Messenger Bag v. Backpack
I've worn a messenger bag for work for the last decade. I've noticed most people have shifted over to backpacks at this point.
Backpacks definitely feel more balanced on my back so I figure I'd buy one.
What do you take to work? Can anyone recommend a professional looking back pack?
by Anonymous | reply 165 | January 9, 2019 11:19 AM
Tumi ones are popular, if you can afford one of their backpacks (they're around 600 clams IIRC). There's some Kickstarter ones that are nice.
I know what you mean by the backpack switch. I think it happened in tech when everyone got a lot younger and was just out of college.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | January 2, 2019 9:23 PM
Backpacks are absolutely the way to go. Balances weight, frees up hands, lets you move freely. I just use a North Face. But Patagonia has a bunch. Or online. Simple black - AND get one that fits the measurements for European carry on. It saves a ton of money, time and hassle. I’ve travelled all over the world for 2 weeks at a time with just my carry on backpack.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | January 2, 2019 9:24 PM
Patagonia is the more expensive brand if you are interested in appearances, OP.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | January 2, 2019 9:27 PM
I made the switch recently as well from using a messenger bag to a backpack. As R2 said, a backpack feels more balanced for me as I end up always carrying tons of electronic crap with me on the train (I work in tech.)
by Anonymous | reply 4 | January 2, 2019 9:28 PM
The fanny pack is making a comeback!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 5 | January 2, 2019 9:33 PM
I see college students all the time carrying the Herschel backpack. I like the look, but I found one by a different brand, Vaschy. Looks identical, but I liked their greater color selection. And it was half the price.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 9 | January 2, 2019 10:08 PM
My Vaschy backpack in Army Green. $26 instead of $60. I'm too old to care if I have the cool kids' backpack.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 10 | January 2, 2019 10:09 PM
It depends on which laptop I’m freighting that day. For my Macbook, I like the messenger. For the ungodly huge development laptop - I’ve tried a backpack and the weight and size throw me off balance. The bigger problem with backpacks is the asshole factor. Very few people have the courtesy to remove the damn things when boarding a plane for example, and proceed to clobber everbody along the aisles like a spare Stooge from a Moe, Joe and Curly reel. Don’t be Moe and take your fucking backpack off when boarding a plane, you stooge.
I’m looking at a rolling case that fits in the overhead, instead.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | January 3, 2019 2:29 AM
I much prefer a messenger bag - easier to get at things on the bottom & just like the look better. A new Freitag lasts me 5 years & I carry it every day.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 12 | January 3, 2019 2:35 AM
I like Freitags R12, but probably not a good bet for anyone with a more conservative job.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | January 3, 2019 2:39 AM
Are you a boy, r12, or are you a girl? (I'd much rather hear from the boys on Freitag, if you please.)
by Anonymous | reply 14 | January 3, 2019 10:38 AM
This is what I carry, but in all black. I've gotten numerous compliments in the office.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 15 | January 3, 2019 11:05 AM
God, I wish I had your life OP.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | January 3, 2019 11:13 AM
And for evening, may we recommend this understated little number:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 17 | January 3, 2019 11:16 AM
I like r15's suggestion as a "professional" backpack, per OP's request. The rest, mine r10 included, type "schoolboy" (not that there's anything wrong with that).
by Anonymous | reply 19 | January 3, 2019 11:18 AM
If you're out of college you should NOT be carrying a backpack. Unless you're hiking that is.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | January 3, 2019 11:19 AM
I, for one, dislike this trend of professionals using backpacks.
Messenger bags are the way to go.
Interestingly, on the college campus where I work, almost every undergrad uses a backpack. It has the feel of high school. Twenty or thirty years ago the cool kids would never have been so unhip.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | January 3, 2019 11:22 AM
[quote]Messenger bags are the way to go.
