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Is this why Los Lobos disappeared? Because they complained when Paul Simon stole music from them?

"Yeah. But it was very clear to us, at the moment, we’re thinking he’s doing one of our songs. It would be like if he did 'Will the Wolf Survive?' Literally. A few months later, the record comes out and says 'Words and Music by Paul Simon.' We were like, 'What the f**k is this?'

He said, 'You don’t like it? Sue me. You’ll see what happens.' We were floored."

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by Anonymousreply 136January 18, 2019 6:05 AM

Ouch! That is really sad. I liked their version of La Bamba.

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by Anonymousreply 1November 20, 2018 11:03 PM

A Jew stealing from a minority culture and profiting from it? Say it ain't so.

by Anonymousreply 2November 20, 2018 11:04 PM

Ugh, that snarky Stereogum “reporting”.

by Anonymousreply 3November 20, 2018 11:05 PM

Jews are very dirty.

by Anonymousreply 4November 20, 2018 11:12 PM

During his Graceland tour he did a show in Toronto and I was working the backstage. He was a prick. Actually had bodyguards flank him and push people out of the way as he walked.

by Anonymousreply 5November 20, 2018 11:16 PM

I worked somewhere he was giving a talk and performance, and all i know is he has extreme anxiety and had to take 2 Ativan before he could go out in front of the audience. He was *very* subdued.

by Anonymousreply 6November 20, 2018 11:19 PM

There is nothing in the article about Simon making Los Lobos disappear. He stole a song from them and didn’t give credit. I think they’re one of those bands that had a big hit with a general audience and never replicated it, but they still have a smaller loyal following.

by Anonymousreply 7November 20, 2018 11:27 PM

The Peruvians still claim to this day he stole the song “El Condor Pasa” from them. They’re still pissed.

by Anonymousreply 8November 20, 2018 11:31 PM

I’ve been saying for years that he was a cunt.

by Anonymousreply 9November 20, 2018 11:39 PM

To give LL credit, Simon has done absolutely nothing else in the 30 years since Graceland. A genius songwriter would likely have written a song or two in that time.

by Anonymousreply 10November 20, 2018 11:41 PM

Not so long ago I read a book on the folk-rock bands of the 60s. Simon and Garfunkel had recorded an acoustic version of Sounds of Silence which did nothing and they went their separate ways, with Simon going to England/Europe. A few months later the engineer took the track and got some session musicians to add the jangly electric guitar, drums etc, and the record company re-released it and it shot up the charts. They located Paul Simon and said 'get back here, you've got a hit record'. So, he and Garfunkel go on Bandstand or some show to perform it and Simon goes up to the guitar player beforehand and says 'I need to show you how to play this guitar part'. The guy tells him 'No, it's fine, I know how to do it'. 'No' Simon insists, 'I have to show you how I played it on the single'. 'It's OK Paul' replied the guitarist, 'I'm the guy who played it on the record'.

by Anonymousreply 11November 20, 2018 11:43 PM

Why don't they sue or is there a statue of limitations?

by Anonymousreply 12November 20, 2018 11:48 PM

I want more Paul Simon is a dick stories, please.

by Anonymousreply 13November 20, 2018 11:52 PM

Los Lobos likely can't afford a court case. Simon definitely can.

by Anonymousreply 14November 20, 2018 11:53 PM

R7 Simon probably didn't ruin Los Lobos, but I was wondering if the mere fact that he was questioned about stealing a song might have further hurt their career.

by Anonymousreply 15November 20, 2018 11:54 PM

R12 Because Paul Simon is million times more famous, he's bigger, stronger and much, much, much more wealthy.

R13 I want a "Paul Simon is a dick" media scandal, kind of like Cosby.

R14 You nailed it.

by Anonymousreply 16November 20, 2018 11:57 PM

R5 I believe it. Little Paulie has crafted a very nice image for himself, hasn't he?

by Anonymousreply 17November 20, 2018 11:58 PM

R11 And I bet that guitarist pointing out Paul's mistake made Paul very, very angry, instead of being embarrassed that he didn't even remember the guy.

by Anonymousreply 18November 21, 2018 12:01 AM

The thing is R18 Paul Simon didn't even know who had played it on the electrified version, that's why he made a fool of himself in front of the band at the TV show taping because he'd had nothing to do with it but was acting like he had. It had all been done without his knowledge by the engineer, who wondered how it would sound with guitar and drums months after it was first recorded and so took it on himself to get the musicians in. So Simon was trying to pretend that he'd devised and recorded the guitar part to the guy who had actually done it. Going by the story in the book, the rest of the band were laughing at him because they all knew that the guy he was trying to give a tutorial to had been the originator, not Paul Simon..

by Anonymousreply 19November 21, 2018 12:35 AM

I listened to Paul Simon on Alec Baldwin's podcast. He's really self-important and humorless. Just altogether unpleasant.

