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Michael Musto's Facebook thread about meeting celebrities has surpassed 100 replies!

And there are many DataLounge-specific references!

It's hilarious and gossip-filled. Which of you queens posted about celebs there?

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by Anonymousreply 42May 29, 2018 12:39 AM

OP, what can you tell us about Michael Musto’s mussy? Is it musty?

by Anonymousreply 1May 6, 2018 6:58 PM

Poor Michael Musto, no one ever liked him and now I doubt he could even get into half the clubs in New York.

by Anonymousreply 2May 6, 2018 7:01 PM

No mussy report, but I meant 1000 replies.

Someone even made a "the sky was so blue" comment.

Some others:

When i was a kid, i bumped into Marlo Thomas. I was starstruck that she was in That Girl. She was chilly, i was heart broken and surprised. To do that to a young kid! However, as a kid w my brother, we met Jack Klugman while he was filming and he was amazing and warm.

David Schwimmer was extremely rude and denied an autograph to a little boy at a restaurant where I worked in Chicago. The kid left the table in tears. Ironically enough, it was on the same night as the finale of Friends. A fitting end, I might add.

Madeline Kahn was cold as ice after a SISTERS ROSENZWEIG perf. She signed for my mom (first NYC trip, first time stage-dooring someone just to have don eit) and when I raised my camera to capture the moment, Madeline half-looked up and raised her finger and said, "Don't do that." I heeded it. She then was done and walked away. We wondered later if she was sick, or didn't like that she was still in full makeup and wig from the show or whatever. But it was jarring. Still, I know the stage door experience can be annoying ... it's just that almost no one else was there! I think on the same trip we saw Molly Shannon behind us in the mezz at a musical or play. I asked her to pose for a pic with my mom and she WAS HAPPY TO. So sweet. OH. One last one: Philip Seymour Hoffman was realllllly surly to myself and a pal when we encountered him outside a small theater in the Village, nobody around. I later wondered if he had been looking for drugs or something. I def didn't hold it against him, since it turned out he had demons. We just didn't expect it. Julianne Moore was beyond nice, and I even told her I loved her in BODY OF EVIDENCE! She laughed gaily and proclaimed herself terrible in the film and told me fun stories. Done!

by Anonymousreply 3May 6, 2018 7:02 PM

" I work with celebrities all the time I have to say Bill Maher was a complete asshole trolling for women and I love most of them turned him down"

"Funny you should say that. I saw first hand the same thing. The Rainbow Room late 90s. Maher approached a group of eight ladies seated. The "hello ladies I'm Bill Maher" approach. They stopped talking, look at him for a few seconds and then started talking amongst themselves. Totally ignoring him. He walked away and went upstairs. LOL."

by Anonymousreply 4May 6, 2018 7:03 PM

" Julie Newmar. It was eons ago in Miami at some event to which I was assigned to by the Miami Herald. I was a young reporter and when I spotted her I was overcome with emotion. I went up to her and said: "Miss Newmar, I loved you as Catwoman." She looked me up and down a few times before icily responding "Oh really." And with that she turned with a friend and walked away as if I was a dust bunny that tumbled across her stilettos."

by Anonymousreply 5May 6, 2018 7:04 PM

"Lauren Bacall stopped what she was doing at a dinner party, and sat down next to a bored little boy wearing a sweater and tie. She proceeded to talk Mets Baseball with the kid, who had no idea who she was, for the next half hour. Legend."

by Anonymousreply 6May 6, 2018 7:06 PM

This has got to be a DL-er (no paragraphs!):