Even one like this?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 23 | January 3, 2019 11:27 AM
I found a messenger bag with three pockets. One for my laptop, the other for papers and the third can double (when unzipped) to slide over your luggage handle. My thing about backpacks is you can look somewhat like a turtle, doesn't look professional (if you care), and a backpack takes some elbow room to remove or put on, which can be awkward if you're in a crowded area, like the subway/underground or plane and you want to sit down. Also, but this is just me, when I see someone come into a meeting with a backpack I can count on them fumbling around to retrieve their laptop, something to write with (casually thrown in after their last meeting and generally on the bottom of their pack) or a piece of paper on which to take notes. Meanwhile, I'm drumming my fingers and my meeting doesn't start on time. Yes, it is all about me. Oh, and I just thought of this. Unless you get a backpack that is somewhat theft-proof, you can't see if someone is helping themselves to its contents while you're in line at McDonald's.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | January 3, 2019 11:49 AM
Do what they do in Asia, r24!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 25 | January 3, 2019 11:52 AM
If you're in elementary school get a backpack
If you're an adult get a messenger bag.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | January 3, 2019 3:46 PM
R24 You're a cunt. May all your co-workers bear backpacks. Again, and this is on the slim chance you don't already know it, YOU ARE A CUNT.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | January 3, 2019 4:00 PM
Mack Weldon currently makes a convertible messenger bag/backpack. It has a strap to use as a bag and hidden should straps that allow you to make it a backpack.
Timbuk2 makes something similar. Tumi also used to make one.
Link to one of the Timbuk2 versions.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 28 | January 3, 2019 4:10 PM
Freitag makes backpacks, too. They type "Asian girl," though.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 29 | January 3, 2019 4:14 PM
It's amazing how wide the price range is--from $25 to over $300
by Anonymous | reply 30 | January 3, 2019 4:28 PM
Just a side point - You should be very careful what material you select and where the zippers are.
Canvas and other common materials will cause massive pilling and wear on clothes - especially wool pants, jackets, and suits.
Ballistic nylon and plastic coated zippers are a worth considering although they will be more expensive. But, even they will cause inordinate wear on clothes on the spots where they rub frequently.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | January 3, 2019 4:47 PM
How do you wear a backpack with a suit?
by Anonymous | reply 32 | January 3, 2019 5:31 PM
Da fuck R31, you expect to have that backpack or messenger bag on you all day?
by Anonymous | reply 33 | January 3, 2019 5:39 PM
Get a tote. Messenger bags date you.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | January 3, 2019 5:49 PM
Who the fuck cards what others are doing? Carry what feels right to you.
As somebody once said: "The saddest thing you can be is just like everyone else".
by Anonymous | reply 35 | January 3, 2019 5:57 PM
[quote]Da fuck [R31], you expect to have that backpack or messenger bag on you all day?
If OP requires a backpack instead of a messenger bag, one can infer a couple things.
First, he carries a sufficient amount of stuff in terms of quantity and/or weight to need a bag of some sort. The stated preference "(B)ackpacks definitely feel more balanced on my back" implies a weight where such would be meaningful or necessary.
Second, he explicitly says he needs it to commute to work. If he were driving and only needed it to go from a parking lot to an office, the distance and time would be insignificant and a switch would be unnecessary. Therefore, the amount he's moving and the time he's engaged in commuting are more likely longer than 10 minutes a day. The commute also includes the return trip home, as well as any after work side trips he might do.
The abrasive nature of canvas or other materials often used on backpacks wreak havoc on the wool of suits and other lighter materials like sweaters. You don't need to be wearing one all day - just walking 15 minutes each way to the subway every day once a week (assuming he doesn't have more than 1 suit for each day of the week) would result in damage in a short amount of time if the material of the backpack were on the more abrasive side.
But, do as you please.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | January 3, 2019 6:05 PM
For looks, I prefer messenger bags but either way, as I get older, nothing heavy please. Nylon or canvas. No leather.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | January 3, 2019 6:12 PM
If you need a backpack, the alternative is a rolling cart.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | January 3, 2019 6:33 PM
A good ol' solid 1970's Samsonite ....
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 39 | January 3, 2019 6:35 PM
[quote]Get a tote.
What is a "tote"? Aren't all of these "totes"?
by Anonymous | reply 40 | January 3, 2019 8:13 PM
A "tote" is one of those canvas shopping bags (LL Bean makes a popular one) that people take to the beach and females carry in addition to their purses when they have a lot of crap to lug around.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | January 3, 2019 8:16 PM
I don’t understand why anyone would choose to focus all the weight of lifting on one shoulder or hand!?! It makes no sense. Like choosing to,wear high heels. May look good - but I have no desire to put myself through agony and potentially create long term muscle,or nerve issues just to look good. A backpack is the most logical, distributive form of carryall that exists. Perhaps roller bags are better - but they are not practical for easy maneuvering and mobility.