That said, I do think this is one of the most exquisite, beautiful/sad songs I ever heard.

(Only this live version. The studio version is an overproduced mess- which makes me believe the above Sounds of Silence story)

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by Anonymousreply 20November 21, 2018 12:43 AM

R19 Oh, okay, I see what you're saying. Sorry for the misunderstanding. So lil Paul has been stealing credit from people for years and years and getting away with it.

Scum rises faster than cream, doesn't it?

by Anonymousreply 21November 21, 2018 12:59 AM

Okay Simon! Brace yourself! I posted this question along with a link to the article on Quora! How does that taste? You are over with my little sticky-fingered little friend!

Seriously, though? This all should be common knowledge. It really should be.

by Anonymousreply 22November 21, 2018 1:01 AM

"And I dreamed I was lyin'....."

What other songs did he steal or plagiarize?

by Anonymousreply 23November 21, 2018 1:03 AM

R20 Yep, Paul Simon sounds like the perfect friend for someone like Alec Baldwin.

by Anonymousreply 24November 21, 2018 1:04 AM

Art's "Still writing, Paul?" quip seems even more cunty now after reading this.

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by Anonymousreply 25November 21, 2018 1:04 AM

Simon and Garfunkel were truly great, in my opinion, but everything Paul Simon has done solo is crap. That thin, reedy voice and the self-regard that shines through whatever that shrimp does, ugh. For some reason, hearing him talk about this stupid song on some talk show is what made me hate him. He took the title from a photograph he saw of the couple, and it's such a long and pointless title for a song that I thought, "This man is completely self-indulgent."

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by Anonymousreply 26November 21, 2018 1:09 AM

R25 According to May Pang Lennon and Simon were at each other's throats during their collaboration. At one point Simon reportedly said, "He may be John Lennon but I'm Paul Simon." (Not an unreasonable assertion.) And I guess Lennon complained that Garfunkel was "star gazing" him the entire time.

by Anonymousreply 27November 21, 2018 1:09 AM

I just read Simon's authorized biography and even though the writer is trying to paint him in a kind light, he comes across as cold and arrogant. Talent can't be denied - so many of his early songs have stood the test of time.

"Kiko and the Lavender Moon" is my favourite Los Lobos song, just beautiful.

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by Anonymousreply 28November 21, 2018 1:11 AM

R28 Many people have described Paul Simon as cold and arrogant.

And, yeah, that is a beautiful song. Los Lobos were a very talented band.

by Anonymousreply 29November 21, 2018 1:13 AM

Paul Simon's smug cuntery knows no bounds. This story makes me furious as I am a big Los Lobos fan. They are still plugging away!

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by Anonymousreply 30November 21, 2018 1:22 AM

No, it doesn't R30

"Many, many years ago I walked into Manny's Music in Manhattan just after they'd opened for business in the morning. I was looking for a new 12 string guitar and there was Simon playing the exact instrument I was considering. I thought it no big deal at the time (I'd not realized I was in the presence of deity) and asked him what he thought of that particular instrument. He turned toward me and his look was one of outrage and incredulity. I was much younger then and said something like "Oh excuse me. I forgot to genuflect." Maybe he was working on a song in his head or something, and I'd spoiled his concentration, but his reaction seemed rather harsh."

"His manager called out some girl claiming she took a picture when the girl did not even know it was Paul Simon who came up to her group that she was taking pics of. The girl tried to show Simon and that manager her camera and she was dismissed after the nasty accusation. The girl did not even go to Simon‘s concert and could care less about getting a photo. There is an inflated self-worth of both Mr Simon and his manager that registers as misogyny given that there was ZERO APOLOGY. I‘m sure Carrie Fisher was mistreated in her marriage if Mr Simon does not have the balls to stand up for women who are falsely accused of taking photos of somebody who does not even look like Paul Simon. He has no voice. Art Garfunkel is AMAZING though!"

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by Anonymousreply 31November 21, 2018 1:25 AM

This article also includes the Los Lobos story.

"If you believe what you read, Paul Simon hasn't always been a nice guy. Glenn Berger, an engineer and producer at A&R Recording Studios, writes in his book "Never Say No To A Rock Star" that the singer is a "pr*ck" who "didn’t seem to care much about other human beings."

