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or Mrs Magoo?

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by Anonymousreply 44October 7, 2018 3:41 PM

What the hell is up with her eyes? One iris looks blown out.

by Anonymousreply 1October 5, 2018 9:41 PM

Madonna needs to stop it with the direct social media. It doesn't serve her well. She is EXACTLY the type of celeb that needs a certain air of cold mystery swirling around her at all times ---not saying she has to fade into the background or anything, just that she needs to hire someone to do these tweets and FB posts on her behalf. I get a uncomfortable mix of pity, embarrassment, and shame every time she posts something -and it makes me very uncomfortable.

by Anonymousreply 2October 5, 2018 10:01 PM

Who is this stoned broad with weird lips and pigtails?

by Anonymousreply 3October 5, 2018 10:06 PM

For one who has navigated/ manipulated her media persona so well for so long, WTF is she doing?? I agree with poster above... an air of mystery and inaccessibility would serve her well now.

by Anonymousreply 4October 5, 2018 10:11 PM

Alcohol, food and plastic surgery have taken over her life.

by Anonymousreply 5October 5, 2018 10:12 PM

I am so fucking SICK of her.

by Anonymousreply 6October 5, 2018 10:43 PM

She just won’t go quietly into the night: proof she was never anyone’s ally or friend. Just an attention obsessed sociopath from white trash michigan.

by Anonymousreply 7October 5, 2018 10:46 PM

r1 blindness would explain what she's done to her face.

by Anonymousreply 8October 5, 2018 10:57 PM

Her left pupil looks much bigger than her right--that is weird. If it's real, it could be a serious medical issue. Maybe she's wearing some kind of contact lens to make it intentionally weird. That has to be the worst picture of her I have ever seen. She must have body dysmorphic disorder and has no idea how she really looks. A lot of these celebs get these weird lips and have no idea how bizarre they look. I have never been a fan anyway.

by Anonymousreply 9October 5, 2018 11:06 PM


She does this shit ON PURPOSE!

by Anonymousreply 10October 5, 2018 11:09 PM

Pretty sure she's wearing colored contacts and one of them is rotated upside down. If you look, the pupils are actually the same size but in completely different places. Colored contacts by and large have non-pigment iris areas so people can see with them on cuz you need your irises for that.

by Anonymousreply 11October 5, 2018 11:10 PM

R10 No way is she in on the joke. She is simply a 60 year old meemaw now, who has lost her eye for detail

by Anonymousreply 12October 5, 2018 11:34 PM

How long until she starts falling off stages?

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by Anonymousreply 13October 6, 2018 12:38 AM
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by Anonymousreply 14October 6, 2018 12:44 AM

"Madonna's joke about Ecstasy might have fired up the audience at a concert -- but it's pissing off Deadmau5 and lot of other people ... who think she's being irresponsible just to make herself relevant. " (2012)

"It pisses everybody off when I wear my grill, so that's why I wear it." (2013

"She’s been purposely pissing in everyone’s punchbowl for decades just to get a reaction, and this is no different. " (2015)

by Anonymousreply 15October 6, 2018 5:03 AM

In 2016, the Independent ran the results of an actual study conducted to determine what millennials think of her, and the verdict was "desperate," "inauthentic" and "embarrassing.”

by Anonymousreply 16October 6, 2018 5:03 AM

The comments are hilarious.

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by Anonymousreply 17October 6, 2018 7:39 AM

I loathe her but she looks good in this photo.

by Anonymousreply 18October 6, 2018 9:45 AM

R18 = Madge

by Anonymousreply 19October 6, 2018 9:46 AM

Imagine how it'll be in 10 years. Photos of her prize turnips, cat rescues, and her pussy hair dye brush.

by Anonymousreply 20October 6, 2018 10:13 AM

How the mighty have fallen, and broken a hip.

by Anonymousreply 21October 6, 2018 10:20 AM

Not a thing in the world wrong with wearing glasses, particularly around her age. However I'd have expected her to go the lasik route.

by Anonymousreply 22October 6, 2018 10:39 AM

She is fucking disgusting now.

by Anonymousreply 23October 6, 2018 1:29 PM

Adorable! Why, she looks every inch the fresh-faced farmgirl with those pigtails! She carries us right over the rainbow and into a schoolroom of pulsating disco music, what with her fashionably studious eyewear! And mismatched, colored contact lenses, too? Just DARLING!

by Anonymousreply 24October 6, 2018 2:15 PM

She should NOT wear any sort of red shadow near her eyes. It gives of that "rheumy" look you see in elderly people (think Bob Hope). She's not THAT old but it is indeed ageing and unflattering.

by Anonymousreply 25October 6, 2018 4:51 PM

Who does she think she is? Fucking copycat!

