370May 4, 2019 3:29 PM

How long in advance did the witch plan that maternity outfit, at the wedding, though? That's the question. At a few weeks? How long does couture take from selection to delivery? ( If it was couture, of course. It looked like something my nan would have worn to a friend's funeral. )

by Anonymousreply 371May 4, 2019 3:38 PM

I think the plain bridesmaids and plain dress on Meghan would have made the Greville emeralds shine all the more brightly. She could have then made emeralds 'her' stone, just as sapphires are Kate's. Imagine the branding opportunities! Emeralds (real or fake) for all her fans! Emerald-green merch! Name the baby (male or female) Emerald! Make serious moves towards getting Diana's iconic emerald choker! The list goes on.

Eugenie, in Meghan's mind, screwed all that up when she refused to fork over the Greville tiara. Meghan fumed for months, then pulled the pregnancy coat stunt at the wedding. She might have only announced a week or two early (at 10 or 11 weeks instead of 12), but that still makes her look like a petty arriviste jumping the gun to grab some headlines and pay back a perceived rival. It also explains why her pregnancy appears to be running so late: If she conceived August 4 (as was recently speculated), she was just at 10 weeks at Eugenie's wedding. Not 12 weeks, as was reported the following Monday.

To sum up: The current pregnancy timeline drama can be traced directly back to Tiaragate. Meghan truly is the trashy gift that keeps on giving.

by Anonymousreply 372May 4, 2019 3:39 PM

If Baby Sussex was conceived August 4, Meghan is at exactly 39 weeks today. Which means the May 17th due date that got thrown around in a previous thread may be on the money, if she carries late like many first time mums.

Watch her schedule the baby picture drop for May 19, her first anniversary. That's exactly the kind of PR synergy she'd love.

by Anonymousreply 373May 4, 2019 3:43 PM

She can always say there was a confusion about the conception date.

by Anonymousreply 374May 4, 2019 3:44 PM

Oh FFS, obvs. the Duch of Sux is pregnant! Have you looked at her face? She's gained at least 20 lbs. above the neck alone.

There was probably a "moonbump" early on to steal attention from Princess Eugenie, but that's because she's a thirsty fame-whore with a personality disorder. She can't help that. Look at her goat rodeo of a family of origin.

The bottom line is that she's a geriatric pregnant woman and she's carrying that pregnancy in every cell of her body - most visibly in her grossly swollen head. She is likely in hiding because her looks have peaked and she's not gracefully pregnant like the (younger and more fertile) Duch of Cambs and looks blowsy and down-market by contrast.

by Anonymousreply 375May 4, 2019 3:44 PM

If you are going to calculate the due date based on the actual conception date, a different formula is used. See link. Normally, due date is calculated from the date of your last period, not conception date. So using the linked calculator, if Meghan conceived on August 4th, she's at 41 weeks right now.

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by Anonymousreply 376May 4, 2019 3:46 PM

Not according to pregnancy calculators, r373. May 10 would be the due date.

by Anonymousreply 377May 4, 2019 3:46 PM

Being childless myself and likely to remain so, I bow to the superior knowledge of R376 and R377.

Even if Meghan was at 12 weeks at Eugenie's wedding, holding off to announce the pregnancy until after she got back from Australia (and Eugenie had had her moment) would have been the gracious thing to do. But Meghan doesn't appear to have a gracious bone in her body.

by Anonymousreply 378May 4, 2019 3:48 PM

People get on Kate’s case for being “boring” but that bougie, basic reading list that Meghan describes as “badass” is anything but that. It’s as frau as you can get, plus derivative and lacking forethought at that.

Another angle that hasn’t been discussed about why she was showing so early and got so big in such short time is the likelihood that her abs are not tight. Sometimes for women who are physically active (no, yoga doesn’t count), or who are dancers, it takes them a while to show and when they do the bump is usually on the small size. This is due to very tight abs. Some women are also born with tight abdominal muscles too and if they gain too much weight during pregnancy the muscles may separate to make room fir expanding abdominal cavity.

If Meghan is the opposite, meaning she has loose abdominal muscles that make her show early and big, she’s going to have an even more weirdly shaped torso than before pregnancy.

by Anonymousreply 379May 4, 2019 3:51 PM

This is incorrect, R377. You don't use the regular due date calculator when basing off of the conception date. You use a due date based on conception calculator, or 266 days from conception. It's very simple.

[quote] ...you and your practitioner can use your conception date instead if you remember it. Just add 266 days to get your estimated due date.

So, when calculating a due date based on the conception date of August 4th, it is 266 days rather than 280 days, putting Meghan at 41 weeks based on an August 4th due date.

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by Anonymousreply 380May 4, 2019 3:53 PM

I used to think Meghan would be going for IVF twins like her pal Amal, both for the uniqueness of Royal twins and to lessen the damage to her figure, but twins usually deliver early, don't they? They would be here by now.

by Anonymousreply 381May 4, 2019 3:57 PM

R380, I was using a PREGNANCY calculator. My only problem was I was using the wrong field. I inadvertently chose date of last period. Choosing conception date then she would have been due April 27 and would have been 1 day shy of 12 weeks at Eugie's wedding. I have no clue how you're calculating it.

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by Anonymousreply 382May 4, 2019 3:59 PM

Considering she was so upset to see her go, it's bloody rude to snub a private little leaving do.

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by Anonymousreply 383May 4, 2019 4:00 PM

Anne would benefit greatly from blepharoplasty. Her vision is partly occluded by sagging skin from above the eyes.

by Anonymousreply 384May 4, 2019 4:02 PM

If she was due April 27 then she's already a week over, and they'll be inducing any time now.

by Anonymousreply 385May 4, 2019 4:05 PM

[quote]Oh, and by the way, it’s “pound Stirling”, not “pounds Stirling”.

Say what?

by Anonymousreply 386May 4, 2019 4:10 PM

Yeah, according to the NIH you don't want to wait past week 41.

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by Anonymousreply 387May 4, 2019 4:10 PM

R380, From August 4th to October 12th there were 69 days, or about 10 weeks.

by Anonymousreply 388May 4, 2019 4:19 PM

If she has the baby today (May 4th), it will be called Lady Audrey after actress Audrey Hepburn who would have been 90 years old.

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by Anonymousreply 389May 4, 2019 4:21 PM

Is today Jedi Day or something? Lady Leia?

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by Anonymousreply 390May 4, 2019 4:22 PM

R389 Now there’s a real fashion icon, timeless style unlike the meringue froth and dated trendy outfits that Diana wore throughout the 80s. But she didn’t know any better and had no innate sense of style, she just went along with the trends.

by Anonymousreply 391May 4, 2019 4:30 PM

Twins would be fantastic from Meg’s standpoint. Two and done.

by Anonymousreply 392May 4, 2019 4:31 PM

Who connected to the current drama would you most like to have a long, candid conversation with? For me it would be Trevor.

by Anonymousreply 393May 4, 2019 4:32 PM

Trevor and the chef. Maybe a quick chat with Ninaki Priddy.

by Anonymousreply 394May 4, 2019 4:35 PM

Markus Anderson

by Anonymousreply 395May 4, 2019 4:36 PM

The Mulroney chick too.

by Anonymousreply 396May 4, 2019 4:37 PM

The Queen

by Anonymousreply 397May 4, 2019 4:38 PM

R342 - just for you, here is Diana in a tuxedo style suit.

