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Angelina Jole Suing Brad Pitt for Child Support

She said Brad gave her a loan of $8 million, and I was stuck on that. Why is she so broke?

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by Anonymousreply 597December 7, 2018 10:44 PM

Hmm... I'm guess it has to do with hiring a thousand nannies but still. . . she saves on food cause chick ain't eating.

by Anonymousreply 1August 9, 2018 11:27 AM

It was HIS attorney who claimed that, OP. You're butchering the story.

by Anonymousreply 2August 9, 2018 11:29 AM

How much does it cost to keep 6 kids in cheeseburgers and random rags?

by Anonymousreply 3August 9, 2018 11:31 AM

Yeah, it's not like she has to buy school supplies, because those kids haven't seen a school.

by Anonymousreply 4August 9, 2018 11:35 AM

[quote]It was HIS attorney who claimed that, OP. You're butchering the story.

Still, it was stated that money was loaned to her and I want to know why she needed $8 million.

by Anonymousreply 5August 9, 2018 11:36 AM

God, he was SUCH an idiot to get strapped to this bat shit loon for life. He should have just had a hot six month fling with her, got it out of his system .......and then run for the hills.

by Anonymousreply 6August 9, 2018 11:38 AM

Give me $8 million now and I'll never work a day in my life.

I don't even have kids.

by Anonymousreply 7August 9, 2018 11:42 AM

Her monthly expenses must be staggering.

by Anonymousreply 8August 9, 2018 11:46 AM

Taking all those kids around the world constantly and having a team of people to care for their every whim can't be cheap.

by Anonymousreply 9August 9, 2018 11:56 AM

Page Six reported she is worth $160 million and he is worth $240 million. Not even the world’s greatest drug habit could consume that kind of wealth, and if she managed to tie up the money in other things like real estate, there’s still a ton of worth in it. She’s just always been emotionally unbalanced and vengeful, from her relationship with her father (probably well deserved) to other reported relationships. She is just trying to publicly humiliate Brad Pitt as a terrible father like her own.

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by Anonymousreply 10August 9, 2018 11:56 AM

Boring Brad Pitt dumped boring Jennifer Aniston for vampiric Angelina Jolie. He is reaping what he sowed. He blended his DNA is hers, which was the end goal, had a little excitement along the way, and in exchange he will have an albatross around his neck and a stalker at his bedroom window forever.

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by Anonymousreply 11August 9, 2018 12:02 PM

Loans are not child support...Brad stop being an asshole and take care of your kids. This goes for the rich, middle class and the poor.

by Anonymousreply 12August 9, 2018 12:03 PM

Since Madonna is still desperate to shock the world, she should marry Angie and together they can purchase all the children of Malawi, erect statues to themselves in Lilongwe, and then get a big, messy public divorce. Guaranteed headlines to take Madonna all the way into her 70s.

by Anonymousreply 13August 9, 2018 12:08 PM

How can she be worth $160m?

by Anonymousreply 14August 9, 2018 12:08 PM

Obviously she is struggling financially in some way. I don't think that she would want that image of her as a needy single mom out there unless she was desperate. Still I would like to know what really brought all of this on...I have a feeling that it was more than shouting at the bratty kids.

by Anonymousreply 15August 9, 2018 12:12 PM

R14 She has been paid upwards of $20 million for leading roles, and she’s been involved in development and production, including writing, producing and directing, for many movies. She’d get a chunk of profits for all those roles. Here is her estimated pay for each of the movies she has made.

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by Anonymousreply 16August 9, 2018 12:14 PM

“I don't think that she would want that image of her as a needy single mom out there unless she was desperate.“

I disagree. She has always done the strong woman thing, but it’s always been a suffering martyr type of strong woman. She made a big public deal of feuding with her father and blaming him for being a terrible, manipulative, damaging parent. Watch her do the same with the father of her children.

by Anonymousreply 17August 9, 2018 12:16 PM

This is what he gets for playing nice guy. He should have exposed her druggie ways and other nasty stuff right after that plane incident.

by Anonymousreply 18August 9, 2018 12:22 PM

Bitches be crazy.

by Anonymousreply 19August 9, 2018 12:26 PM

Yes, r17! Borderlines play “waif” for sympathy, r15. It’s one of her personae. She also does the “strong woman” thing as well, when it suits.

I can almost guarantee he was cheating on her. (If he does it with you, he’ll do it to you!). Hell hath no fury.

by Anonymousreply 20August 9, 2018 12:42 PM

No sane person would marry Brad Pitt believing he wasn’t going to be fucking fans and stars every time he is away from home and horny. That’s delusional.

No sane person would marry Angelina Jolie believing she wasn’t going to be fucking and stalking fans and stars when she was away from home. That’s delusional.

Brad Pitt strikes me as a human Labrador retriever: cute, dim witted, pretty content, slutty. Angelina strikes me as a human circus lioness: tame for public viewing but wild, cunning, frustrated with her life and looking for an escape, and ravaging when the mood strikes.

by Anonymousreply 21August 9, 2018 12:46 PM

I wonder if she’s considered how the “millions of dollars aren’t enough” image will play vs the “humanitarian child collector” schtick?

by Anonymousreply 22August 9, 2018 12:50 PM

Total agreement with R6! The only side to take is with the kids; unnecessary drama.

by Anonymousreply 23August 9, 2018 12:54 PM

W&W, r21!!

by Anonymousreply 24August 9, 2018 12:54 PM

Jon Voigt has said he chose Angelina’s mother because he wanted to “breed movie stars,” or something very close to that; he chose her for her appearance and he hoped his children would become huge stars. Like father, like daughter. She sought out the most coveted, “world’s sexiest man,” or at least the one who got all the press for that. Mission accomplished. Now she will take out the rage she has doe her father on her children’s father. Her inner conflict is demonstrated by her choice to adopt kids—rejecting what her father chose to do—but ultimately giving in and breeding for beauty when she wrangled Pitt away from his relationship. I never cared about the publicized drama about the Brad-Angie-Jen relationship, but I do think it serves to illustrate Angie’s pathological nature.

by Anonymousreply 25August 9, 2018 12:55 PM

R6 I don’t think he could have had a fling. She set her targets on him and ensnared him. She wanted those blond, big-lipped genes. A dermatologist can prevent her kids’ skin from scarring the way his has.

by Anonymousreply 26August 9, 2018 12:56 PM

She a nut.

by Anonymousreply 27August 9, 2018 12:57 PM

One of these is a Trump. One is a Jolie-Pitt.

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by Anonymousreply 28August 9, 2018 12:59 PM

[quote]She made a big public deal of feuding with her father and blaming him for being a terrible, manipulative, damaging parent. Watch her do the same with the father of her children

Voit was/is no angel, but I don't think he was any worse than most Hollywood actor dads. They are all narcissists. They have to be if they are to be successful. AJ's mother was the truly evil, fucked up parent. She was a BPD nightmare who was enraged to the point of utter insanity when Jon left her. She was a gold digger who thought marrying Jon and having his kids meant she was set for life. She could not handle being divorced and was bitter for decades. Her venomous hatred of Jon caused her to poison the kids against him, making it impossible to form a positive relationship. "Alienation of affection" is the legal term for it----it's exactly what AJ is trying to do to Brad.

Some tidbits about batshit Marcia (her real name before she changed it to Marcheline, so people would think she was French--LOL):

--She didn't even hold or look at Angelina for the first year of her life because she thought she looked too much like Voit. The baby was raised by nannies until she was a toddler.

--She allowed teenage Angie's boyfriend to live at their house and sleep with Angie in the same bed. Early teens 15-16.....not 18 or 19.

--She knew one of her own boyfriends was fucking teenage AJ and did nothing about it

--She tried to pimp Angie to Mick Jagger hoping they would marry so she could hang out with The Stones---she was a "superfan".

--She never worked, even after her kids were grown and gone. She expected Jon to pay her bills for life. In fact, he did paid her medical bills and renovated her house when she was ill with cancer. He took care of her all the way to the end, even though she was still spitting in his face every chance she got.

by Anonymousreply 29August 9, 2018 1:21 PM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 30August 10, 2018 7:49 AM

R29) Angie came from crazy. I didn't think Jon Voight was all that horrible. I guess he was if he tried to tell his 14 year old daughter that she can't move in her boyfriend in her bed. Marcia was winner as a mom. I couldn't believe she didn't care that her own boyfriend was sleeping with her daughter.

by Anonymousreply 31August 10, 2018 7:51 AM

Marcheline moved out of the master bedroom to sleep in a single bedroom so teenage Angelina and her boyfriend could live in and make love in her bed.

It’s a bit Shirley Knight in Endless Love.

by Anonymousreply 32August 10, 2018 8:35 AM

I just looked up A Mighty Heart, R16. It had a budget of $16 million and Jolie was paid $10. What a horrible deal, considering that the film was a big flop.

by Anonymousreply 33August 10, 2018 8:41 AM

R33 It brought in $19 million, so it was basically a break-even deal, except for Angelina, who got acting accolades, and producer Brad Pitt, who likely got some freak sex from Angelina as a thank you. On her press tour, Angelina did bring a lot of attention to Minnie Pearl, which is a nice side effect, although the role also served to advance Jolie’s social justice crusader persona. The messy public divorce thing, and especially the fighting over millions of dollars thing, that she is doing right now really does undermine her whole saving-the-world-from-itself saint Angelina character she created. It feels now very much like how Madonna became spiritually enlightened, only to reveal within a few years that that had just been another marketing gimmick, superseded by a cowboy motif.

by Anonymousreply 34August 10, 2018 8:50 AM

[quote]Marcheline moved out of the master bedroom to sleep in a single bedroom so teenage Angelina and her boyfriend could live in and make love in her bed.

Was that Marcia's old bf or Angie's teenage bf?

by Anonymousreply 35August 10, 2018 9:00 AM

I can't stand Angelina and I hope she has money troubles but I doubt it. $8,00,000 sounds like a lot to me, but if she has the kind of money mentioned up tread it's really not much. I'm sure most of her money in stocks and real estate.

Fuck Brad. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind - I don't care if he gets taken to the cleaners by Angie and I think she will certainly get a lot. They're both repulsive people and entitled assholes.

by Anonymousreply 36August 10, 2018 9:02 AM

[quote]It brought in $19 million, so it was basically a break-even deal,

The formula is to make three times your budget. Otherwise, if they used the break-even rule, they would lose money due to not factoring marketing cost.

by Anonymousreply 37August 10, 2018 9:02 AM

You don't pay an actor $10 million on a $16 million dollar film to break even, R34. They must have thought her name would pull in twice as much.

by Anonymousreply 38August 10, 2018 9:03 AM

[quote] $8,00,000 sounds like a lot to me, but if she has the kind of money mentioned up tread it's really not much.

If she has to ask for a personal loan, then it seems as if she is broke.

[quote]I'm sure most of her money in stocks and real estate.

If she does, she could have sold some of her stocks or refinanced.

by Anonymousreply 39August 10, 2018 9:06 AM

A Mighty Heart was made 10 years ago. Things have changed at a breakneck pace since then. Can you imagine the backlash against Jolie if her boyfriend’s movie cast her today in this role instead of a more ethnically diverse person? From Wikipedia:

“The announcement of the casting of Angelina Jolie in the role of Mariane Pearl drew criticism within the African-American community.[19] Orville Lloyd Douglas, a pop critic, has criticized the casting[20] because, he said, "Jolie is white" and Mariane Pearl is "mixed race". In fact, Pearl is the multi-racial daughter of a Dutch-Jewish father and an Afro-Chinese-Cuban mother.”

by Anonymousreply 40August 10, 2018 9:09 AM

There was a backlash, but everyone was so much up in Angie's ass that they didn't notice.

by Anonymousreply 41August 10, 2018 9:13 AM

R41 If only Scarlett Johansson were so lucky.

by Anonymousreply 42August 10, 2018 9:14 AM

The bitch got $8 million and can't live on that? And she's a UN Ambassador for children? WHat the fuck does she see when she travels to war torn areas? Kids drinking San Pellegrino and wearing Prada? Hypocrite batshit crazy loon. If i could get my hands on her, I'd kick her arse from here to kingdom come.

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by Anonymousreply 43August 10, 2018 9:17 AM

This pretty much shows you how laughable these celebrity net worth estimates almost always are. Few to none of these people are worth what people (including themselves) claim.

by Anonymousreply 44August 10, 2018 9:18 AM

That vile bitch just wants more money so she can buy more loved ones from 3rd world countries. Those kids should be taken away from her and turned over the Brad. At least he has some parenting skills and is willing to make the kids act right, and punish them if need be. I have little doubt Jolie lets those ragamuffins run wild like forest creatures.

by Anonymousreply 45August 10, 2018 9:20 AM

[quote]This pretty much shows you how laughable these celebrity net worth estimates almost always are. Few to none of these people are worth what people (including themselves) claim.

So true.

However, most fans don't take into consideration that a $20 million payday for a film is dished out in to the government, the agent, the manager, the stylist, the hairdresser, the trainer, and then the actor.

by Anonymousreply 46August 10, 2018 9:26 AM

Well the paychecks written to big stars are misleading to begin with. A million-dollar paycheck still has to deduct ~30 percent in taxes, ~25-30 percent for managment and agency fees, personal assistants, makeup artists, etc. It’s a high-income and high-expense job. And of course lots of stars blindly trust money managers and get fleeced by them. I don’t have sympathy for these celebrities who fall prey to poor money management because they certainly can make wiser choices, but it seems like it’s not that uncommon for even very famous people to have financial crises after they stop getting gigantic paychecks.

by Anonymousreply 47August 10, 2018 9:27 AM

Let's not forget the plastic surgeries for upkeep for the job.

by Anonymousreply 48August 10, 2018 9:32 AM

Wow, Angie's team is swinging.

[quote]Jolie indicated in a court filing Tuesday that Pitt has not been paying “meaningful” child support during their separation. The actor responded with his own court filing stating he had paid over $1.3 million to provide for the actress and their six children, as well as a loan of $8 million to help her purchase her current home.

“Following the incident of September 2016, Angelina and the children needed to move from the family home, which Brad chose to keep, including all of its contents,” she said.

Bley DeJean, who filed Jolie’s court papers on Tuesday in the Los Angeles Superior Court, claimed the actor was “asked to assist in the expense of a new home for Angelina” and their six children but “instead he loaned Angelina money, for which he is charging her interest on a payment plan.”

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by Anonymousreply 49August 10, 2018 9:43 AM

she is a hateful evil monster who wants to ruin brad financially and emotionally



by Anonymousreply 50August 10, 2018 9:47 AM

R49 “According to her attorney, Jolie “is asking Brad to pay 50% of the children’s expenses,” but that the actor “has not” paid his share. Angelina has had to shoulder the majority of those without his contribution for the past two years,” Bley DeJean said. “Child support is not optional in California. Typically a father of means would pay these expenses voluntarily without the need for a request or court order. We are hopeful that this can be resolved without further delay or posturing,” she continued.”

How the fuck much can “children’s expenses” be? Does that include $600 biweekly haircuts and $6,000 Gucci sneakers? Somehow, my friend Shamika who has no college degree has managed to support two kids all on her own, without eight million in child support.

Here is the typical/average child support payment:

“Per month this nets out to $212.50 a year, or $2,550 a year. But on average, the latest statistic we have available comes from the 2010 Census. According to the Census Bureau Reports, the average monthly child support payment is $430.”

by Anonymousreply 51August 10, 2018 9:52 AM

Wow they both look like shit in those photos at R49. Good looking people gone to seed. He looks like my alcoholic cousin who hung himself and Angie looks old, old, old. I don't envy them or feel sorry for them. Ok. I do feel a bit sorry for Brad, because he is pretty dumb and no longer pretty.

by Anonymousreply 52August 10, 2018 9:52 AM

LOL @ R52...are you ageless? Please post a photo along with your age.

Brad does seem somewhat limited in certain ways, but I can’t feel too bad for him. As people have said, you reap what you sow. Smart or not, he bailed out on what may have been a solid relationship for a fling with Hollywood’s sexiest actress, who made a big deal of showing off how crazy she is by publicly attacking her father, marrying a homely dude named Billy Bob, wearing his blood in a vial, making out with her brother in a public display and bragging about being a self-mutilator who collects knives. Her celebrated acting jobs were playing mentally unstable drug addict Gia and a mental patient in Girl, Interrupted, who drove someone to suicide. No matter dumb he is, there were too many warning signs to ignore. People who choose to bring the excitement of crazy people into their lives have to accept the damage that choice brings. For someone as wealthy as he is, he will weather the financial losses just fine. I do feel bad for their kids.

by Anonymousreply 53August 10, 2018 10:00 AM

[quote] For someone as wealthy as he is, he will weather the financial losses just fine.

For six kids?

I'm sure Angie is going to jack up the cost to raise those kids. Well, maybe she doesn't, since she has nannies and probably tutors for each kid.

That's 18 salaries.

by Anonymousreply 54August 10, 2018 10:04 AM

R54 He has millions upon millions of personal wealth. What’s it for if not to raise his kids? Just to amass it and sit on a throne in a palace? People’s priorities are fucked up. If she is a psycho, the dude needs to sue for custody and raise the kids himself. No matter how rich or how poor, anyone who prioritizes protecting personal wealth over providing for kids has no business being a parent.

by Anonymousreply 55August 10, 2018 10:07 AM

It seems like she has more to lose. Deadbeat dads are not usually raked over the coals for too long—they’re ultimately forgiven in the court of public opinion, and Brad Pitt will always win favor because of his “sexiest man” draw to women and his man’s-man appeal to men, what with Fight Club and other “very masculine” movie roles.

Angelina’s reputation is tenuous by her own making. She effectively transformed her persona in the public eye from a rebellious ingenue to Sexy Mother Theresa and self-made orphanage den mother. If Brad has dirt on her—talk about leverage. I have a feeling he could devastate this image she has made for herself if he wanted. But he seems like the type who avoids conflict and doesn’t want to be mean, and so she will win out. I’m sure one of her factors in identifying mates is making sure that they are nice enough to lie still as she drives the steamroller over them.

by Anonymousreply 56August 10, 2018 10:15 AM

These two are going to ruin their careers if they keep us this vitriol and hate. They’ll turn everyday off.

by Anonymousreply 57August 10, 2018 10:25 AM

Pitt is an idiot, getting involved with a nutcase like Jolie and having 10 children with her on top of it, is just the stupidest thing he could have ever done. She's absolutely cray cray.

by Anonymousreply 58August 10, 2018 10:31 AM

R58 Real life femme fatale. At least she represented herself honestly to the world as a predatory vamp. It’s just like an old noir movie: everyone, including Brad, saw that the dame was bad news, and everybody, including Brad, wanted her.

by Anonymousreply 59August 10, 2018 10:34 AM

[quote]He has millions upon millions of personal wealth. What’s it for if not to raise his kids? Just to amass it and sit on a throne in a palace? People’s priorities are fucked up.