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by Anonymousreply 26October 6, 2018 6:27 PM

Fuck me.

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by Anonymousreply 27October 7, 2018 3:17 AM

She's experimenting. Leave her alone she needs time to figure out the "aging" thing ...

by Anonymousreply 28October 7, 2018 3:51 AM

R27 ok, now I'm starting to believe the other poster who's saying that she's just trolling us all.

Ain't no fucking way she really thinks she looks good in that pic

by Anonymousreply 29October 7, 2018 8:32 AM

R16, so this forum now cares what Millennials think? Or only when it agrees with what the old want to say?

I don't think she cares nearly as much as you think she does, and is probably trolling half time.

by Anonymousreply 30October 7, 2018 8:39 AM

She can really be an annoying cunt, and never grew up, but I think she looks great for her age. She still is cool despite the insouciance no longer working for her at sixty.

by Anonymousreply 31October 7, 2018 9:07 AM

R31 got a thesaurus.

by Anonymousreply 32October 7, 2018 9:18 AM

Please keep things simple for r32 - no big words and nothing to complicated


by Anonymousreply 33October 7, 2018 9:24 AM

R32 probably doesn't even realize she just embarrassed herself.

by Anonymousreply 34October 7, 2018 9:39 AM

R32 Learn French, it is a great language and has enriched English. Perhaps you ought to escape your stifling bubble. Look things up if you don't know the meaning. Personally, I've never needed or owned a [italic] thesaurus [/italic]. I do however speak three languages, you should try to at the very least master one.

by Anonymousreply 35October 7, 2018 9:43 AM

She looks like Bette Davis in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte

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by Anonymousreply 36October 7, 2018 9:58 AM

You’d think someone that rich would have a decent stylist! Sheesh! She used to be the queen of the fresh look and being ahead of the trends - now she just comes across as an old crazy lady. Appears older than she actually is. I’m with the poster earlier who thinks she needs to leave social media alone and work on that air of mystery...

by Anonymousreply 37October 7, 2018 10:07 AM

[quote]work on that air of mystery...

Dontcha think that once the world has seen you naked countless times, eating a guy's ass, and pissing in a bowl that the whole "mystery" ship has sailed?

by Anonymousreply 38October 7, 2018 10:25 AM

R35 = Mariah using $10 words. Get over yourself, hon. Stick your insouciance up your cunt.

by Anonymousreply 39October 7, 2018 11:02 AM

R36 that makes me think...

Mickey Rourke has stated that at first, he didn't want to accept the starring role in the film, The Wrestler (where he played a washed-out, forgotten, lonely, once-loved performer), because of how it "hit too close home." But in doing so, MR put himself back on the map as a serious actor (at least for a while). The role earned him endless praise and accolades.

In other words, MR was basically playing himself in that movie, and we loved him for it. After all, everyone loves an underdog--especially ones that show bravery, honesty and self-awareness.

I think that the same would happen if Madonna took on the role of a Norma Desmond-type character or a "hag horror"-esque role in film or television. Perhaps Ryan Murphy could write her one? We all know about Madge's one-time desparation to get into acting (she married a film director ffs!). If she was truly serious about appealing to millenials and wanting to be seen as edgy and fearless, she would drop the wannabe hip, sexy popstar bs and just embrace what she is (washed-out, desparate hag).

by Anonymousreply 40October 7, 2018 11:09 AM

If Madonna had embraced her age, she could have been this cool older diva (I agree staying off social media and cultivating an air of mystery would have helped). Moved somewhere exotic and only showed up on the public stage every few years, the way Tina Turner does. Given her fans time to miss her in-between appearances.

Problem is, Madonna is only Madonna when she's in the spotlight. She has no inner life to cultivate, so moving into graceful semi-retirement and enjoying a private existence with family and friends would never work for her. She was always doomed to age badly and hilariously.

by Anonymousreply 41October 7, 2018 2:49 PM

R39 Mariah?

by Anonymousreply 42October 7, 2018 2:59 PM

r35 the fact you know three languages doesn't make you better than anybody else.

It just means you know how to be a cunt in three different languages.

by Anonymousreply 43October 7, 2018 3:22 PM

No, not at all R43. It means you simply take umbrage to the word insouciance. Would you have preferred I had said she was insouciant? Really it seems odd how so very [italic] triggered [/italic] by the word.

by Anonymousreply 44October 7, 2018 3:41 PM
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