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by Anonymousreply 398May 4, 2019 4:39 PM

"I think the plain bridesmaids and plain dress on Meghan would have made the Greville emeralds shine all the more brightly. "

I agree. And remember, Meg is a girl of the 90s, when that minimalist aesthetic became all the rage. Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and the like, with their "I'm so beautiful I don't need frills and barely any makeup or jewelry or hairstyling. Behold my stripped-down beauty." Even Diana dipped into this toward the end.

by Anonymousreply 399May 4, 2019 4:40 PM

^ Meant to add, "my stripped-down beauty except for this huge gemstone I'm wearing."

by Anonymousreply 400May 4, 2019 4:40 PM

Those suits looked ridiculous. Sorry, Di.

by Anonymousreply 401May 4, 2019 4:41 PM

Diana in a white and blue tuxedo style.

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by Anonymousreply 402May 4, 2019 4:47 PM

^ black and white

by Anonymousreply 403May 4, 2019 4:47 PM

Diana in a pink bow tie.

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by Anonymousreply 404May 4, 2019 4:48 PM

I wouldn't mind a chat with the Mulroney woman in the future AFTER MEghan ghosts her which will undoubtedly happen.

For now I'd like to have lunch with Pippa and Carole Middleton, I think they'd be delighted to share some details. I just know Kate has a special burner phone to call them re: MEghan.

by Anonymousreply 405May 4, 2019 4:48 PM

This regimental suit wasn't a flattering look for Diana.

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by Anonymousreply 406May 4, 2019 4:50 PM

Thanks, R398!

by Anonymousreply 407May 4, 2019 5:05 PM

[quote] ....I think the plain bridesmaids...dress

More than plain.

The bridesmaid dresses for the Sussex wedding were really shoddily made.

I looked at several pictures of Princess Charlotte in her bridesmaid roles. That was in 3 weddings: Pippa's, Harry's and Eugenie.

By a large margin, the dress from the Sussex wedding was no where near as nice as the others.

The dresses Charlotte and other bridesmaids wore at the Sussex wedding had much less fabric, no detailing, etc. Not very nice at all.

Perhaps Charlotte, an experienced bridesmaid after Aunt Pippa's wedding, who wore a lovely dress on that occasion, recognized that what was being provided this time, did not measure up.

It amuses me to wonder if THAT was the reason for the kerfuffle at the fitting of Charlotte's dress, with Sparkle supposedly complaining "That kid is going to spoil my wedding".

I love Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

by Anonymousreply 408May 4, 2019 5:05 PM

Shy Di had more behind the eyes than anyone could ever guess - the good, the bad and the ugly.

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by Anonymousreply 409May 4, 2019 5:12 PM

Elegant Diana took a page out of Queen Mary's notebook with her pearl strands wrapped around her neck.

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by Anonymousreply 410May 4, 2019 5:13 PM

Anna Harvey from Vogue helped Diana out with her wardrobe. Anyone remember the sensation Diana created when she appeared with her hair slicked back in this number? Hello bitches, here I am in NYC!!!

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by Anonymousreply 411May 4, 2019 5:17 PM

Yes, R411. Her Vogue cover after her divorce caused a media sensation.

by Anonymousreply 412May 4, 2019 5:20 PM

In her last few years of life her wardrobe got sexier. Straight, clean lines, simple colours and higher heels became her staple.

by Anonymousreply 413May 4, 2019 5:23 PM

Insider info from 20 minutes ago: baby is here.

by Anonymousreply 414May 4, 2019 5:30 PM

R379, Meghan has a short torso - and she’s short in stature, too, so her belly will be bigger.

And, to be a bit argumentative: yoga can be strenuous. Depending on the approach and asanas, I’ve had elevated heart rate and dripping sweat, every muscle group (and some obscure ones!) sore for days. It’s not easy to maintain some of those poses. Just saying, yoga can “count”.

by Anonymousreply 415May 4, 2019 5:34 PM

Too bad yoga doesn't help your face. Duch's head is as round as her belly.

She won't be posing for the cameras any time soon with that melon.

by Anonymousreply 416May 4, 2019 5:39 PM

Diana with her younger brother, Charles.

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by Anonymousreply 417May 4, 2019 5:39 PM

Did she have it at home r414? Cause the global news media is camped out at her doorstep waiting for her to leave.

by Anonymousreply 418May 4, 2019 5:43 PM

Wow, I’d forgotten about those menswear looks of Diana’s. Very ill-advised. She did look great in a nice button-down, though. Most women look good in a crisp white shirt.

by Anonymousreply 419May 4, 2019 5:45 PM

The media in Windsor are so bored they're interviewing each other. The initial excitement and anticipation of the baby in mid-April has been replaced by a "we can't wait until it's over and we can clear out of here" vibe.

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by Anonymousreply 420May 4, 2019 5:45 PM

Well I have been reading somewhere or here that when you inject Botox in jour jaw muscles it will elongate your face . That can explain the fatness now in her face . When you don’t use it your face goes normal So that s how you can get a pregnant face .

by Anonymousreply 421May 4, 2019 5:45 PM

R414 - WHO, WHAT, WHERE???

by Anonymousreply 422May 4, 2019 5:47 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 423May 4, 2019 5:49 PM

R415 Yes I'm aware of the types of more strenuous yoga that help with strengthening the core. I was going off of my experiences with patients and acquaintances who do yoga (yes the sweaty sort of yoga), and was comparing them to women who are serious runners or other aerobic activities, also dancers. My theory is that with those women usually they've been athletic all or most of their lives, hence the tight abs. Whereas yoga for many women only came into regular rotation as part of workout regimen when they're in their 20s-30s. Tightening of abdominal muscles doesn't happen overnight, it's one of those things that's kind of like a ballet dancer's muscle memory, it gets honed over time. Yoga is very popular where I live, can't walk a few blocks without a studio, but most of them are not geared towards serious practitioners, so for most women yoga really doesn't count for much.

by Anonymousreply 424May 4, 2019 5:51 PM

If the baby is born today, Harry and Meghan could break the Internet by calling it Luke or Leia, given that it's May the fourth.

by Anonymousreply 425May 4, 2019 5:52 PM

Malia Doria Diana for a girl

by Anonymousreply 426May 4, 2019 5:53 PM

Buckingham Palace said that they would inform the public when she was in labor. If the baby is already here, they LIED.

by Anonymousreply 427May 4, 2019 5:54 PM

Honestly, Megstans should be banned by the Queen of DL from referring to people who fail to understand their cherished object's appeal as 'fraus.' Meghan Markle is the definition of the word. I just looked at that Tig entry linked above:

"Most of you may read that heading and think, “F&*k yeah! I want to be a badass!” while the rest of you are scoffing at my ever-so unladylike language. Let me now apologize for both of the assumptions. The foremost apology is because I am hoping to redefine what “badass” means, and the latter is because you can be a lady and say whatever you want. So now that we’ve crossed both of those distracting judgments off the list, allow me to share the books that have fed my soul for many years. To me, a badass is one who is strong of spirit, brave and fearless, self-aware yet selfless, and always striving to be the best version of themselves. If that sounds like you, or the “you” that you would like to be, then add one of these gems to your spring reading list. The self-work is always worth it."

Excruciating. And so try-hard the sweat drips off the page. It's bonkers that it's this kind of thing that actually won her a large proportion of her fans. The Celebitchy types cream over this treacly, self-empowered Oprah Winfrey L.A. rubbish. Shudder.

by Anonymousreply 428May 4, 2019 5:55 PM

R386 for the win a/k/a William Wallace

The Windsor claim to the throne from the Hanovers primarily. Much of the aristocracy looks down on them as middle-class German arrivistes.

The Spencer title goes back to the 16th century.

"The Spencer family is one of Britain's preeminent aristocratic families. Founded in the 15th century, it has spawned numerous aristocratic titles including the extant dukedom of Marlborough, the earldoms of Sunderland and Spencer, and the Churchill barony. Two prominent members of the family during the 20th century were British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill and British royal family member Diana, Princess of Wales."