Backpacks are the only way to go. Lesson learned from 40 years of traveling.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | January 3, 2019 8:30 PM
R43, it's a matter of style over function.
A grown man wearing a backpack looks like a fucking retard.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | January 3, 2019 8:37 PM
I got the Kipling Micah back pack in tan brown, and gave the monkey key ring to my nephew. Uncle of the year! It’s a great bag and completely waterproof.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 45 | January 3, 2019 8:41 PM
This is what all the cool kids are using these days.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 46 | January 3, 2019 8:43 PM
London rush hour
Half of the men I see are wearing nice looking backpacks
by Anonymous | reply 47 | January 3, 2019 8:49 PM
It’s kind of like when men used to wear fedoras rather than functional warm hats like a wool cap. Or when they wore suits vs casual wear. Style over function is passé. Backpacks are becoming the new norm.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | January 3, 2019 9:00 PM
Guess i'm the only one who's back sweats wearing a backpack especially in the hot seasons. definitely prefer a messenger bag but have a couple of both. what I wear is situational to the shit I'm carrying. I used this for the longest time though for some reason and other WF ones for notebooks/random stuff from the store/water bottle/books/ etc..
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 49 | January 3, 2019 9:16 PM
I have a lot of WF bags, r49. They're easier to leave behind than my backpack, however.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | January 3, 2019 10:26 PM
People are criticizing backpacks for being unstylish - but Whole Foods sacks are stylish!?! I must be old.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | January 3, 2019 10:29 PM
Well, you're old regardless, r51. Are you also from Seattle?
by Anonymous | reply 52 | January 3, 2019 10:38 PM
I have a Harris Tweed and leather briefcase from Brooks Brothers that I use when I go visit clients. It has a shoulder strap, but I don't use it. At all other times I use a backpack.
Using the shoulder strap for the briefcase or using a messenger bag pulls my back out of alignment and causes a lot of pain. Carrying the briefcase my arm and shoulder muscles are helping to compensate for the imbalance, and I can shift it from side to side.
I have a very small crossbody bag that I use to carry water and and a collapsable bowl when I walk the dog in the summer, but that is light enough that it doesn't cause problems.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | January 3, 2019 10:39 PM
[quote]I have a very small crossbody bag that I use to carry water and and a collapsable bowl when I walk the dog in the summer
I love you, r53.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | January 3, 2019 10:46 PM
R51 Didn't say WF bags are stylish, but its practical for errands on a day off or running to a lecture or yoga class or an overnight bag or picnic lol..etc. They are all utilitarian and no one is criticizing. its just a matter of use and ones personal style/preference. EVERYONE has one or many.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | January 3, 2019 11:24 PM
I’m 40 years old. I refuse to carry a backpack.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | January 3, 2019 11:33 PM
I don't use either....I use a simple laptop case and remove the shoulder strap. I just carry it by the handle. I don't like lugging around a bunch of crap....just the laptop, charger, cellphone charger, a pen and pencil, notebook/pad of paper, and a few work related papers or files.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 57 | January 3, 2019 11:33 PM
Anyone here work in a federal building? Do security checks in general frown upon backpacks, and prefer shoulder bags that look "smaller"/less threatening?
I might switch career fields into social security admin office.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | January 3, 2019 11:38 PM
I carry a leather briefcase with a shoulder strap. Backpacks look juvenile. Messenger bags can work but I prefer the classic leather look.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | January 3, 2019 11:44 PM
A hot straight dad with a backpack is hot. especially the ones I saw in college getting their late education.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | January 3, 2019 11:54 PM
R15.. I like it. It's simple and sleek.. very nice.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | January 3, 2019 11:57 PM
I’ve been doing my job long enough that all I need to carry is my lunch and my phone.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | January 3, 2019 11:58 PM
R58. In government buildings, you’ll have to remove your laptop and put it into a plastic tray to put it through the scanner regardless. So, the less crap you carry, the better.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | January 4, 2019 12:01 AM
Backpacks are for fucking infantile pukes who cannot grasp the concept that they aren’t children anymore. Get a briefcase or a messenger bag like a fucking adult.
