Did someone put a curse on Jayne?
New photo book about Jayne Mansfield and Anton LaVey
by Anonymous | reply 95 | July 7, 2018 10:01 PM |
What the hell kind of pussy devil dog is he holding? LOL!
by Anonymous | reply 1 | March 23, 2018 8:05 PM |
Didn't she make her 13 year old daughter crawl on the floor so people wouldn't think she was old enough to have a teenage daughter? She was off her head.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | March 23, 2018 8:39 PM |
[quote] Didn't she make her 13 year old daughter crawl on the floor so people wouldn't think she was old enough to have a teenage daughter?
Perhaps this was just how she dusted the floors? That was before they invented the rhoomba.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | March 23, 2018 8:44 PM |
Was she a Satanist? She's not very attractive in OP's pic.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | March 23, 2018 8:51 PM |
[quote] Was she a Satanist?
Yes but I think she was like Sammy Davis was in it mainly just for the orgies.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | March 23, 2018 9:00 PM |
Shawn Mendes is a follower of the the Church of Satan.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | March 23, 2018 9:06 PM |
Hey, guys. Let me get this out of the way now so that my boss can make it to the buffet in time for both for the locals and early-bird discounts:
Trafficking! 666! Blue and black worn together! Hidden sex dungeons! Baphomet statues! All-seeing eye on dollar bills! Spirit cooking! Secret hand signals! 33!
by Anonymous | reply 7 | March 23, 2018 9:35 PM |
Do you remember the episode of X files where Satan (in the form of a substitute teacher) comes to a small town to punish his lapsed worshippers? I think that is my all time favorite episode.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | March 23, 2018 10:14 PM |
Is it true that she wasn't actually beheaded in the car crash and that her wig entangled in the rear view mirror confused initial responders and the initial press reports?
Also, is it possible her punishment for not being devout enough with The Church of Satan is now being visited on daughter Mariska, resulting in the current state of SVU, now that Mariska is both star and executive producer?
by Anonymous | reply 9 | March 24, 2018 2:56 AM |
Allegedly, Jayne Mansfield laid on an altar in a black magic ceremony conducted by Anton LaVey and shortly afterwards was involved in the horrendous car accident that ended her life.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | March 24, 2018 3:16 AM |
What I read (some time ago) was that several months before her death Mansfield wanted to break off with her boyfriend Sam Brody and had asked LaVey to place a curse on him. LaVey did allegedly by casting a spell using a photograph of Brody in which he needed to cut it into a particular shape or something. LaVey said that once he concluded his black mass or whatever he noticed that on the other side of the picture was one of Mansfield and that he'd cut off the very top of her head. After Jayne & Sam had gotten back together LaVey warned her to keep clear of Brody because he now had a death curse on him.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | March 24, 2018 3:17 AM |
BTW, what kind of person 'plays' with the black arts ? Dangerous stuff. Keep clear !
by Anonymous | reply 12 | March 24, 2018 3:19 AM |
Jayne and Anton.
Jayne was so desperate for publicity toward the end of her failing career that I suspect some of this was to keep herself in the public eye.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | March 24, 2018 3:21 AM |
Died when she was only 34. A sex bomb and little more.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | March 24, 2018 3:26 AM |
^Fun people, duh.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | March 24, 2018 3:45 AM |
She was a better actress than Marilyn....and I would argue better looking than her, at least in The Girl Can't Help it and Will Success Spoil...
by Anonymous | reply 16 | March 24, 2018 3:58 AM |
R16 Yes, she started out good and had some decent movies but put too much emphasis on being a sex symbol and Hollywood gave her the heave ho. There was a lot of busty, blond, female sex symbols at the time. Toward the end she appeared in terrible movies.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | March 24, 2018 5:53 AM |
R17 An unintentionally humorous photo from a movie - Jayne Mansfield with Terry Thomas.
