The Big Lebowski. It was nothing special.
Every Kevin Spacey movie ever. No, I'm not being facetious. I gave nearly every one of his movies a chance and saw nothing special. Se7en felt like it was running off the fumes of Silence of the Lambs. The Usual Suspects was just another Pulp Fiction wannabe. American Beauty, I loathed for so many reasons too numerous to mention.
Tropic Thunder. I heard people rave that it was our generation's Blazing Saddles and that Tom Cruise was so brilliant in it. They're kidding, right? The movie was parodying a genre that hadn't been done in 20 years, the trope of the idiot who can't tell the difference between reality and play acting had been done to death and Cruise was obnoxious.
Fargo. Another cheap Pulp Fiction imitator, and one of the most mean-spirited movies I've ever seen. And it's a one joke movie.
Gladiator. Awful. It was like someone saw every Roman and Biblical epic from the 1950s and 60s, ate every trope and threw them all back up onto one plate.
Inception. Poor Matrix retread and Jason Gordon-Levitt was absolutely terrible in it. Had decent ideas but the reason for the heist was stupid.
Gravity. It was basically just another mindless popcorn action film with the pretense of being deep because it was shot in the style of 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was so exhausting to watch, too. One thing happens, then another, then another, then another....
Taxi Driver. Was brilliant until that last scene when the movie resets the switch and tries to pretend that Travis Bickle wasn't a lunatic who went cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Nah, he was just a lovable loser whose inner hero was struggling to get out. Tons of subliminal racism. Glamorized gun violence, too. F this movie.
Forrest Gump. Ick. Don't even get me started on this one.
Requiem for a Dream. An anti-drug film as corny and lacking in subtlety as any "Just Say No Very Special Episode." I love the casual racism, too. When the chick sleeps with the first john that was no big deal but as soon as she has to blow the black guy, DUN DUN DUNNNN...Oh, the horror! (Seriously, listen to the music cue in that scene. It's hilarious.)
The Professional. Lauded for being ooh so edgy and daring for toying with pedophilia and a girl assassin but then didn't do anything with it, was just another conventional Hollywood movie playing out the tired trope of the lonely drifter forced into a parental role Also, reportedly a ripoff of "Gloria", which I haven't seen but wouldn't be surprised if that was true.
ET. Completely forgettable. ET was also a hideous and stupid looking character design.
Schindler's List. No, hear me out. It's a beautifully shot movie. But it had Oscar bait written all over it. Plus, everyone was saying that this was "mature" Spielberg. But it wasn't. It used the same manipulative tactics that he's known for in most of his movies. Also, lost major points for me when it turned out that the only reason why he had shot the entire movie in black and white was so he could do that corny Hallmark card thing of the one girl's coat being tinted in color.
The Last Picture Show. It's Peyton Place, people. Except with guys.