The next time I see anyone over 20 wearing a backpack, I’m going to steal out of it and then yank as hard as I fucking can so they fall crack their fucking skull.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | January 4, 2019 12:09 AM
^^ Fall *and* crack their fucking skull.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | January 4, 2019 12:10 AM
Speaking of infantile, R65's post was quite infantile.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | January 4, 2019 12:11 AM
Speaking of a worthless fag piece of trash...there’s R67.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | January 4, 2019 12:11 AM
And watch the troll R68 continue to post his infantile crap. Point proven.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | January 4, 2019 12:14 AM
Don't you cunts think you’d be better off spending your money on a nice gym bag to carry your water bottle, vitamin packs, and sports training bra?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 70 | January 4, 2019 12:22 AM
As someone who has now hit 60 and is experiencing back problems, can I suggest to all you under-60s that you find something on wheels. No matter why type of bag you use, you will always fill it to the point where you will eventually throw out your back. And the older you get, the worse the DDD- degenerative disc disease- will feel.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | January 4, 2019 12:23 AM
Ohhhh nooooo.... R69 thinks I’m a troll! Now it has something to talk about with all it’s other ancient fag friends at your canasta and caftan parties. Clutch your pearls a couple of times for me, you fucking relic.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | January 4, 2019 12:24 AM
Fuck off R72. I'm 29 and hardly "ancient". You must have been looking in the mirror when you posted that. Bye bitch.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | January 4, 2019 12:28 AM
Just my two cents, but as a NYC dude who does the subway twice a day, I vastly prefer a small messenger bag vs backpack. The smaller the better. There is so much more great design in bags for men than there was 10 or even 5 years ago.
I find them easier to maneuver and more sophisticated looking (on me at least). And I HATE the rubes on the subway who don't take them off. They are constantly clocking other people in the head, chest, etc. So clueless.
And call me a sexist, but almost any woman looks more pulled together and feminine with the right bag vs a backpack.
We're grown-ups living in a crowded city. No one looks better, smarter, more chic in a backpack!
by Anonymous | reply 74 | January 4, 2019 12:32 AM
"so much more great design in bags for men AVAILABLE... "
by Anonymous | reply 75 | January 4, 2019 12:33 AM
R43 has a point. I work at DoD and there is no shortage of handsome, fit men from 23 to 65 wearing backpacks with their well-fitting suits. It's not a bad look and it's the most sensible, orthopaedically correct way of carrying your items. Granted, this is a conservative subset, but they look damn good.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | January 4, 2019 12:39 AM
R76 are they wearing those suits that have skinny fit pants that only go to the ankle, and jackets that only come down to slightly below their belly button and look like they borrowed it from their little brother who's in 8th grade?
by Anonymous | reply 77 | January 4, 2019 12:41 AM
This looks identical to the messenger bag I’ve had for 18 years. It was quite expensive back then, I got it in London and it was about £200 but it’s still in perfect condition and is used to carry a Mac book and assorted stuff every day Mon-Fri. Very comfortable and I don’t think I’ll have to buy another.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 78 | January 4, 2019 12:47 AM
R77, Yes, about 25% of them dress that way.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | January 4, 2019 12:50 AM
Beautiful, R78. I have a similar COACH bag I bought around 1990 (back when they made lovely things made of actual quality leather) but it's much darker. I love the way the color of your bag has aged and softened over time.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | January 4, 2019 1:03 AM
LOL. I knew that this would get certain DLers all worked up. The stress that some of you must carry from all those rules you follow and all that judging of other people you're doing. Homophobia in the 60s and 70s and 80s really did a number on you all.
I think how you commute OP would likely be your primary deciding factor--are you wearing the bag for a long time on public transportation and then walking more than 20 minutes to get to your office, or are you basically taking it from your house to your car and from the parking lot to your desk?
Secondary factor would be how much stuff do you lug around: just a lightweight laptop or do you have notebooks and papers and a Kindle and and multiple chargers and all that?