Embarrassing by today's standards.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | March 24, 2018 5:59 AM |
She was a PIG who by the age of 34 looked like an old alcoholic whore.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | March 24, 2018 6:02 AM |
I read she wasn’t a real satanist. She just joined the church for publicity
by Anonymous | reply 20 | March 24, 2018 6:05 AM |
But she had big tits, r19!
R9, according to Wikipedia, the rumors of decapitation are not true and arose from the sight her wig embedded in the car's windshield.
But having seen the past few seasons of SVU, I easily believer that Mariska, who was in the backseat during the crash, inherited her mother's curse.
R20, of course. Jayne did everything for publicity, bless her.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | March 24, 2018 6:09 AM |
No DL thread about Jayne is complete without this classic photo.
The backstory: Paramount threw a big Hollywood party for Sophia Loren when they signed her in the late 1950s. Jayne had deliberately not been invited, despite also being under contract to Paramount, but she showed up anyway, knowing all the news photographers would be there. Jayne shmoozed her way in and as soon as someone had left Sophia's table she plopped herself down next to Sophia. This is one of many great photos from the occasion, as a google image search for "sophia loren jayne mansfield" will show, but Sophia's side eye made this one the classic that is remembered.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | March 24, 2018 6:30 AM |
Has Mariska ever given her thoughts on her mother dabbling with the dark arts?
by Anonymous | reply 23 | March 24, 2018 6:57 AM |
Anton LaVey was a Jew named Levine. Satanism is Jewish mysticism/Frankism. The glorification of all that is evil, and the destruction of all that is good and orderly.
Satanic Jews like Harvey Weinstein's circle still run Hollywood, Wall Street, and K Street.
And they took over leadership of the Freemasons long ago, so lots of well-intended gentiles are wrapped up in it.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | March 24, 2018 7:17 AM |
The idea of Jayne being more beautiful than Marilyn is hilarious. Jayne was not even close to beautiful, but most problematic is that she was so common looking. And she was one of the all time try-hards of celeb history.
Marilyn was none of that,
by Anonymous | reply 25 | March 24, 2018 7:39 AM |
her dumbness was an act.
her last hubby pimped her out for whore $.
she did love wild nasty drug sex, took a lot of acid...
anton le vey did wild stuff to her vagina: she loved the kink.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | March 24, 2018 9:27 AM |
LaVey was nothing more than a classic con artist. Conning gullible idiot celebrities and others into falling for his scam. Black magic itself is absolutely nothing to be afraid of because it's no more real than religion. It's the people who pretend to practice black magic you have to be afraid of. Most of them are mental cases or so gullible they'll do pretty much whatever someone they admire in the practice tells them to do.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | March 24, 2018 9:49 AM |
[quote] Satanism is Jewish mysticism/Frankism.
No it's the other side of Christianity made up by the same snake oil salesmen to rope stupid people into doing their bidding. Heaven needs hell and God needs Satan to work.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | March 24, 2018 12:06 PM |
Religious leaders love Satan. Satan has done more for organized religion than any other entity ever. He keep's 'em in business.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | March 24, 2018 12:09 PM |
R25, unlike Marilyn, Jayne never had plastic surgery. So there's that. Without plastic surgery, Norma Jean or whatever would look totally normal as well.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | March 24, 2018 4:44 PM |
Siouxsie & The Banshees wrote a song about her life and death. It's called Kiss Them For Me.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | March 24, 2018 4:49 PM |
There is no Satan, There is not hell.