Berger recalls one instance when Simon was recording his solo music after the breakup of Simon and Garfunkel. The iconic singer allegedly told the producer "I used to have a partner named Art Garfunkel, and this would mean so much to me if I could just show . . . that it was, it was all me!"

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by Anonymousreply 32November 21, 2018 1:28 AM

Los Lobos had their biggest commercial success after they worked with Paul Simon, so your bizarre theory fails OP.

They also toured a lot through the late 80s and 90s. They opened for U2 on I think The Joshua Tree Tour, which was about as big a gig as you could get at the time.

by Anonymousreply 33November 21, 2018 1:29 AM

"Another memory Berger has of the Simon was a run in he had with Karen Carpenter. After getting an early listen to Carpenter's disco album, her first solo work without her brother Richard, Simon called it "awful" "in a voice that combined derision, snobbishness, concern, and alarm.

While Berger admits Simon was right, he feels "his insensitivity was stunning" considering Carpenter was clearly suffering from anorexia. She didn't release the album and died "within a few short years."

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by Anonymousreply 34November 21, 2018 1:29 AM

R33 I didn't mean to condescend to Los Lobos, I'm sorry if it came out that way. I was truly shocked that Simon would stoop so low as to screw over an act that did not have the clout that Simon had and has.

I'm really glad Los Lobos are still going strong. They are a great band. What a terrible experience they had.

by Anonymousreply 35November 21, 2018 1:32 AM

His best friend is Lorne Michaels. And that says everything. Thanks for the Los Lobos links. I'm enjoying everything and will buy some.

by Anonymousreply 36November 21, 2018 1:35 AM

Oh, forgot to add, Paul Simon's long been known to be a dick. There was also that bizarre dual arrest with Edie Brickell a few years ago.

by Anonymousreply 37November 21, 2018 1:37 AM

[quote] Carpenter's disco album, her first solo work without her brother Richard, Simon called it "awful" "in a voice that combined derision, snobbishness, concern, and alarm.

R34, that's very disturbing, since Karen was depressed about this for years, and even discussed it with Phil Ramone the night before she died. There were some very good songs on the album.

by Anonymousreply 38November 21, 2018 1:39 AM

Rene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After the War. Odd song released 35 years ago. Revived for the last tour.

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by Anonymousreply 39November 21, 2018 1:40 AM

R37 Carrie Fisher said something along the lines of what Paul Simon wants in a woman is for her to be an "intellectual geisha". He likes smart women but he wants them at home and to be subservient.

When I heard that the old and rickety Paul Simon attempted to beat up his wife who is 20 years his junior I did a Google search and, sure enough, Brickell was planning to perform again.

by Anonymousreply 40November 21, 2018 1:41 AM

Yes, R36, that definitely says something about Simon. Paul Simon is also good pals with Chevy Chase.

by Anonymousreply 41November 21, 2018 1:45 AM

R28 Love that song (and video).

by Anonymousreply 42November 21, 2018 2:00 AM

R36/R41 I don't think Lorne Michaels is as bad as Simon or at least Michaels has mellowed a lot with age unlike Simon.

I think it has to do with having to work closely with comedians who for a long time now have been much younger than him.

by Anonymousreply 43November 21, 2018 2:04 AM

Well, let's all try and take some comfort that he looks like a half dead piece of mangled road kill now.

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by Anonymousreply 44November 21, 2018 2:14 AM

“The Dangling Conversation” is so awful and pretentious. I usually see it referred to derisively, I’m surprised someone loves it and thinks it’s sad.

Sounds Of Silence is a pretty great album, but Simon’s lyrics can often be so precious that I often wonder if they’re supposed to be funny, like self parody or something. I take it they’re not.

by Anonymousreply 45November 21, 2018 2:22 AM

Love it R44!

And lets take comfort in the fact that those hair-plugs never quite worked out for him. The little hair he has is probably a toupee.

by Anonymousreply 46November 21, 2018 2:28 AM

My god Simon sounds like a dying banshee at R31's link.

by Anonymousreply 47November 21, 2018 2:42 AM

You can find articles about Simon receiving some kind of an award and the audience of other musicians only clapping politely. He's known in the business for hogging credit and out and out ripping off from little known artists who don't have his deep pockets for lawyers.

by Anonymousreply 48November 21, 2018 2:53 AM

[quote]According to May Pang Lennon


by Anonymousreply 49November 21, 2018 2:54 AM

I cannot fathom how this humorless prickhead held our beloved Carrie's attention long enough to suck her into a marriage. It boggles my mind.

by Anonymousreply 50November 21, 2018 2:56 AM

[quote]Simon and Garfunkel were truly great, in my opinion, but everything Paul Simon has done solo is crap.

