Now THIS is the America I want to live in.
Customers Buy Out Doughnut Shop Every Morning To Allow Owner Time To Visit Wife
by Anonymous | reply 48 | November 8, 2018 11:53 AM |
This is why I love California. Imagine an immigrant in Florida or Georgia or Oklahoma or any other red state, faced with his wife's debilitating illness... would Swastika-wearing, white-supremacist-believing residents do anything to help, like this, or would them scream at him to get out of "their" country? I think we all know the answer, not because of irrational hatred or partisan bickering, but because we've seen it, time and again.
I know it's not going to solve all of our problems, but we begin the process today. If you haven't voted, go! Except for our resident Trumptard loons, who should be aware that they have special voting hours starting tomorrow.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | November 6, 2018 3:55 PM |
Awesome story.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | November 6, 2018 4:01 PM |
R1 please fuck off with your Oklahoma-bashing. There may be a lot of Republicans there but the people can be very caring and accommodating. After living in both places and experiencing the selfishness of Californians it isn't quite that straightforward that voting Republican = horrible and voting Democrat = Ghandi. A lot of Midwest Republicans are essentially brainwashed by decades of propaganda appealing to their worst instincts. Without that they'd be a lot less likely to buy into this tribal bullshit of "us" vs. "them"
There is a big difference between the Republican elites who are manipulating people to gain power and Republican voters, who aren't necessarily as bad as their creators.
While I strongly recommend the Republicans be removed from power as soon as possible, reinforcing tribal divisions isn't going to do anything to fix the underlying problems.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | November 6, 2018 4:08 PM |
Thanks OP for the story, I'm tearing up. So touching.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | November 6, 2018 4:08 PM |
[quote] Imagine an immigrant in Florida or Georgia or Oklahoma or any other red state, faced with his wife's debilitating illness
Yes I can.
I live in New York and I'm as far to the left as you can get. Over the past 30 years I have had jobs that take me all over the country. Once thing I have noticed is that, in general Democrats tend to feel empathy for people in general, while Republicans tend to feel empathy for people they know.
As an example, I have had many people in red states quietly tell me that, until they met me they didn't know any gay people (I gently tell them that they didn't know any OPENLY gay people), and that they never 'agreed' with gay marriage, but now that they have gotten to know me, they have changed their mind. (Kinda like Ohio senator Rob Portman, whose views changed once his son came out).
I don't doubt for a minute that people in conservative communities all over the country would've done the same thing for this shop owner. But then a lot of them would've marched right into the voting booth and used their powdered sugar covered fingers to pull the lever for a representative who would support Trump sending military troops to the border to stop the 'caravan'.
And they would see no hypocrisy in doing so.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | November 6, 2018 4:23 PM |
Great story, if they had a website I would have loved to help by ordering donuts by the dozen on line and have them sent to me.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | November 6, 2018 4:45 PM |
And you fuck right off, R3, because you know everything I said was true. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so triggered.
Don't try to tell me that Republicans in Oklahoma (or wherever else they rule) are such good, gullible people who are just reacting to being fed a passel of lies. They have eyes and ears and brains and can see EXACTLY what they're voting for, AND THEY LIKE IT. They thrive on tribal hatred and belligerence and "owning the libs" ...while taking our money. As a Californian who migrated from one of these hellhole backward states that not only does nothing for their citizens but does everything in their power to make their lives worse, I'm sick and tired of my taxes going to prop up these backward, lazy-ass welfare queens who because of their white skin believe they are entitled to the good life. Enough.
Good people don't vote to deny others' rights*. Good people don't want to take healthcare away from sick people. Good people don't scream about debt and deficits when Democrats are in power and then turn around and actually say "deficits don't matter" and hand $trillions in tax cuts to the 0.01% when Republicans are in charge. Good people don't believe that a black person is guilty because of who they are. Good people don't rip breast-feeding infants from their mother's teats and put them in cages because their skin is brown.
Good people don't vote Republican.