If that's what you call not really that aristocratic . . .

by Anonymousreply 429May 4, 2019 5:56 PM

R427 please see R389.

by Anonymousreply 430May 4, 2019 5:56 PM

R427, Harry postponed his trip so something must be near.

by Anonymousreply 431May 4, 2019 5:57 PM

I meant R425 please see R390.

by Anonymousreply 432May 4, 2019 5:59 PM

MM had no other choice but to announce her pregnancy at the time of Eugenie’s wedding. Do you think she’d go on tour as a regular pumpkin and not the #blessed pregnant Duchess pumpkin? What would she do if not cradle her #babybump for #iconic pictures that would live on instagram forever?

by Anonymousreply 433May 4, 2019 5:59 PM

R424, we must be neighbors. I see what you’re saying and agree.

Just wanted to pop in and defend yoga as a legitimate path to fitness and health. Nobody’s getting flat abs or big muscles with it, but I think it can be outstanding for body and mind. An aside: I once had a woman ask me if I wasn’t afraid that doing yoga in my living room was inviting strange deities into my home. That was an interesting discussion.

Anyway, thanks for engaging and not taking offense. Cheers!

by Anonymousreply 434May 4, 2019 6:01 PM

R421 Well I wouldn't exactly put it that way, even though you can get an elongation of your face when the jawlines is significantly trimmed down. Before botox, the only procedure for jaw slimming is very invasive surgery (very popular in Korea) where they shave down your jawline. Now with botox it's become a very popular procedure that's not invasive yet has a big payoff in terms of altering the shape of your face. Basically the botox shrinks your massetter muscles via inactivity, so the longer you have the injections done, usually every 6-10 months, the more those muscles atrophy. One drawback however, when you do it too much and for longer periods of time, you can end up with sunken cheek look if not careful. This is because the muscles are so atrophied that the cheeks begin to sink in. Usually this won't happen untill you're in your 40s when the facial aging process really accelerates. So while it looks good now, the likes of Olivia Munn and Meghan look good with it now, the price to pay later may not be so pretty. I'd seen the longterm effects at the plastic surgeons offices where I'd worked at few years ago. For women with strong, muscular/ masculine jawlines like Meghan, when the sagging starts and there's no natural muscles to act as structure, that's when you see the mid-face hollowness. I think she'll ease off on it when she's in her 40s, her surgeon/ injector will probably tell her similar things as I'd just wrote, and she'll likely notice it for herself too.

by Anonymousreply 435May 4, 2019 6:02 PM

The baby will be a mix of this pair.

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by Anonymousreply 436May 4, 2019 6:04 PM

There are models who do that sort of thing R435

by Anonymousreply 437May 4, 2019 6:04 PM

R429 I was about to post on the same topic. The Spencers are a)not viewed as somehow 'lower tier' aristocracy at all, and what that poster is disingenuously appealing to (founding date of 'house' alone) entirely omits the main reason there is an argument to be made that the Spencers are on an at-least equal footing with the House if Windsor (which was born in 1917 if we're going to get sniffy about founding dates!) which is the fact that the Spencers, unlike the Germans in Buckingham Palace, are British (in this case, and importantly: English).

Diana's bloodlines were impeccably noble *and* impeccably English. Charles can make only one of those claims. My relatives light-heartedly refer to the RF as "the Germans" all the time.

by Anonymousreply 438May 4, 2019 6:05 PM

R433 - She could have announced the day before or the day after, it would have at least a gesture of courtesy to Eugenie's event. The silent signal the day of AT the event was ridiculously rude.

by Anonymousreply 439May 4, 2019 6:08 PM

William isn't the only Royal who contacts newspapers when they print lies. Harry has had a newspaper retract a story that he and Pippa Middleton hooked up.

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by Anonymousreply 440May 4, 2019 6:08 PM

R435, taking it off-topic for a second with a question... have you ever seen anyone develop a tolerance for Botox? I know it’s theoretically possible, just wondering how common it is.

by Anonymousreply 441May 4, 2019 6:13 PM

You're right R439 - if she wore the obvious "I'm up the duff" coat pre-12 week mark, it's extra fucking tacky. If she wore it at/post-12 week mark... it's still really fucking tacky. There shouldn't even be a discussion about this. She had no reason to wear that coat, as she had no bump at the time. She was 100% aware that the media was on high alert for ANY signs of pregnancy and had been since the wedding. There is simply no excuse for it.

by Anonymousreply 442May 4, 2019 6:18 PM

R440 - So according to the 'he definitely cheated because if William and Cathy are shit then this somehow makes Harry and Rachel extra double awesome' crew, Harry definitely banged Pips, have i got that right?

by Anonymousreply 443May 4, 2019 6:19 PM

Looking for something else I came across this which is a fascinating watch now

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by Anonymousreply 444May 4, 2019 6:20 PM

R441 Yes it's quite common to develop a tolerance to botox, especially in areas where the muscles are strong. I'd seen forehead area to be most affected if we're talking about tolerance. It means more units to get same effect or having more frequent injections. Though sometimes you can switch to Dysport or go back and forth between that and Botox, some people respond to one better than the other so there's that too. Some people too when they've been getting botox/ dysport for a long time and have developed tolerance, they stop for a year before getting injected again, it seems to reset the process.

by Anonymousreply 445May 4, 2019 6:35 PM

Does the Queen watch the Kentucky Derby?

by Anonymousreply 446May 4, 2019 6:39 PM

How lovely to see all these old now actors and actresses . And Margaret Rutherford . Very good find R444 !

by Anonymousreply 447May 4, 2019 6:42 PM

R446 She went to the 2007 Derby as a "special guest" but Europeans typically sneer at American dirt racing, so no, probably not.

by Anonymousreply 448May 4, 2019 6:42 PM

370-It was whispered that since Diana's signature jewel was the sapphire, MM wanted to make the emerald hers. A spring wedding, the symbol of birth ad rebirth, hope, blah, blah, blah. It's exactly the type of pretentious twaddle she would cloak herself in, and given the palace never denied the report, I'm inclined to believe she felt that entitled. And if she did see the emerald as her signature jewel, no wonder the tantrum at the denial. An aquamarine

by Anonymousreply 449May 4, 2019 6:44 PM

Oops-hit post too soon. An aquamarine just wouldn't have the same merchandizing possibilities as an emerald.

by Anonymousreply 450May 4, 2019 6:45 PM

The Queen's Kentucky Horses

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by Anonymousreply 451May 4, 2019 6:46 PM

"To me, a badass is one who is strong of spirit, brave and fearless, self-aware yet selfless, and always striving to be the best version of themselves. If that sounds like you, or the “you” that you would like to be, then add one of these gems to your spring reading list. The self-work is always worth it."

Meghan sounds like the most basic of fraus, no wonder Oprah has taking a liking to her. Key word here that she used is "self", how appropriate indeed. What the narcissist was saying to the frau readers of her blog is this: To be the best versions of yourselves is to read one of the books on my shitty list so that you can all be more like me. Because after all though I'm not perfect I'm unique and being unique means I'm better than the rest of you.. Bow down to me, bitches".

by Anonymousreply 452May 4, 2019 6:47 PM

Aquamarine would be a great signature jewel, though. It's lovely, distinct, and is it more affordable than an emerald?

by Anonymousreply 453May 4, 2019 6:47 PM

Ah, but 453, that's just it-aquamarines are affordable. MM is far too special, far too unique, I tell you, for such a pedestrian gemstone. What next-a return to Zara?

by Anonymousreply 454May 4, 2019 6:54 PM

For THE BELOVED ONE nothing less than the emerald tiara the queen herself is wearing ! 😂

by Anonymousreply 455May 4, 2019 7:10 PM

I believe she was after the emeralds. I also agree with above posters that she deliberately chose a very plain dress to allow the jewels to have a greater impact and be the centerpiece of her look. I would have done the same.