Third factor would be what kind of shape are you in: are you someone who finds your back is quickly wrenched out of shape by carrying a ten pound bag on one shoulder or is that not an issue?
Minor factors would be what the norm is at your workplace, what message you want the bag to send (if any) and how fashion-forward you are (e.g. what kind of style is your style.)
Good luck!
by Anonymous | reply 81 | January 4, 2019 1:05 AM
Messenger bags definitely seem to be less-fashionable these days, although I generally prefer that look (more classic in my opinion) than a backpack. With that said I did get on the backpack wagon a couple years ago and I enjoy them (although I rarely use them in an office setting). Back when I was in school walking long distances and carrying very heavy books, I solely used messenger bags which was a major mistake. With messenger bags, wearing it on one side when it's filled with heavy material seems to torque and twist the strap where it meets the bag, subjecting the seams to greater strain and tearing. The heavy weight on one side also messed with my gait and back.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | January 4, 2019 1:10 AM
And not to hijack but do any of you who travel a lot have opinions on hard-sided versus soft-sided luggage.
Those Away bags that are always advertised on socials always look kind of cool, but not sure about giving up the outside pockets on the soft-sided bag,
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 83 | January 4, 2019 1:13 AM
Is theft/pickpocketing a backpack easier?
Its on your back, you cant see it. Seems like its a big sign that says SLASH MY BAG WITH A RAZOR AND GRAB THE GOOD STUFF.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | January 4, 2019 1:18 AM
R73 is 29 and getting it’s feelings hurt by a “troll” to the point it has to keep commenting? It must be fat also. A little Drano in a coffee mug would do it wonders.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | January 4, 2019 1:54 AM
R65 Perhaps you should go play elsewhere, young frau. You don’t seem to like the gays.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | January 4, 2019 2:04 AM
R77 No. And adjust your medication. Clearly it’s making you masturbate like a rhesus monkey.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | January 4, 2019 2:08 AM
R87 Not a frau. Tight little hole currently waiting for my fuck buddy to come over a fuck me hard. I love other YOUNG, HOT, HUNG, TOP gay guys in good shape...sorry that you (and most of DL) are excluded from that list. Now make sure you turn over before your old, fat ass gets bedsores.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | January 4, 2019 2:15 AM
Streamlined; well made (warranty); highly functional, with an intelligent/efficient design; great looking; and expensive.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 90 | January 4, 2019 2:28 AM
First bag I've really liked on this thread, r90. Very nice.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | January 4, 2019 2:31 AM
I’m 60 years old and I travel frequently for work. I go with a Tumi backpack. I can report that the majority of travelers on that flight home from ATL have a backpack, usually black and usually associated with their workplace (insert embroidered company name here). Ain’t no bitch carrying any tote bags.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | January 4, 2019 2:38 AM
Patagonia backpacks: Well designed and durable. Messenger bag type things put more stress. Wheelies are annoying to other people and awkward in spots.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | January 4, 2019 2:40 AM
$209 is expensive?
I thought it was a great price for a bag like that.
This is an expensive bag and probably about 1/10th as well-made and functional as the one at R90.
But labels
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 94 | January 4, 2019 2:50 AM
R93 I use a heavy duty gaming laptop as my development laptop. It weighs 11 lbs. In a backpack, it brings back really bad memories of basic training. Screw that. I’ll annoy pissy travellers; sometimes I travel with both the development laptop (overhead bin) and my work laptop (under the seat in front of me).
by Anonymous | reply 95 | January 4, 2019 2:53 AM
@R90/R91 - The line has a similar model with a 'bottle holder' mesh compartment, which accommodates nothing but added weight. If true efficiency, in all capacities, is the intent, the model with the 'bottle holder' is not for you.
If a bottle of hydration is needed, make room for it in the interior by removing even more nonessential items to accommodate it.
Though my former backpack had thousands, upon thousands of convenient (unnecessary) compartments, I filled each and every one. (A family could have been living in there for all I knew!) Upon slinging my former backpack onto my back, its weight was equal to slinging my former backpack's hidden family's kids onto my back, carry them around all day, hurting my arm, messing up my back . . .
by Anonymous | reply 96 | January 4, 2019 2:56 AM
What is a development laptop?
