Ahh, thank you, R529, that did occur to me about Mhairi Black. (However, I was out and about, and I can't post anything from my iPhone on DL this deep into the thread ... please fix this functionality issue, DL!).
Anyway, from my laptop now. Sorry, this may be a little long since it's a whole day's worth. Looking at the succession of tweets on Sam's account from him or whomever.
So first he does some call-outs to co-stars and fans plus cheering on the local heroes from the snow emergency. This is all good. Normal good celebrity tweeting.
Then some flirty banter with his Will & Grace co-star about the boob groping on the bloopers reel from S3. All normal (for them) and it pleases many of the fans.
Then the charity/Guinness tweet with TB's photo - this is clever; he gets the business mention, the charity goodness, and (two days in) he puts himself with TB, thus inoculating himself from all the commentary that he is always leaving it to the women to post those photos. I believe this is the second time he's posted a photo of her in two years - as many as Cait has done. He doesn't tag her or mention her name. Focus of the tweet is the beer. The response is overwhelming positive in contrast to the mean comments posted on the women's social media (this isn't his fault, just pointing it out, since sexism is a thing just as homophobia is a thing.) Ugh, whatever, I was expecting this photo and frankly it took him long enough. If you're going to beard, just do it. The games are almost more annoying than the bearding.
Then the Mhairi Black tweet. Which is also clever, because it can be read so many ways:
1) Mostly, it will be taken by fans to be a comment about social media abuse, especially abuse directed at women. The commentary on his tweet shows this to be the big response. And that's fair; women in the public eye do receive a lot of abuse online. And as stated above, that includes TB and also his co-star CB, even though they are not the original source of the weirdness and the lies--Sam is--or more accurately, homophobia is and then Sam has made his choice and then people yell at the women. Mostly, the women fans yell at the women which is disturbing in its own way.
2) Mhairi Black is also an amazing young, left-wing Scottish nationalist, which is probably close to Sam's politics and the complete opposite of the politics of the TB's family, which makes their connection all the more unbelievable. Hard to believe that family or even TB herself with her HW performative liberalism would make any sense of what Mhairi Black stands for.
3) As pointed out by R529, Mhairi Black is an out and proud lesbian, who was famously asked when she came out and stated she was never in. (God, I love the kids today.) So in posting this, is Sam sending a little wink to the part of the fandom that loves his progressive gay self? Wink wink, I'm still me despite the games and illusions? Probably not, but it's nice to think so. A little tightrope walking today, perhaps.
Okay, last tweet of the day is banter with Kristin Dos Santos (KDS), beloved interviewer of the OL fandom. This one is meant to reassure the core fans that OL magic continues.
As our longtime and beloved poster from Germany points out, yes they are reading us and other blogs too, and reacting. It's all a little game.
If / when Sam ever comes out again, he'll have more support than he imagines. I don't see it happening soon, though. We are in for a long year of bearding, sorry to say.