" Mel Gibson - misogynistic homophobe prick, Juia Roberts - phony fake bitch, Sharon Stone - really real, fun and funny, interesting and interested, Diane Keaton - first time I met her we were working together as it turned out - on 3 different commercials being shot by 3 different directors. All 3 directors HAD worked w/ her and gave me the distinct impression she was more than "difficult". We hit it off and talked like we'd known each other our whole lives. I had the same experience with Meryl Streep and Sigourney Weaver. In these cases, all 3 women were getting labeled "difficult" by men who lacked the talent of establishing rapport with women. They each had their own unique King Baby Syndrome schtick that worked for them on some level, but when these women required a man earn her respect the more he demanded they fall for his schtick and "obey" them...they were "difficult"! Ashley Judd - know-it-all, better-than-you sourpuss, Lilly Taylor, Barbara Hershey, and Debra Messing all suffer from the same form of debilitating insecurity that presents as "BITCH", Dolly Parton, Julianne Moore, Brooke Shields, and Susan Sarandon are embodiments of true beauty and grace. Some women who could've come off as shy, selfish, rude, unkind, or rotten, I have worked with for years (...sometimes over 20 years!) and I have gotten to see them grow into the amazing women they are now: J-Lo, Kelly Osborne, Madonna, Christina Aguilera, and even Courtney Love! Guys are so tricky and have sometimes really thrown me for a loop. Traditional pompous asshole tools: Alec Baldwin & Mel Gibson are the obvious jerks defining their genre, but some surprising lifetime members include: Chris Cooper, Mario Lopez, Will Ferrel, Enrique Iglesias, Mark Wahlberg, and Patrick Dempsey (OMG, he is SUCH a dick!) And there are the real deal salt of the earth dudes I aspire to be more like: Robert Downey J. (very literally saved my life), Dave Grohl, Oscar de la Hoya, and Bryan Adams. They mama's raised them right. Other men I've known were slow to earn the "gentle" status they now (finally!)all share: Jim Carrey, John Mayer, Anthony Bourdain, and Marshall Mathers. All time biggest surprise sweethearts: Casandra Petersen "Elvira" and Heath Ledger. (rip) and the "Who hurt you?!" Big Mean Weenies: Roseanna Arquette and Bill Murray. This was fun!"

by Anonymousreply 7May 6, 2018 7:13 PM

I remember this story from DL, unless two people ran into Greta Garbo while crossing the street...

"Nicest to have worked with: Greta Garbo saved my life in front of Bloomingdale's, Karen Allen,Patti Labelle ( offered me her fur coat), Jane Alexander, Ellen Burstyn, Michael O'Keefe,Rutger Hauer, Jerry Hall ( and all her sisters),Bryan Ferry,Swoozie Kurtz, Mo Gafney, Andy Warhol, Bonnie Raitt, Maria McKee,Debbie Harry, Amanda Plummer,Elaine Stritch,Diana Ross( we danced together) Carol Channing, Joan Rivers,John Heard, Christopher Walken, Rosanna Arquette,Frances Fisher, Susan Tyrell, Eartha Kitt just to name a few. The difficult ones: Cindy Laupner, Kathy Najime, Denzel Washington,Rick James and the worst ever Simon LeBon and the rest of his band ( who discussed needing a make up artist to go on a world tour with them, right in front of me as I was doing their make up and then said there were no good make up artists."

by Anonymousreply 8May 6, 2018 7:17 PM

R7 was that person also filming commercials with Meryl and Sigourney? Has M ever even done a commercial? That was confusing.

by Anonymousreply 9May 6, 2018 7:20 PM

[quote] Has M ever even done a commercial? That was confusing.

It's just G, trolling.

by Anonymousreply 10May 6, 2018 7:26 PM

Can anyone help me? I clicked on the link to Facebook, and while it said there were 534 replies, I was only able to read about 40. At the bottom of the page there was no "next page" or any icon to continue on. I would really like to read all the replies, so HELP ME!!!

by Anonymousreply 11May 6, 2018 7:36 PM

You have to scroll to the top where it says "view previous comments", R11.

by Anonymousreply 12May 6, 2018 7:40 PM

Met Irish director NEIL JORDAN, who was serving poisonously snarling bitch-face. He was promoting "Breakfast in Pluto," which was promising but ... hardly his best effort.

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by Anonymousreply 13May 6, 2018 7:49 PM

[quote] Has M ever even done a commercial? That was confusing.

She did that Summer's Eve spot about twenty years ago with Winona Ryder: "Meryl, on the set do you ever feel... you know... not so fresh?"

by Anonymousreply 14May 6, 2018 7:52 PM

I don't do Facebook. Thanks for this thread. Don't care if it's real or not, I love it all.

by Anonymousreply 15May 6, 2018 7:54 PM

This really got my attention!:

[quote] IAN MORRISON: Anne B Davis had my production of the Live Brady Bunch show closed down-I was also working at the TGI Fridays that was connected to the Four Season’s she was staying at while she played in Funny Girl here in Philly. I asked her to sign my playbill and she refused because she did not want it to look like she was associated with our production, but she did gave me an autograph. When I told her I played her in drag, she got so mad she had Sherwood Schwartz himself give us a cease order to close our production. When I saw her again in my section at Friday’s I still gave her great service, but I also served her a breadstick that may or may not have been shoved in my butt while the whole staff watched her eat it. Don’t fuck with drag queens and definitely don’t fuck with your food servers.

by Anonymousreply 16May 6, 2018 8:07 PM

Also hilarious:

[quote] JOE SANCHEZ: Star Jones at the height of her View fame was demanding to say the least. Her entourage was even worse.