I'm sure he has money, and according to his side he paying more money than any judge would order. Currently, they have an informal agreement, and I'm sure Angie who got a house loan in the midst of all of this was not leaving any chips on the table. I think now that the 2 year agreement is coming to a close, she is putting Brad on blast and trying to make him pay back child support payment.

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by Anonymousreply 60August 10, 2018 10:36 AM


Even though, he has been paying her over $100K a month.

(according to sources)

by Anonymousreply 61August 10, 2018 10:37 AM

[quote]One of the is a $61 million vinyard in France that they spend $12 in renovation.

What did they purchase? A plastic lawnchair from Wal*Mart?

[quote]It had a budget of $16 million and Jolie was paid $10. What a horrible deal, considering that the film was a big flop.

I'll say! Could she even purchase a ticket to see her own movie at the local theater? I suppose a matinee. At least she could purchase about 40 Ramen meals with that salary.

[quote]On her press tour, Angelina did bring a lot of attention to Minnie Pearl, which is a nice side effect, although the role also served to advance Jolie’s social justice crusader persona.

Did she make an appearance at the Grand Ole Opry?

by Anonymousreply 62August 10, 2018 10:53 AM

"On her press tour, Angelina did bring a lot of attention to Minnie Pearl, which is a nice side effect, although the role also served to advance Jolie’s social justice crusader persona. Did she make an appearance at the Grand Ole Opry?""

Bwahahahaha! Don't give her any ideas

by Anonymousreply 63August 10, 2018 11:11 AM

LOL @ R62

by Anonymousreply 64August 10, 2018 11:42 AM

I am the Minnie Pearl person! My only excuse is I wrote that during a wakeful period in the middle of the night!

by Anonymousreply 65August 10, 2018 12:40 PM

Brad made his bed. Now he gets to lie in it forEVER. (Because the hate of a Borderline is savage and eternal.)

by Anonymousreply 66August 10, 2018 1:04 PM

Why on earth would she agree to a loan from the man she's divorcing, and to paying him back with interest? It doesn't make sense.

She'd already moved out of the family home -- remember how she had that rental already set up to run to when she and Brad got into a fight on the plane? So she wasn't forced out of the family home like her lawyer suggests, because she was already gone.

And why would Pitt agree to loan her anything, knowing it would look terrible if the public got wind of it? His lawyers would never have signed off on that.

by Anonymousreply 67August 10, 2018 2:13 PM

She may very well be broke. All the traveling, nannies, upkeep on the homes, cars, clothes, managers etc. I am sure she is going thru money like it’s water. To maintain this lifestyle is very expensive. She is not in demand anymore. She has to get the money from someone. Poor stupid Brad, he will never be rid of this demon. She will literally suck him dry.

by Anonymousreply 68August 10, 2018 3:56 PM

She is a viper. He was a fool to get involved with her in the first place. It was obvious she was the alpha and he went along with everything she wanted. That soothed her enough that the viper didn't reveal itself. But somewhere he finally found his balls, through an alcohol haze, and he said no more. He has cleaned himself up and wants to be a guy who directs his own life. I do think he loves his kids. But he will always have to deal with the crazy one.

by Anonymousreply 69August 10, 2018 4:02 PM

He loaned her 8 million to live in her current home. That's how sick the celebrity world is. She visits 3rd world countries but she can't live in less than an 8 million dollar home. Although I guess 8 million doesn't buy much in California these days so if she can go to Belgium and Somalia with her kids why can't she just take them and move to South Dakota and buy a 700,000 dollar mansion. What difference does it matter where these children of the world live?

by Anonymousreply 70August 10, 2018 4:11 PM

I think her career is pretty much washed up. How will she maintain her extravagant lifestyle? Get the checkbook out Brad. Even though she has made millions, she is blowing thru it big time.

by Anonymousreply 71August 10, 2018 4:12 PM

Also ironically r11 Brad wanted kids, a family, Aniston was quoted recently as saying she didn't want those things. So Brad got caught up in Angelina because she was already a parent and would be into having more children. Now he probably won't have any kids at all because from what I've seen, the woman is usually successful at brainwashing the kids against the dad.

Unless Brad hooks up with a younger woman and starts over, he's going to be childless until those kids are grown and can come seek him out for themselves if they want to.

by Anonymousreply 72August 10, 2018 4:26 PM

Could he make a trust exclusively for the children or each child with the provision that they gain control after they are 18 or older? Sort of like paying into the child support but Angie can't touch it. The woman is rich, she can take care of the kids on her own. He can pay child support but not to her, just to the trusts. I'd love to see that.

by Anonymousreply 73August 10, 2018 4:28 PM

Her wealth was valued this year at over $180MM. She's just being an asshole about this.

by Anonymousreply 74August 10, 2018 4:30 PM

This week didn't it come out in the news that Angie's lawyer is thinking of quitting because things have gotten so crazy the lawyer doesn't want to deal with it anymore? This was supposed to be an amicable divorce and Angie is getting vicious. The lawyer didn't sign on for that.

by Anonymousreply 75August 10, 2018 4:37 PM

No, I bet Ang has financial problems already. Yes, she's been paid tens of millions for films, but she had to give huge chunks of that to her agents and managers and pay taxes on it, and she's been living HIGH for decades. Not spending much on food for herself or tuition for the kids, of course, but she's been extravagant in terms of real estate and travel and luxury accomodations, and especially staff. Nannies for each kid, around the clock which means several shifts, and paying for them to travel all over the world and stay in the best hotels with you?

Her career has been in low gear for the last five years and was spotty before that, she never got the kind of big bucks Pitt did with his production deals. The only way she's seriously rich now is if she's been saving her own money, and spending his. But even then, dragging an army of servants all over the world and paying for the world's best divorce lawyers is a great way to burn through tens of millions fast.

by Anonymousreply 76August 10, 2018 7:33 PM

R67, depends how it's structured. It might not be an actual loan that she pays back on a monthly or other basis. It's not at all uncommon during divorces for one spouse to agree to give or cede something to the other on a temporary basis which will then be resolved as part of the final financial settlement. For example, I often have temporary orders in case to split some cost (like a forensic evaluation or home appraisal) "50%/50% subject to redistribution" so the court or the parties can later agree one has to pay back the other for some or all of that cost.

Pitt may have "loaned" her the money calculating interest with at least the possibility it will be offset later. So, say they end up selling another property and have to divide the proceeds. He'll get a larger share of that to payback the "loan" or they'll just agree to transfer it to him outright, or etc. This would make sense if Brad has more cash on hand than she does, even if they both have a lot of property/assets. It also probably relates to Brad's insistence the kids maintain a home base in LA near him--part of the negotiation/deal at least temporarily is he put up money for that home.

As to the exorbitant high living costs of the so-called devoted humanitarians: anyone paying attention knew these 2 were frauds on that front already.

by Anonymousreply 77August 10, 2018 7:54 PM

Hollywood does not appear to be knocking on her door. My guess is she is running low on money.

by Anonymousreply 78August 10, 2018 8:02 PM

And if she is running low on money she's not going to cut her spending, because she'll feel entitled to enough child support to keep living in the style to which she's become accustomed.

She's going to do what her mother did, and be a financial albatross around Pitt's neck for the rest of her life.

by Anonymousreply 79August 10, 2018 8:13 PM

All she has on her plate right now are a couple low-hanging Disney movies. As for the one she just pulled out of, notice there was no big announcement of her participation in the first place (or if there was it had no traction). Cleopatra appears to be DOA (at least with her), as is the Leaky biopic she was supposed to direct (but couldn't get funding for).

by Anonymousreply 80August 10, 2018 8:14 PM

Pitt by contrast has a ton of upcoming projects he's producing (where the real money is) for film and TV, plus he's in the upcoming Tarantino movie and supposedly WWZ2.

by Anonymousreply 81August 10, 2018 8:16 PM

Brad will never be free of this blood sucker. She will hold the children over his head and bleed him dry. Hope he keeps a lot of projects lined up.

by Anonymousreply 82August 10, 2018 8:19 PM

Brad is probably wishing he had left that pussy alone.

by Anonymousreply 83August 10, 2018 8:34 PM

Have they ever said why they broke up?

by Anonymousreply 84August 11, 2018 2:55 AM

R84, if he does it with you, he’ll do it to you.

by Anonymousreply 85August 11, 2018 3:25 AM


by Anonymousreply 86August 11, 2018 3:39 AM

Both of them were mind numbingly stupid and selfish to have six kids. What a nightmare it must be trying to juggle the kids' needs along with globe trotting and demanding careers. It was a ticking time bomb.

by Anonymousreply 87August 11, 2018 4:03 AM

I'm not that surprised. She's barely worked in the past 5 years, and with the exception of Maleficent, I doubt she was making big blockbuster paychecks on any of her movies. Her acting career always paled in comparison commercially to the hype of her tabloid career. Most of her movies were passion projects, not money makers.

Meanwhile, Brad Pitt is probably one of the highest paid movie stars in Hollywood, with an extensive producing credits as well.

by Anonymousreply 88August 11, 2018 4:24 AM

[quote]And why would Pitt agree to loan her anything, knowing it would look terrible if the public got wind of it? His lawyers would never have signed off on that.

According to the article, it was an informal agreement between Angie and Brad. No lawyers involved.

by Anonymousreply 89August 11, 2018 8:29 AM

[quote]I'm not that surprised. She's barely worked in the past 5 years, and with the exception of Maleficent, I doubt she was making big blockbuster paychecks on any of her movies. Her acting career always paled in comparison commercially to the hype of her tabloid career.

Not only that, it isn't how much you make, but how much you keep. Angelina blew through her money with her extravagent lifestyle. Now, people are wondering about her money, and I think that's why she got this PR piece written about her spending and income. It lies and says that Angie doesn't think twice about wearing a thrift store dress to the red carpet. BS!

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by Anonymousreply 90August 11, 2018 8:49 AM


Angie lies and says she flies coach. Did she forget about the infamous flight that lead to the divorce? It clearly says in this link that they were flying on a private aircraft.

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by Anonymousreply 91August 11, 2018 8:51 AM

Between 2018 - 2020, Brad Pitt has 13 productions lined up or in progress, and five acting gigs. That’s...a lot. I didn’t realize he is such an active film and television producer. I’ve always found him to come across as personally boring but as a compelling actor whose acting career is packed with unusual and very interesting projects.

I’ve always thought of Jolie as savvy, hghly intelligent, cunning. Looking at her career, it’s mostly bad action movies with a few more nuanced character roles and not much else. I’m going to have to rethink this.

by Anonymousreply 92August 11, 2018 9:47 AM

crazy bitch had her tits removed jus in case she may git cancer !!!!!

by Anonymousreply 93August 11, 2018 11:36 AM

R93 That’s a good way to distract from a facelift!

by Anonymousreply 94August 11, 2018 11:42 AM

I Think that was just more bullshit from Jolie, r93. She probably just had more plastic surgery procedures and a boob job.

by Anonymousreply 95August 11, 2018 11:45 AM

She'd had implants for ages and just swapped out the old ones and her breast tissue for new implants and a chance of good PR. We've all seen pics of her smoking so health wouldn't be her motivation.

by Anonymousreply 96August 11, 2018 12:07 PM

If she had any integrity as a self-mutilator, she would have cut her breasts off with her very own switchblade knife. It’s all a show!

by Anonymousreply 97August 11, 2018 12:12 PM

R72 how many women do you think are after Pitt? Countless that’s how many. Even in his 50s I’d still drain that cock every chance I’d got. He will start over again with a chick in her 20s and she will pop out like three or four kids. Look at Alec Baldwin and that gold digger that latched onto him.

by Anonymousreply 98August 11, 2018 1:44 PM

Damn haters, just kill her and get it over with

She has the most animated haters in all of lala land. They literally want to kill her because they are so jealous of her enormous wealth and fulfilling life.

She is so beautiful and worth about 150m. She will probably live to be 125 years old with a new man.

by Anonymousreply 99August 11, 2018 2:25 PM

R99 As long as she keeps landing virile, gorgeous, wealthy young man and sucking out their life forces, I’ll bet you’re right! She will live to be 125!

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by Anonymousreply 100August 11, 2018 2:29 PM

She is so sweet. Watch this interview and then go walk past those jars of pickled body parts and keep walking until you get to that rectangle thing with a knob on it. Go outside and get some fresh air.

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by Anonymousreply 101August 11, 2018 2:35 PM

I get so tickled watching ghouls foam about her when they will never even be in the same time zone as her.

She has a 75m vineyard, at least one gorgeous 25m palace in CA and god knows what other beautiful properties. Her life is a dream. Brad is having a midlife crisis and she’s doesn’t have to deal with that. Who needs it?

They will reach an ageeement and life will go on.

by Anonymousreply 102August 11, 2018 2:39 PM

Brad probably loaned her the $8M to purchase the Cecil B Demille Estate in Los Angeles. She paid $24.5M for the property. I doubt she’s broke.

I’m wondering if the $8M loan is an advance against property they own jointly that they intend to sell. Brad advanced her the money and will keep his share plus $8M when the transactions are completed? That would be the only logical explanation as to why he would loan her such a large sum of money. What business manager would approve loaning your estranged and obviously very vindictive wife such a huge sum of money unless it were attached to tangible assets such as jointly owned real estate? Perhaps it’s similar to when Tiger Woods divorced. For several years his ex wife held a note on his primary residence until he completed paying her their agreed upon settlement. Just throwing out ideas to provide some sort of explanation

Angie’s house in Los Feliz is beautiful. Link below.

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by Anonymousreply 103August 11, 2018 2:58 PM

He was probably more liquid than her at that moment. The Los Feliz house is so perfect in every way. Lovely.

by Anonymousreply 104August 11, 2018 3:02 PM

I always thought the Octomom resembles Jolie. I hope Angie doesn’t become desperate enough to sell masturbating-mommy porn!

by Anonymousreply 105August 11, 2018 3:03 PM

We need a Mr and Mrs Smith sequel. Did they die in the first one?

by Anonymousreply 106August 11, 2018 3:05 PM

Love the house.

by Anonymousreply 107August 11, 2018 3:58 PM

She bought a $25 million house? She does not deserve an $8 million loan. CASE CLOSED.

by Anonymousreply 108August 11, 2018 4:02 PM

That's a nice house but it's not 25 mil nice. I think that AJ has always been a manipulative attention whore, the kids are purely for show. Brad Pitt is pretty but dumb. I hope fucking the crazy was worth it.

by Anonymousreply 109August 11, 2018 4:40 PM

Is it just me or did Angelina Jolie look better without the chin implant?

by Anonymousreply 110August 11, 2018 4:49 PM

R110 It's not just you.

by Anonymousreply 111August 11, 2018 4:51 PM

Most actors that buy in Los Feliz do so because it's convenient to the studios in the Valley. Does she even need that?

by Anonymousreply 112August 11, 2018 5:10 PM

R106 That would be a RIOT.

by Anonymousreply 113August 11, 2018 5:17 PM

He's financially responsible to pay child support. An 8 million dollar loan WITH interest doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay child support anymore.

Brad sounds like a major assailed.

by Anonymousreply 114August 11, 2018 5:25 PM

MAJOR assailed.

by Anonymousreply 115August 11, 2018 5:28 PM

I know it would never happen but wouldn’t you just love it if this bitch ended up destitute and working some minimum wage job or on welfare.

by Anonymousreply 116August 11, 2018 5:30 PM

I wouldn’t love that, but I would love it if she ended up living in a shanty in Malawi among the people whose children she and Madonna purchased. I don’t want her to suffer, but experiencing the reality of the world she has exploited for her persona-building exercises would be a worthwhile life lesson.

by Anonymousreply 117August 11, 2018 5:33 PM

it was easy to see Jolie was crazy but Brad chose to marry her & publicly humiliate Aniston. I'm not a fan of Aniston but you don't do that to someone who loved you. I don't feel sorry for him but oh, I feel so sorry for those children.

by Anonymousreply 118August 11, 2018 5:47 PM

This is what I think happened. Angie and Brad don't have as much money as being "estimated", because celebrity wealth that's reported in the media is almost always wrong.

Then there's also all the taxes and people that get paid. So let's says Angie has grossed 160 mill. Half goes to us government, add all the percents that go to her management team. This isn't including any other taxes she had to pay in other countries she lives in. Add the millions she's spent on properties and other big purchaes . I also think Brad and Angie probably used her money for the majority of things and everyday living, for last ten years. He seems douchey enough and she seems stupid enough to think it made them "equals" in the relationship.

Brad is on the hook for the child support, no matter how money Angelina has in the bank, but I think she doesn't have anywhere near the amount that's being repo. Or she does and it's tied up in investments

by Anonymousreply 119August 11, 2018 5:53 PM

Yeah, no pity for Pitt. He chose the vampiric femme fatale over the good, boring girl. A tale as old a time...

by Anonymousreply 120August 11, 2018 5:54 PM

^^^^ reported

by Anonymousreply 121August 11, 2018 5:56 PM

She’s broke! She’s living like Madonna but not raking in $100million tours. Madonna is a good business woman, Angie is not.

by Anonymousreply 122August 11, 2018 5:59 PM

R122 Also, Madonna only has a small litter of children, whereas Angie has a whole farm.

by Anonymousreply 123August 11, 2018 6:08 PM

They had homes in New Orleans and the south of France. What happened to them? The French one was amazing. Country estate.

by Anonymousreply 124August 11, 2018 6:39 PM

R103 I'm not feeling the pool area. It reminds me of a Roman Amphitheater. Doesn't Madonna have 5 children now?

by Anonymousreply 125August 11, 2018 7:01 PM

Jolie’s not trying to give the little girl who dresses like a tomboy hormones is she? I read somewhere else that she trying to make out that the kid might be trans....

by Anonymousreply 126August 11, 2018 8:22 PM

[quote] his man’s-man appeal to men

Brad Pitt? Hahahaha, good one.

by Anonymousreply 127August 12, 2018 4:13 AM

[quote]Doesn't Madonna have 5 children now?

Six, actually.

Two are adults, the other 4 live with her.

by Anonymousreply 128August 12, 2018 4:37 AM

[quote]it was easy to see Jolie was crazy but Brad chose to marry her & publicly humiliate Aniston. I'm not a fan of Aniston but you don't do that to someone who loved you. I don't feel sorry for him but oh, I feel so sorry for those children.