Women like Meghan aren’t content to win (she got the wedding date and Eug was forced to postpone hers). They want to grind their “opponents” into the dirt, to twist the knife. It doesn’t matter that Eug got the tiara - she would have pulled the pregnancy stunt regardless.

by Anonymousreply 456May 4, 2019 7:23 PM

Serves 1-2 people

1lb. lean ground beef

2 1/2 cups water

2 pkg. oriental-flavor ramen noodle soup mix

1/2 cup purchased stir-fry sauce

3 cups frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower

In large skillet, brown ground beef; drain. Add water, 1 of the soup mix seasoning packets, stir-fry sauce and frozen vegetables; mix well. (Discard remaining seasoning packet or save for another use.) Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and cook 5 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Break up ramen noodles; add to skillet. Cover; cook 5 to 8 minutes or until sauce is of desired consistency, stirring occasionally and separating noodles as they soften.

[bold]I saw this! Isn’t that interesting…….whoops! Thank you 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[bold]

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by Anonymousreply 457May 4, 2019 7:23 PM

[quote]Hi, I believe you and TP. But isn't putting all this information and insight out in the open on the internet (with so many people following, reading, sharing, discussing etc), put the BRF's preparations and plans for a solid and secure legal case, at risk? If MM is aware of all this that's said here, and on TP, and on other places, then wouldn't the big players learn about all this as well? (I'm not referring to the "friends or foes" celebrities and journalists etc, but to the big fish.) Thanks.

[bold]We get alot of👏👏 different👏👏 information….we have amazing helpers. We don’t know how reliable info is until it comes to be true. The fact that IT anon came and gave us info about the IT being questioned…and the fact that’s there is NO sign of IT…leans👏👏 towards this being true…chances👏👏 are👏👏 she👏👏 is👏👏 in👏👏 custody 👏👏“"house arrest”… with no outside contact, and no internet! It really is just a matter of watching what’s going on. Info that comes here, if not meant to be public will ask me not to post, and I won’t! There is much sorting out, as what I see real…and what is a troll. Verification is of the upmost importance. Does👏👏 this hurt the BRF legal case? We don’t get specifics, and as I say…this is all speculation…..there also will be real truths mixed in with non truth…..this is why I encourage all, not to👏👏 believe anything….think about things logically…what makes sense to you….😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️[bold]

by Anonymousreply 458May 4, 2019 7:27 PM

That sounds disgusting, r457.

by Anonymousreply 459May 4, 2019 7:30 PM

Don’t worry about me, guys! I’m content and comfortable and definitely enjoying love-filled days with my mom and Gayle and Oprah! Wise women goddesses!

I taste eggs.

by Anonymousreply 460May 4, 2019 7:32 PM

WTF is with the emojis? Are you 12?

by Anonymousreply 461May 4, 2019 7:32 PM

It’s been so long now... were there any photos from the Australian tour where the bump really was visible? ie was she really showing enough to make it important to announce prior to tour or could she have disguised it through tour and announced after?

by Anonymousreply 462May 4, 2019 7:34 PM

I thought surrogate theory was the stupidest, but this “she’s arrested!” stuff just swoops in and takes the cake.

by Anonymousreply 463May 4, 2019 7:36 PM

Getting bored.

How do we see the narrative arc winding up? Will she get out or will her hand be forced eventually. Scenarios welcome. The approval given to William, Catherine and the York girls recently is unmistakable. Extremely unflattering stories about eggs and tiaras are put out and not denied. Then there is the Off to Africa plan...

by Anonymousreply 464May 4, 2019 7:38 PM



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by Anonymousreply 465May 4, 2019 7:41 PM

Only when she arched her back, R452. I assume she believed the cape was hiding the curve when she stuck her nonexistent bump out, but she was wrong. Look below her elbow.

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by Anonymousreply 466May 4, 2019 7:41 PM

^^ I meant R462.

by Anonymousreply 467May 4, 2019 7:42 PM

Is Skippy actually posting on this board, because nobody wants to read boring recipes? I admit some of her crazed ramblings are comedy gold but the recipes aren't wanted, so please stop posting them.

by Anonymousreply 468May 4, 2019 7:44 PM

R466, Meghan is a short, thin, 7 stone/100 lb woman who had a big pregnancy, so she showed straight away. She is a very similar build to Cheryl Tweedy, who also showed when she was about a month pregnant. It's no mystery. What she wore to Eugenie's wedding was appropriate and not designed to show off anything or to steal the show. If Eugenie was annoyed, she must be one of the most petty women to walk the earth.

by Anonymousreply 469May 4, 2019 7:47 PM

Thanks, R466! I forgot that dress was on that tour. And never realized how much she was forcing it out, ha. I just remember the white dress and the sundress with the slit and not noticing any hint of a bump and wondering why she had already announced

by Anonymousreply 470May 4, 2019 7:48 PM

'Extremely unflattering stories about eggs and tiaras are put out and not denied. '

There are unflattering stories 'put out and not denied' about all the royals. The British tabloids make shit up a lot of the time. Nothing is 'put out'. Yet again, you sound like a Larrie type conspiracy theorist with your stupid idea that the press has no independence and everything is given to them by PR teams trying to stir up trouble.

by Anonymousreply 471May 4, 2019 7:50 PM

[bold]This is👏 great R468 Thanks👏 for 👏 letting us know!😁❤️❤️❤️❤️[bold]


8 ounces spaghetti uncooked

10 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons minced garlic

1/2 cup freshly shredded Mozzarella

1/2 cup freshly shredded Parmesan Cheese

1/2 cup freshly shredded Romano Cheese

2 tablespoons whipped cream cheese

2/3 cup heavy cream

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons fresh chopped flat-leaf parsley


Boil salted water in a 3-quart pot. Add spaghetti and cook for about 7-8 minutes, until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup of pasta water. In a 10-12 inch saute pan, melt butter and olive oil over medium heat. Add garlic and stir, cooking for about a minute. Add spaghetti, 1 cup of pasta water, cream cheese and heavy cream to the skillet. Bring to a boil and add shredded cheeses. Stir constantly until cheeses are melted and pasta is completely coated; about a minute. Reduce heat and continue to cook and stir until sauce is thickened and reduced; about 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in parsley. Taste and add salt and pepper as desired. Serve hot, and garnish with more fresh parsley and some fresh grated Parmesan, if desired.

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by Anonymousreply 472May 4, 2019 7:53 PM

'One of the things that makes me doubt Tiaragate ever happened is that an emerald tiara would have looked out of place on Meghan'

Agree. Isn't Meghan's engagement ring also a plain diamond, whereas Kate was stuck with Diana's gaudy monstrosity? Meghan went for a minimalist look with that plain, whiter than white dress. An emerald would have looked ridiculous. She is all about montotones and looking classy, and she succeeds.

by Anonymousreply 473May 4, 2019 7:54 PM

Everyone block and FF R472, it's definitely Skippy or a similar troll, spamming the thread. When the baby is born she'll be here to post nothing but recipes so we can't discuss it.

by Anonymousreply 474May 4, 2019 7:55 PM

It is tacky to make any announcement about YOU at any wedding where you are the guest, period.

One of my first cousins was about 3 months pregnant at another cousin’s wedding. Pregnant cousin is about 5’4”, size 0 probably - a very petite woman (and married to a big, strapping 6’2” hunk, tho that’s another story...). Nobody knew, she hadn’t made any announcement prior, and she didn’t say one word at the wedding either. She wore an empire style dress, more than enough to hide any bump. MeGain was purposeful, and tacky in what she wore, knowing she would steal the spotlight. Low class.

by Anonymousreply 475May 4, 2019 7:55 PM

MEagain the Traveling Grifter.