Nevertheless, I believe in redemption. If these Oklahomans (and red state residents everywhere) who are so sure that gays/blacks/browns/vagina'd people are evil are willing to come into the light, I welcome them. So, let's see them put their money where their mouths are, and vote the bastards out. Otherwise, we see the truth: at their cold, dark evil-hearted core, they are who they choose to lead them.
* Yes, I know that California voters passed Prop 8 in 2008 (disproving your claim that Democratic voters = Ghandi, to use your words), but they know it was a wrong that was swiftly corrected and further paved the way for marriage equality across the nation. I'm particularly pleased that many "good people" who voted for Prop 8 came to see the error of their ways, and have even had people I know personally admit that they voted for it and apologized for their vote and redeeming themselves; I'm likewise as pleased that there were many who voted for Prop 8 and unapologetically went on to bemoan the fact that, for instance, they raided their children's college fund or mortgaged their houses to donate to the Yes on 8 campaign, or like the Mormons, who took their faithfuls' tithes and threw it away... for nothing.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | November 6, 2018 4:53 PM |
R3 - You might want to do a little research before you launch another rant. Republicans out perform Democrats when it comes to charitable giving and volunteer time. Nine out of the top ten states for giving are red states. California doesn't even make the top ten.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | November 6, 2018 5:18 PM |
I will be the first to admit, I have a cold, dark devious heart and I teared up too.
Reminded me that even with what we have been going through, there is still good people in this world.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | November 6, 2018 5:25 PM |
Beautiful story. Thank you. Hell, we need some positive stuff now and then these days.
Pity it didn’t take that long for some squabbling to start.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | November 6, 2018 6:52 PM |
R1 this is a lovely story but I'm going to have to disagree with your assertion. I strongly agree with r3 and r5.I live in one of the top 5 bluest areas in the nation, and people here, by and large do not help each other, much less show any kind of organized kindness. I have experienced far more personal kindness and generosity from red or purple staters than the people living in my very blue, very wealthy state. And for all this area vaunted liberalism, I've heard plenty of ethnic slurs and not necessarily from the people you would expect . Does this mean that red states are perfect? Absolutely not and they have plenty of downsides. But the straightforward view of the kind, compassionate and endlessly tolerant liberals isn't quite accurate.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | November 6, 2018 7:19 PM |
Well, I'm sure his little shop doesn't carry Fudge Rounds or Pecan Swirls, but good luck to him!
by Anonymous | reply 12 | November 6, 2018 8:14 PM |
R7 = tl;dr
by Anonymous | reply 13 | November 6, 2018 8:50 PM |
R8 I think you mean R1.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | November 6, 2018 8:53 PM |
[quote] Imagine an immigrant in Florida or Georgia or Oklahoma or any other red state, faced with his wife's debilitating illness... would Swastika-wearing, white-supremacist-believing residents do anything to help, like this, or would them scream at him to get out of "their" country? I think we all know the answer, not because of irrational hatred or partisan bickering, but because we've seen it, time and again.
You sound like some incredibly ignorant complete fool. You think there are no nice people in red states? Do you ever travel outside your own neighborhood. It is incredible that there are supposedly intelligent people as stupid as you. No you don't know the answer, because you're a fool. A simple, small minded, prejudiced fool.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | November 6, 2018 9:04 PM |
R8 while I don't disagree with you about good people being in Red States your own link about Red States and charitable giving states they included "charitable causes include churches" so that includes money sent to Pat Robertson and that type, their local church that might not allow a black person to join and the Salvation Army that won't give any help to a gay couple regardless of how much their need is.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | November 6, 2018 9:26 PM |
[quote] buy out doughnut shop
Is this thread related to the other current thread "The fattest states in America”?
Based on that thread, it seems #1 Mississippi, #2 West Virginia and #3 Arkansas would buy out a whole doughnut shop in the mornings regardless. At least based on their overweight trend (affecting even the minority communities).
If Californians are now buying doughnuts every morning too, they might eventually fall short of making Top 10 Least Fat states.