I so agree.

Brad is getting his Karma buy paying through the nose. Angie is getting her Karma because bitch is broke.

by Anonymousreply 129August 12, 2018 7:41 AM

TMZ reports that money is tight for Angie. She's setting up the stage to get some alimony, but unfortunately for Angie, they waited until gay marriage was legal, which meant they've only been married for a couple of years.

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by Anonymousreply 130August 12, 2018 11:30 AM

why aint she n prison for all the emotional abuse she has put them kids thru, its well known. unreal.... she knows the kids luv daddy more than her , and it kills her..

by Anonymousreply 131August 12, 2018 1:14 PM

If I was Brad and I really cared about my children, then I’d seriously consider trying to get either full or shared custody. The way she’s treating those kids is disgraceful, especially the little girl that she dresses up as a boy. It’s obvious that the child is too young to know what she is, and yet Jolie is imposing some kind of trans identity on the kid. That is severe psychological and emotional abuse that she is inflicting on her own daughter due to her own fucked up issues. Brad needs to step in know and try to take control before Jolie does irreparable damage to the entire family.

by Anonymousreply 132August 12, 2018 1:36 PM

R132 I absolutely agree about selling Shihloh as trans. She is fucking up a little tomboy just to seem interesting.

by Anonymousreply 133August 12, 2018 1:48 PM

Two of her girls are dressing like little men. Not even like tomboys which lots of girls are at that age.

by Anonymousreply 134August 12, 2018 1:50 PM

Actually, R123, Madonna also has 6 children now.

by Anonymousreply 135August 12, 2018 1:55 PM

Both of her bio daughters are T. One was transed literally from birth, the younger is more recent.

by Anonymousreply 136August 12, 2018 1:58 PM

"they waited until gay marriage was legal"

Bullshit. Obergefell was 2015. If anything, the timing of the marriage was they were both starting (failed) Oscar campaigns and she was selling a film to a large evangelical audience. She was profiled on the 700 Club to promote it, for fucks sake.

by Anonymousreply 137August 12, 2018 2:05 PM

What's up with Z's hairline? It starts at the top of her head. If not for that, she'd be the most attractive of the bunch. Can that be fixed? She also strikes me as the most happy and normal of all the kids. In most pictures she smiling.

The asian ones look like Angie's body guards while out in public. They always look angry and never smile. Especially Pax. I don't think there is a single picture of that kid smiling in all this time. Usually, he's scowling. To me he looks like a budding serial killer.

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by Anonymousreply 138August 12, 2018 2:09 PM

R138 Zahara is East African. I believe specifically from the Habesha people and they commonly have that kind of high hairline/ large forehead look. It's just genetic.

by Anonymousreply 139August 12, 2018 9:36 PM

Angelina purchased Zahara from Iman.

by Anonymousreply 140August 12, 2018 10:01 PM

I can see some of these kids heading for Christian Brando territory.

by Anonymousreply 141August 12, 2018 10:17 PM

"TMZ reports that money is tight for Angie. She's setting up the stage to get some alimony"

Her money problems are probably exaggerated, it's very common for people to cry poor during a divorce. I doubt she's super-rich but she's got to have plenty to live on, if she lived sensibly.

But she doesn't want to live sensibly, she wants to both extract revenge on Pitt and use him to fund her extravagant lifestyle, because how else can she fund her extravagant lifestyle? She's not earning much as an actress these days and doesn't have many big paydays in her future, now that she's forty and her looks are fading, and the fading looks, anorexia, feral children, and vicious public divorce tactics are going to scare off any other rich husbands.

by Anonymousreply 142August 12, 2018 11:55 PM

I looked at a few photos of Z and her hairline is much further back than it used to be when she was younger. Years of wearing it tightly pulled back may have caused alopecia?

Why is Z the only one allowed to be girly?

by Anonymousreply 143August 13, 2018 12:05 AM

My friend is a nanny whose employers visited Jolie last year. She complained that Zahara's nanny didn't know how to condition the girl's hair properly, especially before letting her swim in the pool (chlorine causes coarse hair to break). My guess is that genetics may be a factor, but she is suffering even more from the environmental effects of poor hair care.

by Anonymousreply 144August 13, 2018 12:30 AM

Her biological mother has a somewhat lower hairline. I do not think I have seen any pics where Z looks like her hair is well cared for. These kids are props, the parents did not learn about caring for her hair, nor did they hire/retain professional help for it.

Wonder why Vivienne has to be T as well? She was dressed like a girl for years.

The boys look angry.

It would be ideal if they were to attend school with LA as a home base. Kids should have their own social networks.

by Anonymousreply 145August 13, 2018 1:47 AM

It's a little too late to put those freaks in school. Those kids are ruined being raised in that crazy, dragged all over the world with only each other for friends. Brad Pitt didn't exactly fail them - there's no winning against a witch. She'll win this round too.

by Anonymousreply 146August 13, 2018 1:56 AM


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by Anonymousreply 147August 13, 2018 1:58 AM

Angelina Jolie clearly feels threatened by having two pretty blonde daughters.

by Anonymousreply 148August 13, 2018 1:59 AM

You never hear about her oding or being saved with Narcan, but she has been an addict for years. Better NDAs?

Did Vivienne being dressed as a boy coincide with the ending of the romance with Pitt? Mommy does not like pretty young white girls around?

by Anonymousreply 149August 13, 2018 2:00 AM

she borrowed the $ towards the purchase of her house she just bought. First she way way overpaid for her house in laughlin park (los Feliz). She paid the listing price of $25 mil and it was probably worth about 15 mil max. So that is the first questionable thing..maybe she didnt have the full $25 mil in cash sitting around? All the real estate was apparently in Brad s name and she left his house with the kids. It also might be a negotiating ploy to forgive the loan in the settlement negotiations. I would say both better save their $ somewhat as the big bucks wont be rolling in all that much longer. I get the sense Brad is and always has been a spendaholic but is being passive aggressive about $ as he is pissed the PR in the divorce has gone against him.

by Anonymousreply 150August 13, 2018 2:02 AM

Well she certainly didn't eat away her coins.

by Anonymousreply 151August 13, 2018 2:03 AM

She’s broke because she’s a drug addict and financially extravagant. She’s truly a foolish woman who has a misplaced sense of entitlement. Foolish, foolish woman.

by Anonymousreply 152August 13, 2018 2:04 AM

The kids all often look disheveled. V often looks like her hair is not combed. At least Z looks tidier. She is often dressed in kind of skimpy clothes, very short shorts, etc. Opposite swing of the pendulum.

The kids should be in school and have relationships outside the family.

Is Maddox college age? Knox does not seem to have a bond to the older boys. These kids deserved better.

by Anonymousreply 153August 13, 2018 2:10 AM

Most parents with even two or three kids are run ragged getting them to all their sports and other activities. Do the Jolie-Pitt kids do anything besides shop with mommy.....when they're not being forced to wander the globe?

by Anonymousreply 154August 13, 2018 4:30 AM

I am a white female and have a very high forehead--five head going on six. I absolutely despise it and feel for Z. IS there any kind of plastic surgery that can be done for that? If I had a big nose, I could just have a nose job....

by Anonymousreply 155August 13, 2018 5:53 AM

There is a forehead procedure. I would definitely talk to someone that has had it done. You will have a scare at the hairline.

by Anonymousreply 156August 13, 2018 6:12 AM

That's just a scalp reduction. Trump had it done and a lot of MtF also get it done to reduce the amount of visible forehead. Just buy yourself some clip in bangs and save yourself the pain, numbness and grief.

by Anonymousreply 157August 13, 2018 6:21 AM

If you are an observant person R157 even with bangs a person would be able to tell you have a large forehead

by Anonymousreply 158August 13, 2018 2:03 PM

I remember when angelina was pregnant and everyone was saying with her and brads genes the child would be beautiful.

The bio children ended up quite average looking. Nothing special.

Even with long hair the girls would look like any other girl children so don't really see what angelina would feel so threatened about. Shilo reminds me of the actress from a little princess 1995 and well...google what she looks like today.

by Anonymousreply 159August 13, 2018 2:16 PM

Yeah, the bio kids are nothing special.

by Anonymousreply 160August 13, 2018 2:47 PM

Brad will continue in Hollywood and will do well. Now that he's dumped her, he's been forgiven and all is well again. For the time they were together, he was able to buy her a few gigs, but that's over now. No more directing jobs, no more acting jobs for Ange, she's done in tinseltown. She has no friends, what family she has is those poor, fucked up kids and her even more fucked up bro, and whatever money she can suck out of Brad because of those kids. And that's his punishment for what he did to his former wife, the lies he and and Angelina spread about Jennifer, in order to make it ok that they had a torrid affair and Ange got pg while Brad was still married to Jennifer. Angelina is an evil, psychotic freak and he couldn't resist the pussy...so he'll have it hanging on his forever now. Stephen King should use this as a storyline.

by Anonymousreply 161August 13, 2018 2:56 PM

I wish I could take Shiloh and Viv and give them the chance to be girls. It's not right to ruin their lives just because they were born pretty and their own freak mother is jealous of them.

by Anonymousreply 162August 13, 2018 2:58 PM

R161: Yeah, those kids are going to be like a millstone round his neck for the rest of his life. He’s in his mid fifties, so it’s not like he’s still young enough to find someone else and move on. Yes, he could find himself a young famewhore like Alec Baldwin, but Jolie’s always going to be there with all those fucked up kids. No actress of any substance will want to get involved with Pitt now.

by Anonymousreply 163August 13, 2018 3:05 PM

I disagree that the bio girls are not attractive. Not so much Viv, but Shilo is gorgeous with just minimal effort. She has beautiful, thick blond hair (from dad), big blue eyes, a perfect nose and Angie's trademark "pillow" lips. She has classic "model" facial features ---everything nicely proportioned. She'll be a stunner once she hits her late teens....if she wants to be.

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by Anonymousreply 164August 13, 2018 10:14 PM

[quote]Between 2018 - 2020, Brad Pitt has 13 productions lined up or in progress, and five acting gigs. That’s...a lot. I didn’t realize he is such an active film and television producer.

He’s got an Oscar for producing 12 Years a Slave. His production company, Plan B, has had quite a few Oscar wins and nominations. Very well regarded.

by Anonymousreply 165August 14, 2018 12:09 AM

Plan B also produced Moonlight. The best thing that could happen to those kids is for Angie to kick the bucket. My mom was a narcissist it's the worst & it leaves you with PTSD.

by Anonymousreply 166August 14, 2018 12:21 AM

[quote] The bio children ended up quite average looking. Nothing special.

Their kids have unique features. I wouldn't say they are average looking. Whether you think those offbeat features make them beautiful is debatable. I find them a little creepy looking honestly.

by Anonymousreply 167August 14, 2018 12:39 AM

Isn't it great of Brad and Ang to make their children into public figures, so that the likes of us can sit here debating whether they're good-looking or not?

Nothing's better for a growing child's self-esteem!

by Anonymousreply 168August 14, 2018 12:43 AM

R164 Mummy will have destroyed her, physically and mentally, before then

by Anonymousreply 169August 14, 2018 12:47 AM

R164 google liesel pritzker simmons.

She reminds me of shilo but liesel was a beautiful child and then grew up to be...well, you'll see for yourself.

Check out what she ended up looking as a teen and young adult.

by Anonymousreply 170August 14, 2018 1:34 AM

Trashing kids appearances is low for even datalounge.

It’s disgusting what you troglodytes think is casual banter.

by Anonymousreply 171August 14, 2018 1:36 AM

R171 but it's ok to sexualize children? Which is what you weirdo frau hags do.

No one trashed them btw. We just said they are average looking like any other kids and then some emotional frau got heated and talked about "pillowy lips and thick hair" etc And talking about a mother being jealous of her own child for her beauty. Bizarre and deranged but that's hags for ya.

by Anonymousreply 172August 14, 2018 1:39 AM

Stop dissecting children's looks. It's weird and more than unkind. If you HATE Angelina or Brad that's kooky enough but to criticize their children is a crude pathology. Get yourself a hobby, a man, a dog or a life. Try on a tin hat for size.

by Anonymousreply 173August 14, 2018 1:41 AM

You people are sick of you think it’s normal to trash kids.

I don’t want to know what else you believe is “normal”

by Anonymousreply 174August 14, 2018 1:44 AM

thread closed.

by Anonymousreply 175August 14, 2018 1:46 AM

R174 Says the crazy cunt who supports transing children, fuck off frau

by Anonymousreply 176August 14, 2018 1:54 AM

My mother was an extreme violent borderline. She was Goodlooking, but thin and flat chested. I am female and when I hit puberty and became busty but thin, she terrorized me about my body nonstop until she lost custody when I was 16. She became obsessed with trying to see me naked. My father said it was because she was jealous that I was bustier. It would never have occurred to me to understand it as jealousy until my father said it. She tried to shame me nonstop.

by Anonymousreply 177August 14, 2018 1:55 AM

R16 I doubt all of Angelina Jolie’s writing, producing, directing And development fees Would be any more than two or $3 million. For her entire career. She hasn’t done a lot and the work that she has done is incredibly low paid

Someone else said that she was worth $160 million. I doubt that’s true. The media has absolutely no way of finding out what an actor is actually worth unless Specific litigation brings it to light. Even if she has earned that much as an actress, only about 30 to 40% of it actually ends up in her bank account after taxes agents manager and legal fees.

She has been earning money for a long time now and I wouldn’t be surprised if she had exponentially increased her wealth through investments in real estate and tech companies. Or Maybe she has burned through it all. Either as possible.

by Anonymousreply 178August 14, 2018 2:07 AM

The DeMille house has six bedrooms. Ordinarily that would be considered a lot. Looks like Angie will have to buy some bunk beds.

by Anonymousreply 179August 14, 2018 2:08 AM

If he's really loaded, wouldn't it make sense for Pitt to pay her off in exchange for shared custody? Write her a big, fat check and move on.

by Anonymousreply 180August 14, 2018 2:34 AM

He wants to see his kids often R180. Angelina is not making this all about money. She's hardly poor. There's a nasty divorce and custody battle here the likes that marriage equality forever single gays can't even imagine. You have to share AND give up your stuff and your money and your future money too sometimes. Why y'all so dense?

Marriage is a contract. I love my husband and we share everything. Because I'm lucky and that's love. We're gay. Legally married. Spiritually fuck it. So you risk everything too. If you have kids, don't ever break up without caring about them first. To some spouses that means getting as much property and $ as possible.

Ain't it time we said goodbye......you can't say we never tried. Angie.

by Anonymousreply 181August 14, 2018 2:47 AM

They are both so bitter. I wonder how long the hate had seeped in before they actually split up? In the wedding photos they just looked bored as hell with each other.

by Anonymousreply 182August 14, 2018 3:08 AM

He proved what a dumb fuck he is when he adopted the brown ones. I dodged that bullet and am living my life happy, free, and with MY money intact. Besides, it was like fucking a couch.

by Anonymousreply 183August 14, 2018 3:12 AM

Billy Bob's been married like six times, so he has both Brad and Angelina beat.

by Anonymousreply 184August 14, 2018 3:51 AM

The thought of fucking Bolly Bob makes me wretch.

by Anonymousreply 185August 14, 2018 4:47 AM

Poor Angie ..... Good drugs are so expensive!

by Anonymousreply 186August 14, 2018 5:37 AM

Are you kidding, R26?? It was reported that Brad was fucking Russian hookers while making his last picture! All of this drama is about Angie's bitterness over being cheated on. And don't get it twisted...Brad has just as many screws loose (drugs and hookers), as Angie does (eating disorders and daddy issues)!

by Anonymousreply 187August 14, 2018 5:52 AM

So... why should we feel sorry for Angie? How you get him is how you lose him, or shall I break it down? How you get the cheater is how you lose the cheater.

Anyway, whatever Brad did or didn't do, it's her Karma. Personally, I heard his drinking was what broke up the marriage.

by Anonymousreply 188August 14, 2018 7:29 AM

I guess another reason Angie doesn't want joint custody is that would mean less child support money for her.

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by Anonymousreply 189August 16, 2018 7:35 AM

How they spend their money, and is Z as trans now? Scroll to see the pic of her.

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by Anonymousreply 190August 16, 2018 7:38 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 191August 16, 2018 8:24 AM

Is Angie gaining weight?

by Anonymousreply 192August 16, 2018 9:05 AM

I just realized that Maddox recently turned 17 and will be a legal adult in a year. I'm honestly curious to see what he'll end up doing with his life. College? A nepotistic career in the film industry working behind the scenes?

He's likely been groomed his entire life to be Angie's surrogate husband, emotionally speaking, so if he does end up wanting to find his own way and distancing himself from his mother, expect an epic Cat 5 BPD meltdown.

by Anonymousreply 193August 16, 2018 10:13 AM

R193) All true, but I think he'll stick close to Angie, but if she becomes destitute, he'll bolt. Right now, she can live off of child support. When that ends, she'll sell the home, live off of that, and when it's all gone, he'll leave.

by Anonymousreply 194August 16, 2018 11:02 AM

^^WTF would you think AJ would ever be destitute? How stupid.

by Anonymousreply 195August 16, 2018 11:06 AM

You are an idiot, R195)

You think just because an actor receives a $20 million paycheck that it's all their money. Do you get to keep all of your paycheck? Hell no!

Then, actors have others to pay others like agents (10-15%) managers (20%), stylists, trainers, and the list goes on, but Angie's life with the kids is stratospherically expensive. She has nannies, bodyguards, tutors, and language teachers to teach each child any language they want to know.

by Anonymousreply 196August 16, 2018 11:15 AM

That's why her ass is broke!

by Anonymousreply 197August 16, 2018 11:19 AM

R196) Correction: she has six language teachers, one for each child.

by Anonymousreply 198August 16, 2018 11:21 AM

Only Angie gets to be a girl, R190. What a nutjob.

by Anonymousreply 199August 16, 2018 1:14 PM

[quote] You are an idiot, [R195]) You think just because an actor receives a $20 million paycheck that it's all their money

Oh yeah, what a moron for thinking a multi-millionaire has enough to live on for the rest of their life. Angelina Jolie will never be broke. You people who project your middle class problems onto the rich and famous are ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 200August 16, 2018 3:05 PM

For every Joey Lawrence who is broke, there is a Rob Lowe selling a $40 million dollar house. Some people are very good at handling their money, or at least finding good people to take care of it.

by Anonymousreply 201August 16, 2018 3:19 PM

Brad and Angelina had an open marriage. I know this second-hand, but I trust the friend. There was no cheating.