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by Anonymousreply 476May 4, 2019 7:57 PM

'It is tacky to make any announcement about YOU at any wedding where you are the guest, period'

And that's why she didn't make a formal announcement at the wedding. Why do you keep going back to this? Nobody here cares much about Eugenie anyway. She is so dull compared to Meghan, and frumpy, too. Meg has Hollywood glamour.

by Anonymousreply 477May 4, 2019 7:58 PM

R476, every single person who marries into the BRF could be seen as a grifter. Diana certainly was, in her time, and the press hated Fergie far more than they do Markle. Comments from you are meaningless anyway, considering you thought Eugenie's husband was an 'Eton graduate'. We don't even say 'graduate' from secondary school here, only from university. And he went to Stowe.

by Anonymousreply 478May 4, 2019 8:00 PM

Satire is lost on these threads! Block away Frauen!

by Anonymousreply 479May 4, 2019 8:01 PM

Not only didn't she get the tiara she wanted, she didn't get a carpet into and through the chapel either. I'm surprised she forgot about that, as one of the finest details. I'm not surprised staff and aides didn't remind her, though. I can imagine her to have been an absolute nightmare to work with on planning.

by Anonymousreply 480May 4, 2019 8:01 PM

'She wore an empire style dress, more than enough to hide any bump. '

Had Meghan deviated from her signature style (fitted) and done this, you would all have screamed that it was a 'pregnancy dress'.

by Anonymousreply 481May 4, 2019 8:01 PM

“Meg has Hollywood glamour”

Oh my sides!!

by Anonymousreply 482May 4, 2019 8:02 PM

Hahaha I LOVE fake Skippy LMAO ( Lots of exclamation marks) !!!!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 483May 4, 2019 8:02 PM

'Not only didn't she get the tiara she wanted, she didn't get a carpet into and through the chapel either'

She didn't want one, are you insane? Just making shit up so that she sounds trashy, when she isn't.

by Anonymousreply 484May 4, 2019 8:03 PM

The recipes don't contribute satire, though. Some of Skippy's insane pronouncements are very funny, but the recipes add absolutely nothing.

by Anonymousreply 485May 4, 2019 8:03 PM

Paddy Power now has Ivy as the favourite baby name (6/4), above Diana (11/2) and Allegra (6/1). The top 9 names are all female. Don't know why Ivy has become the favourite all of a sudden. Maybe something has leaked (and I'm not just talking about Meghan's water breaking).

by Anonymousreply 486May 4, 2019 8:04 PM

She's not trashy, so much as a barnyard animal, gonking about proud of its ability to gain attention.

by Anonymousreply 487May 4, 2019 8:04 PM

The R486, She won’t pick Ivy, that’s a Mulroney kid name.

by Anonymousreply 488May 4, 2019 8:05 PM

She definitely won't pick Ivy, with its links to trashy Beyoncé.

by Anonymousreply 489May 4, 2019 8:06 PM

R484 There was no carpet. Is that better?

by Anonymousreply 490May 4, 2019 8:07 PM

R477 - Duchess Cringe made her MEAN GIRL informal announcement by wearing her coat open over her non-existent bumpso everyone would speculate that she was pregnant.

As for your "Hollywood glamor" statment, please see R482. I second their laughter.

by Anonymousreply 491May 4, 2019 8:09 PM

She didn't get her air fresheners either - she hated the odour of sanctity in the Chapel

by Anonymousreply 492May 4, 2019 8:09 PM

Lord Titan Maximus Augustus Dumbarton.

by Anonymousreply 493May 4, 2019 8:10 PM

Arching wildly

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by Anonymousreply 494May 4, 2019 8:12 PM

R481, she wasn't showing much at all on the Australian trip that she could have gotten away with fitted, but not too tight of a fit.

by Anonymousreply 495May 4, 2019 8:12 PM

Block R457, the Skippy recipe poster, and half the thread disappears.

We were all pleasantly surprised by Meg's classy wedding dress. So minimalist compared to Diana's blowsy meringue or Kate's fitted lace bodice with its trashy deep neckline.

by Anonymousreply 496May 4, 2019 8:13 PM

Bless your heart. The dress may have been intended as minimalist, but the wearer was not. It fit with all the elegance of car cover.

It was obviously designed with the intention of wearing an emerald tiara. Oops, that.

by Anonymousreply 497May 4, 2019 8:19 PM

Sparkles' wedding dress was a terrible fit, and was commented on to that effect by many people who don't particularly have an eye for it. And true to form, she continued thenceforth with more terrible fit and shoddy styling. She is now known as the dirty shoes and laddered tights girl.

by Anonymousreply 498May 4, 2019 8:20 PM

'It was obviously designed with the intention of wearing an emerald tiara' Nope. Just as her engagement ring wasn't some trashy coloured stone.

by Anonymousreply 499May 4, 2019 8:20 PM

Kate has worn some shockers when pregnant. £28 dresses from Top Shop that flew up to her waist when the wind blew. Absolutely zero sense of decorum.

by Anonymousreply 500May 4, 2019 8:21 PM

R500 yes, because Kate The Great has the power to change the wind by snapping her fingers. Try again and TRY HARDER.

by Anonymousreply 501May 4, 2019 8:23 PM

Meghan's dress was ill-fitting, the fabric was oddly thick and the style was decidedly underwhelming. Emeralds would have complimented the stark whiteness of it all.

R500 is clutching pearls over Kate's dresses getting blown up. The scandal!

by Anonymousreply 502May 4, 2019 8:25 PM

Am I just getting older, or have DLers gotten angrier lately? Why all the Meghan and Kate hate? I'm not fans of either, but the royal family is just decorative to me at this point. Can't we just appreciate their ability to give us superficial entertainment?

by Anonymousreply 503May 4, 2019 8:27 PM

R500, given that the royals are being bankrolled by the British taxpayers, it'd be refreshing if they wore MORE £28 outfits from Top Shop!

by Anonymousreply 504May 4, 2019 8:30 PM

R503 Influx of ladies who are personally, emotionally invested in the drama.

by Anonymousreply 505May 4, 2019 8:30 PM

This is interesting. I wonder why he's not invited.

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by Anonymousreply 506May 4, 2019 8:31 PM

So glad someone mentioned Smegma's tacky ring! How ignorant of basic design do you have to be to pick an odd number of stones? Fugly!

But at least it distracts from her moonface. And she is an old lady with a body that has serviced its best years.

by Anonymousreply 507May 4, 2019 8:32 PM

Sapphires and emeralds are now being called "trashy" because Meghan hasn't been able to wear any, but aquamarines are "classy" because she wore one ring of Diana's. Silliness.

by Anonymousreply 508May 4, 2019 8:33 PM

R503 - I'm not normally an angry person but I can't stand stupidity like "The wind blew Kate's dress up so she's a slut". The things some people post are quite ridiculous and should be condemned.

by Anonymousreply 509May 4, 2019 8:34 PM

Anyone who thinks (or has convinced themselves) that Meghan didn't wear that coat at Eugenie's wedding to fuel speculation of a pregnancy has lost all objectivity. She could have easily worn something to cover whatever infinitesimal bump or slight bloat she possibly had at 10 or 11 weeks.

by Anonymousreply 510May 4, 2019 8:39 PM

R469 For all those reasons you state MM should not have shown her pregnancy until she was about 15 to 18 weeks. She is short but not that short plus she was thin and fit with no extra fat on her stomach and it's her first baby. by this stage I think all of us agree she is overdue. So she has either had a secret pregnancy before that at least went past 16 weeks, she is having twins or she padded, they are the only reasons she would "show" a bump" that early on the Australian Tour.

by Anonymousreply 511May 4, 2019 8:44 PM

If Meghan had Hollywood glamour, she would have been a Hollywood star.