Or are they buying up the doughnuts without eating them? If so, wouldn't it be easier to just set up a help fund for him?
by Anonymous | reply 17 | November 6, 2018 9:48 PM |
I hope this guy includes dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, organic doughnuts in his range.
Because many new-age, yoga-loving Californians wouldn't touch processed white dough or processed white sugar / corn syrup or non-organic milk from non-grassfed cows with a 10-foot pole.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | November 6, 2018 10:01 PM |
Love how this thread completely went off the rails in the space of 5 posts.
Next, the trans troll, the anti millennial troll, and the stank sleeve troll will all be weighing in with their particular concerns.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | November 6, 2018 10:19 PM |
R1, R2 has a point. You are stereotyping. Someone posted a story here not long ago about a guy from Deplorableville who drove his car thousands of miles to deliver pizza to a former customer who was dying.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | November 6, 2018 10:24 PM |
R20 Something tells me that none of those kind customers were millenials. They are truly the worst generation.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | November 6, 2018 10:38 PM |
R22 might be right. Many Californian Millennials eat avocado on toast in the mornings, granola, chia puddings, etc. They don't eat regular doughnuts in the morn all week.
It was probably a doughnut raid by a whole station of elderly cops. And some of them might have been transplants from Mississippi, the state which has the biggest case of the munchies.
Some of the fellow Asian community probably helped that guy out as well.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | November 7, 2018 12:05 AM |
What r5 said.
I also find it deeply disturbing that families are so divided by politics that they are not speaking, etc.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | November 7, 2018 1:44 AM |
Why has an exhaustive research project not occurred linking donut consumption to the lack of trans state services?!! LITERAL Violence!!
by Anonymous | reply 26 | November 7, 2018 9:14 AM |
R16 - pure speculation on your part that there motivation is anything other than helping others. . It's still charitable giving.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | November 7, 2018 10:14 AM |
R16 is right, most of those red states are Bible-thumping church-goers who give most of their money to the church and to bigots like Pat Robertson and vote for Trump.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | November 7, 2018 10:29 AM |
I find it disturbing that Americans are so mired in childish demonizing and name-calling that they truly believe it constitutes adult behaviour and discourse, don't see it for the social degeneration that it is.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | November 7, 2018 10:40 AM |
LOL, can someone please explain how a bunch of fatties buying a dozen donuts every day = selfless giving, sacrifice and brotherly love?
by Anonymous | reply 30 | November 7, 2018 10:55 AM |
OP sounds like a close minded moron far worse than any red state church goer.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | November 7, 2018 10:57 AM |
Thanks R8. While OP and her ilk are busy feeling superior as they stuff their fat SJW faces with carb laden donuts, red staters are doing real philanthropic work---quietly donating their time, talent and money (lots of it) to the poor, sick and elderly.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | November 7, 2018 11:06 AM |
It IS the America you live in.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | November 7, 2018 12:13 PM |
[qoute]OP sounds like a close minded moron far worse than any red state church goer.
I didn’t start the attack on Red States, so fuck off.
[quote]LOL, can someone please explain how a bunch of fatties buying a dozen donuts every day = selfless giving, sacrifice and brotherly love?
You’re assuming that the people buying the donuts are also eating them. They could be giving them away or, hell, even throwing them away. The point is, they are allowing the man to retain his dignity by not giving him handouts, instead buying him out so that he can spend time with his wife. If you're too stupid to see that, you can fuck off too.
[quote]While OP and her ilk are busy feeling superior as they stuff their fat SJW faces with carb laden donuts, red staters are doing real philanthropic work---quietly donating their time, talent and money (lots of it) to the poor, sick and elderly.
I’m not feeling superior, I simply posted the story to show how we as Americans should be supporting and accepting others. I was not one of those who turned this into a Red States/Blue States debate. You can fuck off with the other two.
[quote]It IS the America you live in.