There is no god. There is no heaven. But the fear of the aforementioned is what causes 90% of all the horror, terror and evil on earth.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | March 24, 2018 8:01 PM |
r32 but there are still devil worshippers, even if the devil isn't real. And they are evil people. Satanism is an organizational structure for sociopaths.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | March 24, 2018 8:04 PM |
Jayne's career downfall was her love for attention and tired publicity stunts. She would go to supermarket openings, dressed in plunging neckline outfits and then "accidentally" fall out of them. Once or twice it may have been amusing, but by the third or fourth, people were turned off by her shtick and were no longer interested. Hollywood responded by offering her less and less work. By the mid-60s, that oversized sex goddess body-type and cartoonish overripe sexuality was passé and that was the end of her career.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | March 24, 2018 8:37 PM |
R34, agreed, but I still think in The Girl Can't Help It and Will Success Spoil... she does a great job . If only she made the decision to move on to more serious roles. She would have been more successful than Marilyn, whose role in The Misfits is totally unbelievable.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | March 24, 2018 8:49 PM |
Julia Philips said in this 1992 interview that witchcraft was big among Hollywood elites.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | March 24, 2018 9:19 PM |
Why do you think Kushner risked bankruptcy for the right to own "666 5th Ave"?
He and his wife are both big into Kabbalah, which is Jewish mysticism, aka Frankism, aka devil worshipping
by Anonymous | reply 37 | March 24, 2018 9:32 PM |
Like I would believe a word that self promoting coke head had to say. Does it not occur that she was well aware that saying provocative shit gets much more attention than waxing philosophically about the beauty of the Rocky Mountains?
For a considerable time in my life, 30 years ago, I was "Elite-adjacent" by being attached by a heavy mover and shaker. I saw and heard plenty, and there is a lot of corruption and business conducted which would shock average folk. But not once, did I encounter anyone who either worshiped Satan or had a contract with Satan in trade for a life of fame and riches. No witches either.
Just as low info people are mesmerized by talk of "The Illuminati," they also are titillated to the max over the idea of an "Eyes Wide Shut" cabal doing nasty sex acts with each other. It's the grown up version of fairy tales to children.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | March 24, 2018 9:37 PM |
I always liked LeVey's version of Satanism. It's really so camp and fun!
by Anonymous | reply 39 | March 24, 2018 11:06 PM |
Just adding a bit to r22's post:
“She came right for my table. She knew everyone was watching. She sat down. And now, she was barely … Listen. Look at the picture. Where are my eyes? I’m staring at her nipples because I am afraid they are about to come onto my plate.”
“In my face you can see the fear. I’m so frightened that everything in her dress is going to blow—BOOM!—and spill all over the table.”
“Many, many times I am given this photo to autograph it. And I never do. I don’t want to have anything to do with that. And also out of respect for Jayne Mansfield because she’s not with us anymore.”
by Anonymous | reply 40 | March 24, 2018 11:07 PM |
"30 years ago, I was "Elite-adjacent""
"But not once, did I encounter anyone who either worshiped Satan or had a contract with Satan in trade for a life of fame and riches. No witches either."
r38 thinks he's an expert on the deepest secrets of the entire ruling class, because he vaguely knew a few local businessmen on his town's Chamber of Commerce.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | March 24, 2018 11:46 PM |
Satanism is nothing but an extreme version of Dungeouns and Dragons. A make belief cult that makes its members feel superior and all powerful and all knowing in exchange for "selling their soul" though bloody sacrifices. Making people believe that life's purpose is to amass power, wealth, knowledge, and superiority.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | March 24, 2018 11:49 PM |
r42 It's also a great organizational framework for pedophiles
by Anonymous | reply 43 | March 25, 2018 12:05 AM |
So far as I' know you only saw the real Jayne Mansfield in one film. For three or four minutes in "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter" she was allowed to speak as intelligent woman in her natural voice. It's a pity she didn't get to do more of that.
As for that picture of Jayne Mansfield with Terry Thomas "Embarrassing by today's standards.", no way. The two of them had one of the funniest scenes in that movie.
btw Jayne was the first choice to play "The Movie Star" on Gilligan's Island. If she hadn't turned down the role she wouldn't have been driving all night on tour from stripclub to stripclub. No tour,= no fatal wreck.. Fate is curious.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | March 25, 2018 12:07 AM |
r43, true. What can affirm your so called almighty powers more than killing somebody and getting away with it, or raping minors and getting away with it? It's all about affirming one's power and trust in the Satanic belief system.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | March 25, 2018 12:11 AM |
Why do we never hear of a Lesbian pedophile ring, where they sacrifice virgins to appease Mother Gaia? It's so sexist.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | March 25, 2018 12:59 AM |
It's gotta be in a Dark Lesbian thread somewhere, r46.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | March 25, 2018 1:16 AM |
R41 Cute.