Backpacks rule.
by Anonymous | reply 97 | January 4, 2019 3:46 AM
Tech companies all issue backpacks. Usually huge and heavy.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | January 4, 2019 4:14 AM
R97 A dev laptop is a high end laptop, often 12 core with 32 GB am and a multple GPUs. It’s as powerful as a desktop. The design is for gaming, so it’s well suited for software development. MSI’s G72 and GT7x series are examples.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | January 4, 2019 4:26 AM
A messenger back will fuck your back up. Backpack is better. It also prevents your laptop from being struck against walls etc.; there's more cushioning.
by Anonymous | reply 100 | January 4, 2019 4:30 AM
Messenger bags will do that too.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | January 4, 2019 4:30 AM
Good lord, are most of the posters here ferrying gold bricks to and from work every day?
This is what I carry. I have a PC at work, and a tablet and Mac book at home. If needed, I can fit my laptop in here, but in the age of the Cloud, et al, why would I tote that around every single day? That's what removable drives et al are for.
I carry my smartphone, my housekeys, my wallet, and my lip balm. The. End.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 102 | January 4, 2019 5:18 AM
A macbook isn't light unless it's a shitbox macbook air. You're slowly damaging your back... like a paperboy.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | January 4, 2019 5:24 AM
nvm, just focused on the macbook.
by Anonymous | reply 104 | January 4, 2019 5:25 AM
But, some people have to have a secure laptop that is issued by the company / government. It has to be taken home. And it's usually a 3000 lb. dell or something.
Also, why do you feel that you need a macbook? What kind of industry do you work in?
by Anonymous | reply 105 | January 4, 2019 5:30 AM
Black Tumi backpack. Expensive, but have had it 10 years. Nylon and leather.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | January 4, 2019 5:35 AM
No matter how streamlined the backs is , an adult carrying it always looks like this :
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 107 | January 4, 2019 5:38 AM
R102 why do you even need a bag if all you carry is a phone, keys, and wallet? It's called POCKETS. Those things in your pants.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | January 4, 2019 5:49 AM
Because,R108, they’re wearing nut huggers that barely permit a back pocket phone.
All toys belong in your purse and you can butch it up as much as you need.
Levenger makes lovely bags with plaid interiors. One hides straps & becomes a tote. The other is an old messenger that now holds my hand tool rolls.
by Anonymous | reply 109 | January 4, 2019 6:10 AM
Stylish men in NYC are not afraid to do Chanel.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 110 | January 4, 2019 6:20 AM
R110 : That looks retarded.
by Anonymous | reply 111 | January 4, 2019 6:23 AM
Men deserve to accessorize.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 113 | January 4, 2019 6:27 AM
How to WERK a messenger bag...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 116 | January 4, 2019 6:30 AM
Not American, but FABULOUS.
Why are so many DLers afraid of being fabulous?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 117 | January 4, 2019 6:32 AM
R112, where are that twink's parents?
by Anonymous | reply 119 | January 4, 2019 6:52 AM
R117 -R118
He looks like he's "fakin' it till he (never) makes it (with his family's assistance)"
by Anonymous | reply 120 | January 4, 2019 6:54 AM
He still looks like a soldier from the wild west in drag.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | January 4, 2019 6:54 AM
I don't know how old he is, R119, but I suspect his "Daddy" is right around the corner.
by Anonymous | reply 122 | January 4, 2019 6:55 AM
I had my eye on one of these for a while. Very urban professional.
It can be carried as a tote or a backpack. Black looks best.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 124 | January 4, 2019 8:19 AM
Only the most stylish and roomiest of backpacks for me.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 125 | January 4, 2019 8:29 AM
Is there a backpack that has a sloping base to fit against your lower back? The ones with a flat base dig into my back if it's too heavy.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | January 4, 2019 8:40 AM
I have a Prada nylon messenger with leather trim, 24 years old. Looks brand new and is holding up well
by Anonymous | reply 128 | January 4, 2019 10:20 AM
Thanks, r124. I would go for the Prospect Park Olive.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 129 | January 4, 2019 12:39 PM
R128 Does it say "Prada" where anyone can see it?
by Anonymous | reply 130 | January 4, 2019 12:40 PM
Hermes messenger bag, custom.
by Anonymous | reply 131 | January 4, 2019 2:55 PM
If you've got the sort of commute where you're actually doing work on the train then I get why you'd want to carry your laptop with you everywhere.