But those kinds of situations often lead to jealousy, misunderstandings and resentment. I wouldn’t be surprised if the arrangement was decided as a manipulation tactic by Jolie that she could use down the line. Pitt, the horny dope, went along with it.

by Anonymousreply 202August 16, 2018 3:30 PM

R202, I’ll bet. “Oh, Brad. monogamy is so bourgeois! I thought you were much more evolved than that...”

by Anonymousreply 203August 16, 2018 6:07 PM

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by Anonymousreply 204August 16, 2018 6:19 PM

Angelina has had some of the best plastic surgery money can buy . Jaw implants, facelifts , chin implants, cheek implants, nose jobs , eye jobs , and lip reshaping/ reduction.. not counting the body work . It’s all very subtle but she looks like a totally different person from the woman in Girl Interrupted. I kind of liked her softer , squishy, sensual look more than this . She definitely has Borderline Personality Disorder and probably Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Also opiate addiction on a grand scale if the rumours are true . The kids cannot be doing too well . This all takes up a lot of energy and the focus is on herself . It’s a shame that money can buy you children . I hope that Brad can intervene before they get too old .

by Anonymousreply 205August 16, 2018 6:32 PM

Irregardless of visitation they are both equally responsible for the care of the children. He owns the LA home. Whether or not she has a drug habit making 20 million dollars for one or two films isn’t the same as having 10 million in liquid funds. (Forbes net worth is BS). The fact that she had to take a loan from him proves that she didn’t plan out leaving as some have conjectured. In any divorce with this many children involved the house would usually go to the custodial parent. Brad is actually the one who’s getting accused of being delinquent on his charitable obligations and is also facing a lawsuit from a builder. Any father would be paying for housing, food, ‘school’ etc. The fact that the amounts are absorbadant speak to the opulent lifestyle.

by Anonymousreply 206August 16, 2018 6:38 PM



by Anonymousreply 207August 16, 2018 6:50 PM


by Anonymousreply 208August 16, 2018 7:31 PM

"Oh yeah, what a moron for thinking a multi-millionaire has enough to live on for the rest of their life. Angelina Jolie will never be broke."

Sweetie, all it takes to be broke is to spend more than you earn. Everyone knows it's very common for entertainers to go broke in mid-life or later, because so many keep spending like they'll always earn what they earned in their heyday.

She's taken home millions but not enough to live like a Sultan, but that's what she and Pitt have been doing with dragging their army-sized entourage from mansion to mansion all over the world. The only way she's in good financial shape is if she's spent Pitt's money and saved hers, but even if she has she won't be able to keep up that lifestyle on her own dime for long.

by Anonymousreply 209August 16, 2018 8:33 PM

Amen R209

by Anonymousreply 210August 16, 2018 9:22 PM


Is this FaceBook?

by Anonymousreply 211August 16, 2018 11:46 PM

R204, as a matter of fact you can make it up because that turned out to be a hoax.

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by Anonymousreply 212August 16, 2018 11:49 PM

True, r212, but even in her photoshopped disguise she looks exactly like Angie.

by Anonymousreply 213August 17, 2018 3:45 AM


Amen +2.

by Anonymousreply 214August 17, 2018 7:19 AM

I want to see a couple of fresh paparazzi shots of Jen and Brad together....doesn't have to mean anything, just a coordinated effort to snap Jolie mentally.

by Anonymousreply 215August 17, 2018 3:39 PM

Why should Jen help the cheater? He didn't care how she looked when he stepped out on her.

by Anonymousreply 216August 18, 2018 10:09 AM

If she wants publicity, and it's not like her career is in high gear, she could agree to have someone release some "surprise" pictures of them together. Because it's not like her career is in high gear.

But for all I know she's okay with that, and she's happy to leave the rom-coms and publicity behind her, and enjoy the good life. She can afford it.

by Anonymousreply 217August 18, 2018 11:52 PM

R204 That girl is a performance artist. She uses makeup and PhotoShop to create an exaggerated version of Angelina.

by Anonymousreply 218August 19, 2018 3:09 AM

The Shiloh Experiment...

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by Anonymousreply 219August 19, 2018 3:14 AM

The Jolie-Pitt kids are aged 17 to 10. Kids that age don't need their own individual nannies, for ffs. What the fuck does a 'nanny' of teenagers do?

by Anonymousreply 220August 19, 2018 4:26 AM

R219, good find. And now V and Z suddenly dress like boys too, V exclusively. What is that saying? 2 is a coincidence, 3 is a pattern?

The mental health and drug issues of A were likely exacerbated by menopause - she had a hysterectomy, yes? In any event, she would at least be in peri-menopause. She has boasted of having few life skills such as cooking and of having animals that pee on the furniture. Without an adult partner to balance things and to help provide narcissistic supply, she would deteriorate. Is M playing her husband? It is all extremely creepy.

by Anonymousreply 221August 19, 2018 5:58 AM

R220 Spend their salary on therapy and booze.

by Anonymousreply 222August 19, 2018 7:17 AM

She went into forced menopause after the surgery, nothing peri-menopause about it. She went cold turkey into it.

by Anonymousreply 223August 19, 2018 7:40 AM

Angie's "daughters"

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by Anonymousreply 224August 19, 2018 8:04 AM


Two girls are back to looking like girls.

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by Anonymousreply 225August 19, 2018 10:11 AM

Zahara is the only one who frequently wears dresses or skirts. I'm not sure if I've ever seen Viv wearing a dress.

by Anonymousreply 226August 19, 2018 10:32 AM

Vivienne *always* wore dresses or super “girly” outfits until Brad and Angie officially spilt.

Then Jolie’s second biological daughter started exclusively dressing like a boy (just like her other one).

Coincidence that this happened only after the split and after Jolie was given primary legal custody and influence over decisions for the kids?

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by Anonymousreply 227August 19, 2018 12:33 PM

Post Jolie/Pitt split Vivienne at a public film premiere with her mother and siblings...

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by Anonymousreply 228August 19, 2018 12:36 PM

She looks like a *super* happy kid; you can just see it in the eyes.

I’m sure Jolie is a totally selfless non-narcissistic mother who always puts the emotional needs her children first.

I mean, her whole life has always been about other people!

And I’m sure it’s super easy for her to have totally healthy relationships with her two biological daughters.

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by Anonymousreply 229August 19, 2018 12:42 PM

Shiloh and Vivienne shopping for Halloween costumes with mom when they were significantly younger (from 2012).

Note that they are all wearing black like mommy, except that Vivienne is still in a dress with a pink stuffed animal.

I’m sure 6 year old Shiloh styled herself completely—carefully placed sunglasses as well...🙄

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by Anonymousreply 230August 19, 2018 12:50 PM

Wow angie at r227 has the shoulders of a linebacker!!

by Anonymousreply 231August 19, 2018 2:56 PM

In the going to the movies snap, I would count that as one daughter dressed like a girl. In fact, Z looks dressed for the ballet or opera while the rest are dressed for cleaning the garage. Why is everything so costumey? Even her hair is styled for a formal occasion/different occasion.

Do the kids go to school at this point? They may turn out even crazier than AJ, they have had so few outside influences. Do they see the Pitt grandparents anymore?

by Anonymousreply 232August 19, 2018 7:50 PM

Who are all the other kids in the pic w/the Jolie-Pitt bunch?

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by Anonymousreply 233August 20, 2018 7:07 AM

R233 The younger asian adopted kid who looks older than the one with a punchable face is going to be hot as fuck. The rest look like fucked up mutant children

by Anonymousreply 234August 20, 2018 7:18 AM

Yuck. Her neck is skin and bones. Whatever eating disorder she has, appears to have melted her brain cells. People can’t come back from that. The damage is permanent.

by Anonymousreply 235August 20, 2018 7:29 AM

Anyone else notice Jolie never shows her teeth for photos? She must’ve burnt the enamel off from vomiting all the time.

by Anonymousreply 236August 20, 2018 7:41 AM

wow maddox is already balding?

by Anonymousreply 237August 20, 2018 7:53 AM

Wow, this video really does a good job of blabbing on Angie's rules for Brad.

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by Anonymousreply 238August 20, 2018 7:56 AM

R228 It's a tiny tot Melissa Etheridge!

by Anonymousreply 239August 20, 2018 10:49 AM

When the pack goes to places like Disneyland, usually some of the asian kids are the children of the nannies/tutors.

In the above photos, I think that the asian kids are from the movie, "First They Killed My Father." The girl is the star of the movie. She's in the teal flowered dress next to Viv wearing the flower on her lapel. It was taken at the NYC film premiere.

The same little girl is in the bottom right corner of R233.

Angelina took the kids from the film to Disneyland along w/ her kids.

by Anonymousreply 240August 20, 2018 10:57 AM

R238 Angelina looks like Karen Black. eek

by Anonymousreply 241August 20, 2018 10:57 AM

R238) Those rules are exhausting. I'm not surprised Brad turned to the bottle and that he lasted as long as he did.

by Anonymousreply 242August 20, 2018 10:59 AM

R240) Thanks.

Angie better save her coins Disneyland isn't cheap, but I'm sure she got free tickets. Since, she is starring in a Disney movie.

by Anonymousreply 243August 20, 2018 11:02 AM

What I could do with a fraction of that... Fuck these people.

by Anonymousreply 244August 20, 2018 11:14 AM

R14 and R16 She also had a couple of skincare/cosmetics deals and those pay bank.

by Anonymousreply 245August 20, 2018 11:18 AM

R245 'Junkie' skin care?

by Anonymousreply 246August 20, 2018 11:21 AM

I'm not R245) but it's a stretch to say she modeled for Mac, but she did as Malefieint.

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by Anonymousreply 247August 21, 2018 6:59 AM

R231 She's a lesbian some of them have those shoulders: Mangelina, Karlie Kloss, most DiCaprio beards

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by Anonymousreply 248August 21, 2018 7:25 AM

Angie's calling out Amal Clooney for trying to be her.

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by Anonymousreply 249August 21, 2018 7:40 AM

I don’t love Amal, but I don’t think Jolie can be friends with any other females, [R249].

I think she even said once or twice in interviews over the years that “Brad and the kids” were her only “best friends” and the only close friends she’d ever need (or something like that).

by Anonymousreply 250August 21, 2018 3:22 PM

R250) I agree.

However, I don't think she wants female friends. She is pissed that Amal, who was cozing up to her by default (via husbands being friends), is now trying to step in her place as a humanitarian now that she (Angie) has fallen out of grace.

by Anonymousreply 251August 22, 2018 7:08 AM

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by Anonymousreply 252August 22, 2018 7:13 AM

R246 No, she never did skincare ads. She did a bunch of fashion and perfume campaigns though.

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by Anonymousreply 253August 22, 2018 11:39 AM

The kids will be grown before they figure out this custody issue.

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by Anonymousreply 254August 23, 2018 7:38 AM

I guess Angie wants the kids more so she can collect more child support.

by Anonymousreply 255August 23, 2018 9:02 AM

*snort* Why would I be jealous of an uneducated drug addict with a raging case of BPD?

by Anonymousreply 256August 23, 2018 9:53 AM

That's probably exactly what she is thinking. When times were good and both couples together, I bet there was so much tension in the room between those two.

by Anonymousreply 257August 24, 2018 8:04 AM

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by Anonymousreply 258August 24, 2018 12:11 PM

Happy to see those pink toes. A small rebellion? Let's hope it continues.

by Anonymousreply 259August 24, 2018 12:26 PM

Her legs appear shaved too, 12 isn’t too early for that.

by Anonymousreply 260August 24, 2018 1:14 PM

She’ll start sticking the poor kid on the hormones next.

by Anonymousreply 261August 24, 2018 1:17 PM

Hopefully Pitt can stop the kid from being medically poisoned like that, [R261], and allow his young daughter to grow up naturally and (somewhat) normally...

by Anonymousreply 262August 24, 2018 1:49 PM

Shiloh has beautiful hair.

by Anonymousreply 263August 24, 2018 2:03 PM

Just anecdotal, but the eldest child can set the aesthetic for the younger siblings. My eldest daughter is a badass who hates dresses and frills and the younger two idolize her and live in fear of her scorn. Youngest is attracted to certain things but “[Eldest] will make fun of it. It’s too trendy/sheeple/girly”.

I can think of so many families I know/knew where the eldest child dictated what’s “cool” and the younger kids follow suit until they get older and get their own sense of style.

by Anonymousreply 264August 24, 2018 3:15 PM

R257 were both couples ever in the same room? I know the Jolie Pitts didn't attend the Cloony wedding. I recall gossip about AJ disapproving for some reason. I'm guessing the reason was that she didn't like the new power couple getting so much attention. I'm also guessing AJ found Amal threatening because she's a human rights attorney, and thus has more humanitarian cred than a movie star.

I the AJ doesn't have straight women friends because she doesn't know how to handle people who don't want to fuck her. Some woman can only relate to people in that way. To have women friends you need to rely on your personality not your looks. You need to be an empathetic listener and be supportive or be one of those really gifted manipulative mean girls. With straight dudes you just have to let them think that there is a 1 and 1,000 chance they can have sex with you.

by Anonymousreply 265August 24, 2018 9:48 PM

She drove him to drink and then dumped him for being an alcoholic. Then she ran out of money because she bought the DeMille house, and now he needs to fork out millions to help her with her child rearing addiction. Move over, Mia Farrow.

by Anonymousreply 266August 24, 2018 9:53 PM

she should try yachting

by Anonymousreply 267August 24, 2018 9:57 PM

Try yacthing as what? No one's paying for that scooped-out vag and 70 pounds of bones. If Johnny does another Pirate movie, she can play lead skeleton.

by Anonymousreply 268August 25, 2018 2:57 AM

Vile Woman

by Anonymousreply 269August 25, 2018 4:10 AM

[quote]Her legs appear shaved too, 12 isn’t too early for that.

It's possible she doesn't have any hair to shave on her legs.

by Anonymousreply 270August 25, 2018 7:51 AM

[quote]she should try yachting

I'm not the one who said the above, but. . .

Yachting around the world might be cheaper than flying and housing a half dozen kids and their staff around the globe. Then, again, is there a boat big enough for all of the people Angie employs?

I did noticed that the De Mille home only has six bedroom, which means some kids will have to share, because I suspecting another room will be needed to do home schooling and the foreign language lessons.

by Anonymousreply 271August 25, 2018 7:56 AM

[quote]were both couples ever in the same room? I know the Jolie Pitts didn't attend the Cloony wedding. I recall gossip about AJ disapproving for some reason. I'm guessing the reason was that she didn't like the new power couple getting so much attention. I'm also guessing AJ found Amal threatening because she's a human rights attorney, and thus has more humanitarian cred than a movie star.

I did a google search, and I couldn't find a pic w/the two women together. I found a pic w/Clooney, Pitt, and Angie. I am shocked. I do believe that Angie is jealous, AND I believe Amal is trying to copy her.

[quote] I the AJ doesn't have straight women friends because she doesn't know how to handle people who don't want to fuck her. Some woman can only relate to people in that way. To have women friends you need to rely on your personality not your looks. You need to be an empathetic listener and be supportive or be one of those really gifted manipulative mean girls. With straight dudes you just have to let them think that there is a 1 and 1,000 chance they can have sex with you.

So true.

by Anonymousreply 272August 25, 2018 8:00 AM

For all the talk about Shiloh looking and dressing like a boy, she actually doesn't have a crewcut like her brothers. She also wear little bits of jewelry--necklaces and such. With all the mixed signals about feminine beauty, it may be easier to just not deal with it by being a tomboy., particularly if she's a baby lesbian.

She may also be one of those cases where childhood gender dysphoria starts to dissipate with adolescence, though that's a lot to read into pink toe nail polish.

by Anonymousreply 273August 25, 2018 8:44 AM

She goes shopping with the girls. Here's how Angie is as a shopper.

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by Anonymousreply 274August 25, 2018 10:06 AM

R271, maddox probably sleeps in angelina's room...

by Anonymousreply 275August 25, 2018 2:43 PM

Pax is better looking than Maddox. There! I said it

by Anonymousreply 276August 25, 2018 6:19 PM

Maddox had his attractive phase as a toddler. Bit wasted.

by Anonymousreply 277August 26, 2018 12:25 AM

R276 Pax is dreamy

by Anonymousreply 278August 26, 2018 5:31 AM

It’s Saturday. Did she parade the kids around so DM could take pictures.

by Anonymousreply 279August 26, 2018 5:34 AM

R275) I thought the same thing.

by Anonymousreply 280August 26, 2018 8:12 AM

Shiloh out shopping at the Home Depot.

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by Anonymousreply 281August 26, 2018 9:37 AM

Pax is 14, calm down Asia.

by Anonymousreply 282August 26, 2018 12:38 PM

What is Shi doing with a saw? I tend to think that Shi is trans w/o any -- initial-- interference from Angie.

by Anonymousreply 283August 27, 2018 6:32 AM

Oh Lawd!

Another attorney bites the dust!

Angie is cray-cray!

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by Anonymousreply 284August 28, 2018 7:04 AM

She's a slow learner, but eventually it'll sink in that now matter what she tries, no matter how much she spends, no matter how many lawyers she brings to bear, an American family court isn't going to give her ongoing full custody just because she wants it.

When the penny finally drops, betcha she drags the kids to some foreign country where custodial preference is given to mothers or residents, and starts the whole miserable process over again. And she'll keep doing this until the youngest kids are 18, if not longer.

by Anonymousreply 285August 28, 2018 7:54 AM

I think she wants full custody, so she can get paid in full. Otherwise, she risks getting less money -- if any -- for child support. Currently, she is already complaining that Brad Pitt isn't paying enough money, and she's dropping all attorneys who won't work to get her full custody.

Angie sees the twilight of her career, and she knows she will need money to live out a lavish lifestyle.

by Anonymousreply 286August 28, 2018 9:19 AM

But how much money could she possibly get? Charlie Sheen paid/pays his ex 50k a month. Britney's ex gets 20k a month and they have shared custody (50/50?). Isn't there a limit even for rich people? Even if he has to pay her 50K a month that is probably not enough considering their lifestyle (maintaining a huge house and employees, teachers and travel expenses). Is she also entitled to spousal support or a part of his assets? They also have a pre-nup, right?

How much does Madonna pay Guy Richie?

by Anonymousreply 287August 28, 2018 9:48 AM

Those kids aren't babies anymore. I can see them rebelling in the near future if she wants to keep uprooting them and dragging them all over the world. Think Rocco Ricci---he had to escape and seek asylum to get away from Vadge's boney clutches.

