Okay, so. I'm the ultimate Lange fangirl.
I stumbled upon her majesty in 1986 at the age of 5 when I first saw her in "King Kong" during one of those WPIX 11 Thanksgiving airings (I'm a Bronx boy). At the time, I was also obsessed with dressing up in my mom's clothes, clinging to my She-Ra doll and a certain boy named Jonathan in my Kindergarten class.
Back to Magisterial Lange. I was obviously struck by her beauty (I eventually cut She-Ra's hair down to a bob and pretended to be Kong while climbing furniture in my parents' apartment with Dwan in hand, lol), but I also wanted to be her. I can remember playing in the bathtub, pretending that the tub was Kong's hand and recreating the famous waterfall scene as I showered . This went on for about a year before I grew out of that strange yet endearing phase.
Fast forward and now I'm 8-9 years old. I catch an HBO airing of "Sweet Dreams". I'm rapt. I have no idea that the actress I'm watching is the same actress from "King Kong". I develop an obsession with both the film and Patsy Cline, reading her biography and asking my parents to buy me the soundtrack to the film and subsequently her original albums. I even went as far as recording myself lip-syncing to Cline's songs using my parents' camcorder when no one was around. My father eventually found the tape, destroyed it and beat me senseless.
Part of my obsession, I believe, developed because of the domestic violence angle in the film. My father, at the time, became extremely abusive towards me due to my femininity and aversion to sports and all things masculine. I not only wanted to sing like Cline; I wanted to have her strength as portrayed by Lange in the film. As things usually do in pre-pubescence, my obsession with Cline and the film gradually waned.
I have a liquid memory of watching a film with my mom in which a familiar blonde woman is screaming in a courtroom and being dragged away ("Frances"), but I'm not all that interested at the time. The image sticks but I have no connection to it. I'm 10-11 years old at the time.
(to be continued...)