I feel the opposite - I think the S&G stuff ranges from good to ridiculous, but his best work has been solo. I think his first solo album is the best thing he's ever done.

Years ago, Spy magazine had an article about how badly he treated everyone connected with Graceland, stealing credit left and right.

by Anonymousreply 51November 21, 2018 3:29 AM

I can see him, Lorne, Robby, and Martin all hanging out together being pretentious.

by Anonymousreply 52November 21, 2018 3:53 AM

[quote] "Why don't they sue or is there a statue of limitations?" —Anonymous"

Yes, R12, there is.

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by Anonymousreply 53November 21, 2018 3:58 AM

R50, he was probably able to fool her long enough to get her down the aisle. But their marriage only lasted a few months. They got back together but she was zonked out on drugs a lot of that time.

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by Anonymousreply 54November 21, 2018 4:08 AM

R49 May Pang Lennon, that sounds terrible. Yes, commas are our friends my friend.

by Anonymousreply 55November 21, 2018 4:27 AM

Agree R47. Simon obviously needed Garfunkel or else he would've just found someone else to harmonize with given how much those two fight with each other.

Garfunkel said he "created a monster" in Paul.

by Anonymousreply 56November 21, 2018 4:28 AM

R50 and R54 I honestly think that the reason that he liked her so much was because she was a little shorter than him on top being so pretty. Wonder if there would've been a "Paul & Carrie" if Fisher was 5'7.

by Anonymousreply 57November 21, 2018 4:31 AM

R51 Have you really listened to their early stuff? Some of it was good but so much of it was bad, bad, bad - "Richard Corey", "Got a Groovy Thing Goin'". "Leaves That Are Green"??? Simon often sounded like your average early 20-something who is pretentious and who thinks he has all this wisdom to share. Not like a "genius".

by Anonymousreply 58November 21, 2018 4:33 AM

R48 So it is common knowledge in the industry. I'm glad to hear that.

Maybe that's why Simon tends to keep to himself and why you don't really hear about too many collaborations between him and other artists. I think a couple of people have worked with him, but not many.

by Anonymousreply 59November 21, 2018 4:35 AM

His reputation for being a mean, vindictive little shit goes back for decades. No surprises here.

by Anonymousreply 60November 21, 2018 4:40 AM

R38 If I understood that article correctly it sounds like he said it right in front of the poor girl.

He sounds like the type who just lies in wait to go attack the jugular vein of those who he feels is "competing" with him. (He is probably especially harsh if that "competition" come equipped with ovaries. Poor Karen.)

by Anonymousreply 61November 21, 2018 4:45 AM

R51 I'm glad someone reported on it but I wish it was considered a bigger deal.

R52 I can see that too.

R60 I had heard rumblings but I didn't know just how bad he was. Yes, 'Graceland' did suck. But he utilized the African angle to his advantage. (No wonder there were people who found that album offensive and exploitive.)

by Anonymousreply 62November 21, 2018 4:48 AM

Cruel to Karen Carpenter, sucks up to John Lennon. He knew who he could walk on and who he had better not walk on.

by Anonymousreply 63November 21, 2018 4:50 AM

The mother of a friend of mine briefly lived in a collective or possibly a sort of open, communal apartment house, with Paul Simon as one of her fellow renters back in the 60s before he became famous. She had a notebook that he absent-mindedly doodled in one day, with lyrics, I think just a few words, of what ended up being "Sounds of Silence."

She later ran into him and mentioned the notebook, and how proud she was of him, and he apparently immediately threatened to sue her for possession of the notebook. Nothing came of it, but she was just floored.

I've always wondered if he had been a dick beforehand, or if it wasn't until he hit it big that he turned into a complete asshole.

by Anonymousreply 64November 21, 2018 4:51 AM

R8 The music from El Cóndor Pasa was written by the Peruvian composer, Daniel Alomía Robles, based on Andean folk songs. The lyrics to the Simon & Garfunkel song were written by Paul Simon. The beautiful music however, is all Mr. Alomía Robles.

by Anonymousreply 65November 21, 2018 5:02 AM

[quote] Simon goes up to the guitar player beforehand and says 'I need to show you how to play this guitar part'. The guy tells him 'No, it's fine, I know how to do it'. 'No' Simon insists, 'I have to show you how I played it on the single'. 'It's OK Paul' replied the guitarist, 'I'm the guy who played it on the record'.

Why would Simon go up to a guitar player to show him how to play his song on the guitar? First, Paul Simon always had a guitar when they appeared on shows like Bandstand. It was right there in his hands in every performance.