[quote] JASON MAGERS-WILSON Is her entourage actually made up of her friends/employees? Or is it just a huge craft services trailer following her around with food and snacks?

by Anonymousreply 17May 6, 2018 8:15 PM

Streep did AMEX commercials in the mid-90s.

by Anonymousreply 18May 6, 2018 8:35 PM

[quote]And there are many DataLounge-specific references!

Michael Musto is a DLer himself.

by Anonymousreply 19May 6, 2018 8:38 PM

[quote]but I also served her a breadstick that may or may not have been shoved in my butt while the whole staff watched her eat it.

That's really something to boast about.

by Anonymousreply 20May 6, 2018 8:43 PM

Fort lauderdale circa 1981(?)...I went out to the pool of my hotel and settled in with a bloody mary and a good book,when I suddenly realized to my right sat the Thompson Twins! I gushed just a little,then offered a round of drinks.It didnt take long to realize Miss A was uber annoyed that I had the gall to sit next to them,much less speak. So I promptly turned my back to her and ignored her existence. I had a lovely chat then excused myself,never once acknowledging her presence.I think the boys were secretly amused! Tom and Joe were sweethearts,Allanah was a stone cold bitch.

I met several celebs when I worked at a bookstore in the old Stapleton Airport. Joan Rivers signed her book for me and was super sweet.She was wearing this enormous mink coat,you could barely see her in it.Rodney Dangerfield bought 12 copies of a childrens christmas book,was friendly but kind of reserved. Dolly Parton bought the latest potboiler by Jackie Collins,we traded quips about loving a trashy novel. I actually stole her credit card receipt because I wanted her autograph! Many more,but they all were basically ordinary people in person. I kinda lost my interest in celebs after working there.They were always so ordinary.

by Anonymousreply 21May 6, 2018 8:48 PM

R8 could have met half those people one night at Studio 54.

by Anonymousreply 22May 6, 2018 8:50 PM

As I would indeed have predicted from reading from reading DL for years, the celebrities who are the rudest and the snottiest on that thread are: Rosie O'Donnell, John Cusack, Ashley Judd, Sean Penn, Edward Norton, and, of course, Lucille Ball

The nicest and friendliest: Joan Rivers (there are more stories about how lovely she was then anyone else), Patti LaBelle, Brooke Shields, Julianne Moore (although one person was upset she didn't say "thank you" when he returned a pen she had dropped), Mariah Carey, Kristin Chenoweth, Heath Ledger, Liza Minnelli, and Michael Musto himself (though it's hard to tell how much of this last is just sucking up)

The most unpredictable: Madonna (although it sounds like she is very nice one-on-one and very arrogant and haughty when in a group), Faye Dunaway (sometimes nice, sometimes batshit crazy); Marlo Thomas (sometimes nice, sometimes bitchy); Lauren Bacall (ditto); Bette Midler (ditto); Deborah Harry (ditto); Tony Randall (ditto)

Biggest disappointment (because I can't remember anyone on DL ever describing meeting her): Cyndi Lauper. Every mention of her on that thread said she was not nice.

Biggest happy surprises: Diana Ross! Most people say she is very nice (though a very few say she is not). And most people say Sting is very nice, and not pretentious (as I would expect). And every story about John Waters made him out to be fun and gracious, though I have heard sometimes from people on DL he is not always.

It's fascinating to me that Patti d'Arbanville, Julie Brown (of "Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful" fame), and Charles Isherwood of the NYTimes all made comments on the thread--Patti does multiple times!

by Anonymousreply 23May 6, 2018 9:15 PM

Michael Musto is how I came to DL back in '96...I used to correspond with him when he wrote for the Village Voice...he said he enjoyed the snark and gossip on this site and suggested I give it a view...hooked ever since! ( even though the real gossip and snark seems lost at times)...I know he mentioned DL in his column at least once back then so I imagine there are a lot of DL'ers that follow him...

by Anonymousreply 24May 6, 2018 9:31 PM

R16 Oh Alice!

by Anonymousreply 25May 6, 2018 9:55 PM

R23 yes Patti is FB friends with me and a lot of people I know (she doesn't know any of us) so I'm not surprised, really.

