Well got to the end and really, as I said Andros seems to be implying that Jack's marriage had some trouble, and I can't see anything else. It's such a common situation many couples go through, I don't think it's an earth shattering revelation. And given Jack is elderly man now and what he's already been through, I don't know if it's worth going into detail.
(I thought there'd be something a lot more serious in the book, after seeing some of the theories thrown around, but I did not come across it.)
Apart from all this George seemed to have quite a comfortable, even privileged upbringing, without any obvious trauma. But with his disposition, he was probably more easily upset by some relatively minor things (this persisted a long time). It probably wasn't so much anything that happened to him growing up that caused him trouble, but how he felt he was somehow lacking, didn't measure up, or was missing out on something. My theory anyhow.
Anyway, Wham did do a lot of club appearances in the beginning. Sometimes six different clubs in one evening. Despite saying he didn't really think it helped that much with chart success, he later recalled: "We had to do those PAs; there is no way we could have rehearsed in my mum's living room and expected the thing to translate straight way on to live television. Those PAs were the best practice in the world."
But there's no way that I think they needed Andros's help - not when they'd already caught the attention of club DJs like Egan and had been booked at Camden Palace. Neither do I think Andros is the one who got them in music publications like NME and Smash Hits.
I've read quite a few biographies - the problem is I don't the best memory and can get them mixed up! But on looking back, Dick Leahy is supposed to be the one who stopped 'Young Guns' from being a second failure in a row, and he had far more experience/connections than Andros! (Some biographies say that after 'Wham Rap' didn't do well, CBS didn't bother pressing many copies of 'Young Guns' and the store supplies ran out.) The song crept back up to 42 after Leahy got into gear, and they were lucky to get a TOTP spot which put them on their way.
I don't know why Andros is claiming credit for it and it really is laughable! He was only a few months older than George, nowhere near the talent, and would've got absolutely nowhere without him.
Nothing is really said about Melanie and Yioda and their lives since losing their mother, though after that event things apparently weren't the same, there weren't as many family gatherings etc.
After George died, Andros says his father was visiting Jack and the sisters at the ranch farm. But after not being invited to George's funeral, Dimi no longer speaks to Jack - after a friendship going back 80 years.
As far as George's music - Andros claims to still have copies of unreleased songs in a safe. One is a ballad I've seen mentioned sometimes since the 80s called 'Stephen' and about six others from 'Trojan Souls' project. So what's to happen with them?
Anyway, that's the gist of the book. That's what I got for more than 50 bucks! I'll agree with him that GM chose his partners very badly after losing Anselmo, which put him in a messed up frame of mind. But little else I have time for.
Where all this goes next, who knows?