Second, Bandstand was lip synch’d

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by Anonymousreply 66November 21, 2018 5:09 AM

[quote]Yes, commas are our friends my friend.

Is this considered irony?

by Anonymousreply 67November 21, 2018 5:14 AM

R49 and R67 You are comma-sensitive. I will try to respect that.

by Anonymousreply 68November 21, 2018 5:17 AM

Thank you, my friend.

by Anonymousreply 69November 21, 2018 5:18 AM

R47 Maybe the Banshee is finally coming for him. (Since he stole her sound, he should be scared.)

by Anonymousreply 70November 21, 2018 5:18 AM

No need to be sarcastic R64.

by Anonymousreply 71November 21, 2018 5:21 AM

R65 You just confirmed why lil Paul tends to stay to himself. Nobody wants anything to do with him.

by Anonymousreply 72November 21, 2018 5:22 AM

Everybody in that SNL crowd was drugged out for years, even the stagehands. SNL cast, crew and musical guest stars filled AA meetings on the Upper West Side throughout the 70s & early 80s. That’s where Al Franken got his Stuart Smalley character - from the AA group.

My husband tried to start a practice in Manhattan and the first client was someone on the crew at SNL who was a periodic heroin addict. (My sister in law referred this character). The guy was married with small children, nodding out at home. The next thing my husband knows, his practice was all these SNL people, all on drugs. He closed up his city practive and continues his suburban practice to this day. He doesn’t work with addicts of any kind. As far as he’s concerned, people who are addicted should see people who are certified addiction counselors.

by Anonymousreply 73November 21, 2018 5:23 AM

R73 Stop trying to change the subject...PAUL!!!

by Anonymousreply 74November 21, 2018 5:24 AM

Not changing the subject, Carrie Fisher was part of that crowd.

by Anonymousreply 75November 21, 2018 5:32 AM

R25 THE cuntiest Paul Simon quip I ever heard was when they reunited on SNL in 1975. Paul had done a few numbers already, and the audience was itching to see Garfunkel. Finally, Paul introduces him to wild applause. When the applause died down, Paul says to Art "So. Are you gonna do any more movies?".

Just a stunning bit of cuntiness.

by Anonymousreply 76November 21, 2018 6:00 AM

Because R65 he was acting like he had originally played the guitar part on the electrified version when he hadn't and trying to tell the guy who had, how it should be done. And the reason I said 'Bandstand or some show' is because I remembered the story, not the name of the exact show. So it could have been any 60s show where the performers played live.

by Anonymousreply 77November 21, 2018 6:00 AM

Graceland doesn't suck, it's a legit great album. Even though Paul was and still is a epic asshole for working in apartheid South Africa and for not giving proper writing credits.

by Anonymousreply 78November 21, 2018 6:07 AM

My favorite of the early S &G years...

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by Anonymousreply 79November 21, 2018 6:24 AM

Sorry, that was meant for R66. I need Paul Simon to teach me how numbers work.

by Anonymousreply 80November 21, 2018 6:29 AM

[quote]Yes, commas are our friends my friend.

Grammarian, heal thyself.

by Anonymousreply 81November 21, 2018 7:48 AM

R78 is correct. Paul Simon is a cunt but he has produced some great music.

by Anonymousreply 82November 21, 2018 11:49 AM

I hated this stupid song and video when it came out. Even as a kid, I thought these two looked like unfunny smug assholes. Stupid fucking white sneakers. Simon looks utterly constipated.

Worse, my friend and snotty boyfriend (now husband) used to sneer at my musical taste but thought these and other Paul Simon lyrics the very heighth of brilliance.

Rolling Stone calls the video “hilarious.” I always hated Rolling Stone, too.

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by Anonymousreply 83November 21, 2018 12:28 PM

My friend and HER boyfriend (now husband), I meant.

Hey, is PS wearing a toup in the video?

by Anonymousreply 84November 21, 2018 12:29 PM

"the very heighth," r83?

by Anonymousreply 85November 21, 2018 12:32 PM

R85 Yes, me droog.

by Anonymousreply 86November 21, 2018 12:37 PM

I read “Scarborough Fair” was stolen from folk singer Martin Carthy. Paul Simon admitted to it later and had to give a substantial sum to his publisher.

by Anonymousreply 87November 21, 2018 2:21 PM

Didn't Graceland glom onto Ladysmith Black Mambazo?

by Anonymousreply 88November 21, 2018 3:20 PM

R81 I can't heal myself!, Help, me, help, me!, Place your, grammatically correct hands, upon me and heal, me,,,,,,,! I,m out of control!!

by Anonymousreply 89November 21, 2018 3:37 PM

R83 Rolling Stone is a joke now.