But those sorts of commutes are kind of limited to suburbanites in the Northeast and Chicago.
So what do DLers, who seem to mostly live in smaller Flyoverstani cities or Manhattan/LA, need a solid bag for? Aren't you mostly just carrying your things from your office to your car (or onto the subway if you're in Manhattan)?
Do you use them exclusively for airplane trips?
by Anonymous | reply 132 | January 4, 2019 3:29 PM
Everywhere is now your office / meeting space. That’s a cable bag, laptop, writing pad, and weed bag just to chat with an asshole wearing floods.
by Anonymous | reply 133 | January 4, 2019 8:30 PM
r133 "Weed bag"? "Floods"?
by Anonymous | reply 135 | January 4, 2019 11:11 PM
Weed bag: a storage vessel for your marijuana and/or vape (or whatevs)
Floods: short-length, skinny pants displaying male ankle and funky footwear.
Do try and keep up, Gran!
by Anonymous | reply 136 | January 4, 2019 11:18 PM
Be worth keeping up with, r136.
by Anonymous | reply 137 | January 5, 2019 2:47 AM
R136 Really, child. Not everyone uses chemicals or wears idiotic clothing.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | January 5, 2019 3:05 AM
the Prada bag only has markings inside, r130. Very subtle
by Anonymous | reply 139 | January 5, 2019 9:53 AM
Nobody over the age of 13 carries a backpack. Christ.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | January 5, 2019 9:59 AM
I prefer a messenger bag. I'm a consultant, so I have to carry my office, including a computer and files, and I frequently wear suits. I have an old Timbuk2 for my business casual days, and this JW Hulme in canvas for dressier days. I love my Hulme bag, and also have a slimmer messenger bag and portfolio from them and get compliments all the time. Expensive, but they have discounts during the year ($100-150 off). Highly recommend.
Briggs & Riley (the backpack above) is a highly reputable brand. I'm only familiar with their luggage, but if I wanted a backpack, I would consider their options.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 141 | January 5, 2019 11:34 AM
R58 I worked for two federal agencies. Guests and visitors had to go through the scanners but employees didn't. I don't know what the SSA office will require.
by Anonymous | reply 142 | January 5, 2019 11:56 AM
This year's Golden Globe attendees get an attractive but neoprene Dagne Dover backpack that retails for $175 (not in the picture but in the link).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 143 | January 5, 2019 12:52 PM
I'm a professional male and I carry a wallet and my phone. That's it. Why do you need to lug so many items around with you?
by Anonymous | reply 144 | January 5, 2019 1:05 PM
R74 welcome to posting. Can’t agree more about the clueless fuckers in mass transit who keep their backpacks on while commuting. They take up too much space and always bang into others.
by Anonymous | reply 146 | January 5, 2019 3:16 PM
I live in a casual coastal town and do not get dressed up for my work and I ride my bike. I’m 55 and use a backpack (Patagonia). It’s ompletely practical for my life. Messenger bags are good for a more conservative life but I always haul a lot of stuff with me and I need the room. These posters who say backpacks are juvenile are ridiculous.
by Anonymous | reply 147 | January 5, 2019 3:17 PM
Rolling computer bag that converts to shoulder bag or backpack. It's compact and fits under the seat when traveling by rail or air. I haven't had any issues using it rolling style on the Metro or for traveling. Backpack style is way too clumsy for me, especially over a heavy coat.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | January 5, 2019 8:48 PM
R147 You’re 55 and you don’t have to dress for work. Those of us who *do* have to dress for work do pay attention to these things. When you’re meeting with C-level executives, they do notice your accessories. It’s life in sales and consulting. It’s life when you’re not *casual* anymore but making over $250K a year and leading $10M projects.