Yes, it is the America I live in, but the story is an EXAMPLE of the kind of behavior that I would like to see more often, instead of the race baiting and hate mongering that has been increasing since a segment of our populace embraced Trump. Please feel free to join the fuck-off party with the other three idiots.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | November 7, 2018 12:35 PM |
[quote]OP sounds like a close minded moron far worse than any red state church goer.
I didn’t start the attack on Red States, so fuck off.
[quote]LOL, can someone please explain how a bunch of fatties buying a dozen donuts every day = selfless giving, sacrifice and brotherly love?
You’re assuming that the people buying the donuts are also eating them. They could be giving them away or, hell, even throwing them away. The point is, they are allowing the man to retain his dignity by not giving him handouts, instead buying him out so that he can spend time with his wife. If you’re too stupid to see that, you can fuck off too.
[quote]While OP and her ilk are busy feeling superior as they stuff their fat SJW faces with carb laden donuts, red staters are doing real philanthropic work---quietly donating their time, talent and money (lots of it) to the poor, sick and elderly.
I’m not feeling superior, I simply posted the story to show how we as Americans should be supporting and accepting others. I was not one of those who turned this into a Red States/Blue States debate. You can go fuck off with the other two.
[quote]It IS the America you live in.
Yes, it is the America I live in, but the story is an EXAMPLE of the kind of behavior that I would like to see more often, instead of the race baiting and hate mongering that has been increasing since a segment of our populace embraced Trump. Feel free to join the fuck-off party with the others.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | November 7, 2018 12:39 PM |
If nothing else this thread proves no good deed goes unpunished.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | November 7, 2018 12:59 PM |
I live down the street from this shop. THIS is why I love living in California. Yes, we have traffic and issues like everywhere....but here, you can still sense that people want to be nice to one another. At least, that is my experience (born and raised here).
by Anonymous | reply 37 | November 7, 2018 1:06 PM |
I shouldn't read this tread it makes me crave chocolate cream filled donuts.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | November 7, 2018 2:49 PM |
[quote]I don't doubt for a minute that people in conservative communities all over the country would've done the same thing for this shop owner.
You're a deluded idiot r5. Conservatives ONLY help other white christians and only the ones at their church. They are the most small minded un-christlike people on the planet.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | November 7, 2018 4:29 PM |
Ahh, a day later, and much of what I wrote at R1 and R7 has been both proven mostly true (Republicans are not good people) and more-than-I'd-like false (there is hope; that tribal thing that keeps the minority in power is beginning to show signs of wear). There is reason to celebrate. The sun shines a little brighter in America this morning.
It is a bit ironic that the fools who think red states are more charitable base that on dollars given to churches. That would make Utah and the Mormons rank among the most charitable... where, after a decade of Republican leaders doing nothing about it, the people just voted for Medicaid expansion because the state legislature and governor stymied, delayed, and ultimately denied covering everybody. It took a groundswell of average citizens rising up against a corrupt, evil, Republican government to make them see that sometimes, it's better to do the charitable thing and cover everybody, than to let the church pick and choose who gets healthcare (in Utah, the church [italic]is[/italic] the state).
I'll circle around to why I wrote at R1 that this is the reason I love California. You see, this donut shop owner didn't want charity, he didn't want a handout, nor did he didn't want government assistance; he wanted a level playing field where he had and has the opportunity to do the hard work to get ahead, and instead of facing resentment (as I wrote, the redstate bible thumpers who would be screaming at him to get out of "their" country), he was rewarded with empathy and a neighborhood that responded with kindness and dignity. The past two years (if not decades) have been nothing but hearing how immigrants only come to this country for the free stuff, and this story belies that tribal bullshit. It exposes the lies that Trump spouts about immigrants.
This is the face that California needs to and is showing the country: a strong social safety net supported by an intelligent electorate that gets behind and rewards hard work is the reason that we have an American dream, and openness, compassion and opportunity for all is the path towards a better country.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | November 7, 2018 4:39 PM |
[quote] They could be giving them away or, hell, even throwing them away. The point is, they are allowing the man to retain his dignity by not giving him handouts
OP, so you're assuming they're helping him "retain his dignity" by "hell, even throwing away" the product which he spent the whole morning and/or night toiling and slaving away in the kitchen to carefully prepare for you? Making doughnuts is both time- and labour-intensive. Throwing it in the trash immediately seems 'undignified'.