Never could figure out what was supposed to be so "funny" about this video except that maybe we were programmed back then to find Chevy Chase funny.

It could be that Chase is one the few people in the "biz" who is willing to hang out with Simon. Simon sounds like a little monster.

by Anonymousreply 90November 21, 2018 3:39 PM

R83 I think Paul's hair plugs were still holding up at this point. Did he think people would not notice that he had more hair in 40s than he did when he was 20?

Funnily enough, what he has now is a toupee.

by Anonymousreply 91November 21, 2018 3:41 PM

R87 Yes, he had to admit that was an old British folk tune and not the work of Simon's "musical genius".

by Anonymousreply 92November 21, 2018 3:42 PM

"My traaaaveling companion is niiiine years old, he is the product of my first marriage....."

What a wordsmith. What a lyrical genius. (Your kid's a "product" Paul?)

by Anonymousreply 93November 21, 2018 3:43 PM

He stole the name of my beloved home and estate!!!!

by Anonymousreply 94November 21, 2018 3:45 PM

I never found Chevy Chase funny. He seemed angry to me as a kid. They both did in that video.

R91 I don’t know, that hair looks off in the back at the bottom.

I do like Scarborough Fair.

by Anonymousreply 95November 21, 2018 3:48 PM

[R90] I grew up with Rolling Stone magazine in the 1980's as an avid young music fan. I subscribed to it and purchased Billboard every week to follow the charts. RS was tremendously influential and stamped with a certain smug Baby Boomer sensibility - the same sort of thing purveyed by Lorne Michaels. They were obsessed with the Beatles, which I had little use for at the time, having been born in late 1965. As a huge Fleetwood Mac fan I'll never forget how superior and dismissive they were about the band - especially Stevie Nicks, who at the time was writing great song after song. They dismissed SN's contributions to the first FM album. They gave Rumours a mixed review. I believe they gave Bella Donna a 3 star review. Not that they didn't want FM and SN on their cover to sell their magazine. It wasn't until much, much later that they did their revisionist "FM is brilliant!", "SN is an icon!", "Tusk is a masterpiece!" schtick.

That taught me an important lesson about believing what the "tastemakers" tells us. Most of RS's opinions were garbage and far, far off the mark.

by Anonymousreply 96November 21, 2018 3:52 PM

R11 That story cracks me up! It really shows the degree of Simon’s arrogance and blind spots, but - I hate to say this - it sounds apocryphal because of the fantasy revenge/humiliation element of the guitar player’s hilarious response. It sounds too good to be true.

Also, at least 2 of the session guitarists on SOS (Glen Campbell and Fred Carter) were known by Simon. He collaborated with Fred in studio and Glen was already a famous musician himself. That leaves John South - I’m guessing it would be him. What book was this anecdote in, if I may ask?

by Anonymousreply 97November 21, 2018 4:11 PM

^^ Actually - my mistake! Vinnie Bell was the guitarist who performed the signature 12 string overdub, and he appeared on Hullabaloo with Simon where this incident, exactly as you described, occurred, R11. Found it in [italic]Jingle Jangle Morning: Folk Rock in the 1960’s.[/italic]

by Anonymousreply 98November 21, 2018 4:32 PM

He's got little man syndrome.

by Anonymousreply 99November 21, 2018 4:33 PM

Yes, I wondered as I was typing it out if it was really true but it rang true when I read the book. I don't recall though if the guitar player's name was even mentioned. IIRC, the beefing up of Sounds of Silence wasn't a big planned project, more a hunch/whim that the engineer tried out of interest, so the guitarist could have been some local muso hanging round the studio rather than a 'name', though he definitely was the same person who Simon later tried to 'teach' for the TV spot. Looking at my kindle, I'm pretty sure the book has to be 'Jingle-jangle Morning: Folk Rock in the 1960s' by Richie Unterberger. I'll try searching Paul Simon in it and if I can locate the smarty pants I'll post any additional info. BTW, I like a lot of his 60s/70s stuff but when I saw a 'Paul Simon's an asshole' thread I thought 'Hmm, I may have a contribution to make there'. I like Los Lobos as well.

by Anonymousreply 100November 21, 2018 4:40 PM

Well sleuthed R98 and impeccable timing. While I was keyboard blathering you were out getting the info. So thanks for that and making me not think 'Did I dream that Paul Simon once tried to ...'