by Anonymousreply 512May 4, 2019 8:48 PM

R496 I was very surprised, not pleasantly, on how ill fitting MM's dress was. I liked Kate's dress though it was predictable and conservative, just like her. Now to Diana, you are obviously a MM Stan born in the 90's, otherwise you would have half a clue that the style of Diana's dress was the height of fashion in 1981 and continued to be until the late 80's. The "meringue" term only gained prominence from Four Weddings and a funeral in1994. The only problem with Diana's dress was the enormous amount of silk taffeta that got hideously wrinkled in the carriage ride to the church, otherwise everyone loved it and copied it.

by Anonymousreply 513May 4, 2019 9:01 PM

Nice design troll. It's odd numbers that are perfect (like Diana's - chosen from a tray of offerings from the royal jeweler, and subsequently Catherine's due to her status and good taste). Even numbers like me-Me-ME-MEE!-ME-Me-megan's are ugly and aesthetically undeveloped.


by Anonymousreply 514May 4, 2019 9:02 PM

Apparently Markle wanted to wear a sleeveless dress for the ceremony, but was told it wouldn't be suitable. I can believe this, as I think she feels her arms and shoulders are her better features. Plus, the silhouette of a column type sleeveless dress adds the illusion of height. Maybe the evening Stella McCartney dress was her main choice? Or another dress completely? The main dress was not only ill fitting, the hem was awful. As though a bulk of the length had been quickly tacked up. Lack of corsetery was horrible, as you could see those nasty burger nips. I was disappointed.

by Anonymousreply 515May 4, 2019 9:14 PM

I was intrigued when MM announced her pregnancy. As a female physician (with professional and personal obstetric experience), there were reasons to follow along - as patients would refer to her progression. But as she has progressed, curious red flags have arisen:

1) Timing of Markle's announcement combined with international travel to a Zika exposed regions While admittedly the risk of Zika infection was likely low, the consequences for a developing fetus would be devastating for a member of any - but royal!? - family member. Why was this so rapidly dismissed?

2) Continued use of hair straighteners which is contraindicated in a pregnant woman Chemicals involved are toxic to the developing processes of a baby.

3) The odd carrying capacity of MM Women CAN have unique displays during pregnancy: showing very little or much; and even SOME shifting. But generally there is a pattern of consistency. Markle's pregnancy look is so variable (big one day, small the next/vice versa, up and down, square, buldging in anatomically unusual locations and even swaying separately from her torso), that it looks "unnatural" and feigned.

4) MM's corporeal movements have also been highly unusual as her pregnancy progresses. At later stages of the pregnancy, Markle demonstrated tightly crossed legs - and thighs. At one of her last public appearances, she crouched down in heels with shoes - and legs - together to accept flowers unassisted. Athletic women CAN move in all sorts of postures in late pregnancy. However, putting pressure on the abdomen to accomodate this pose and maintain consistent balance, unaided, is HIGHLY unusual. (Of note, Kate, was photographed in a similar situation, but her shoes/legs were spread apart to reduce abdominal pressure and maintain her center of gravity.)

5) A questionable hallmark of physicality involves Markle's odd pattern of swelling. She has demonstrated facial swelling but little lower or upper extremity edema/oedema. Given her propensity for wearing high heeled shoes on (occasional) uneven surfaces, a pregnancy places additional weight and pressure on areas that bear load. We know MM has experienced past bunion removal, but why is there very little - if any - lower extremity swelling when such facial evidences present. (My plastic surgery colleagues have some thoughts on this....)

6) There are additional factors that do not involve Markle's physicality, but seem odd: -vague details surrounding the birth (where?/when?/progression/dates, described in announcement as "arrival" and not "birth'") -circumstances surrounding a first-time, mature or "geriatric" birth: Markle seems healthy, yet there have been reports of alcohol (in first trimester), international travel as mentioned above and home birthing (which I would actually encourage in good candidates) -Markle seemed to thrive on demonstrating her pregnancy on every occasion EXCEPT one: when she was in NYC - seemingly surprised - and held a large bag shield in front of her abdomen.


by Anonymousreply 516May 4, 2019 9:14 PM

A mayor that attacks world leaders to get his name in the papers and has called terrorism 'part and parcel of living in big cities' is most definitely not going to be on any VIP list.

Re her wedding dress, the fact that you could see her shoes as she walked is all you need to know about the fit. That was something that was quickly thrown together.

by Anonymousreply 517May 4, 2019 9:15 PM

R515 made me choke on a piece of Easter chocolate with “nasty burger nips”.

by Anonymousreply 518May 4, 2019 9:16 PM

The Royal Gift Shop sold what they billed as a replica of Meghan's ring, though I'm not sure if it's exact. If you're interested, click on the link and look at the photo of the ring in a box. The middle stone is cushion cut and the two side stones are round. I'm not a huge fan of the combination and the very plain design, but Harry supposedly picked it out for her so that's sweet. When they were discussing the ring during the engagement interview, I thought Meghan seemed a bit disappointed with it.

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by Anonymousreply 519May 4, 2019 9:19 PM

One of my favorite British Royals is the Queen 's cousin, Princess Alexandra of Kent. She's in her 80's now and had a fall recently that slowed her down. She has numerous patronages and represents the Queen in public at the occasional public function.

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by Anonymousreply 520May 4, 2019 9:20 PM

R369 Yes those pesky Spencers, such vulgar arrivistes from the 15th Century with their tacky new build Althorp House. Plus all those hanger on nouveau riche relatives like the Malboroughs who call their house a palace and Winston Churchill always blabbing to the press.

by Anonymousreply 521May 4, 2019 9:20 PM

Exactly, 513. And Di's dress actually sent 80s style into overdrive, especially the English-country-Laura Ashley aesthetic. Everything was bows, poufs, frills, florals. I for one think the dress was romantic and wonderful in its over-the-top-ness, just a fabulous fairytale creamy confection for a tall girl destined to be Queen of England. The buildup to that wedding was huge; people expected a SHOW and we got one. The dress was a major part of it. It was perfect!

The only thing I would have changed is her hair, which was too straight. A few waves would have suited the dress better.

by Anonymousreply 522May 4, 2019 9:25 PM

Queen Alexandra was the most beautiful queen. Unfortunately, her three daughters Louise, Victoria and Maud inherited their mother's beauty and were known as the "Ugly Ducklings".

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by Anonymousreply 523May 4, 2019 9:26 PM

R522 - actually Diana has nice hair at the start of the wedding day but the veil and humidity killed any body her hair may have had. She hated her wedding dress later in life.

by Anonymousreply 524May 4, 2019 9:27 PM

Queen Alexandra was formerly a Princess of Denmark. One of her sisters became the Czarina of Russia.

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by Anonymousreply 525May 4, 2019 9:29 PM

^ Diana dress post re R513

by Anonymousreply 526May 4, 2019 9:30 PM

Diana later got body perms, didn't she? Good thick hair but pretty straight.

by Anonymousreply 527May 4, 2019 9:34 PM

Diana's hair was naturally straight and mousy brown. She gradually became more blonde as the years went on. She either had her hair curled and/or permed to get the great body and volume in the picture below. Her hair was longer and more difficult to style so I think she would have needed some help.

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by Anonymousreply 528May 4, 2019 9:39 PM

I loved Diana's big, dominant hair. Like her wedding gown, it was all so excessive, so 80s!

by Anonymousreply 529May 4, 2019 9:44 PM

R524 All of us who got married in the 80's cringe at bit our dresses now. Don't forget Fergie too who inspired the giant ass bows that were added to the pouffy dresses of brides at the time.

by Anonymousreply 530May 4, 2019 9:45 PM

R520, thanks for introducing me to Princess Alexandra of Kent! This is why I keep coming here; it’s educational. She looks darling, with those smiling eyes. Reminds me a bit of Patty Duke.

by Anonymousreply 531May 4, 2019 9:50 PM

Puffball skirts! The smell of Silvikrin hairspray! Body Shop's Dewberry perfume! Box perms! I'm feeling that 80's vibe!

by Anonymousreply 532May 4, 2019 9:52 PM

Apart from the poofy sleeves, I quite like Fergie's wedding dress. Yes, it was a bit cheesy (especially the "A" for Andrew on the train) but it brought her personality across.