I can't imagine any judge would think AJ's kooky lifestyle is what's best for the kids either. She's fighting a losing battle and just needs to stand down.

by Anonymousreply 288August 28, 2018 11:34 AM

>She’ll start sticking the poor kid on the hormones next.

she is already on puberty blockers.

by Anonymousreply 289August 28, 2018 3:50 PM

I feel really bad for Angelina. She's spent almost every penny she has on deodorizers to get the noxious stench out of her pantyhose.

by Anonymousreply 290August 28, 2018 4:09 PM

R289: If that’s true then Brad needs to step in and demand full custody before it’s too late for the kid. Otherwise Shiloh is going to be seriously messed up; or at least more so than the majority of Hollywood spawn.

by Anonymousreply 291August 28, 2018 4:49 PM

R291 If she really is already on hormones, that decision was not entirely up to Angelina, Brad or Shiloh. They probably had to consult a few psychologists before she would get a prescription. It's quite a process. I agree with R289 that she is probably already on puberty blockers. The girl is 12 and it doesn't look like her puberty has started.

by Anonymousreply 292August 28, 2018 5:23 PM

Do any of you think if Brad gets joint custody, she might go absolutely nuts and kill them all?

by Anonymousreply 293August 28, 2018 5:30 PM

[quote] They probably had to consult a few psychologists before she would get a prescription

Not these days. There is one tee young woman on YouTube who talks about her detransition who I think got on hormones are three doctors appointments. Unfortunately her voice broke.

by Anonymousreply 294August 28, 2018 6:53 PM

Are puberty blockers what they used to give child actors back in the 50s or something so they'd remain childlike for longer?

by Anonymousreply 295August 28, 2018 7:58 PM

Is there verificatia that Angelina had her udders removed?

Also, why did she marry a homosexual?

Is she a Lesbo?


by Anonymousreply 296August 28, 2018 8:03 PM

I don't believe that either Pitt or Jolie are homosexuals. They've got to be straight, or more likely, bi.

Because bearding relationships are much more civilized! No, to create a mess like this, with that many fucked-up children being fought over, there's got to be some degree of heterosexuality involved.

by Anonymousreply 297August 28, 2018 8:12 PM


by Anonymousreply 298August 28, 2018 8:32 PM

You fucking harpies have no idea whether Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is on puberty blockers or any other damn thing. Stop lying and claiming to know things you definitely do not know.

by Anonymousreply 299August 28, 2018 8:49 PM

Thanks R299--the kid's not fat and she wears baggy shirts. If you're staring at her that hard at a 12-year-old's chest to figure out whether she's developing, you've got issues.

by Anonymousreply 300August 28, 2018 9:11 PM

Shiloh appears to have very small breasts in the pic the saw. They're hidden under the big shirt.

AJ is bi. She has spoken about having relationships with women. The Jolie-Pitt relationship isn't an arraignment. They wouldn't be at each others throats if they hadn't been in love once. This isn't to say they didn't use their relationship to enhance their images. They definitely feed info to the press and go on strategic pap strolls. When two attention whores get together they aren't going to hide. This is one of the things they had in common.

by Anonymousreply 301August 28, 2018 9:15 PM

Lots of middle-school girls wear big shirts just to cover up their chests. Shiloh wears boys tee shirts, but the fact she wears big tees is not a sign of being trans or on puberty blockers--the opposite. She's also stretched out recently--another sign that she's going through a normal adolescence.

Didn't AJ's relationship with Jenny Shimizu go on for years? If AJ does, indeed, have BPD then being bi would be almost expected--one of the features of BPD is a lack of fixed identity--sexual, gender, etc. One of the things doctors are supposed to screen for when someone has gender dysphoria is BPD. (In which case, hormones and surgery won't help.)

by Anonymousreply 302August 29, 2018 1:26 AM

R268 You'd be surprised. Apparently Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan support themselves by yachting, and on her worst day Jolie looks better than both of them.

by Anonymousreply 303August 29, 2018 2:57 AM

Have those kids ever gone to school?

by Anonymousreply 304August 29, 2018 3:00 AM

They have no formal education thanks to Ms Jolie

by Anonymousreply 305August 29, 2018 3:13 AM

Those poor kids, no wonder Bradley was losing his mind. It's bad enough that she's a batshit junkie who chops off her own body parts but to not allow the children to get a proper education, what is wrong with her? It's unforgivable.

by Anonymousreply 306August 29, 2018 3:48 AM

What is all stuff about AJ being a junkie? Was she literally a heroin addict? I assumed she said that for effect.

by Anonymousreply 307August 29, 2018 5:42 AM

I thought it was true, R307 and that is why the bio kids were born in developing countries where she would have a lot of control.

by Anonymousreply 308August 29, 2018 6:08 AM

I've actually heard that the kids were in a private school at one point--from someone who couldn't get home because the street was blocked by security guards picking up the kids, but I've never seen it in the gossip rags.

by Anonymousreply 309August 29, 2018 6:35 AM

[quote]The girl is 12 and it doesn't look like her puberty has started.

It doesn't necessarily start at 12. Every female starts puberty at different ages, as young as 9 and as old as 12. Plus, you can't tell by looking at kid that she started puberty.

by Anonymousreply 310August 29, 2018 6:44 AM

R309) Maddox attending Kindergarten for a hot second, but as far as I know the kids all have tutors.

by Anonymousreply 311August 29, 2018 6:48 AM

He signed up for this, she was a crazy, manipulative shrew from the jump. I don’t feel sorry for him at all & he’s an ass for bringing children into this world with this vermin for a mother.

by Anonymousreply 312August 29, 2018 7:32 AM

Yeah but people were eating up that foolishness and disregarding the fact that they were rooting for the cheaters. Brad just drank the Koolaide.

by Anonymousreply 313August 29, 2018 7:42 AM

R311, That was probably it.

R310, It can start later than 12. The average onset of menarche in the Middle Ages was around 17. It has a lot to do with the amount of body fat and heredity. Thin girls start later.

If nothing else, the cancer risk on Jolie's side would be a big red flag when it comes to hormones.

by Anonymousreply 314August 29, 2018 7:46 AM

R314) I didn't mean to write as old as 12. I was trying to dispute the age as being THE age of puberty, but I had 12 on the brain. As a result, that's what I wrote.

by Anonymousreply 315August 29, 2018 7:49 AM

Apparently, there were money disputes w/that French Chateau. Brad and Angie were ordered to pay up.

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by Anonymousreply 316August 29, 2018 8:17 AM

$30 million is a lot of lighting.

by Anonymousreply 317August 29, 2018 8:32 AM

[quote]$30 million is a lot of lighting.

I'm thinking much of that was for other renovations. Still, $30 mill for reno, $ for the cost of place, and $ for upkeep. That thing can bleed anyone dry, and I don't care how many bottles of wine and olive oil it sells.

They have been ordered to sell the winery, but they want to keep it for the kids.

by Anonymousreply 318August 29, 2018 8:40 AM

I don't think so, R318, the article stated that it was the lighting contract for four buildings on the property including the 40 room chateau.

by Anonymousreply 319August 29, 2018 8:46 AM

Well, that's just crazy to spend that much money.

by Anonymousreply 320August 29, 2018 8:54 AM

R308 The twins were born in France, hardly a developing country.

by Anonymousreply 321August 29, 2018 9:22 AM

I'm sure the kids are getting a proper education with all the private teachers. But they have never had the opportunity to learn how to make friends, having friends and a social circle of their own age and choosing and to learn how to maintain those friendships. They live in a bubble and will probably end up like Tom Cruise's kids. They never went to college and are basically just living off Dad's money (his son is "working" as a DJ and is daughter is "designing" T-shirts).

by Anonymousreply 322August 29, 2018 10:10 AM

Why did she marry a tinymeat homosexual?!

by Anonymousreply 323August 29, 2018 10:30 AM

R322, The Pitt-Jolies aren't in an anti-education cult the way the Cruise kids are. That said, the kids of celebrities I've known tend to be fuck-ups--both neglected and overly indulged at the same time. They don't know how to be regular, anonymous people, but they don't usually stand out enough for stardom or have discipline/ambition to succeed behind scenes. There are exceptions, of course, but I didn't meet them.

by Anonymousreply 324August 29, 2018 9:24 PM

I don't get why "celebrity kids" don't do anything and don't appear to want to do anything except try (and fail) to be stars. It's not the money, rich kids go to college and have careers.

by Anonymousreply 325August 29, 2018 10:13 PM

Celebs tend to be narcissists--and the narcissism tends to be encouraged, so the whole world around the kids is warped. The kids are both entitled and insecure. Throw in dysfunctional families and easy access to things like drugs and you see how it starts happening.

Thing is, most people aren't stars--the odds of there being a second one in the family aren't great, better than for the rest of us, but still not great.

The British seem to handle it a little better--acting's more of a trade and you get family dynasties where, it seems, it's fine to be a working actor even if you're not a star type. But maybe it's just less money and drugs.

by Anonymousreply 326August 29, 2018 10:34 PM

"I don't get why "celebrity kids" don't do anything and don't appear to want to do anything except try (and fail) to be stars."

Several factors at work. They've been taught that nothing matters but fame and wealth and possibly partying, and that the 'little people' who do real work are unimportant or contemptible. They also haven't been taught any work ethic, so if they try to go to college and compete with their hard-working and ambitious age peers, they're going to do poorly by comparison, and they won't be able to deal with that because they haven't learned any real-life coping mechanisms.

So if they have any ambition at all, they'll go into fields where their family connections will compensate for their lack of job skills and work ethic, usually entertainment or fashion.

by Anonymousreply 327August 29, 2018 11:06 PM

R309, they did go to those private schools that have a big French focus and branches all over the country. That way they could just transfer in to the branch where they were and continue where they'd left off. I think Maddox was having some real behavior problems in school and they saw an expert who encouraged them to home school him. Then they just started home schooling everyone. At the time they may not have had the twins and Shiloh may have been too young for school.

by Anonymousreply 328August 29, 2018 11:49 PM

I thought it was Pax that was having the behavior problems.

by Anonymousreply 329August 30, 2018 12:21 AM

I wondered about that, R329. And it was quite awhile ago, so it could have been. But one was having the problem and they ended up home schooling all of them.

by Anonymousreply 330August 30, 2018 12:31 AM

I doubt any "expert" would recommend home-schooling for those kids, except as a temporary measure. I mean the kids are isolated and out of touch enough because of the paparazzi, constant travel, and narcissistic parents, what expert in childhood development would recommend isolating them MORE?

by Anonymousreply 331August 30, 2018 12:44 AM

Schools don't like problem kids, and, yeah, they'll recommend homeschooling if it means getting rid of a headache. Adoptive kids can have issues--apart from the unstable celeb lifestyle and constant paparazzi stuff. Add that in, who knows what all is going on.

by Anonymousreply 332August 30, 2018 1:22 AM

[quote]I thought it was Pax that was having the behavior problems.

Probably. Just look at every picture ever taken of him. He never smiles, and looks very angry. I get a bad gut feeling about that one.

by Anonymousreply 333August 30, 2018 1:55 AM

Maybe, Angie should just keep the boys and give the girls to Brad.

by Anonymousreply 334August 30, 2018 3:33 AM

R309, some of the kids were at the Lycee Francais on the Upper East Side, for a hot minute. I know some kids who go there and the mom rolled her eyes when I asked about it. That was quite a while ago, though.

by Anonymousreply 335August 30, 2018 4:29 AM

Well said, r327.

by Anonymousreply 336August 30, 2018 4:31 AM

Angie already got them into acting. I noticed that Pak as an IMDB account. I'm sure some of her other children do as well.

by Anonymousreply 337August 30, 2018 4:34 AM

Pax will probably slit all their throats in their sleep

by Anonymousreply 338August 30, 2018 4:55 AM

Pax and Maddox probably have IMDB accounts because she gave them producer credits on one of her movies and Maddox was her personal assistant or something.

Wasn't there a report in one of the gossip rags years ago where an ex-nanny complained that there where absolutely no rules and the kids could basicially do whatever they wanted? They didn't even have rules for bedtime and could stay up as long as they wanted. Brad was the only one who insisted on some basic rules. Too bad I don't really remember, but I thought how will those kids survive in the real world if they are not used to following rules.

A lot of hard working people would love to send their kids to college, but can't afford it. And these people have all the money in the world and could give them the best education and afford the best schools, but they're just too fucked up.

by Anonymousreply 339August 30, 2018 9:09 AM

Brad wanted to the kids to pick up their bikes.

by Anonymousreply 340August 30, 2018 10:15 AM

When I was growing up, a fucked up rich parent had the decency to send his kids to boarding school.

by Anonymousreply 341August 30, 2018 11:35 PM

[quote] I thought how will those kids survive in the real world if they are not used to following rules.

well, given how rich they are going to be thanks to their parents they will never have to live in the real world. Whether they will be miserable fuck ups with no direction is what I wonder about. Wanting for nothing when you haven't earned anything doesn't feel so good.

by Anonymousreply 342August 31, 2018 2:04 AM

R341 Yeah, but then the kids grow up hating their parents and transferring that hate to their romantic partners.

by Anonymousreply 343August 31, 2018 2:11 AM

R326 When you look at the Chaplins, it's a family of artists. They're not all super-famous, but they're all artists in some way, and legitimate at that (talented and with some form of training). And they marry artists. It's a different culture than the celebrity culture.

by Anonymousreply 344August 31, 2018 2:24 AM

Are Maddox and Pax biologically related?

by Anonymousreply 345August 31, 2018 2:26 AM

R343, Certainly true of some kids I knew at boarding school. But some were from perfectly nice and loving families. If I had the extra money, I’d love to send my eldest to my husband’s alma later. It’s a good experience.

It would be a good experience for those Jolie-Pitt kids. But she’s never going to let those kids out of her clutches.

by Anonymousreply 346August 31, 2018 2:44 AM

R345 No, Pax is hot

by Anonymousreply 347August 31, 2018 2:46 AM

Well damn!

Angelina starving her ass to show the damage that Brad did to her man stealing ass!

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by Anonymousreply 348September 3, 2018 10:44 AM

R345 Maddox and Pax are not biologically related. Maddox is Cambodian. Pax is Vietnamese.

by Anonymousreply 349September 3, 2018 10:48 AM

I know Angie is crazy and is deserving of all the backlash, but I wonder did Brad have a hand in any of it.

by Anonymousreply 350September 3, 2018 10:55 AM

R350 a lot of his women are very skinny. Especially when they're with him. Both Gwennith and Jen got skinnier with him. Jolie has shown signs of an eating disorder through out her adult life. She was healthier looking before she and Brad got together. He likes skinny women, she's prone to eating disorders. It was bound to agrivate her condition.

by Anonymousreply 351September 3, 2018 4:57 PM

I think they were just younger working actresses at the time, R351. They had a tendency to stay slimmer at the time, so you can’t really put the blame on Pitt for that. I always thought Jolie was messed up with drugs, surgery, and a serious eating disorder.

All that contributes to how bad up she looks.

by Anonymousreply 352September 3, 2018 6:20 PM

How can she get any skinner without seriously harming her health?

by Anonymousreply 353September 4, 2018 2:48 AM

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by Anonymousreply 354September 4, 2018 6:39 AM

I feel like Shiloh got punished for her recent photographed “rebellion” of wearing pink toenail polish and pink sunglasses during a recent outing with Jolie (while she, Jolie, and Zahara were all wearing black), by getting all her hair freshly shorn off.

Vivienne is also dressed just like Shiloh now (which *only* started after Jolie spilt from Pitt and got immediate full custody of the kids), and Vivienne and all the kids look so glum...

Also: why are Pax and Maddox never seen anymore? Jolie only trots the bio kids and Zahara out for photo ops...

by Anonymousreply 355September 4, 2018 11:32 AM

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by Anonymousreply 356September 4, 2018 11:36 AM

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by Anonymousreply 357September 4, 2018 11:42 AM

Shiloh looks more like Brad and Knox than Angelina and Jon Voight in these latest Labor Day photos.

by Anonymousreply 358September 4, 2018 12:05 PM

Zahara is very pretty too

by Anonymousreply 359September 4, 2018 12:25 PM

Zahara has always been pretty. She's the only one who smiles. Her hairline really is moving back though. It's worrisome. Can your wearing your hair pulled up tight at the crown everyday make your hairline recede?

by Anonymousreply 360September 4, 2018 12:33 PM

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by Anonymousreply 361September 4, 2018 12:45 PM

R361, that's an awful photo of Shiloh. She's dressed like a rodeo clown.

by Anonymousreply 362September 4, 2018 12:52 PM

Surely Shiloh picked this outfit out as a baby too...

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by Anonymousreply 363September 4, 2018 12:53 PM

You think *that’s* bad, [R361]....

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by Anonymousreply 364September 4, 2018 12:57 PM

Zahara got a cute outfit for Europe, while Shiloh got...

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by Anonymousreply 365September 4, 2018 12:59 PM

R365) WTF!

OMG, who dresses their kid like that when it's not Halloween? Z looks adorbs.

by Anonymousreply 366September 5, 2018 6:33 AM

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by Anonymousreply 367September 9, 2018 7:24 AM

If I were a rich A-list actor I would never get married. Unless I was already married pre-fame, to a nonfamous woman. There is just too much to lose. You can still father kids, and have a life partner without having to go through a stressful, messy divorce if we fall out of love.

by Anonymousreply 368September 9, 2018 3:24 PM

R367, years ago there was a story about a pizza place (?) in New Orleans that the kids trashed. They were throwing food and such.

Absolutely disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 369September 9, 2018 3:24 PM

California hasn't been that hot for the last week, and she's starving herself again so she probably feels freezing cold in a warm room as well as self-conscious about her bod.

Plus movie theaters really are freezing cold these days.

by Anonymousreply 370September 9, 2018 6:59 PM

[quote]California hasn't been that hot for the last week,

What are you saying? I live in California, and I am EXTREMELY cold natured. Still, I wouldn't rush to wear a light jacket let alone a full length wool coat.

I do think her being underweight may have something to do with it in that she wants to hide her body. I was underweight and never felt cold.

Re: Theater

Yeah, I agree. It gets cold, and I can see that.

by Anonymousreply 371September 10, 2018 5:11 AM

[quote]You can still father kids, and have a life partner without having to go through a stressful, messy divorce if we fall out of love.

With six kids, whether you are married or not, will be stressful to deal with custody and child support. Plus, I think it would have been easier for Angelina and Brad to divorce to get that over with and work on child support later.

Seeing that they are not divorced, it makes me think that Angie is holding out for money, because otherwise, she could easily divorce Brad and work out a custody and child support on their own until the court arranges a court date to make things legally binding.