by Anonymousreply 101November 21, 2018 4:42 PM

R101 Thanks! I should have dug a little deeper than Wiki before rssponding to your post. Anyhow, I love candid behind-the-scenes stories, so I might check out that book - it’s got some interesting material in it.

by Anonymousreply 102November 21, 2018 4:56 PM

I really don't like learning this ugliness about Paul Simon but now that I know, I'm not surprised. He as a sort of prick personality.

by Anonymousreply 103November 21, 2018 4:56 PM

It was a good book and really detailed - perhaps too much detail in places - but it's pretty much a comprehensive history of that whole music scene. It combined two print copies in one kindle edition IIRC - the first part was about the early 60s folk revival so the usual suspects of Baez, Paxton, Dylan, Ochs etc and then the 2nd book went electric, like Dylan and Sounds of Silence did, with the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, the San Francisco scene etc. If you like music history tied in with some social history, Laurel Canyon by Michael Walker was a good read. Did you know Joni Mitchell once went up to a session musician and told him ....

by Anonymousreply 104November 21, 2018 5:06 PM

^^ Thanks for leaving me hanging... now I’ll have to read “Laurel Canyon” also. ;-)

by Anonymousreply 105November 21, 2018 5:31 PM

"My traaaaveling companion is niiiine years old, he is the product of my first marriage....."

Actually, it's "he is the child of my first marriage."

It's like Vivien Leigh as a home-wrecking cunt. Who cares? I'll never have to interact with him. I'll just enjoy his art. And "So Beautiful.... So What" is one of his best, so yeah, he's produced beautiful music all this time.

by Anonymousreply 106November 21, 2018 5:36 PM

The other good thing about Jingle Jangle Morning is that it talks about the obscure people you've likely not heard of - or at least I hadn't - so it's handy to be able to search you tube or similar while you're reading as it makes you want to listen to the songs and artists that get a lot of praise but missed out, for a whole range of reasons, from gaining a wide audience. As for what Joni said to the session player, mate I couldn't believe it. I mean you hear all sort of stories about her, but I never thought she'd say something like THAT. :)

by Anonymousreply 107November 21, 2018 5:55 PM

So - what DID Joni say? Racist comments about Muhamned Ali? how Bob Dylan was a plagiarist? Or that she was slowly turning into a Persian rug?

Joni’s full of surprises, so it’s got to be something pretty shocking. You are being a tease, r107

by Anonymousreply 108November 21, 2018 7:42 PM

I'm just kidding about Joni R108. Being proven right about Paul Simon giving guitar lessons made me cocky. The Laurel Canyon book's not particularly gossipy. The only Joni story I recall, and it may not even have been in that book, was when Linda Ronstadt was living with John David Souther and had been out all night, in the studio I guess, and arrived home unexpectedly early in the morning to find Joni just leaving. And on datalounge, that's probably just your typical Sunday morning.

by Anonymousreply 109November 21, 2018 8:15 PM

R106 Okay, I got the lyric wrong. But he will always be Roly-Poly Little Bat-Faced Simon to me.

by Anonymousreply 110November 21, 2018 8:58 PM

No one finds this stuff amusing anymore Paul.

by Anonymousreply 111November 21, 2018 9:37 PM

Oh, get these mutts away from me!

by Anonymousreply 112November 21, 2018 9:40 PM

I hate myself for loving his Graceland album.

by Anonymousreply 113November 21, 2018 10:24 PM

R96 Jann Wenner is a friend of LM and PS so it makes sense they were all praising each other.

by Anonymousreply 114November 21, 2018 10:59 PM

R109 The most shocking thing Joni Mitchell has ever done, IMO, is saying that she “experienced being a black man” by darkening her skin and dressing like a pimp (at a few parties and on one of her album covers.)

Both Joni and Paul have a fetish for black culture, but at least Paul didn’t do Graceland in blackface.

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by Anonymousreply 115November 22, 2018 12:07 AM

OMG - all this time it was fuckin’ Paul Simon who killed Karen Carpenter! I blamed myself!!!

by Anonymousreply 116November 22, 2018 12:38 AM

Fuck Paul Simon and his faux touchy, feely songs - give me Mike Patton in Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas or Tomahawk any day.

by Anonymousreply 117November 22, 2018 1:56 AM

R116 Yes Hammy, it was Simon's go-for-the-throat mind games that pushed poor Karen just that much more over the edge. Simon did the crime but you did the time. You can rest easy and breathe in the winds of freedom now.

by Anonymousreply 118November 22, 2018 2:12 AM

R117 Just be glad you're not the one who has to fuck him.

by Anonymousreply 119November 22, 2018 2:13 AM

R113 I grew up admiring the nasty little twerp. How do you think I feel?

by Anonymousreply 120November 22, 2018 2:14 AM

Cass Elliot despised him- and she liked pretty much anyone with talent, especially if they were cute.

by Anonymousreply 121November 22, 2018 2:29 AM

Los Lobos is a strangely underrated band. They did a couple off-shoot albums as "The Latin Playboys" that were unbelievable. Totally worth checking out!