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by Anonymousreply 533May 4, 2019 9:52 PM

The bitter fraus on here who think 37 is old are hilarious. I hope Meghan divorces Harry and writes a tell all book exposing alll the secrets of the fugly Queen, Stepford Kate, thick Harry and fugly fuck boy William.

by Anonymousreply 534May 4, 2019 9:55 PM

R533 I loved her dress too! It's hard to believe now but back when they first got engaged and married, they were so popular. They were the darlings of the press and public

by Anonymousreply 535May 4, 2019 9:55 PM

R534 I don't think she's old, I just think she's a cunt

by Anonymousreply 536May 4, 2019 9:58 PM

R519, the stones probably weren’t big enough. Did they have names and provenance?

Meghan is a “high roller”. She’s too special to accept anything presented to her. It has to be made even more special for her. She won’t just accept any old thing, there’s always something that needs to be adjusted FOR HER.

by Anonymousreply 537May 4, 2019 9:58 PM

A rather remarkable new portrait of Edward, Duke of Kent, brother of Michael, by photographer Rory Lewis. Pity the article doesn't show the full series.

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by Anonymousreply 538May 4, 2019 10:00 PM

R534, I’m Old, so I think she’s young! Like you, I hope she writes a scorching tell-all. (And then MI6 disappears her).

And, like rR36, I think she’s a cunt.

by Anonymousreply 539May 4, 2019 10:01 PM

I agree R519 R537. MM probably wanted to pluck an emerald out of the Queen Mary's Art Deco emerald choker and surround it with diamonds. She's not a great actress, her slight disappointment was obvious. You just know she expected much more after she saw Kate turn up to the BAFTA's in 2018, dripping in emeralds and diamonds that were a private gift.

by Anonymousreply 540May 4, 2019 10:05 PM

Yah, sure. Sparkles knows ALL of the Queen's "secrets," cuz the two of em are so close and everything.

by Anonymousreply 541May 4, 2019 10:06 PM

Kate's jewels

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by Anonymousreply 542May 4, 2019 10:13 PM

I’m not a jewelry kinda gal, but just once, I’d like to be dripping with emeralds and diamonds. Or aquamarines and diamonds. Lots and lots of them.

by Anonymousreply 543May 4, 2019 10:16 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 544May 4, 2019 10:31 PM

WOW just once dripping indeed! Catherine also has a ruby set with satisfyingly large stones.

by Anonymousreply 545May 4, 2019 10:39 PM

I was just wondering who is releasing these pics? I think it's a joint affair. I think they are all in on it. And now Markle will grace the Sundays yet again.....how timely after a few unfavourable articles about her. Particularly the egg story. She topples those negative stories far too quickly yet would have us believe she's relaxing at home in a bubble. My arse.

by Anonymousreply 546May 4, 2019 10:40 PM

Many Corbyn supporters here in England hate Kate the cunt with her Kris Jenner style momager, and, of course, we loathe the chief cunt herself, Queen Liz the Nazi.

Scratch the surface of all the royals and you get Nazis and whores. Let's hope Corbyn gets in next time and reduces the Civil List to pennies.

by Anonymousreply 547May 4, 2019 10:41 PM

Kate also has the use of the Cambridge Lover's Knot tiara and Queen Mary's necklace.

When you pop out pretty babies and do what they tell you, you get the good rocks. It ain't feminist but it's a living.

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by Anonymousreply 548May 4, 2019 10:42 PM

I love this necklace. Any info on provenance?

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by Anonymousreply 549May 4, 2019 10:43 PM

These earrings are to die for.

Though I really, really wish Kate would cool it with the raspberry blush. It's so unnatural looking on her.

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by Anonymousreply 550May 4, 2019 10:45 PM

Wow wow wow what is that pink stone? Sapphire?

by Anonymousreply 551May 4, 2019 10:47 PM

As it stands, the UK only have a succession of old wrinkled 70 year olds to look forward to as monarchs for the next century. I hope George is gay, it would be so cool to have a gay monarch.

by Anonymousreply 552May 4, 2019 10:47 PM

The jewels with the blue gown and the pink lace gown are perfection.

by Anonymousreply 553May 4, 2019 10:48 PM

They might be pink sapphires. They are certainly stunning.

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by Anonymousreply 554May 4, 2019 10:51 PM

R549 the ruby floral necklace was borrowed from the Queen (which according to reports, was a wedding gift from the monarch's parents back in 1947 )

by Anonymousreply 555May 4, 2019 10:52 PM

The speculation I've seen is that Kate's pink earrings are Morganite. It's more blush-colored than the true pink of sapphires.

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by Anonymousreply 556May 4, 2019 10:53 PM

R472 Thank you for the recipes. Others may find them cringe worthy, but they fit ever so nicely into my high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle. After all, I am eating for 2 now, or is it 3?

by Anonymousreply 557May 4, 2019 10:55 PM

A closer look at the Queen's ruby necklace, borrowed by Kate.

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by Anonymousreply 558May 4, 2019 10:55 PM

You wouldn't think a ruby necklace would work with her pale pink lace dress, but it really does.

by Anonymousreply 559May 4, 2019 10:57 PM

The picture I posted above isn't a good one, it doesn't do it justice, really.

by Anonymousreply 560May 4, 2019 10:58 PM

R515, I remember thinking at the time that Meghan would have suited a sleeveless wedding dress much better than the one she wore. It's a shame she got advised against it.

by Anonymousreply 561May 4, 2019 10:58 PM

I thought the Stella McCartney reception dress looked great on Meghan. Far more flattering than the dress she wore to the church.

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by Anonymousreply 562May 4, 2019 11:05 PM

R461 - I think the poster copied and pasted one of lunatic skippy's posts. That looks like it came straight from her blog.

by Anonymousreply 563May 4, 2019 11:06 PM

Did someone finally tell her the boat neck is to be avoided for her broad, big shouldered body type?

by Anonymousreply 564May 4, 2019 11:09 PM

R547 - Given that the working classes tend to be quite patriotic and supporters of the monarchy, Corbyn might find himself if severe difficulties politically.

Grow up.

by Anonymousreply 565May 4, 2019 11:10 PM

She's ugly no matter what she wears. Lipstick on a pig

by Anonymousreply 566May 4, 2019 11:10 PM

Kate and Eugenie's dresses, whether or not you liked the styles, had the advantage of fitting the wearer to a nicety. Why is Meghan's such a fit-disaster? Did she piss off the House of Givenchy, too?

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by Anonymousreply 567May 4, 2019 11:12 PM

I agree that her reception dress was far more flattering, R562.

by Anonymousreply 568May 4, 2019 11:21 PM

R563 Sadly, I made the "Skippy posts" by randomly picking shit from that loons blog. The funny part is even though most of it is random lines I copied, added clap emojis, and pasted into a post, it reads like that freak would actually write it. The recipes were satire to make the tumblr frauen from Skippy feel welcome, because its classy to make ones interlopers feel welcome. Dreamboat Andy would agree!

The problem is we have these weirdos who are so worked up over all this pregnancy nonsense its going right over their heads. Perhaps one day, we can all agree..this was the season that "As The Palace Burns" jumped the shark.

by Anonymousreply 569May 4, 2019 11:23 PM

Don't remind of that actrocious monstrosity of a veil ...