Currently, that's what they are doing, but I don't know why Angie is screaching about "meaningful child support" if the judge feels the kids have been short changed, s/he can fixed that with a court order. No wonder her attorneys quit on her.

by Anonymousreply 372September 10, 2018 5:18 AM

Look, what was really criminal was not the child abuse but the movie By the Sea. NOBODY of the hundreds of people involved in the making of that film stopped it. And Brad Pitt spoke lots of French with the worst accent outside of Quebec the world has ever heard.

But let's admit: back in the day, she was probably the most beautiful woman in the world.

by Anonymousreply 373September 10, 2018 7:08 AM

R363 I don't know how it works in the States, but in most European countries you pay a lot less taxes if you are married (and have a bunch of kids). Marriage is not just about love, but also saving money.

That is why gay people want to get married too. To get the same benefits that straight people have.

by Anonymousreply 374September 10, 2018 8:20 AM

[quote]But let's admit: back in the day, she was probably the most beautiful woman in the world.

I never thought she was some knock down beauty.

by Anonymousreply 375September 10, 2018 8:48 AM

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but I had to LOL reading the two comments that called Zaharia “pretty”.

I can grant that she’s maybe an “exotic beauty”, like Iman or Alex Wek. Not pretty.

by Anonymousreply 376September 10, 2018 9:40 PM

R376, That says more about you than Zahara--she has the slender, delicate bone structure that Ethiopian women have. She's slender, graceful, shows the signs of having a beautiful figure and has even, fine features. How is she not pretty? She does have a high forehead, and, yes, her hair could use better tending, but a couple of small things don't make her not-pretty.

In a couple of years, in the right clothes and properly tended hair, she'll be beautiful (and pretty). The black isn't doing her any favors.

by Anonymousreply 377September 10, 2018 10:56 PM

Agree with R377. Women from northeastern Africa have the most wonderful bone structure, and can be strikingly beautiful. If she's given a little guidance in how to look her best, she's going to be a great-looking adult.

Same for Shiloh and Viv, although it's painfully obvious that their mother isn't going to be the person who helps to bring out their natural beauty.

by Anonymousreply 378September 10, 2018 10:59 PM

It's been pointed out that there was never a child support agreement, so she's suing him for something they never agreed upon in the first place. He can't be delinquent if there's no formal agreement.

by Anonymousreply 379September 11, 2018 2:40 AM

The twins were born in the South of france near Monaco which means for $$ she could have done anything.

by Anonymousreply 380September 11, 2018 2:51 AM

They lived like oil sheiks when they were together, or like Liz and Dick, but it's not clear that either of them had the money to sustain that kind of lifestyle forever. And there's no way that between them they can sustain all those kids, all those palaces, all those employees, AND an army of lawyers!

So tell me, how did Liz Taylor manage to live as high as she did for so long? Yes, she earned a ton of money during the sixties, but she also spent a ton. And most of her later husbands weren't wealthy enough to give her a fortune in alimony, yet she managed to live like a queen and die rich, without earning anything significant for the last forty years.

by Anonymousreply 381September 11, 2018 3:06 AM

My college roommate is one of the best family law" divorce" attorneys in the South. He has a photo graphic memory and makes a ton of money. He loves the really high net worth divorces. The attorneys have it all figured out...The Angelina Brad Pit divorce is like winning the divorce attorney lottery.

by Anonymousreply 382September 11, 2018 3:17 AM

r373, I LOVE YOU.

by Anonymousreply 383September 11, 2018 3:28 AM

Saint Angie was photographed taking Pax, or whatever his name is, to get ice cream. She was wearing a silky billowy white outfit that disguised her anorexia and made her look like she had descended from heaven itself. Her stringy dark hair blowing in the breeze as she smiled for the paps that she definitely did not call.

I'd post a link, but I saw it on another site, but can't remember where.

by Anonymousreply 384September 11, 2018 3:56 AM

Aren't her kids teenagers now? Why is she always taking them to toy stores and on trips for ice cream? Most teens would rather die than hang out with mom. They want to be with their friends....oh, that's right, they don't have any friends.

by Anonymousreply 385September 11, 2018 4:04 AM

She took them all over the world...do they have friends, other than their nannies?

by Anonymousreply 386September 11, 2018 4:08 AM

R384) Here is the link.

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by Anonymousreply 387September 11, 2018 6:51 AM

Most Ethiopians have high foreheads and Zahara is Ethiopian.

I am not surprised seeing Angie wearing a coat in the summer; anorexics are always cold.

by Anonymousreply 388September 11, 2018 7:28 AM

She's wearing white after labor day. I guess the outfit will do to cover the bones. Plus, white makes you look bigger.

by Anonymousreply 389September 11, 2018 7:59 AM

I always pictured their lifestyle as kind of trashy. They spent a ton on private planes and staff, but I pictured the interior of their homes as pig styes, and whatever Brad bought - art, some toy - just accumulating in storage somewhere. I also figured that foodwise, nobody was cooking, it was all cartons. And wine and booze bottles, and whatever the kids drank - probably koolaid (literally). I never thought Angelina made the money her PR pretended she made. I think that memo that came out about her being a celebrity, versus an actress, and kind of a freak show, blew her pretences open. Brad, though, has got to be worth a bloody fortune. My impression of them was that very early he knew she was a wreck and he emotionally quit the relationship, but officially doubled down because he was an immature drunk. And he knew he was being exploited but was too lazy to do anything about it - he couldn't stop her without breaking up with her. I suspect only Shiloh is biologically his, and Angie got the twins via surrogacy and some other dude's sperm (donation). She needed the publicity at the time. So that said, I picture him hiding a lot of his money because at some point he knew this day would come. But also, I think they are the laziest parents on the planet, and the kids and everyone who has to cope with/deal with the kids pay the price. I'm in the camp that thinks she forced Shiloh to be transgender or faux transgender, just to defeat those who wanted to watch her grow up "the child of the most beautiful couple in the world." She's flipping the bird to expectations - oh it's Zahara I'll dress up like a princess. It's clear she's assigned roles to her girls and is making them play it out.

by Anonymousreply 390September 12, 2018 1:14 AM

I used to think Angelina was tall, but then I realized she wasn't - I think she's around 5'6" on a good day. Maddox and Pax must be really short.

by Anonymousreply 391September 12, 2018 1:15 AM

The bad part is if that family turns into a Woody Allen situation. "Oh come on Zahara, you're not really my sister." It's not like they have access to a lot of outside people.

by Anonymousreply 392September 12, 2018 1:17 AM

What a false and bony cunt she has become.

by Anonymousreply 393September 12, 2018 1:18 AM

R381 I wonder and still wonder. I wonder where Burton got the money for all the freaking jewelry. They publicized the shit out of it, so maybe some of it was flung their way as gifts or that era's version of merching or what have you, while pretending they were spending their own money. Liz getting a million dollars for Cleopatra was record setting at the time and maybe Burton accomplished that salary once or twice (I'd have to look it up) but it wasn't a regular thing. That's not an income enabling a guy to fling a single diamond worth a million dollars at someone. Then the yacht. Their own yacht. There was the story that Taylor didn't want her pooches going through U.K. quarantine (didn't want to be separated), so they parked the yacht in the Thames, sailing it up from God knows where they were before. Then Debbie Reynolds describing watching Burton and Taylor board the same transatlantic boat she was on - endless luggage, pets, staff, etc. Sure, she cultivated rich friends and expected jewelry as frequently as she was air kissed hello, but where did Burton get the wherewithal?

Hah, maybe at one point SHE "yachted".

by Anonymousreply 394September 12, 2018 1:23 AM

So Taylor supported her kids (Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Maria Burton, Liza Burton - was there a Maria?) Burton's ex wife Sybil Christopher married a hot younger guy and they opened an extremely successful L.A. (and maybe London) nightclub, so possibly he didn't have to support her to the end and perhaps she pitched in with the kids moneywise.

Then later in her life her perfume license agreements, like for White Diamonds, really sold well, so she didn't have to hock anything. But it's that middle period where they were living like Sultans - her caftan, deep tan, priceless jewelry in the cleavage era - that I don't know where they got the money.

by Anonymousreply 395September 12, 2018 1:31 AM

Some of you are just as creepy as angelina.

Zahara has never been dressed as a princess. Angelina always dressed her in short shorts, animal prints and clothes more suited for young adults than a little girl. Way to go angie, as if the media doesnt hypersexualize black girl children enough.

And she doesn't even have that high of a forehead, it's just that her parents don't give a fuck to nurture and care for her scalp and can't be bothered so pull her hair in a tight bun which has ruined her poor hairline.

Her bio mother does not even have that. You can tell its from lack of care by jolie pitt. I bet they don't have any black friends and don't care to go to a black hairdresser just like charlize creepy ass who took her son to a white one who clearly knew nothing about black hair and used a scissor on kinky curly hair. Charlize is another one who is transing her kid. She gives me the creeps even more than angelina.

by Anonymousreply 396September 12, 2018 2:05 AM

"Princess" in this case meant "hyper feminine" R396, although Zahara has been known to wear glitter flats and sandals. Her forehead certainly is that high. What people are discussing now is it is receding.

by Anonymousreply 397September 12, 2018 2:17 AM

R397 Right. I don't see the girly feminine. I see her dressed frequently in very short shorts and skirts, animal prints, and dressed as a college girl when she was only a tween. Very hypersexual instead of innocent girly girl. Sorry but pink and glitter shoes doesn't change that.

Vivienne is the one who was, at least up until recently, hyperfeminine and dressed very girly. Even cast as a princess in that disney movie.

by Anonymousreply 398September 12, 2018 2:25 AM

Hypersexual and hyper feminine are not mutually exclusive.

by Anonymousreply 399September 12, 2018 5:09 AM


by Anonymousreply 400September 12, 2018 5:47 AM

Charlize and jolie should hook up...both nutters.

I saw jolie as too short and oddly proportioned to play Gia. Gia had a neck, a normal sized head and was just gorgeous.

by Anonymousreply 401September 12, 2018 10:43 AM

How tall is AJ?i thought she was 5'8-5'10

by Anonymousreply 402September 12, 2018 9:22 PM

Her partisans insist she is that tall, but she's not. When you look at her compared to the people around her, she can't be more than 5'6". Also, awhile ago I saw that movie she did when she first met Johnny Lee Miller. There's a scene where she and other characters have their backs to the camera and are writing on a classroom chalkboard, and she's pretty damn short compared to the chalkboard and the people beside her. I mean where the chalkboard "ledge" part was came pretty high up on her.

by Anonymousreply 403September 13, 2018 1:11 AM

Angie does have a forehead though, which Gia did not.

by Anonymousreply 404September 13, 2018 1:12 AM

She may be 5' 6" tall but about 3 feet of that is just her head.

by Anonymousreply 405September 13, 2018 1:54 AM

Interesting: She's working overtime to get the 4 younger kids on her side and against Brad. That's why she's always seen w/them and not Maddox and Pax.

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by Anonymousreply 406September 13, 2018 9:17 AM

I'm sure one day Angelina will make into the Hall of Fame for Famous Foreheads.

She'll be between Ted Danson and Nicolas Cage.

It will be like a bad 90's movie.

by Anonymousreply 407September 13, 2018 9:37 AM

If Angelina Jolie's kids are like most kids, they'll figure out Brad has the money. Only in her imagination is Angelina Jolie able to manipulate kids against anyone. The only leverage she'd have is money, if she had it. Brad has more money. In order to get along with her they might pretend to agree.

A friend of mine has a late teen-age daughter. Their personalities are opposite - the girl is like her divorced dad, and she plays one against the other, which my friend is totally aware of. I told her, leave it alone, if she's like most kids where the parents have any money at all, all she wants from you is to pay for everything while she does what she wants. "Because I'm 18!" and it'll be like that til her mid-twenties. Angie's kids will be bored orbiting around her and when they get the chance they'll want to be where it's easier for them.

by Anonymousreply 408September 14, 2018 6:38 PM

Will someone please explain why she is dragging those kids around so they can be photographed. What is this all about? Why?

by Anonymousreply 409September 17, 2018 5:36 AM

She brings them to paparazzi hot spot to be seen and perceived as a good mother. Yep. She's trying to win brownie points, but she never did this before the split.

by Anonymousreply 410September 17, 2018 5:57 AM

She has a job.

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by Anonymousreply 411September 18, 2018 7:42 AM

She started out the year toting those kids to major pap location. None of the kids look happy in the pic.

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by Anonymousreply 412September 18, 2018 7:45 AM

No happy child but Angie sure looks happy.

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by Anonymousreply 413September 18, 2018 7:47 AM

That pic is so odd, [R12]. The kids look miserable and Jolie looks delighted and like she’s on a movie set.

The kids are in “regular” (ugly) clothes and Angie is all professionally done up like she’s playing Elizabeth Taylor in some movie (while pretending like she doesn’t care and is so above it all—even though it must make taken hours for her to get so done up).

The kid’s lives must be odd and disturbing.

I think the worst thing she has done (besides the attempted parental alienation of Brad) is isolating those kids: no school, no normal (non hired help) friends, no regular, dependable lives or schedules—not even friends with other celebrity kids.

Those kids probably don’t even know how weird their lives are because they are so isolated and their lives revolve around Jolie and the odd household situation she has constructed. I think that makes it worse.

They are going to have *such* a hard time ever living a “normal life”....

by Anonymousreply 414September 18, 2018 9:49 AM

Oops! ^That should be directed be to the picture/post at [R412], not 12!

by Anonymousreply 415September 18, 2018 9:56 AM

I also think it’s odd that Jolie puts a lot of time and care into projecting a hyper feminine image (just look at her hair and handbags) and yet none of her daughters—allegedly—want to dress like mommy.

I really think she screw with their minds in order to avoid having “competition” from them in the public eye...

by Anonymousreply 416September 18, 2018 10:00 AM

The marriage was very brief. I bet Angie is broke and needs money. But alas she really isn’t entitled to Pitts fortune.

by Anonymousreply 417September 19, 2018 3:03 AM

She’s starting to look like Fergie. Too many fillers.

by Anonymousreply 418September 19, 2018 3:18 AM

Agree that those kids are in a weird cult-like situation. What teenagers want to go shopping, to the movies or to museums with all their siblings en mass? And holding mommy's hand no less. They should be hanging out with friends, going to school and involved in activities with other kids their own age. She won't let them because she wants them to be her possessions. Typical with BPD child collectors.

This reminds me a lot of a few instances recently of families so isolated all the kids were being abused and no one knew. Wait a few years. The Jolie-Pitt family is primed for an apocalypse.

by Anonymousreply 419September 19, 2018 3:19 AM

No, the kids don't look happy, but one looks like he thinks he's a hot model in a shampoo ad.

by Anonymousreply 420September 19, 2018 3:24 AM

She looks ridiculous all dressed up and surrounded by miserable kids. She also looks kind of crazy.

by Anonymousreply 421September 19, 2018 3:33 AM

[quote]I also think it’s odd that Jolie puts a lot of time and care into projecting a hyper feminine image (just look at her hair and handbags) and yet none of her daughters—allegedly—want to dress like mommy. I really think she screw with their minds in order to avoid having “competition” from them in the public eye...

I don't think they have a choice. I don't know about Shiloh aka John. Perhaps, Shiloh aka John was born that way, but all of the girls are now looking and dressing so drab.

by Anonymousreply 422September 19, 2018 6:20 AM

R414) , R420), and $421)

So true.

by Anonymousreply 423September 19, 2018 6:20 AM

So is Maddox the new Son yi?

by Anonymousreply 424September 19, 2018 8:29 AM

R419 you could be right. I suspect that Charlize Theron is abusing her children. I don't care for kids and never had any parental instincts, but something is seriously wrong with the way Theron interacts with her adopted children.

by Anonymousreply 425September 19, 2018 8:33 AM

R425) One kid, the son, dresses in girl's clothing. The other child, a daughter, wears girl's clothes.

by Anonymousreply 426September 19, 2018 8:44 AM

Angelina is 5'7". I stood next to her. She frequently wears high-heels so she looks taller than her true height.

by Anonymousreply 427September 20, 2018 8:11 AM

Shiloh and Zahara have braces. Knox looks like he needs them. He has 2 bucktooth, upper front teeth.

by Anonymousreply 428September 20, 2018 8:12 AM

R427 was she beautiful and striking in Person as she is in pictures? Or too skinny?

by Anonymousreply 429September 20, 2018 9:02 PM

She should call Tori Spelling. They could have a play date for their kids. The kids would have a blast comparing how bat shit crazy their parents are. Angelina and Tori could get Candy and Jon together. They could all hang out in the penthouse. Angelina could coach Tori on how to get rid of Dean. I know it sounds crazy but how much unexpected fun would that be to watch.

by Anonymousreply 430September 21, 2018 4:20 PM

That will be a great reality show, for the kid play dates alone. I don't care to see the hook up for Candy and Jon.

by Anonymousreply 431September 22, 2018 9:40 AM

Wow, Angie. She is a complete control freak.

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by Anonymousreply 432September 22, 2018 9:44 AM

This story is false

by Anonymousreply 433September 22, 2018 4:11 PM

What does this hoe want

Like what is her end goal.

by Anonymousreply 434September 22, 2018 4:28 PM

That her Ashes Will be spread all over the world by her international children.

by Anonymousreply 435September 22, 2018 9:09 PM

She wants to be worshipped and canonized.

by Anonymousreply 436September 22, 2018 9:54 PM

I can see the bio children wanting to stay with Pitt, who is the saner and richer parent, but how about the adopted ones? Does he really have a parent-child relationship with them, especially now that they're older and barely socialized?

by Anonymousreply 437September 22, 2018 11:09 PM

She's looking more and more like her dead eyed brother.

by Anonymousreply 438September 23, 2018 12:20 AM

How does she have the time to monitor all of the children phone calls to Brad? Why does she insist on having her children with her 24/7 even when she is working? No wonder they can't have any friends.

by Anonymousreply 439September 23, 2018 2:33 AM

R429 This was a time when she was dating Brad and her mother was still alive. Angelina wasn't at an event --- just everyday life. Very beautiful and nice. She was thin but not anorexic-looking. I saw her mom once. She was smiling and beautiful too. She looked like a shorter, heavier, older version of Angelina. As Angelina ages, she looks more and more like her mother.

by Anonymousreply 440September 23, 2018 6:46 AM

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by Anonymousreply 441September 25, 2018 7:21 AM

Pitt will never be free from Jolie. He's an idiot.

by Anonymousreply 442September 25, 2018 8:00 AM

Isn’t it about time to gather all the children and make a Target run? Of course the paparazzi will be notified.

by Anonymousreply 443September 25, 2018 3:50 PM

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by Anonymousreply 444September 26, 2018 6:23 AM

I see in the link in R441 that Angie still has Loung Ung by her side (author of First They Killed My Father). Supposedly Ung is married and lives in Ohio, but she is frequently spotted in the background of pictures with Angie. I've often suspected there's something going on there.