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by Anonymousreply 122November 22, 2018 2:56 AM

R121 Any specifics on why Cass Elliot hated lil Paulie? Other than the obvious reasons?

by Anonymousreply 123November 22, 2018 3:15 AM

Cass Eliot was a nice person, that's why.

by Anonymousreply 124November 22, 2018 7:16 AM

R96 Rolling Stone in the 70s used to give terrible reviews to several performers and bands that they now praise including Queen and Elton John.

by Anonymousreply 125November 22, 2018 2:34 PM

R124 That would be a main difference between the two people. Guess Cass didn't feel Paul had a groovy thing goin' baby.

by Anonymousreply 126November 22, 2018 2:48 PM

[quote]Rolling Stone in the 70s used to give terrible reviews to several performers and bands that they now praise including Queen and Elton John.

R125 Their epic fails are cringeworthy but at least they admit it.

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by Anonymousreply 127November 22, 2018 3:40 PM

The book, "Sticky Fingers," about publisher Jann Wenner and the rise and fall of the Rolling Stone is a sobering read...

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by Anonymousreply 128November 22, 2018 3:44 PM

No, it's because their music sucks ass.

by Anonymousreply 129November 22, 2018 4:55 PM

I think Paul Simon wrote "A Most Peculiar Man" about himself. The song is kind of like Simon's "Nowhere Man".

"He had no friends, he seldom spoke And no one in turn ever spoke to him, 'Cause he wasn't friendly and he didn't care And he wasn't like them. Oh, no! he was a most peculiar man.

He died last Saturday. He turned on the gas and he went to sleep With the windows closed so he'd never wake up To his silent world and his tiny room; And Mrs. Riordan says he has a brother somewhere Who should be notified soon. And all the people said, 'What a shame that he's dead, But wasn't he a most peculiar man?'."

Paul Simon has a brother. I think Paul was suffering some 20-something angst and he seems to be acknowledging his own repugnant personality.

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by Anonymousreply 130November 23, 2018 12:42 AM

R122 Yes, Los Lobos are definitely underrated and underappreciated.

by Anonymousreply 131November 23, 2018 12:45 AM

Short Man Syndrome? It must irk that Paul's ex music partner, on the surface crazier, is probably better at what he does than what Paul does. Some people just never got that one beating at a relatively young age that might have mad them think "I got to reel in the fuckshit". ..what a heinous man. And yes, if Cass Elliot who ,Stephen Stills referred to as a "Queen" "because queens get things done" didn't like you , it probably did mean that you were an out and out overt arsehole. But how can he be so angry for so long? Some people are just incapable of sitting back and smelling the roses.

Not being an aficionado , but not being deaf to zeitgeist, I only know a couple Simon & Garfunkel tunes and that awful "you can call me Al" one. I'm a bit taken aback that I care so much that this man is awful.

by Anonymousreply 132November 23, 2018 1:24 AM

R132 Part of me feels sorry for Paul Simon. How can you be so beloved and respected while having the luxury of living your life under the radar and not having to whore yourself to the public and still be famous and successful and be so nasty and miserable at the same time?

Being a 5'3 male cannot be easy. It just can't. Must've been scary for Paul and other guys who are that height-challenged to realize that this is as good as it's gonna get.

I'm taken aback by the fact that Simon's nasty antics are kept such a secret. I didn't expect him to be flawless but what I'm finding out about him...I just never would've guessed it. Sounded like he had a great career and happy personal life. Strange.

by Anonymousreply 133November 23, 2018 2:51 AM

Bump. I'm hankering for more Paul Simon is a total fucking asshole stories. They make me feel warm inside.

by Anonymousreply 134January 18, 2019 6:00 AM

Paul Simon should be sent to jail.

by Anonymousreply 135January 18, 2019 6:03 AM


I feel sad for you. Listening to Alec Baldwin and Paul Simon drone on about their own self importance for 10 minutes would be enough to cause an aneurysm.

After an hour, half the planet would have committed suicide until some brave soul hoisted both of them on a nuclear petard.

by Anonymousreply 136January 18, 2019 6:05 AM
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