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Duchess of SusSEX and Retrospective on The Wedding
by Anonymous | reply 27 | May 21, 2018 7:48 AM |
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by Anonymous | reply 2 | May 20, 2018 6:33 AM |
Maybe the relaxer is wearing off R2.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | May 20, 2018 6:42 AM |
I think they had a quickie, r3.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | May 20, 2018 6:51 AM |
And they lived happily ever after...
by Anonymous | reply 5 | May 20, 2018 7:15 AM |
Pretty sure she’s wearing a weave, based on those edges. She says in the PREVIOUS press hair shit that she uses that Brazilian shit to relax her hair - that Brazilian shit will make her bald, so will weaves. Ask Naomi Campbell who IS bald.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | May 20, 2018 7:19 AM |
The process has been perfected to the point that a woman can still have a child no matter how many times she has had an abortion, correct?
It has?
by Anonymous | reply 8 | May 20, 2018 7:24 AM |
She looked beautiful.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | May 20, 2018 7:27 AM |
Meghan's guilty step sister = r9.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | May 20, 2018 7:29 AM |
Is it possible that when you see the thick, glossy, quite long hair worn down, like in the engagement interview, she’s wearing supplemental hair? And when it is in these messy buns, with “side tendrils,” it’s when she’s wearing all her own hair? The buns don’t seem to be big enough to be accommodating all that luxurious hair you see sometimes, like in that engagement interview, or the supposedly staged yoga-mat-sunglasses-beanie photos.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | May 20, 2018 8:46 AM |
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by Anonymous | reply 12 | May 20, 2018 4:04 PM |
Harry looked sweaty, gaunt, nervous and fidgety. But relieved; now some turkey baster younguns and he can squelch the rumours.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | May 20, 2018 4:14 PM |
I think Harry was hung over-bad.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | May 20, 2018 4:25 PM |
That is definitely not a weave. Have you seen pictures of her when she was younger? She's always had thick, curly hair. It's more than likely relaxed. Hopefully, she'll find a good hairstylist over there.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | May 20, 2018 4:36 PM |
Why can't these royals find attractive mates??? He's basically marrying a hooker.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | May 20, 2018 4:45 PM |
R8 funny . I can only imagine what HRH is thinking. The whole thing was a big FU to everything she worked for and believed in.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | May 20, 2018 4:56 PM |
Harry and his bride, Messy Hairy
by Anonymous | reply 18 | May 20, 2018 9:16 PM |
yesterday they called her the Duchess of Success
by Anonymous | reply 19 | May 20, 2018 9:24 PM |
Harry seems proficient in nipple play.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | May 20, 2018 9:39 PM |
I’m so glad I don’t know any of you.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | May 20, 2018 9:46 PM |
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by Anonymous | reply 22 | May 20, 2018 10:07 PM |
by Anonymous | reply 23 | May 20, 2018 10:08 PM |
[quote] Duchess of SusSEX
So clever!
by Anonymous | reply 24 | May 20, 2018 10:11 PM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
by Anonymous | reply 25 | May 20, 2018 10:19 PM |
When Meghan is 90 years old it'll be "Da Dutheth of Sutheth", 24.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | May 20, 2018 10:23 PM |
She looked beautiful and her dress was fantastic.
Datalounge is made up of nothing but a bunch of bitter, old, jealous fags.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | May 21, 2018 7:48 AM |