In other news, Shiloh has now gone for the buzz cut.

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by Anonymousreply 445September 26, 2018 2:53 PM

R445) I wonder who that woman was. I thought she was one of the nannies. My bad.

It wouldn't surprise me that she and Angie have something going on, because we haven't seen Ang w/a man. I guess she's steering clear of men because of the custody battle.

by Anonymousreply 446September 27, 2018 7:45 AM

Wendy Williams sure doesn't like Angelina and calls her out for trotting out her kids so she can be seen as a good mother.

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by Anonymousreply 447September 27, 2018 7:46 AM

Brad is not trusting his money around Angelina. He's putting it in a trust for his kids.

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by Anonymousreply 448September 30, 2018 6:23 AM

Good for Brad

by Anonymousreply 449September 30, 2018 10:50 PM

Angelina really likes to spend money, loves that designer handbag/private jet lifestyle—something that’s at odds with her “We Are the World, We Are the Children”/Mother Teresa image.

I could see her trying to take away or guilt away tons of money from the kids, so it’s good that Pitt is putting his finances in a trust for them.

by Anonymousreply 450September 30, 2018 11:56 PM

Very good points, R450.

I forgot that her mom was expecting Jon to support her to eternity.

by Anonymousreply 451October 4, 2018 7:13 AM

This truce is not over and she's back to limiting access to the kids. If she is not careful, she'll miss out on a big child support paycheck.'

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by Anonymousreply 452October 4, 2018 7:19 AM

I don't understand why no one is talking about the noxious stench emanating from her dirty pantyhose.

by Anonymousreply 453October 4, 2018 1:47 PM

Honey, we all know this woman went to Crazytown a long time ago.

by Anonymousreply 454October 4, 2018 2:55 PM

I am a tiny gal and cold all of the time . I don’t traipse around in trench coats in the winter. She looks ridiculous.

And funny about the Tori play date. Ange’s kids look just as distressed as Tori’s .

At least Garner and Reese’s kids seem socialized.

by Anonymousreply 455October 4, 2018 3:32 PM

According to an article in inTouch, Angelina's household is waaaaaay out-of-control now that Brad is out of the picture. A source close to Brad remarks that Angelina now finds herself alone with all of the children, saying, "Angelina has lost control. It's [messy] what goes on in this house."

Um, so what exactly is going on?!

"Food and water fights and soccer games inside the house remain the norm," a family insider reveals. "Angelina has no clue what she is doing. There are absolutely no rules."

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by Anonymousreply 456October 5, 2018 7:16 AM

Don't know if this is true or not. But aren't those kids already too old for "Food and water fights"? At that age I was fighting about how long I could stay outside with my friends and stuff like that.

by Anonymousreply 457October 5, 2018 11:42 AM

But these kids don't have any friends or schoolmates, r457

by Anonymousreply 458October 5, 2018 11:46 AM

They are also much too old for holding hands with mommy on outings, family visits to toy stores, "playing" with her and being her best friend. She is majorly fucked up and using her kids as some sort of selfish therapy. I feel sorry for them. They are not permitted to socialize normally or have any real friends.

Reminds me of that psycho couple who lived with their teen and adult kids in complete isolation. They were chained to their beds so they wouldn't leave and starved so they wouldn't grow up.

AJ's kids will be totally unprepared to live as independent adults. Since they never had to navigate real friendships in childhood, they won't be able to discern the character of the people they meet as adults. There will be jackals at every turn trying to use them for money and fame.

by Anonymousreply 459October 5, 2018 12:12 PM

Time for a WalMart outing. Everyone line up and hold on to Mommy’s hand.

by Anonymousreply 460October 6, 2018 1:41 AM

Apparently, that nice home that Angie just bought thanks to the money Brad loaned her is an expensive dump site. I can't find the article that I read which said that, but here is one that catches a glimpse of their family life. During the interview, their rottweiler, fresh from swimming in the pool, jumps his big wet ass on the sofa.

Apparently, Vivienne had a sleepover, so it might be a glimmer of hope that the kids do some socializing w/peers.

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by Anonymousreply 461October 6, 2018 5:56 AM

She got a rottweiller and a rescue pit bull aka background unknown. The two worst dogs to have in a family with children. There are pictures of the children barely able to walk the dogs and Jolie in high heels with the pit pulling away at the leash. Good luck with that.

by Anonymousreply 462October 7, 2018 6:22 PM

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by Anonymousreply 463October 8, 2018 6:27 AM

Every time I see a photo of Shiloh I feel so sorry for her. Her mother is insane and if it’s true she has forced this boy identification thing on her daughter right from birth, she needs to be in jail.

by Anonymousreply 464October 8, 2018 7:31 AM

Here is Shiloh posing w/the boys.

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by Anonymousreply 465October 8, 2018 7:48 AM

I remeber seeing Shiloh when she was a toddler clutching a taxidermy like toy animal (bird or something), I always found that odd. It tended to be something boys would want to hold not necessarily girls.

I might have to give Angie a pass on Shiloh, but now it is known that Vivienne prefers gender-neutrul clothing. To me, it just looks like boy clothes and rather odd.

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by Anonymousreply 466October 8, 2018 8:08 AM

All of these kids are fucked. There I said it!!

by Anonymousreply 467October 8, 2018 5:32 PM

It's funny it's only the girls that are transgender-like.

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by Anonymousreply 468October 9, 2018 6:36 AM

They are all weird

by Anonymousreply 469October 10, 2018 4:18 AM

Every time I see pics of these ragamuffins I think what a fucking idiot Brad was to have kids with this woman. But who knows? Given that he admitted to drinking too much and getting stoned all the time, maybe his kids would have been screwed no matter who he had them with.

by Anonymousreply 470October 10, 2018 4:22 AM

Angie isn't broke; she's disclosing only her known Assets. Everything else is in a Trust.

by Anonymousreply 471October 10, 2018 4:26 AM

Angie isn't broke to in comparison to most people, but she is Hollywood broke. She's living paycheck to paycheck. Of course, her paychecks are huge, and unfortunately, she spends huge. Basically, she needs to supplement her income, because she lives large.

by Anonymousreply 472October 10, 2018 5:48 AM

Well the one thing she isn't doing for money is get photographed in eye-catching designer clothes, and yes, actresses can get paid to wear stuff for pap shots and not just on the red carpet.

Unless she has contracts to model for some house that specializes in dowdy black things?

by Anonymousreply 473October 10, 2018 9:34 AM

R473, true. She doesn't get a payout for her "street clothes" that's for sure. Is she still a brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton bags? She also used to represent St John (which is such a joke on so many levels). Go on, Angie, it would be a lot less work for you to get some commercial contracts and pull in the money than it is to fight it out with Brad.

by Anonymousreply 474October 10, 2018 10:55 AM

Jolie got paid for this photo shoot and puff piece. The JDH initials on the photos are for her Jolie Dalton Helic group in London. Jolie people took the photos and this fashion magazine paid for them. I have no information about arrangements for the clothes worn and featured prominently in all photographs.

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by Anonymousreply 475October 10, 2018 5:36 PM

She looks like an absolute ghoul in the photos in R475.

by Anonymousreply 476October 10, 2018 9:27 PM

She does and her expressions look so weird. Like one of those barbi twins who used to pose for playboy. Bet she thinks she nailed it with the gloves, the hat, etc but it's way too much. Looks like she doesn't eat at all. So much for female empowerment.

by Anonymousreply 477October 10, 2018 11:08 PM

That outfit was ridiculous and her gloves looked especially goofy given that they didn't fit her hands at all.

by Anonymousreply 478October 11, 2018 12:39 AM

So there was the

Jolie pitt foundation

Then the Jolie pitt Dalton Helic shitshow

And now

Jolie Dalton Helic something horseshit

Next time just call the fucking tax dodge entity something like pegasus or dolphin. you're too unstable to NOT change the line up of directors/grifters every few years, cunt. It'll save on stationery costs and changing bank account names too.

Fucking amateur. Even nancy reagan worked a more efficient tax dodge scam with her JUST SAY NO drug charity bulldust.

by Anonymousreply 479October 11, 2018 11:00 AM

Why have such big dogs if you like to travel so much? And those dogs require awesome dog handling skills. She is insane

by Anonymousreply 480October 11, 2018 11:22 AM

[quote]That outfit was ridiculous and her gloves looked especially goofy given that they didn't fit her hands at all.


You mean bones, because if you look at her left hand, it's pretty ghostly. I see Halloween came early.

by Anonymousreply 481October 12, 2018 7:43 AM

I don't know why people fell for Brangelina? I never did. She was a homewrecker, and she didn't care. In this link, it quotes shyt she said in Vogue during the time she was filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

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by Anonymousreply 482October 12, 2018 7:49 AM

She really liked to sell the fairytale of their falling in love on the set of that cheesy movie.

I thought it was interesting that for a long long time Jennifer continued to allow questions about her feelings about what Angelina said in this or that interview and she answered them. I guess it was a PR game, but I would hate to be portrayed as a heartbroken ex so many years after a relationship ended.

by Anonymousreply 483October 12, 2018 8:00 AM

I don't think Jen was answering (a lot of)questions about Brangelina. I do know her friend, Chelsea Handler clap backed at questions.

by Anonymousreply 484October 12, 2018 8:08 AM

This quote from the article @ R482 shows just how conniving and delusional she is.

[quote]Angelina wonders how she could have communicated with Brad more, or how she could have helped him battle his demons better. So many things Angelina questions and or feels regretful about concerning their relationship still haunt her,

She wonders how she, the heroic, long suffering wife, could have helped Brad, the loser, be a better husband (snort)

by Anonymousreply 485October 12, 2018 9:03 AM

Right, R485, because Brad was the one with ALL the problems in the relationship🙄

Of course she had none and was the innocent victim; *such* a typical BPD perspective in a relationship...

Similar to her and her PR team’s endless hinting that Pitt is still “dangerous” around the kids for “dark, mysterious” reasons.

She really is conniving and insufferable.

It’s always been so bizarre to me how she acts like those years of open drug use, making out with her brother, admissions about self-harm, unstable relationships (Billy Bob), and admissions to mental hospitals *never* happened...

by Anonymousreply 486October 12, 2018 9:43 AM

This is a very uneducated person with money and fame. That means trashy lifestyle and no wisdom.

by Anonymousreply 487October 12, 2018 10:31 AM

[quote]This is a very uneducated person with money and fame. That means trashy lifestyle and no wisdom.

I think the lack of an education burned Angie to a crisp every time she had to hang around Amal Clooney.

by Anonymousreply 488October 13, 2018 6:51 AM

Didn’t Jolie and Pitt infamously skip George and Amal’s splashy wedding in Venice, R488?

I remember it was big news at the time. Even Matt Damon and the wife attended.

But nobody could understand why Clooney’s “close pal” of so many years, Brad Pitt and his wife skipped the event...

No explanation was ever given.

by Anonymousreply 489October 13, 2018 7:49 AM

Oh, most definitely she was jealous of Amal. To me, both of them are showboats, each trying to out-martyr each other.

Interesting tidbit I found out was that Brangelina's brood dirtied Clooney's home. I don't know if Amal was in the picture at the time.

by Anonymousreply 490October 13, 2018 8:19 AM

Agree about Angie and Amal, R490; they are similar.

You couldn’t really see Amal’s notoriously showy, bouncy arrival at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding (in the mustard dress and hat ensemble) and conclude otherwise...

Do you have a link about the Pitt-Jolie kids dirtying Clooney’s home? I believe you, but want to read more about it...

by Anonymousreply 491October 13, 2018 8:25 AM

[quote]You couldn’t really see Amal’s notoriously showy, bouncy arrival at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding (in the mustard dress and hat ensemble) and conclude otherwise...

Oh, yes, I did! It starts at 00:10

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by Anonymousreply 492October 13, 2018 8:42 AM

[quote]Do you have a link about the Pitt-Jolie kids dirtying Clooney’s home? I believe you, but want to read more about it...

Here it is.

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by Anonymousreply 493October 13, 2018 8:42 AM

Angie's out with her younger boy-dressing daughter, Viv.

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by Anonymousreply 494October 17, 2018 8:07 AM

Another PR stunt to be seen as the good parent, while she totes around some ragamuffins.

by Anonymousreply 495October 17, 2018 8:20 AM

R493, that's a ridiculous source and story. They've never been there or we'd know about it for real. As in real press. George doesn't live in some secluded place. It's very open.

by Anonymousreply 496October 18, 2018 11:51 AM

R496 What are you talking about? It's been rumored that the kids messed up George's place. It clearly says "rumored", but it's quite possible since they trash their own home. Plus, Clooney does have an Italian home.

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by Anonymousreply 497October 19, 2018 7:38 AM

[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 498October 22, 2018 6:28 AM

R29 she also said in her last will & testament that Voight owed her $150,000+ for "spousal support". RUFKM? She was totally nuts, just like Jolie is.

by Anonymousreply 499October 22, 2018 6:56 AM

Dear Prince Harry:

You married one just like Angelina Jolie only Meghan Markle is taping your every move & your fights with her, and the Royal Family's fights with her.


by Anonymousreply 500October 22, 2018 6:59 AM

R499 That's crazy.

R498 There was another article w/the same Angie pics that said she had on no makeup. I can clearly see makeup on Angelina.

by Anonymousreply 501October 22, 2018 7:23 AM

Does Brad have to pay for college for Maddox?

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by Anonymousreply 502November 5, 2018 7:08 AM

How is Maddox getting into a college?

by Anonymousreply 503November 5, 2018 6:42 PM

Hate the evil little moustache on Maddox,

by Anonymousreply 504November 6, 2018 4:16 AM
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by Anonymousreply 505November 6, 2018 4:22 AM

Hmmmm . . . Brad must have been the one to ditch the marriage, much to Angie's surprise. Now, if it were Angie to have ditched the marriage, would Brad have launched the same money grab?

Just a question -

by Anonymousreply 506November 6, 2018 4:29 AM

Evil woman.

by Anonymousreply 507November 6, 2018 4:36 AM

[quote]How is Maddox getting into a college?

Remember, Angie offered every child their own nannie and each a language teacher. I'm sure each child had their own tutor.

by Anonymousreply 508November 6, 2018 7:11 AM

She can't really believe she'll get full custody, can she? Welp, Pitt wanted her so badly and now he has her, for life. No matter what the final decision ends up being, she is going to make him pay and I can't even feel bad for him. Even though, I feel bad for the kids I do hope this leads to juicy gossip being spilled in the coming days. I'm sure she'll ramp up the pap walks again and Pitt's sources will be talking to mags and blogs to counter her in their public image battle. At least the kids have each other to lean on through their unstable childhoods.

by Anonymousreply 509November 6, 2018 1:52 PM

And the stench emanating from her dirty pantyhose is probably still there. Sad.

by Anonymousreply 510November 6, 2018 2:05 PM

They have no pre nup!

by Anonymousreply 511November 6, 2018 2:20 PM

They both got what they deserved. Both of them are disgusting human beings.

by Anonymousreply 512November 6, 2018 4:15 PM

True, R512, but the kids didn't deserve to be brought up this way.

I'm sure she's going to make him suffer as long as they both live, and he's going to deserve it for having children with a batshit crazy woman. Everyone knows you just don't go there and why, but he thought the rules didn't apply to famous people, the idiot.

by Anonymousreply 513November 6, 2018 7:25 PM

Brad's an idiot, but he'll still come out on top in this. People only tolerated Angelina when she was young and fuckable. Now that she looks like the Crypt Keeper, her popularity with the public is done. I don't care how many times she visits Africa.

by Anonymousreply 514November 6, 2018 11:01 PM

Why does she have to visit foreign hell holes to get her charitable kicks? Surely her home state California has homeless people and impoverished victims of society enough?

by Anonymousreply 515November 7, 2018 12:21 AM

Exactly R515

by Anonymousreply 516November 7, 2018 12:38 AM

She won't ever let him move on, will she? I can't wait to see what she does the moment he tries to date someone else. He gets no sympathy from me so this whole shitstorm is extra fun.

by Anonymousreply 517November 7, 2018 12:42 AM

I'm neutral on Jolie, I don't love or despise her. However, her hardcore fans are a bunch of batshit crazy cunts. If you ever get curious about the psychopathology of extreme fan hood , go to a site called celebitchy run by a weirdo who goes under the pseudonym Kaiser. I visited it a few years ago, thinking it would be like Dlisted. But These women are insane, they can't stop licking Angie's twat. And they have a pathological and bizarre hatred of Jennifer Aniston that goes beyond a casual dislike or bitchiness. They are as obsessed with Aniston as they are Jolie. If for example, Aniston mentions her new movie in an interview they will start shrieking how she can't stop talking about Brad. They see connections that aren't there. They also fantasize that Benedict Cumberbatch is trapped against his will in a marriage to a prostitute. I left some really funny trolling comments a few years ago but they were almost immediately deleted.

by Anonymousreply 518November 7, 2018 12:55 AM

[quote]They have no pre nup!

Angie knew what she was doing, and that's why she wants full custody. Can we say mo money, mo money!

by Anonymousreply 519November 7, 2018 6:40 AM

I'm not American, so if there is no prenup, is she entitled to 50% of his assets or only the the assets they jointly obtained during their marriage? In my country you don't automatically get 50% of your spouses assets, you're only entitled to 50% of the assets you jointly obtained while you were actually married.

by Anonymousreply 520November 7, 2018 8:28 AM

R520 In CA, it's 50% of what a spouse makes during the marriage, but even that can be challenged. Plus, Angie's banking on getting the motherlode for child support, and that's the reason she wants full custody.

by Anonymousreply 521November 7, 2018 8:47 AM

R520, if there is no prenup, typically assets acquired during the marriage are divided equally.

Which would leave Ang shit outa luck if they just went by the law, because they married only a year or so before they broke up. But in a divorce like this assets aren't divided according to the law, they're divided according to who has the most dirt on the other and is willing to use it. She's going to win on that front.

by Anonymousreply 522November 7, 2018 8:54 AM

So going for child support IS actually her best option here, if she needs his chash to keep her lavish lifestyle. Thus the lack of a prenup is really good news for Pitt since they were only married for a short time and a prenup would have been in Jolie's favor. Haha.

by Anonymousreply 523November 7, 2018 9:18 AM

[quote]But in a divorce like this assets aren't divided according to the law, they're divided according to who has the most dirt on the other and is willing to use it. She's going to win on that front.