Or they're "giving them away" (as essentially "handouts") to other poor people because those other people shouldn't be allowed to "retain their dignity" and must accept "handouts", while others like this guy should "retain their dignity" and reject any "handouts"?
Neither of those hypotheticals is plausible, OP. The only dignified way is either to set up an emergency help fund for him, or to buy the doughnuts every morning and use them, because the guy went to great effort and likely spent a lot of his time making them.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | November 7, 2018 4:58 PM |
R1 -I want a strong social safety net. I think it is outrageous what the Supreme Court did to the Medicaid expansion, and that the Congress and the President weren't able to fix it. You may not like which charities Republicans are giving their money to or volunteering their time. That doesn't change the fact they do it more than Democrats. The population of California does it less than many red states.
It is also a mistake to talk about California as a monolith. Remember in 2016 Clinton got 61% of the vote and Trump got 32% of the vote. You have large chunks of red in California. Considering your anti-Republican rant it makes this statement of your impossible to believe:
[quote] This is the face that California needs to and is showing the country: a strong social safety net supported by an intelligent electorate that gets behind and rewards hard work is the reason that we have an American dream, and openness, compassion and opportunity for all is the path towards a better country.
Let's not forget California has had its fair share of Republican governors in recent history.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | November 7, 2018 5:49 PM |
[quote]You're a deluded idiot [R5]. Conservatives ONLY help other white christians and only the ones at their church. They are the most small minded un-christlike people on the planet.
Patently false.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | November 7, 2018 5:56 PM |
[quote]You may not like which charities Republicans are giving their money to or volunteering their time. That doesn't change the fact they do it more than Democrats.
Republicans have more money to donate. That's not a statement of derision or an indictment that they donate, but simply a statement of fact. My contention is that they prefer to donate to their charities of choice, mainly religiously-based organizations, because those charities in turn both hand money to chosen groups, and cloak their choices in religious tolerance gobbledygook. It's the perfect storm of religious intolerance; all the money in the world for groups to openly discriminate morally, and more importantly, legally.
[quote]The population of California does it less than many red states.
Exactly: per capita. There is also less need thanks to the strong social safety net we maintain in California.
[quote]Let's not forget California has had its fair share of Republican governors in recent history.
California is not perfect. The Governator brought the State to its knees with his fiscal insanity, lack of experience and magical thinking. He was elected thanks to a partisan trick that exploited populist anger over, of all things, increased automobile registration taxes, and the citizens of the state have paid for this insanity both literally and figuratively. Thankfully, we woke up and brought Jerry Brown back to Sacramento, who not only managed to get the State out of the mess that Arnold created, but has strengthened the State to the point that we just overtook Britain as the 5th largest economy in the world. And now with Governor-elect Newsom in place, we're poised to rule the 21st century. So there is that.
I'd write a paragraph exposing the deluded R44 for thinking that Catholics are such great people, but I can avoid it all by wondering where he's going to find the courage to explain away the massive decades-long coverups of the Catholic Church's pedophilia scandal.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | November 7, 2018 6:33 PM |
You, R42, can join the fuck off party with the others.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | November 7, 2018 7:34 PM |
I KNOW THIS SHOP!!! It is at the end of my friend's street in Seal Beach, I've gotten donuts here a couple times. It is a dinky mom & pop business and they do sell out early! I am sorry to hear the mom is unwell, but happy to hear that Pop can stay in business and spend time with her. This is a good kind of story to hear about in shitty times, neighborly and kind and unusual, as others have noted.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | November 7, 2018 11:47 PM |
If the customers are giving the donuts to the homeless there's gonna be a lot of fat homeless people in their neighborhood.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | November 8, 2018 11:53 AM |