And ffs, look at the flower bouquet. Did some servant with no sense of style randomly pick some flowers and grass the very last minute prior to the wedding ceremony?

by Anonymousreply 570May 4, 2019 11:23 PM

*don't remind me

by Anonymousreply 571May 4, 2019 11:24 PM

Pa Markle strikes again.

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by Anonymousreply 572May 4, 2019 11:25 PM

He's got a reason to be angry. He spent his $$$ on his kid, only for her to make him out to be a monster the moment she makes it. Axes to grind and all

by Anonymousreply 573May 4, 2019 11:38 PM

Re: MM’s wedding dress. Maybe the evening dress was meant to be the wedding dress as opined above. I know a number of churches don’t allow brides to wear deemed “immodest” - which usually means bare shoulders, halter, sleeveless, types. I’ve been at weddings where brides had little bolero jacket-shrug type things in church only to be sleeveless at the reception. Maybe MM thought she could get away with it if she just waited long enough, but the palace forced her into another gown, thus the poor fit?

Admittedly, we’re entering tin foil hat territory, but still a laugh to think about it! lol

by Anonymousreply 574May 5, 2019 12:01 AM

R458. Thank you for exposing the treason. I look forward to her arrest for all she's put me through.

BTW, will I still be paid?

by Anonymousreply 575May 5, 2019 12:07 AM

R567 Ever the actress, Smeg smizes into the camera with all her might. The dress was sinfully ugly and was the shade of aggressive white you get from too many Zoom treatments at the dentist. It was her second time at rodeo (and Lord knows how many others), a softer white would have been less tacky. The hair was tragic as well, with those pointy tendrils punctuating her face. In the official portrait with the family (posted by someone earlier) the hair is totally flat and lifeless and makes her look particularly rat-like.

by Anonymousreply 576May 5, 2019 12:11 AM

What in the name of all that’s holy is R458 talking about??? And which is he quoting there?

I’m at a loss to understand either.

by Anonymousreply 577May 5, 2019 12:12 AM

The Case Of The Mysterious Brown Velvet Lady, We had almost 2 threads worth of her.

MERCHING! OPTICS! HUBRIS! GRIFTER! MOONBUMP! Between Torontopaper, Skippy, and god knows what else, I can't remember a time being a royal watcher became a case study in mental illness. Oh to long for the good ol days, when we just made fun of her lack of etiquette, clothes, and hair.

by Anonymousreply 578May 5, 2019 12:15 AM

And who gets the ruby red slippers?

by Anonymousreply 579May 5, 2019 12:15 AM


by Anonymousreply 580May 5, 2019 12:26 AM

I hadn't considered the possibility that Dopey was so stupid she was aiming to team a cathedral length veil OVER HER FACE with a California beach-style haltered number, for a second wedding in an historic church...

by Anonymousreply 581May 5, 2019 12:28 AM

....topped by dangling tendrils.

by Anonymousreply 582May 5, 2019 12:29 AM

Here's the dress Meghan's character wore when she got married on Suits. I actually think this style looks better on her than the one she went with for her real wedding.

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by Anonymousreply 583May 5, 2019 12:29 AM

Thank you R576 for mentioning that icy shade of white - I noticed (and didn't like) it, either. Not because it was her second marriage, necessarily, but because I just hate that shade of white. It reminds me of trashy 80s/90s wedding dresses. So blinding.

Of the 3 wedding dresses pictured above Kate's is my favourite but I didn't really like that one, either. It just fits very well. Yuge's was too heavy looking for me.

Also agree re: Meghan and boat necks. She wore a few of them right after the marriage, too. It doesn't suit her build at all.

by Anonymousreply 584May 5, 2019 12:30 AM

Also just wanted to extend my thanks for the recipes to Randy Andy Fan. The one featuring chopped lettuce will go down a treat at my next dinner party. Actually all joking aside a couple of those looked shamefully edible.

Perhaps for your next challenge you can post recipes in homage to Meghan's particular flavour of frau-dom. More LA. We're going to need more avocado and acai berries.

by Anonymousreply 585May 5, 2019 12:33 AM

I admit I'm looking forward to the frothing from the "she's in jail for treason" crowd as soon as we get the first shots of Meg gazing beatifically into her frogspawn's peepers. They're not entertaining when they post here, but there's a general entertainment value there.

by Anonymousreply 586May 5, 2019 12:35 AM

R585 The breakfast/tater tot one actually looked like it tasted pretty good.

by Anonymousreply 587May 5, 2019 12:35 AM

Apparently Skippy is someone that you fraus love to hate, and with whom you all share many traits. No one gives a shit about Skippy, Sunshine Sachs or any of this psychotic tumblr drama.

by Anonymousreply 588May 5, 2019 12:36 AM

The boat neck was basically invented to help pear shaped women with too-small shoulders look more substantial on top and balance out their shapes.

Markle has the opposite problem, of course.

by Anonymousreply 589May 5, 2019 12:37 AM

A servant with no sense of style did in fact contribute some clippings to the bouquet, R570.

[quote]The arrangement was comprised of scented sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, astrantia and several flowers hand-picked by Harry from the couple's private garden at Kensington Palace.

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by Anonymousreply 590May 5, 2019 12:40 AM

'Did someone finally tell her the boat neck is to be avoided for her broad, big shouldered body type?'

In what world is this spindly, 7 stone woman 'broad'? She is tiny. Diana was the 5ft 11, broad shouldered behemoth.

by Anonymousreply 591May 5, 2019 12:41 AM

I believe she thinks the boatneck gives the appearance that she has a waist.

by Anonymousreply 592May 5, 2019 12:46 AM

Any gossip on the Duchess of Gloucester?? Sounds little seems to be known or discussed about her yet she has been a member of the royal family for over 40 years.

by Anonymousreply 593May 5, 2019 12:50 AM

Markle is broad up top with no waist, dope. She is built like Pa Markle, so she never really can escape him. Haha

by Anonymousreply 594May 5, 2019 1:00 AM

So... insider info, the Sussex baby has NOT been born yet. MM is as big as a house. She’s not having fun. If it doesn’t happen soon, she’l be induced. Within the next 2 days.

by Anonymousreply 595May 5, 2019 1:03 AM

Frauen, I have a vagina, and lady body question. Why are first babies usually late? Is it because its not used to birthin' babies? Also, what happens if you just leave it in there, and let nature take its course?

by Anonymousreply 596May 5, 2019 1:15 AM

I have no idea why first babies are often late, just that they are. As for induction this is one reason I'm convinced she announced before 12 weeks - a regular peasant's OB/GYN would be reluctant to let a 37 y.o. go past her due date, I would be extremely surprised if MM has been allowed to. It's possible she's simply put her foot down in the face of medical opinion but I would be surprised. I think if that baby isn't born by the official due date she'll be induced and not a minute later.

And before anyone jumps on me with BUT I WAS 94 AND THEY LET ME GO PAST MY DUE DATE let us remember that we are dealing with a royal baby here. Whoever is in charge of her medical care is probably freaking out if she's insisting on waiting for labour to happen naturally if she's past her due date.

Oh and yes, it was the tater tot casserole that looked most delicious. I've checked my grocery delivery website and the useless pieces of shit don't even have tater tots! This is what I get for being a peasant frau, isn't it?

As for Megs not being broad, yes she is. That's her build. Ain't got nuthin' to do with how much she weighs.

by Anonymousreply 597May 5, 2019 1:29 AM

Part 48 is up.

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by Anonymousreply 598May 5, 2019 1:56 AM

R596, in order to give birth, the woman's cervix must be dilated 10 centimeters.

Apparently, the second time she gives birth, this is easier and quicker to accomplish.

by Anonymousreply 599May 5, 2019 1:57 AM


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by Anonymousreply 600May 5, 2019 1:57 AM
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