I am not a he, and the man I was involved with was perhaps the most powerful man in the film industry.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | March 25, 2018 1:18 AM |
Satanism actually explains her talentless daughter's success. Nothing else does, the woman can't act at all.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | March 25, 2018 1:20 AM |
I had no idea Jayne was offered the movie star role on Gilligans island. Why would she turn a television series down? That's steady work and a guaranteed weekly paycheck. A whole lot better than working the sleazy night club scene.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | March 25, 2018 1:21 AM |
R50 I am somewhat leery about that bit of info. Of course I don't know it to be apocryphal, but it sounds off.
Mansfield would have cut off her arm for a part in a TV series.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | March 25, 2018 1:51 AM |
r46 Hillary and Huma took trips to Jeffrey Epstein's island too, to partake in the Eastern European sex trafficking victims. And Cheryl Mills was in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
"I'm going to sacrifice a chicken to Moloch in the backyard tonight"
by Anonymous | reply 53 | March 25, 2018 2:28 AM |
Hillary also invited notorious pedophile lesbian/Jeffrey Epstein child groomer Ghislaine Maxwell to Chelsea's wedding, long after she was exposed for being a serial predator and child sex trafficker.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | March 25, 2018 2:29 AM |
Oprah and Gayle probably partake of underage sex trafficking victims as well.
It's like the key to success in this era of Illuminati/Satanic/pedophile rule.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | March 25, 2018 2:33 AM |
Here's Ariana Huffington getting married to her gay pedophile husband.
You know she did something dirty/diddle-y so that they have something to blackmail her, before Geffen and Diller (Michael's friends and DEN financiers) gave her a huge career.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | March 25, 2018 2:34 AM |
Why Oprah and Gayle? Why those two? You have them mixed up with wealthy white men. Their the ones doing all of the crookedness in the world. They run the world. Remember that.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | March 25, 2018 2:35 AM |
r57 Oprah is a multi-billionaire. She's also a survivor of pedophilia. The cycle often repeats itself. And remember the sex abuse that was going on at the all girls school she built in South Africa?
Let's not pretend that Oprah is morally above being a sexual predator.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | March 25, 2018 2:38 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 59 | March 25, 2018 2:38 AM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
by Anonymous | reply 60 | March 25, 2018 2:39 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 61 | March 25, 2018 2:39 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 62 | March 25, 2018 2:41 AM |
Remember when Prince Andrew showed up at Courtney Love's house looking for "girls"?
Courtney was probably a procurer of teenage girls for the elite, just like Ghislaine Maxwell here. Courtney Love was also in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | March 25, 2018 2:44 AM |
R58 enjoy you're fantasy.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | March 25, 2018 2:44 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 65 | March 25, 2018 2:45 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 66 | March 25, 2018 2:46 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 67 | March 25, 2018 2:50 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 68 | March 25, 2018 2:51 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 69 | March 25, 2018 2:52 AM |
Someone needs hospitalization.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | March 25, 2018 3:37 AM |
R44 I did not mean to imply that you were intentionally proffering bad information. Clearly the METV link says that Jayne was offered the role.
I am still leery however and I'll tell you why: she was afraid of being typecast? Really? The woman was performing in small bars and cabarets while being managed by her pimp-like boyfriend and she had become a literal joke. She had reached the bottom of the barrel.