What divorce does Angelina have on Brad? I'm thinking nothing.

by Anonymousreply 524November 8, 2018 6:20 AM

Their relationship seemed to go sour soon after she got all those extreme elective surgeries--to have her natural breasts and female organs removed to protect her from cancer. That must have lead to sudden early onset menopause, which would have been treated with hormones, but could have been difficult to manage due to the dramatic change. I wonder if her sudden menopause lead to sudden changes in their relationship and connection to each other? The timing just seemed too much of a coincidence.

by Anonymousreply 525November 8, 2018 11:11 AM

I think their relationship went to shit pretty early on, but they already had so many kids and they were making a ton of money as a power couple. The harder they sold how much they loved each other in interviews the less I believed it. By the time they got married they couldn't even fake it for People magazine. They looked miserable.

by Anonymousreply 526November 8, 2018 2:15 PM

[quote] Angie's banking on getting the motherlode for child support, and that's the reason she wants full custody.

California has a formula and there's a ceiling. There's a DIY online worksheet you can use to calculate child support. Two rich people (she just made something like $28 million for a movie) with 50-50 shared time gets you nothing. Even with sole custody - which she will never get - she'd still have to share time with the other parent - I think she'd get maybe a million or less per year for all six kds. So that's not exactly a big payday and he'd probably give more to his kids voluntarily. He's already set up trust funds for them.

She is stupid to go to trial.

by Anonymousreply 527November 8, 2018 2:40 PM

How many homes and apartments do they own?

by Anonymousreply 528November 8, 2018 10:33 PM

I think I read somewhere that part if the reason Angie is fighting so hard for sole custody is because she wants to continue to have the freedom to pick up and travel to wherever with the kids whenever she wants. If she shares custody with Brad she'll have to plan her trips in advance and won't always be able to take the kids.

by Anonymousreply 529November 9, 2018 12:01 AM

Picking up a bunch of teenage kids and traveling wherever and whenever she wants is the behavior of a toxic narcissist. Normal, well-adjusted kids of that age have schedules and relationships of their own, tests and sports contests and friends' parties and dates that they've planned on, not to mention kids of that age usually have their own opinion about where they like visiting and when.

She doesn't see those kids as people with lives and needs of their own, she sees them as a permanent entourage. And she's doing her damdest to make sure they can never, ever leave her.

by Anonymousreply 530November 9, 2018 12:44 AM

Good point, R530.

[quote]I think she'd get maybe a million or less per year for all six kds. So that's not exactly a big payday and he'd probably give more to his kids voluntarily. He's already set up trust funds for them.

No, she can definitely get more than a million for all six kids. Mel B gets $50k from Eddie Murphy for one child. If you use that formula, she should get $250k a month, because she'll get nothing for Maddox, who is 18 or soon will be if when this gets to trial.

by Anonymousreply 531November 9, 2018 7:22 AM

Bingo @ R530

[quote]She doesn't see those kids as people with lives and needs of their own

Sums up this BPD nightmare perfectly. She only had/adopted them to be her playmates. When they try to break from her she will have a total mental breakdown.

by Anonymousreply 532November 9, 2018 11:27 AM

Even if she got $30 million for Maleficient 2 she haemorrhages money. 6 kids raised as globetrotting movie stars to support through college, legal bills up the ass and at least 8 permanent staff as well as her own lifestyle... no wonder she’s suing BP for more child support.

by Anonymousreply 533November 9, 2018 11:41 AM

She could save a lot by just settling in one place and letting the kids have a normal life with school, activities and friends.

by Anonymousreply 534November 9, 2018 11:59 AM

There was someone here who was nannying for a kid who was invited for a play date at Casa Jolie - a pro skateboarder or somesuch? All the moms of the kids gushed over Angie while their nannies were sent in to supervise the children.

by Anonymousreply 535November 9, 2018 12:02 PM

[quote]She could save a lot by just settling in one place and letting the kids have a normal life with school, activities and friends.

Hmmm... now, why would she dare do something so sensible?

by Anonymousreply 536November 10, 2018 7:12 AM

[quote]All the moms of the kids gushed over Angie while their nannies were sent in to supervise the children.

Oh, what a high she must have had over that.

by Anonymousreply 537November 10, 2018 7:13 AM

Here is Angelina high as a kite with her pupils pinned to oblivion.

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by Anonymousreply 538November 10, 2018 4:55 PM

R538 That seems to be a couple of years ago. I see the Kung Foo Pando logo, so I'm assuming she showed up high at the premiere, which wasn't that long ago.

by Anonymousreply 539November 11, 2018 5:45 AM

At least 500 of the posts in this thread were made one deranged, obsessive, obese lunatic with a gunt hanging down to her toes. The relentless fixated hatred directed toward this very fortunate woman who has absolutely no impact on the life of the snarling stalker is terrifying really. I wonder if the primary author of this thread has anyone in her life besides her sock puppet accounts.

by Anonymousreply 540November 11, 2018 6:58 AM

R540 Angelina, hi!

by Anonymousreply 541November 11, 2018 7:05 AM

Hi, Maddox!

by Anonymousreply 542November 11, 2018 5:38 PM

I'm assuming taking oxycontin for example, can cause your pupils to pin as much as heroin would. I don't think she's shooting up or anything. Just a nice little pill dependency.

by Anonymousreply 543November 11, 2018 6:00 PM

Many very convincing posts seem to suggest that Brad and Angelina's relationship went bad many years ago. So, why after they broke up did Brad offer all those quotes to the media saying he wanted to get back with her and that he had been behaving like a fool and when he was with her he had "won the emotional lottery"? There were lots of sad sap stories in the media like that where he offered such quotes. It sounded like he wanted to save the marriage. Anyone have a theory as to why, considering so many people insist the relationship was over so many years ago?

by Anonymousreply 544November 12, 2018 4:23 AM

He got what he deserved,

by Anonymousreply 545November 12, 2018 4:48 AM

I didn't read any quotes like that, r544. I got all my gossip from D-listed and here. What I recall is Brad admitting he had fucked up, drank too much and was now in a sober introspective phase. At one point there was a rumor that he was aiming for a reconciliation, but his people shot that down pretty quick.

It's possible that when he said those things he was just feeling shell-shocked and wasn't mentally clear yet. Or, he changed his tune after reading the Vanity Fair article with Angelina where she made it clear she didn't give a shit if he was now sober and regretful.

by Anonymousreply 546November 12, 2018 5:29 AM

I didn't hear those quotes either.

by Anonymousreply 547November 12, 2018 6:06 AM

Brad never said a thing about a reconciliation.

by Anonymousreply 548November 12, 2018 6:24 AM

The holidays are coming, so where do the kids go?

by Anonymousreply 549November 18, 2018 7:36 AM

Does Brad even see the kids ?

by Anonymousreply 550November 19, 2018 12:24 PM

I dunno, R550. Check his passport for trips to Africa.

by Anonymousreply 551November 19, 2018 2:17 PM

[quote]The holidays are coming, so where do the kids go?

Angelina will be taking the kids to Dubrovnik for an extended holiday.

by Anonymousreply 552November 19, 2018 2:24 PM

Show me the moneeeey!

by Anonymousreply 553November 19, 2018 2:43 PM

Angelina needs to take those implants out. They don’t suit her tiny frame. I think the skin in that area has stretched out sufficiently, and she can now down size.

She’s much too pretty to be walking around with those huge knockers

by Anonymousreply 554November 19, 2018 5:59 PM

Brad Pitt is going to tell all about his ugly split and custody battle with ex, Angelina Jolie. He's in talks to chat with Jada Pinkett Smith on her very popular Red Table Talk Show.

It starts at 18:35 on the podcast link on the link below.

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by Anonymousreply 555November 21, 2018 8:31 AM

awful the way she has milked brad of millions of bucks.

she wanted the durn kids, let her git her ass out and work

she aint too good to be in a sitcom...on tv

by Anonymousreply 556November 21, 2018 10:34 AM

R556 It's not about getting paid; Angie needs to dial down the spending. She's still globetrotting and expecting a lavish lifestyle.

by Anonymousreply 557November 21, 2018 10:55 AM

And won’t even let Brad see the kids. Or even send the kids to school.

by Anonymousreply 558November 21, 2018 10:12 PM

She needs to send the kids to school and stop traveling, because it wasn't too long ago she was begging for a loan from Brad to buy a house.

If she was mindful of her spending, she wouldn't need to have asked Brad for money.

by Anonymousreply 559November 22, 2018 6:58 AM

This last year has convinced me that she has BPD, and not the NPD that's so common at the high levels of Hollywood.

Someone with NPD would have done a MUCH better job of smearing their ex and looking like the injured party!

by Anonymousreply 560November 22, 2018 8:00 AM

Does she make out with Maddox like she used to do with her brother?

by Anonymousreply 561November 22, 2018 8:15 AM

Apparently, the judge that married them will be the one deciding custody.


I love that pic of Maddox laughing his ass off as Brad marries Angelina.

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by Anonymousreply 562November 22, 2018 8:29 AM

mercy, the stress brad must have over havin to support her lavish druggy habits, and supporting all that gaggle of kids.

no wonder he looks 80

by Anonymousreply 563November 22, 2018 12:20 PM

Notice Shiloh is wearing groom's men attire and appears to be one of them, while Maddox appears to be the one who walked Angie down the aisle. Zahara seems to be the matron of honor, because she's holding the bouquet. Viv seems to be the flower girl.

by Anonymousreply 564November 23, 2018 7:24 AM

[quote]mercy, the stress brad must have over havin to support her lavish druggy habits, and supporting all that gaggle of kids.

That AND -- HAVING a gaggle of kids who had no rules enforced upon them. That AND HAVING to pay the bills WITHOUT a say on how the kids are to be raise. That AND HAVING to live in total chaos and filth. That's why he turned to drinking.

by Anonymousreply 565November 23, 2018 7:29 AM

Angelina's charity in debt.

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by Anonymousreply 566November 27, 2018 7:25 AM

hey bitch the world now knows what a nasty greedy broke ass ho u is.....


by Anonymousreply 567November 27, 2018 7:38 AM

Six kids are not hard to support for people as wealthy as them. However, I guess she is very excessive with the multiple trips and nannies. Her kids are older one or two nannies would do. I mean the two eldest must drive already.

Seeing the wedding picture is ironic because a lot of people said at the time that it was probably a last ditch effort to save the relationship. By that point the publicity surrounding the relationship died out a lot too.

To whomever mentioned college, I say none of these kids will go. It's too structured and they are not used to that. They are also used to being catered to. Maybe one or two will attempt film school, but drop out. The two older ones is my guess. Watch, they'll attend NYU. I think when these kids finally age out, Angelina will adopt more like Mia Farrow. The only difference is she won't take on special needs children that will cramp her lifestyle or maybe she will and that will be her new reinvention.

by Anonymousreply 568November 27, 2018 8:24 AM

[quote]Six kids are not hard to support for people as wealthy as them. However, I guess she is very excessive with the multiple trips and nannies. Her kids are older one or two nannies would do. I mean the two eldest must drive already.

I've seen Maddox being chauffeured; no one is driving.

[quote]To whomever mentioned college, I say none of these kids will go. It's too structured and they are not used to that. They are also used to being catered to. Maybe one or two will attempt film school, but drop out. The two older ones is my guess.

Somehow, I can see Zahara going to college, but the others, I agree it is too structured for that group.

by Anonymousreply 569November 27, 2018 8:57 AM

She would have had a huge payday for MALEFICENT 2 and a lesser one for COME AWAY. But she really needs to be making more movies.

by Anonymousreply 570November 27, 2018 8:36 PM

Wait I thought Pitt was gay and Angie was a lesbian how can they have children never mind child support legal issues LOL?

by Anonymousreply 571November 27, 2018 8:43 PM

That wedding was sad and creepy. The Jolie-Pitt clan is so isolated. No friends or other family members were permitted to attend.

Reminds me of another creepy, insular family. Same thing. A wedding with just the parents and kids.....and no one else:

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by Anonymousreply 572November 27, 2018 8:49 PM

Ain't it the truth, R572!

Ang probably thinks that taking the kids all over the world is "freedom" for them, but it's only freedom for her.

by Anonymousreply 573November 27, 2018 9:15 PM

Angelina dresses her kids like raggamuffins while she wears designer clothes. What is up w/that? I guess the struggle is real. She's broke, but why does she get to wear designer threads?

by Anonymousreply 574November 28, 2018 6:40 AM

What is described at r566 is not a charity but a cynical tax write off which is seeking to rehab her image

by Anonymousreply 575November 28, 2018 2:58 PM

Why does this woman’s name need to be dragged through the mud? We all like Pitt’s films, especially the ones he’s not in. It doesn’t have to be Angelina vs. Brad.

These two people were very much in love at one time. They share six kids together, and there’s enough room for both of them in Hollywood.

I don’t agree with smearing her name. She needs to understand that those kids are HIS KIDS TOO, & he needs to make sure that the mother of his children, has a future as an actress, so that she too, can support herself, and help him support their children.

by Anonymousreply 576November 28, 2018 7:18 PM

R576, see r575. She is a fame whore who has swapped blood vials and frenchkissing her brother for visits to refugee camps. She is not raising her children with any semblance of normality. That is obvious even from an incredibly vast distance. The information she does share about their lives is alarming, even taking into consideration how little the general population truly know about any of these celebrities.

by Anonymousreply 577November 29, 2018 11:33 PM

[quote]Why does this woman’s name need to be dragged through the mud? I don’t agree with smearing her name.

Uh, I think Angie is doing all of that on her own. First, she started with calling the cops and CPS on Brad. The next moment, she's trashing his name saying he's not paying enough child support, and to follow that up, she tries her best to limit the time he has with the children.

by Anonymousreply 578November 30, 2018 7:29 AM

Angelina hired a manny. I wonder is she downsizing from a nanny for each child to less.

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by Anonymousreply 579November 30, 2018 7:30 AM

Those kids are growing out of the “cute” stage

by Anonymousreply 580November 30, 2018 9:41 PM

I doubt she'll limit her spending at this stage of things, because she's trying to hard for more child support money that she's willing to go to public with a trial rather than let their lawyers agree. She wants to run crying to the judge that it costs an unholy fortune to keep all those kids in nannies and tutors, in the hopes that the judge will do more to make Pitt cough up than her own lawyers. As if!

That's why I'm finally convinced that she has BPD rather than NPD like most celebrities, she's willing to destroy her own image to get back at Pitt for leaving her. A narcissist would be careful to look like the good guy throughout a nasty breakup, while she's looking more and more unhinged.

by Anonymousreply 581November 30, 2018 10:38 PM

They're both leaking things to the press. Neither is behaving well in the divorce. Brad is doing better in the press for a few reasons. First there's some sexism, women get judged more harshly than men. Second Brad has more friends in the business than she does. Third Brad doesn't come off as particularly cunning. He's got this every dude thing going on that makes people think he's just a nice normal guy. Angie in contrast has cultivated an image of being very intelligent. People assume intelligent people are more likely to be manipulative than dumb ones. Just to be clear I'm not saying she is especially intelligent or that he's not. I'm just saying that's the image that's been projected.

by Anonymousreply 582November 30, 2018 10:51 PM

[quote] Angie in contrast has cultivated an image of being very intelligent. People assume intelligent people are more likely to be manipulative than dumb ones. Just to be clear I'm not saying she is especially intelligent or that he's not. I'm just saying that's the image that's been projected.

I don't think "intelligent" is the image she cultivated. "Maneater" "Manstealer" "Manipulative" any of those words will do.

Currently, she's in the manipulative stage. She in constant manipulative mode by working, CPS,. the press and now trying to work the court system.

by Anonymousreply 583December 1, 2018 5:52 AM

[quote]They're both leaking things to the press. Neither is behaving well in the divorce. Brad is doing better in the press for a few reasons. First there's some sexism, women get judged more harshly than men. Second Brad has more friends in the business than she does. Third Brad doesn't come off as particularly cunning. He's got this every dude thing going on that makes people think he's just a nice normal guy.

Then there's that thing where he's not trying to stop the kids from having a good relationship with their mother.

by Anonymousreply 584December 1, 2018 5:55 AM

[quote]Neither is behaving well in the divorce

Brad tried. He was willing to fall on his sword, and did.......in the beginning. Then she went nuclear with a character assassination campaign in an attempt to build up her Saint Angelina image. Same exact thing her mother did to John Voit. Once someone betrays you like that, all bets are off. It's impossible to "behave well" when the other party is a BPD nightmare and black widow. BPDs love to project an image of themselves as long suffering victims while they manipulate and connive to stab you in the back. Luckily no one buys her act. Everyone in Hollywood hates AJ. They all see through her and side with Pitt. Her image with the public isn't faring much better. People think she's odd and selfish and her kids are weird.

by Anonymousreply 585December 3, 2018 9:14 AM

Why are all their girls turning into boys?

by Anonymousreply 586December 3, 2018 9:26 AM

Boy clothes are cheaper.

by Anonymousreply 587December 4, 2018 9:00 AM

is angie a pill head she got that Percocet blues look...

by Anonymousreply 588December 5, 2018 12:33 PM

Brad was awarded joint custody. Yay!!

by Anonymousreply 589December 5, 2018 11:46 PM

For more on Pitt’s custody victory — including when Jolie realized she could actually lose custody, and a look at the actor’s home — watch the video above and pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.

The link just plays some reality show recap

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by Anonymousreply 590December 6, 2018 12:35 AM

R590, nobody buys magazines.

by Anonymousreply 591December 6, 2018 1:36 AM

no one likes or respects old angie

she cant get no roles, needs $ from poor brad

fuk off skunt

by Anonymousreply 592December 6, 2018 12:22 PM

I'm not reading anything about a custody agreement.

by Anonymousreply 593December 7, 2018 7:31 AM

I started a new thread to continue this discussion. Apparently, there is an arrangement in place, but it is not permanent.

New thread linked.

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by Anonymousreply 594December 7, 2018 7:37 AM

I wonder if Pitt will send the little monsters to school, during his custodial time?

If so, my sympathies to their teachers.

by Anonymousreply 595December 7, 2018 8:20 AM

As if, Angie would allow that!

by Anonymousreply 596December 7, 2018 8:37 AM

I have no idea if Brad either did a good job of playing the custodial long game after Angie got in the first shot, or if he really isn't that keen on having custody.

by Anonymousreply 597December 7, 2018 10:44 PM
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