by Anonymousreply 26May 6, 2018 10:30 PM

My BF was on an elevator a few years ago with Cyndi Lauper. Super nice hotel. There were a few other people on there, and she ignored all of them and scowled and barely acknowledged anyone when they spoke. I often wondered if she was just having a bad day, but from that thread it seems she simply isn't nice.

by Anonymousreply 27May 6, 2018 10:39 PM

The trick to dealing with rude celebrities (if they can't have you fired): after they've behaved badly to you, say, "Oh, aren't you [name of celebrity]? I always thought you would be a nice person... I guess I was wrong..." (Even if they keep acting badly, they'll still be ashamed, and remember that you said that.)

by Anonymousreply 28May 6, 2018 10:44 PM

....or you could assume that celebrities don't necessarily want to interact with total strangers and leave them alone.

by Anonymousreply 29May 6, 2018 11:01 PM

I don't know about that, R29.

Isn't part of being a celebrity interacting and dealing with fans?

Would it really hurt some of them to acknowledge that their fans are, well, fans, and try to be gracious about it?

by Anonymousreply 30May 6, 2018 11:10 PM

Shame on you, r30! I do not want mere cheap fame--I am in this because I am all about perfecting my craft!!!

by Anonymousreply 31May 6, 2018 11:19 PM

Did Patti D'Arbanville not post here at some point, anonymously of course?

by Anonymousreply 32May 6, 2018 11:35 PM

I like this one:

"On a date, Craig Lucas told me hilarious personal stories of working with Mary Louise Parker. Two quickies: 1) She was starring in his play Reckless and loathed the actor playing her husband. I think it was Michael O’Keefe. She was sitting in her car in front of the theater. People were lined up to go in, but Mary Louise refused to go into the theater unless they fired him. They had to call Craig to go over, go into the car to get her out of the car. 2) when Mary Louise and Alec Baldwin were starring in Prelude to a Kiss, they despised one another, fiercely. One night after the show, they were in their individual dressing rooms. Craig said that the walls didn’t go fully up to the ceiling. Craig was so moved by the show that he went into Alec’s dressing room afterwords and said to him “oh my GOD, Alec... I’m so moved by what you did tonight! You REALLY fell in LOVE with her tonight!” Without missing a BEAT, Mary Louise, hearing it over the top of the wall, yelled out: “ABOUT. FUCKING. TIME!!!!” True story."

by Anonymousreply 33May 6, 2018 11:39 PM

Co-sign Patti LaBelle - she is a SAINT.

by Anonymousreply 34May 7, 2018 12:11 AM

I dare someone to post a Helen Lawson story.

by Anonymousreply 35May 7, 2018 12:24 AM

Oh. My. God. This ...creature from that thread is a thing to behold.

A Franken-jaw, and a GayThuglican hypocrite ... utterly clueless.

I thought his "President trump has always been nice to me" quote was sarcastic, but no.

Trump only likes you because of your last name, and your donations, you freak.

"About last night: After President Trump, the most popular man at the Mar-a-Lago Club on Easter Eve was Mike Lindell. Seems like everyone stopped by the table of our hosts Arnie and Paola! Including Judge Jeanine Pirro."

Yes, this aging homo goes to MaraLago and brags about it.'

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by Anonymousreply 36May 7, 2018 10:01 PM

Michael Musto writes public apology to Anne Heche.

Michael Musto: An Open Letter To Ellen DeGeneres’ Ex, Anne Heche "I’m sorry I came down on you for falling for another man."

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by Anonymousreply 37May 28, 2018 11:58 PM

They were a nice looking couple, but I remember thinking when it was all happening that it would not last. And not because Heche is obviously more into men; there was something about their relationship that was overly dramatic; too much, too soon.

by Anonymousreply 38May 29, 2018 12:10 AM

[quote] has surpassed 100 replies!

You know you're a minor celebrity when . . .

by Anonymousreply 39May 29, 2018 12:19 AM

I took a look at the Facebook page on r36. That piece of Trump trash needs to be lynched. I’ll bring the rope.

by Anonymousreply 40May 29, 2018 12:20 AM

The "Franken-jaw, and a GayThuglican hypocrite " has actress Tonja Walker as a friend. Lol!!

by Anonymousreply 41May 29, 2018 12:34 AM

R36: That Rich person puts the PLASTIC in plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 42May 29, 2018 12:39 AM
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