She may have refused the role, but if she did, it wasn't because she was afraid of playing a bimbo actress. That gig would have been like starring in a Spielberg film compared to what she was doing. I believe that either she was addicted and knew that she could not handle the sort of schedule required of TV actors or her handler preferred her to be working solely for him.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | March 25, 2018 3:46 AM |
in the bio of jfk 's sex life its noted he had sex with jayne. she said it wasn't very exciting. he only liked bj's...
he said her tittys were delicious. she was known for having the best udders in town to suk and slobber on...
by Anonymous | reply 72 | March 25, 2018 4:00 AM |
she adored having body builders work her sensitive nipples over hard as they could. she was known to fuck entire football teams...
by Anonymous | reply 73 | March 25, 2018 4:02 AM |
Imagine being a young starlet in h wood having to have old oprah climb onto u? popping ur tender kitty..... good god.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | March 25, 2018 4:09 AM |
I doubt that has ever happened R74.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | March 25, 2018 4:27 AM |
R44, she was on What's My Line in the 50s and very sweet and unaffected.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | March 25, 2018 4:53 AM |
one of her bios asserts she went over the brink when she was introduced to LSD and she got very kinky/out there/nympho/ anything went..
by Anonymous | reply 77 | March 25, 2018 12:35 PM |
How did she maintain such a great body after giving birth to five children?
by Anonymous | reply 78 | July 5, 2018 12:40 AM |
Satanic aerobics. It's like aerobics, but more satan-y.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | July 5, 2018 12:46 AM |
her hot smooth cunt brought a lot of joy to men over the decades....she did not judge: she shared it with all fans alike, $ be damned she adored having it kissed and worked over...
miss u baby
by Anonymous | reply 80 | July 5, 2018 12:54 AM |
my grandpa was a LA photographer who said her pussy was sweeter than marilyns. and her jugs loooved abuse. she was a fun whore.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | July 5, 2018 2:51 AM |
her nipples were incredible, when real drunk, u could do almost anything to her fat nips, she loved the challenge...of pain and ….the orgasm of them being tortured.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | July 5, 2018 4:09 AM |
R77, she'd fit right in at DL.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | July 5, 2018 4:09 AM |
R22, they should recreate that photo with Sophia and Mariska.
Shouldn't the new book be called CALINFERNAL?
by Anonymous | reply 84 | July 5, 2018 4:13 AM |
we lived near her once, she had so many visitors...we were jealous, handsome men in big cars: old and new. it was rumored one of her later hubbys pimped her out. . imagine eating out jayne Mansfield's pussy ….
by Anonymous | reply 85 | July 5, 2018 4:14 AM |
In that famous picture Sophia Loren looks like a hater.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | July 5, 2018 4:34 AM |
[quote]I am not a he, and the man I was involved with was perhaps the most powerful man in the film industry.
And, as always, the beautiful Georgina Chapman.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | July 5, 2018 4:41 AM |
So so. In the original there's the black hair and dress of Sophia and the blond hair and dress of Jayne. Also, Sophia has such a long neck, that you,can see how she,moved her head away, as she's looking toward. I think having a shot in which the same woman, with different wigs, took both parts would be fun. Or is that blonde Vergara?
by Anonymous | reply 89 | July 5, 2018 5:47 AM |
dat pic made Sophia look like a humorless scunt.
jayne::::wild fun and nympho fab!
by Anonymous | reply 90 | July 5, 2018 11:55 AM |
R89, the blonde is Vergara's Modern Family co-star Julie Bowen.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | July 5, 2018 12:27 PM |
Wow, that red "troll" tag is annoying as fuck. I don't get it, is it supposed to make the comment invalid or what?
Jayne would have been thrilled to get booked into county fairs at that point in her career. She was on her way to some kind of old burlesque club in New Orleans at the time of her accident. At least she got to fuck Hargitay in his prime.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | July 5, 2018 1:35 PM |
I want to hear more from r38
by Anonymous | reply 93 | July 5, 2018 4:15 PM |
Has anybody seen the new doc about Jayne? It's called Mansfield 66/67.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | July 7, 2018 10:01 PM |