So that backpack or messenger accessory does make a statement, surprisingly. If you look like you’re abound to lead the Von Trapps across the Alps it may not communicate the most professional message about you when you’re mid or senior level in your career.
by Anonymous | reply 149 | January 5, 2019 8:59 PM
r149 The people who would judge you on such frippery are nincompoops, and you are better off without them in your life.
by Anonymous | reply 150 | January 5, 2019 9:02 PM
R150. Really? You’ve worked with that many Wall Street CEOs that you feel safe calling them a nincompoop to their face and risking your company’s business? Maybe you should run for Congress as a member of he Idiot Child coalition.
by Anonymous | reply 151 | January 5, 2019 9:26 PM
Well, r151, you just walk in there and tell them you're an oral top, and you'll wear whatever you like to meetings. Talk about a frau.
by Anonymous | reply 152 | January 5, 2019 9:33 PM
R152 Unlike you, Tits Aswinging, I don’t need to advertise my gender or sexual interests to advance my business interests. The quality of my work advances my business interests. Much like my military life, a degree of professional conformity - not dressing like a cheap whore - works better in a professional environment.
I’d suggest you try it, but perhaps you’re a professional whore, so well done.
by Anonymous | reply 153 | January 5, 2019 9:36 PM
I'll let you know when I start taking advice from a laptop "freighter," r153.
by Anonymous | reply 154 | January 5, 2019 9:42 PM
R153 And what is it that you do for a living? I mean, the part that you can report to the IRS? Perfume demonstrator?
by Anonymous | reply 155 | January 5, 2019 9:44 PM
Yeah, like I'm stupid enough to get into that with a purported gay man who won't suck another guy's dick.
by Anonymous | reply 156 | January 5, 2019 9:48 PM
I’m glad we’re in agreement.
by Anonymous | reply 157 | January 5, 2019 9:50 PM
You're so good with sarcasm.
by Anonymous | reply 158 | January 5, 2019 9:51 PM
Somebody complaining about backpacks taking up space, commuting? Really? There’s nothing worse than those damn wheelies.
by Anonymous | reply 159 | January 6, 2019 2:20 AM
[quote][R114]. Really. A MURSE?
It's a European men's carry-all!
by Anonymous | reply 160 | January 6, 2019 4:27 AM
R160 Oh I remember. When I lived in Germany in the 70s and 80s and I wore skin tight trousers - we all carried those cute little manbags (or fagbags as we called them). They’re as silly looking now as I remember. The only argument for them back then was that housekeys were huge, like skeleton key huge, and men’s wallets were about double the size of american wallets because currency was a lot different. Credit cards were’t as commonly used then, and you did need your passport to cross bordes - and of course, your smokes. Everybody smoked.
Now, Euros aren’t as big as Deutschmarks. Credit cards are more common and house keys are more normally sized. Fewer people smoke and you don’t need your passport for EU countries. I wouldn’t be wearing those skin tight pants as this age (I await the enthusiastic applause from the masses), as with my ID, credit card and some cash - the “herrentasche” is a bit dated.
by Anonymous | reply 161 | January 6, 2019 4:57 AM
Any self respecting gay man will never leave the house without carrying:
Douche kit
Poppers (for some)
Viagra/Cialis (if you're over 40)
Lip Balm
Breath mints
Tooth brush
Hair gel.
Cell phone
For all this you really HAVE to have a bag.
by Anonymous | reply 162 | January 7, 2019 4:17 AM
After using a messenger bag for years, I converted over to a backpack last week. The backpack feels so much better!! It's weird that I have to take it off to get something--like a pen or cell phone (I could just swing the messenger bag forward to so the same thing), but I'll quickly get used to it.
To try the backpack, I just started using an old backpack I had in the closet.
This thread has pointed me to many possibilities in finding a more professional one.
by Anonymous | reply 163 | January 7, 2019 5:17 PM
Do some/most DLers truly believe that others DON'T judge you by the way you look, dress, accessorize? And I don't only mean in corporate work environments--I mean, everyday, in the street, in transit, in the supermarket, etc.
What an.... interesting version of gay you all are.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | January 9, 2019 9:34 AM
Kensington convertible saddle bag has backpack straps that you can zip away when you want to use the messenger bag strap, and vice versa. Had mine since early 2000's
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 165 | January 9, 2019 11:19 AM